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Who's that playing in the park
Date of Scene: 05 September 2020
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: A walk in the park turns to chaos as demon hounds target Megan. Fortunately her friends come to the rescue!
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Phantasm (Drago), Superboy

Pixie has posed:
It's a lovely afternoon in the park. Birds are singing, trees rustle in a gentle sori g breeze, kids are laughing and playing everywhere. Megan laughs as she skips along, heading for an ice cream truck, tugging Conner along wuth her. "Uggggh it's soooo hot! I need ice cream! Lots of ice cream! Then maybe we can hot that out door pool later, like you promised? Right?" she's dressed in a pink floral dress and sandals today, but still hot enough to fan herself with her wings.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is INDEED a lovely afternoon. After running some errands in the Salem Center area, Nick has opted to take a break in the park. Sitting on a bench with a bookbag loaded down with supplies, he is now reading a book. Oddly enough about the Hyborian age. The ball capped rock star has not opted for ice cream but instead drinks from a bottle of water.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is doing something he shouldn't. Flying -and- texting. Considering how many flying people are in the New York area, this is clearly reckless. But he is looking for Megan, so he needs to get her to send a picture of where she is or something. He has not been in this part of the estate enough times.

But it is a Saturday. College just started and he had a ton of homework (the first week, even!). How can manage normal humans that have to sleep more than 3 hours a night? He has not seen Megan in all the week.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks as she texts a response, still peering at the line anxiously. It's moving quickly now. "Heey! I'm by the ice cream truck!" she texts, "The big red truck with the flashing lights! Yeah I know, it looks more like a fire truck but yeah, whatevs, there's a line here but I'm nearing the front, what flavour should I get you?"

She glances around, seeing him in the sky and waves frantically. She also sees a familiar Nick and grins and waves at him too. "Hiii Nick!" oh, she's gotta be on something, way too hyper.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing someone call out his name, Nick peers up from the book curiously. Seeing the familiar pink hair and wings, there's no doubt to who it is. The book closes as he lifts up a hand to wave back. "Hey Megan!" He returns to her. Being uncertain if this is going to be a passing greeting or the precursor to a conversation, he doesn't look back to the book just yet and instead lingers, looking for any cues of further interaction

Superboy has posed:
"Ah, gotcha," now Conner sees the 'fire truck' and the winged girl. But he needs to land at a nearby alley to protect his somewhat secret id. It still takes him a minute to reach Megan, although he can hear her. Oh uh, she sounds hyper. Who gave her caffeine this time? "Hey, Megan!" He greets from the other side of the street.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Conner. "Yay you made it, and just in time!" she's still a ways from nick so she doesn't join him yet. "Soooo what flavour? there are soooo many! I dunno which to pick."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Passing greeting it is. As Megan's gone back to getting ice cream and entertaining someone else, Nick turns back to the book. Glancing back down, he opens it up, trying to find the spot he left off.

Superboy has posed:
Conner crosses the street on foot, which involves waiting for the traffic to clear. Then, joins Megan just in time for the icecream. "Not chocolate, you look like in a chocolate high already," he gives the girl a hug, "come here. Missed you lots, this week has been crazy. They weren't kidding about the fourth year being hard. The advanced courses have few people in the class, but they workload is like twice as much as last year."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams and orders Neapolitan before heading to nick, "Hey Nick how you been? this is my boyfriend Conner. What you up to?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances up as Megan's voice seems closer now. Hmm. Perhaps he miscalculated on the interaction level. Giving a smile,he shifts his positioning, sitting upright as the book closes. "Hey again, Megan." He responds with a smile and a nod before turning to Conner, "Nice to meet you Conner." He glances back to Megan, "Not much going on. Just taking a break from picking up supplies, reading a book, Oh! The Call of the Wild series dropped on Netflix today. So there is that." He glances between the two, "So how about you two? Daytime date?"

Superboy has posed:
"Hey," greets Conner, giving a brief wave. "Likewise, are you one of the staff members of Megan mysteriously mysterious school?" As the man seems too old to be a schoolmate. Conner knows very little about Xaviers, mostly because he has not pried. Superheroes have secrets for good reasons, and he prefers not to know what he is not being told.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick arches a brow. "The Mysteriously mysterious school?" He repeats, giving a shake of the head, "Oh no. I've run into a few of the teachers from time to time but I'm not one of them. I'm actually a performer." He pauses, "But I did get asked to help out at another school, so... maybe I do give off a teacher vibe I'm not aware of?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs nervously at that. "Mysterious school!? Heh..Anyway Ijust met Nick randomly at a random place. Oh yeah, weren't you a student of Strange's too?" she smiles, "Anyway yea a date but..." she pouts as she quickly finishes her ice cream. okay that was fast. "I really need the washroom..Back soon!"

