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Latest revision as of 13:31, 28 August 2020

You Can Do What
Date of Scene: 26 August 2020
Location: Rooftops, NYC
Synopsis: Phobos is trying to kill someone! Supergirl saves the day! Only, Phobos had a good reason and was the good guy! Who knew?!
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Supergirl

Phobos has posed:
    "Haha, so slow, Aresboy!" The cackling laughter goes up across the skyline, loud and uproarious and entirely charmed with itself. It's a laugh that is mocking and amused even though it's twinned with the face of a child. A winged demonic bat-looking child to be fair, but a child nonetheless.
    The voice that shouts back at it, even as that child flutters and flaps away, is angry and to no small degree. Hurled words thrown with venom and annoyance even as he rushes across the gravelly rooftop underfoot.
    "Don't you have something better to do than give me shit?"
    To which the child, still flapping and flying out of reach of the young man with the sword, yells back over his shoulder. "Nope!"
    He hovers, spinning around to loom and leer over the young man who now is climbing up the side of a water conservation tower, in an effort to get at him. "Come now, child of Olympus. Do you begrudge the fun of your old friend Parnus?"
    "Oh I do begrudge. I begrudge all over the place that shit!" Alexander reaches the top of the tower and scowls, "I could throw my sword at you, you know. You wouldn't like that that much."
    "But you wouldn't, because we're friends!"
    "We are /not/ friends!"

Supergirl has posed:
She had been on her way back home over the top of the world, since it was the straight shot for her. But New York was her starting point. Potstickers had been needed before the trip home, after her meeting.

She wasn't really paying too much attention to the goings on, just sort of glancing down at the world below. Which is when she spotted the figure on the top of the tower. That brought her up short. Pausing, she hovered in place and tilted her head slightly. Man with sword chasing little winged child.

Looked like a hate crime in progress!

Supergirl shot to the tower, putting herself in front of the child and glaring at the man with the sword. "Excuse me! Is there a reason you are trying to cut up a kid? Because I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Like...everywhere!"

Phobos has posed:
    "He's not a child!" Is the first response from the youth who is suddenly brought up short and draws himself to his full height there on the tower, even as now that aforementioned child flaps and flutters directly behind Supergirl, making the most of the protection she now offers.
    "I am child-like in my wonderment at the world!"
    Alexander straightens and points with the sword, "He's a thousand years old!"
    "Time is relative." Says the fluttering demonic child-like being.
    "Time is literally a relative of yours."
    "And yours!"
    "That's not the point!"
    Which is enough for Alex to finally turn to Kara and tell her, "Every now and again this lil jerk shows up to hassle me. This time he dropped in and tried to steal the..."
    "Yes, what do you claim I stole?"
    Alexander ahems, and clears his throat, "Articles belonging to some friends of mine."
    "Oh is that what they're calling them these days, friends?"
    "Shut up!"

Supergirl has posed:
At the back and forth, Supergirl looks positively confused. She glances back at the child-like being, if he didn't have bat wings, then back to the blond youth standing on the tower with a sword in hand.

"Wait. Everyone just shush!"

She glares at both parties then starts looking back and forth between them. "You're a thousand years old? And you are hassling this young man?"

Then back to Alex. "And if he is stealing from you, why didn't you report him to the authorities? The police could arrest him for his crime. Or your friends could report him since they were the victims."

She floats back a little so she isn't right in between them. "Did you steal from his friends? If so, return the items immediately."

Phobos has posed:
    As Alexander is so pointedly /shushed/ he sort of rolls his eyes to the side, which causes Parnus to giggle anew, but to be fair they both 'shush' if only grudgingly so. So they turn their attention on the floating girl in the costume and Alex rests his hands upon his hips.
    Parnus bobs his head, "Over a thousand, yes. And yes. Family and all, I'm allowed to hassle family. It's practically in the bylaws."
    "We don't have any bylaws, ya jerk."
    "I'm saying /practically/."
    But then she asks Alex why doesn't he report to the police and he answers from a purely utilitarian standpoint. "He teleports. And flies. So... kinda hard for them to do their thing."
    The blond youth makes a face at the demonic one and then he rests his hands on his hips. "And, no offense lady, but I sorta don't recognize your authority? Right?"
    To which Parnus laughs and pipes up, "Yeah, me neither technically. But it's a fun conversation. And I have no idea what he's talking about stolen things. No idea."
    "He's lying."

Supergirl has posed:
"You are telling the truth." Supergirl is looking at Alexander when she says that. Then she looks over at Parnus.

"You are not. You don't care either. You stole stuff and you have no remorse about it." That makes her frown. Then she looks over at Alexander. "You don't have to recognize my authority. I'm just someone trying to help."

And then she is shooting over to try to get her hands on Parnus. "Why would you treat your family like this? They are the most important thing in the world! You should cherish them and love them."

Obviously, she's not an Olympian. Nor does she realize she's dealing with two.

