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Latest revision as of 23:14, 4 September 2020

Backstreets Back
Date of Scene: 04 September 2020
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Cass plays with the Batcomputer and gets in trouble. Sort of.
Cast of Characters: Batgirl (Cain), Batman

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
It's early morning, after patrols are mostly finished for the night. A couple of people are still out there but they are heading in. Yet, Cassandra managed to wrap up hers early. Which has her in the Batcave. Her motorcycle had been parked off where it belonged. She would take care of standard maintenance on it before she went to bed. But for not, since no one else is around, she's doing something she shouldn't be.

She's sitting in the big chair in front of the Batcomputer.

Not that she was actually /doing/ anything but just occupying Batman's chair was often scowl worthy from the Dark Knight. The screen did show visuals of the head cams from some of her teammates. She pushed a button to focus on that one alone, getting rid of the others for now and bringing Red Robin's view filling the screen. She watched his opponents, eyes shifting from one to the other as Tim took care of them quite expertly.

Which is when she heard the roar of the engine from the Batmobile. She leapt out of the seat, reaching for a button on the console to turn off the screen. She managed to hit a different one and the screen suddenly popped open about sixteen extra windows. As she franticly tried to get rid of those, she hit something else.

"Backstreets Back...ALRIGHT!" The music was blaring through the Cave as the car came to a stop.

All she could do was pull up her cowl to try and hide her blushing face. Busted.

Batman has posed:
    The batmobile is already slowly turning on the launcher, twisting to get back ready for deployment at a moment's notice when the Batman rises from the seat and drops onto that turntable. He takes the few steps needed to reach the metal gantryway that leads from the cliff where the vehicles of the team rest at ready.
    Bootheels clink upon the metal, that cape hiding his shoulders and arms as he swishes forward, head turning slightly to espy the retreating figure of Batgirl as she tries to avoid the heavy gaze she knows is coming her way.
    Then there's the rumble of words, strong and severe as he murmurs low. "Computer. End browser functions."
    << Complying. >>
    The music halts, the windows disappear, and it leaves the Batcomputer once again with its steady stream of green displays and the small monitor images of the teams with their heads up displays clear and visible.
    An eyebrow quirks as the Batman continues to stare at Cassandra and he says in a curious tone. "Something I should know?" He asks. Usually the people he asks that answer in the negative. But sometimes... sometimes that small fishing question leads to a bounty of information.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
<Backstreet Boys are back?> comes the signed words from Batgirl as she hovers there in the shadows, about ten feet from the chair she'd been in when the car arrived. As though the computer randomly had opened all those browsers. And the music.

She sighs and pulls her cowl back, revealing her short dark hair. The blush is gone at least. <I was trying to understand. I kept...losing them.> All those windows she had opened, just stuck there somewhere in the background continually running because she didn't fully understand how to use a computer. Good news? At least he had great anti virus. Probably the best in the world. Bad news? It probably got a workout tonight.

"Sorry." The only word Cassandra had spoken. Her head is hanging a bit and every line of her body shows that she is truly apologetic for her actions.

Batman has posed:
    The tall man looks at the computer, then back at her, then back to the computer. He steps past her, sweeping silently in front of her and moving toward the computer and that seat. One hand lifts to grab the back of his cape and let it settle to the side of the chair as he sits down, hands settling on the keyboard and drumming out a short sharp rhythm of button presses.
    It's only after he observes it for a moment... perhaps two, that she'll hear his voice again as he turns his head slightly. "Don't do it again."
    Perhaps in that moment her spirit might sink, punishment, barring from the computer. But then it changes a she says quietly. "Set aside some time with Tim for the next two weeks for him to teach you." Computer etiquette as it were.
    Then he turns his head to the side looking at her, eyebrow lifting with curiousity for some reason before he pulls back the cowl and she'll see a small hint of a smile before he looks back at the computer.
    "How was the patrol?"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
That reaction is exactly what happens. Such things are a challenge for her. Difficult. She learns differently. Because of that, it isn't the same for her to comprehend computers and the like. It isn't impossible. It does require patience. Thankfully Tim has that.

She smiles ever so slightly when he suggests she train. No thank you, no pleasantries. After all, they aren't needed. A waste of time really. They both understand each other.

"Good." Cassandra wonders if she should explain more so she opts to do so. She signs the rest, just because talking is so much easier than moving. Even if that moving is just her hands.

<Took down Red Dragons. In Zhao territory. Cops picked up.>

Batman has posed:
    When he debriefs her it is often like this. With him seated, attention on something else in part while he listens. This time it's no different. His gauntleted hands rest upon the keyboard as he clicks a few instructions into the system, bringing up a data display of the known territory of the two gangs she mentioned. His head lifts and lowers, then he cocks his head to the side.
    "Any sign of the ninja clans?" Since the Hand and the Foot had been making inroads into Gotham in their own ways, and that gang civil war in essence which had been causing trouble.
    He turns slightly away from he desk and then hits a button on the keyboard, bringing the image of a man's face onto the big display. It's a severe looking man, stern of expression and with a scar across one eye causing it to be milky and dead.
    "Also we're looking for this man, Lo Beng. Formerly of the Tziangshi." His attention rests on her as he awaits her answer.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
As the question is asked about the clans, Cassandra gives a shake of her head. <Hiding well if they are. Not seen one.> Not for lack of trying. She is very careful in her patrols, very focused. Perhaps too focused sometimes. She tends to lose herself in her work. Less of a planner like her mentor and more caught in the moment when she is out in the cowl.

Cassandra would learn but for now, she was still young. Bruce probably had never been young, not since that fateful night so long ago.

As he pulls up the image, she stares at it a moment. Then a terse nod. "China Palace." It was a well known restaurant in the Chinatown area. She had seen that man earlier in the night with an entourage, entering as she was passing by on the rooftops opposite. She thought back. "Eleven." The time he would be able to find the video on her heads up.

<Should I go get him?> she added in sign.

Batman has posed:
    A lift of his chin, eyes thoughtful as he leans upon the desk, fingers steepled together. He starts to key some options on the computer and if she's familiar with the data structure he uses... she might realize he's pulling up her own data feed.
    "I'll check and see what I can find out. I'll go get him, or tomorrow night you find him."
    His voice hardens, expression grim then he adds. "And bring him to me."
    Then he looks to the side, at her... but not directly at her as he murmurs. "Go get some rest. Good work tonight."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
She has seen him type things in that order before. When he does, it usually brings up her camera. While she might not fully understand how or why it happens yet, she does get that much.

Cassandra listens to the instructions and gives a nod. Either way is fine by her. She'd be more than willing to do it tonight but he has his reasons for not doing so. Maybe because it is so close to dawn. Or something else. Either way, her job is not to question. It is simply to do what she needs to in this war. She's a soldier, not a general.

At his compliment, despite her abuse of the Batcomputer, she gives a tight smile and simply turns to walk away through those catwalks. First to go change, then probably to the training room. Sleep was for later.