Superboy has posed:
"Anyway, it is a date if Megan says it is a date," decides Conner with a chuckle. They had not made plans yet, to be honest. Also, teasing Megan about the mysterious school is getting a running joke, since she keeps changing the story every time.

Then she goes and Conner blinks. "Did you eat it too quickly?" He tilts his head and sighs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks over to Megan as she mentions Strange. But being the types of fights he's seen her in, and the wings, he's not THAT surprised. "Ehh - it's more like an odd friendship. With the occasional le-" He pauses. Well, dammit "Ok I guess. But it's more independent study than anything."

He watches as Megan bolts off. "...Full of energy today, isn't she?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn returns some 15 minutes later...Oh, and she's not alone either. She's being pursued by two giant black hounds with red eyes and long sharp fangs. Odd how they totally ignore everyone else though. "Eeek! Stay away!" eyes widen in fear as she backs away into a dead end clump of trees. Oh, and looks like one of her wings has been slashed, a nasty big tear in it. It would explain why she's not flying away.

Superboy has posed:
"Hah, when is she not full of energy?" Replies Conner to Nick's comment. Then he proceeds to buy a icecream cone for himself. Chocolate, mostly, because he is not hyper (usually). By the time he gets it, Megan is back.

And not alone, 'giant black hounds' the hell? "Megan!" Cries Conner, tossing away the icecream and flying to intercept the hounds. So much for his secret identity.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the telltale sound of the Pix-eek! Nick turns towards the source of the sound. Seeing the unnatural dogs "Aw hell." Turning on his feet he starts running towards Megan. Bookbag on his back bouncing with each run as the scar on his right forearm fades only to reappear on the left.

Conner is definitely faster with his approach, leaving Nick to watch which one Conner goes for so he can adjust for the other.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn backs away, heart pounding like crazy as she climbs shakily to her feet, her upper left wing drooping at an odd angle. Doesn't look like she'll be flying any time soon. But she can't just stand here...Focus Megan..!

"Look out! They shoot fireballs!" she yells as Conner intercepts their attack, one of them snarling and leaping at him instead, trying to tackle him to the ground. Another opens his mouth and pews out a ball of flames towards them both. "You will not get in the way of us and our mark!" snarls the second one.

Superboy has posed:
"They broke your wing," growls Conner. "Your mark? She is my girlfriend, you... bad doggie!" He aims a punch to the snout of the first hound, and then takes a fireball, not wanting it going towards Megan.

Of course it had to be a magical fireball. Fortunately his telekinetic forcefield does work against magic. It is just not very good at keeping the heat away. "Ouch, damnit!" Conner backpedals, covering his face, his leather scorched and partially melted.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Oh great. Fireball shooting evil dogs. Just the way to cap the day. The facial area under the ballcap becomes darker as it and the rest of Nick's exposed skin soon becomes sleeved in shadow, darkness starting to solidify. He could make a quip here but his mind is more on a different goal at the moment.

His approach is unhalting until a fireball comes a bit too close to him. While he mostly sacrifices the sense of touch while phantasmed, magic fire is a beast in itself. He shifts his approach, dodging the one that comes towards him. He lunges forward, form becoming larger, greyer, and furrier as a Wolf brings his teeth down upon the back of one of the dog's necks with a snarl.

Pixie has posed:
The first hound snarls and stumbles to the side as he gets punched. These guys are tough, but Superboy is stronger it seems. Still, the first hound snarls and starts to head for Megan, "Forget the humans! We must destroy Isadora Gwynn's prodigy, before..lARGH!" hound no.1 is soon attacked by the wolf and he snarls, thrashing at Nick with deadly powerful fangs and claws.

Hound no.2 meanwhile pounces towards Megan again, opening its maw once again to spew another fireball aimed towards Megan, "We have no interest in you humans!" it snarls, "We were ordered only to kill the fairy girl!"

Superboy has posed:
This time Superboy (somewhat singed, and definitely his hands are burned) flies towards Megan and grabs her, taking her out of the way of the fireball. "Ugh, they are after you for some magical or faerie thing. Do you know what they are? I don't want to go all out on them if they are sentient beings." But really, another fireball and they are going to find out the bad way Conner is not really human.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the first hound's claws manage to hook into the side of the wolf, there's a tear to the side of the wolf, giving a contrast of a red streak to the gray, brown, and white of the 6 foot canine. Nothing drips down, leaving the ground clean as the wild dog digs its claws in, securing himself in for the ride as he bites down harder. Time for a magic rodeo!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps as Conner scoops her up, moments before the fireball slams into some trees. "Ulp...I think..Demon hounds from the fae world. Possibly magical constructs created by some powerful fae." she sighs. "Someone must have summoned them up to find me..l think my mom's in trouble.." she winces from a wound they had inflicted on her earlier, blood trickling from the same arm as the wing side that was wounded.