Phobos has posed:
    Parnus blinks wide-eyed and then as she rushes at him there's a sudden /POOF!/ which is the sound of displaced air that has him flickering out of existence...
    And then silence as likely both she and Alexander now look all over the place, trying to see where he may have gotten to. Which causes the youthful deity to frown as he rests his hands on his hips and shifts his stance from one foot to the other, grumpily.
    "You might have scared him off. He's probably somewhere eavesdropping or maybe will be back later." Which causes him to sign a little as he looks down and then grimaces, "Man, I'm going to get into trouble probably."
    He does look out of place, standing there atop the water tower, where all the world can see. The sword in his hand disappears after a moment, flickering out of existence but differently than Parnus. Its departure is heralded by a flash of silver fire that leaves Alexander empty-handed before him.

Supergirl has posed:
"You weren't kidding about him teleporting. Sorry. I was trying to ..." Supergirl lets out of sigh of frustration, sending a puff of air up toward her forehead which sent her hair back out of her face. "Obviously I'm still figuring all this out. I'm sorry I messed up but maybe you'll have some peace for now."

She watches the blade disappear into nothing, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Neat trick. Is there something I can do to try to help you catch him later?" she asks curiously. "Since you say he does this all the time to you, I figure you know his weakness. Without, y'know, killing him?"

Phobos has posed:
    "No hey, it's ok." Alexander then smiles and with that easy twist to his features suddenly he's much less imposing and more accessible, even handsome as he steps to the side of the tower and just drops off into the air, falling... and then landing with a light thip-thap in a crouch.
    He looks up and lifts his voice, "You can pick your friends but not your family and all that." Alexander dusts off his pants legs, then frowns and looks down at his gray t-shirt, seeing a smudge. He licks a finger and starts to try and get the stain out of it, fails.
    "It probably won't be a big deal. And nah, you shouldn't spend your time on this if you're like, a superhero or whatever. This is like, way down on the crisis scale of things. Like you should go after the guys who tear labels off pillows before him. He's... mostly harmless."

Supergirl has posed:
If the disappearing sword wasn't enough to give it away, the superhero landing from the top of a tower did. This guy wasn't any more normal than the 1000 plus year old bat-winged cherub guy.

She floated down to the grand, red boots touching down as she settled into standing instead of floating. "If I'm a ..." She blinks. Literally blinked. Then looked down at her chest where the S-Shield was prominent. "You don't know who I am?"

It wasn't that she was egotistical but most people had at least heard of Superman so she figured it wasn't a huge leap. Or maybe he just thought she was a copycat.

"I...I'm Supergirl." Said softly as though it was maybe not such a big deal after all. "Are you a thousand years old too?"

Phobos has posed:
    "I mean," Alexander straightens up, taller than her but not horribly so. His smile curves a little wry as she lands before him, "I have some strong suspicions but I don't /know/ for sure. Right?" Which is true to be fair. She could be someone on her way to a costume party who just so happens to be able to fly as well. It could happen.
    "You're Superwoman?" He starts to say as she introduces herself and then amends nigh instantly, "Supergirl, I mean. Ok." His lip curves and he lifts a hand to the back of his neck.
    "But no, I'm not a thousand years old. Like, twenty something? It's kinda hard to tell for sure since I was gone for a bit. But umm, I'm an Olympian. My dad was Ares if you now your Greek studies. That was Parnus, he's older, and yet also much more..."
    He lifts his voice to yell louder so it carries in case he's still around, "IMMATURE!"

Supergirl has posed:
"Uh huh."

He believes what he is saying. Supergirl senses no changes. Course, if he was an Olympian, would she even be able to do so? She's not really sure. She can sense stuff about other gods though so probably. Maybe. Who knows!

Yet, in truth, she's now wondering if this guy might be crazy. He thinks he's an Olympic god. Wait, the child of one. So does that make him a god? Maybe a demi god depending on the mother? She should've payed more attention in class.

But the crazy man believes what he says is the point. "So you are the son of Ares, which I think was Phobos? Correct me if I'm wrong. As in son of the god of war. Does Elvis talk to you or anything?"

Phobos has posed:
    "I think Elvis was a Baptist, so. No?" Alexander says as he steps across the gravel of that rooftop, hands now slid into his pockets as he looks up at her. "I think Parnus is gone now though, he wouldn't have let that comment pass too easily. So you're safe." Phew. Saved her. Good going, Alexander.
    That said he uncurls a hand, "But yes, Phobos. Or Deimos. If you're considering my brother whom I have never met. He's supposedly in the underworld but for so many people that place has a revolving door on it." He rocks back on his heels and tilts his head to the side.
    "I could prove to you by showing you something fear related, but I don't think that'd be a good idea to scare you too much."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh no, that probably would not be a good idea. I mean, I tend to get a little punchy. Or zappy. When scared. It's why I don't go see scary movies." Supergirl shrugs as she wonders how she can get this proven without something weird happening. Which gives time for her mouth to just keep forming words a bit extra cause she isn't supervising it properly.

"Well, that and they give me nightmares. Which again, wake up, zappy. There goes the bedroom wall. I learned not to watch those movies anymore."

She closes her mouth and stares at him for a long minute. Does it really matter if he is or isn't? He's obviously a metahuman and Parnus was a thief so it all sort of added up.

"Nice to meet you, Phobos. Sorry I wasn't much help. I'm still trying to figure all this hero stuff out. And yes. Supergirl. I chose it when I was quite a bit younger." Three years but who's counting. "I think Superwoman might be taken now. But no relation. Superman is though! Wait, I already said that."

Phobos has posed:
    "Oh hey," Alexander looks up, "Is there something in particular you're frightened of?" The youth steps to the edge of the building and looks doooown, then back over his shoulder. "That could help. Might be an interesting lesson or something there and less likelihood of being punchy."
    But then he rubs at the stubble on his chin and looks curiously at her, "I prefer Alex, if you like. Or Alexander. Aaron. Alexander Aaron." He uncurls a hand in her direction as he murmurs. "Though Supergirl is fine I suppose. But you should check on Superwoman since I figure you'll be, you know, getting older?"
    That said he walks along the lip of the building, balancing perfectly there as he extends his hands out to the sides, smiling a little crookedly. "Though do you know if there's a Superwoman?" A beat, then he adds. "And do you know if she's seeing anyone?" His lip twists into a grin.

Supergirl has posed:
"Of course there's things I'm afraid of. But not like a bug or something where you can go to therapy and get over it. So I doubt you could really help much. It's just one of those things I'll have to work through."

Supergirl takes the offered hand, giving a smile. Her grip is firm--for a human. Which means she is being super careful not to break anyone today. Living in a world of cardboard, Kal had called it once. He wasn't wrong.

"Supergirl will have to do. Secret identity and all that. Got to protect those around me." Another cousin lesson!

She watches him walking, just waiting to go leap and catch him then remembering his drop off the tower. He's likely not going to get hurt. Especially if he's a god. "I don't think she's your type. Unless people who kind of used to think your species were bugs under our feet is your thing. She's doing better but old habits. I could introduce you, I suppose. But if she kills you, you can't blame me."

Phobos has posed:
    Now that sounds like a challenge, she can likely see it in the blond youth's eyes as he takes in a breath and smiles around it, then holds it and lowers his eyes, shaking his head and her hand with an easy grip. "No, nah." There's a pause before he adds, "I mean, maybe. Down the line. But right now I'm sort of dating some...people." Which he does not go on to explain.
    "But hey, you never can tell where life will lead you." His lip twists up.
    "So like if she tells you she's looking for a blond Olympian to date, tell her she's too late. I'm sure she'll be heart-broken."
    That said he starts to walk back the other way down the edge of that rooftop, then against his better judgment he asks abruptly, "Is she cute though?"
    But then he holds up a hand, "No wait, don't answer that. I'm dating. I am involved. I should be good."

Supergirl has posed:
As he goes on, Supergirl's expression is looking very confused. Dating...people. That's a plural. She has a great grip on English, even though it is not her first language. Yet she knows that is a plural. Which means he is dating a lot of people at once.

Her Momma taught her that wasn't okay. But she had no right to judge others.

Then he went on to ask about Superwoman again and she shook her head. Not in answer to his question but the fact he might want to be adding more to the 'people' list.

"She's pretty. Dark hair though. Older." Like way way older. Well not like 1000 but old! "But you should stick to one at a time. Or whatever it is that works for you."

Phobos has posed:
    "Yeah," Alexander bobs his head thoughtfully, eyes distanced as he likely imagines this Superwoman and bites his lower lip for a moment, then shakes his head. "You're right though, I usually do but yeah."
    He glides his hand along the railing of the fire escape that he had been walking along the edge of the building toward, resting his hand there and then hops down onto it with a faint /clang/. Over toward her he says, "Still, older isn't necessarily bad." Which might be even more scandalous to the poor Kryptonian girl, but then again what can one ask for of him? He's Greek.
    "In any case, you're not so bad at the heroing thing. You showed thoughtful discretion and checked out the situation before jumping in. A lot of those caped chuckleheads wouldn't do that."

Supergirl has posed:
"I do pretty good most of the time. Tend to go in fists first a lot. Having to learn to be less impulsive," Supergirl admits. "So, thank you. At least I didn't just punch someone. Especially since it would've been you. That would have been...awkward."

That's a nice way to say bad. Very, very bad.

"I learned a lot last year." While Superman was gone. She doesn't say that part. "But still need to learn more. Was looking to make up a group of heroes to do just that. Some of us newer types still trying to figure it out, to support each other." She shrugs. "We'll see how it goes."

Seeing he's worked his way to the fire escape, she floats a little into the air, coming to a hover about five feet up just to be sure she wasn't reading the situation wrong.

"And...she's like old old. Like really old. Like...30 or something!" Sixty-nine actually.

Phobos has posed:
    "You are doing a bad job at dissuading me." Alexander grins as he sliiiides down the railing and hops onto the lower basket of the fire escape, then strolls down the stes to the next. "In any case, I'll see you around, Supergirl. Keep on being cute and thoughtful."
    As he says that he drops finally down to the alleyway, stuffing his hands into his pockets once again and starts to stroll off toward the evening.