The hound below snarls, arching it's back and spewing another fireball towards Megan and Conner in the sky. The second one growls as Nick clings to it and it indeed starts to buck wildly, then slams hard into a nearby boulder, trying to knock Nick off. It doesn't go unscathed either, blood trickling from its shoulder where Nick chomped into its tough hide.

Superboy has posed:
"Looks like your pal Nick can handle himself," mentions Conner, dodging the third fireball. "well, I hope they are constructs, because I am going to hit them really hard before they set a building on fire."

He leaves Megan behind a large van, with some cover. "Call for help, or the fire department," he suggests. Then flies straight for the dog, at near supersonic speed. This time he punches hard enough to demolish a tank.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Boulder unseen to the phantasm, it ends up passing through the wolf, smacking the hound underneath instead. As the dog bucks around, the wolf clenches down even harder as he growls back in response to the hound, body shifting with each percieved sway to the side.

Pixie has posed:
The demon hound no.1 doesn't know what he's dealing with as Conner slams into him, easily destroying it, reducing it to a pile of slimy, ectoplasmic chunks of burning 'flesh'. A moment or two later and even that dissolves to nothing. Hound no.2 meanwhile ends up slamming itself into the boulder, apparently underestimating Nick's phasing ability.

Confused, it runs in circles, trying to slam Nick into a nearby tree, although that only ends up injuring the hound further, and as more flesh is ripped out of its body, it finally gives a mighty howl and collapses as well, dissolving into a second pile of ectoplasm.

Megan clutches her arm as she peeks out from behind the van, drawing a shaky breath as she clutches her arm, lowering the phone. Sirens can be heard in the distance as fire engines hurry to the site of the growing fire caused by all those fireballs flying around. Many onlookers stare in disbelief at what just happened.

Tomorrow they will probably write it off as 'rabid dogs' and 'fireworks gone bad'.

Superboy has posed:
Conner ewws at the ectoplasmic thing. Slimmed. But with his tactile telekinesis, he can get rid of the ectoplasm quickly. Then he turns to help Nick, but apparently it is not necessary.

So, he returns to Megan to check her injuries. "We need to take you to a hospital. One with good mutant physiology experts. Your wing looks bad? Does it hurt?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the demon dog vanishes, a torn up looking wolf is left behind. Shifting on to his feet. The canine looks back to the onlookers, ears down. The large creature turns, disappearing into the brush.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, staring down at the slimy ectoplasm left behind. "Ewww...I'd read about it but never seen it." she shrugs, checking her wing, it's not bleeding of course, but pretty droopy. As for her arm, it's trickling blood but not a deep wound. "I'll be okay, I have healer friends..Just need something to tie this up with.."

Megan peers back at Conner, frowning, "Did you get hurt? What about Nick, where'd he go..?"

Superboy has posed:
"I got burnt, but it is a sunny day, I will be fine in minutes," offers Conner. Then looks around. "Nick? I think he went that way, in wolf shape or something." He is examining Megan's arm, trying to figure out if he can get some bandages. "Healer friends, okay. Teleport there?" He suggests.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
When deep enough in the wooded area, the wolf vanishes from sight. A few minutes later, Nick emerges from elsewhere in the woods, coming up beind the onlookers. There's no blood, no cuts, nothing indicative of him being the wolf earlier as he quietly walks over to pick up the book he ended up dropping earlier, turns, and leaves. Bookbag still on his back.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip as she ponders that, and pulls out her phone, tapping in Shannon's number. But there's no response. "I dunno, she's not replying...I'll be okay, just need some rest, a first aid kit to wrap up my arm.."

Plus it'd be a bad idea porting to Xavier's. She doesn't want to get in trouble or get Shannon in even more trouble right now. She peers towards the climb of trees he points towards, but doesn't see him initially, "Nick! Are you okay?"

Oh there he is. She smiles faintly, "Wow not a scratch! Where'd you go?" he wasn't..Hiding all this time, was he..?

Superboy has posed:
"No, he was not," confirms Conner. "Lets go to a hospital, then," he asks Megan. It might be just a scratch, but he really hates to see the girl bleed all over the street. It might be a boyfriend thing. "Then we need to figure out who sent the dogs."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing his name, the musician stops in his departure. Turning he looks to the approaching Megan. To the inquiry of whether or not he's ok, he gives a slight thumbs up. Nick doesn't answer the other part as he turns once more. Walking away from the scene as the peace in the park is pretty much gone now.