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Latest revision as of 15:50, 7 September 2020

Bobbi Moves In
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: Joan Wright's House, North Shore, Staten Island
Synopsis: Bobbi moves in with Joan.
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Mockingbird, Buffy Summers

Joan Wright has posed:
It is an early, peaceful Saturday morning. A fresh pot of coffee is sitting at the brewer and Joan is making rolls. Standing and the island, she hums to herself as she looks to the side of the tube, looking for the 'start here' notch.

The back door leading into the kitchen is unlocked and so is the gate leaving to the driveway accessing said door. It's not normal practice but today the situation calls for it.

Mockingbird has posed:
"You're off by half an inch for the notch" Bobbi says by way of greeting. "Also morning, I've made an early start of it. You want any help with that?" she asks. A SHIELD agent's not got much to move in, just civilian clothes, and her not SHIELD gear. Phone, laptop and bedding. "Oh, can you let me know if a Dog Detective Lego set turns up? I was going to have it shipped here since it's easier to hide it from my ex husband" Bobbi adds. Oh the whole Clint and Dog Detective saga is going to need multiple pots of coffee to get through, and the two bags Bobbi has in her hands are holdalls that, well, hold all of her things that aren't work related...that stay in the Triskelion.

Much as Bobbi would ove to bring Joan's home up to 'defensible' status, she figures if they do get any trouble, there's enough Lego to act as a minefield. Lego plus feet or hands equals why is this legal to have in your house, status.

Disappearing up the stairs, Bobbi can be heard moving around upstaris as she's settling in. The house rules are burned into her brain in the same way her work rules are. Admittedly she won't get made to run laps or deal with a pissed off Director Fury for going into Joan's fridge, doubly so if it's to put more things in there. Hopefully.

Bobbi can be an optimist. A smart mouthed, ordered, farsighted, lethal optimist, right? One who is coming back down the stairs without holdalls in hand, either.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan glances away from the tube to look towards the kitchen door and then looks back to the tube, seeing the tiniest sliver of red. "Oh!" She starts to dig her nail under the paper, starting to unwrap the tube. "They seem to be off with the labeling on this one."

She glances back up at the mention of the Lego set. "...Sure. Is it the one with the police car and diamond display case?"

Mockingbird has posed:
"Yes" Bobbi says entirely too cheerful about getting her ex things. Great, Bobbi. Great...sure, may not wear thje ring but Clint still mattters. "It said it was shipped yesterday, so just waiting on it to get here" she grins and nods to the spot Joan's digging her nail into. "Yeah I've had issues with that at times. Worst one was a mislabled salami when it was on the wrong side. Ended up getting a knife and slicing the pack open anyhow so" Bobbi admits.

She takes a seat and watches. "The joy of travelling light...not much to unpack, plus I can always go shopping later on so..." she muses and looks over the kitchen. Still the same as ever. Good. Everything's where it should be

Joan Wright has posed:
Wrapper off in one hand, exposing the brown of the tube underneath it rests idle in Joan's other hand. "Packing light is good. With the exception of the LEGO room I don't have too too much. I can just break down the LEGO sofa and shove it in a bin if I should I need to move."

Before Joan can smack the tube on the corner, the tube splits open on its own, startling the architect as she drops the tube on the island. "OH!"

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi grins, "You're smart, I think that tube opened" she points out helpfully. maybe a bit too helpfully. "What's the plan with that though? I could help cook if you like. It's not something I shout about but I can cook well. So" Bobbi nods, "Just break your house down into a bin and rebuild it. makes it easy to build and tear down. I gotta take notes" she nods keenly. Joan's smart, really...

Travel on the go? Lego house. Alright for Bobbi it probably wouldn't work but...but....

Bobbi adjusts her position on the chair leaning back more and is clad, currently, in sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt that has a cartoon fish on it. Because, really, it was the first thing Bobbi came to. Or first set of clothes.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan recovers reasonably quick, reaching back towards the tube. "I know it does that, I just wasn't expecting it to do it right then and there. Normally I have to strike it on the counter."

She pauses, considering the idea of a breaking down her current house before shaking her head. "The logistics of that would be horrible. Although, I imagine I could do something similar with a smaller scale project. Like a one room hut made out of sectional pieces." It is a fun thought game to be sure though.

She twists the opened tube to free the dollops of doe from its cardboard prison. The round swirls flump on the cooking tray. "It shouldn't take much. Just, put dough on tray, pop in oven for time container suggests and- " She takes the tiny container of icing off of the one end of the tube. "Add icing once they pop out of the oven."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's good at thought games, it seems. "You could if you do that right" she nods looking pleased, then nods to the tray. "You got this. You're good" Bobbi says with a smile and gestures to the coffee pot. "Done brewing or? I can nip out and get coffee if not, or wait on that pot"

Yeah she's not had caffeine today it seems. Or this morning at least. on the other hand she's done moving in, good.

Joan Wright has posed:
"I'm not that slow with putting together simple house designs the old-fashioned way either." Joan points out, "Powers not needed. Habitat for Humanity gets you a lot of practice for speed building."

She glances over to the coffee maker. "Coffee finished just awhile ago," Joan answers, "I needed that so I would have the coherency to read the directions on the tube." Brushing her hands, she steps back, glancing towards the oven to see if the indicator light has gone off yet. "Still should be considered fresh. So, no running errands running on fumes today."

Mockingbird has posed:
"Good" Bobbi nods. "Then may I have a coffee? I'll wait on your baking to be done first. Priorities" she admits and looks pleased. Bobbi's got her head on right...as Morse stretches and rubs sleep out of her eyes with a smile. "Speaking of running errands I've some to do today though. I'll try not to bring any trouble back here" she admits with a laugh.

Joan Wright has posed:
"The coffee is in the kitchen, ergo it's up for grabs." Joan replies back, smiling as the light on the oven clicks off. the architect opens the oven door before turning to grab the pan. "Rolls too. But I ask you not to touch those until they finish baking."

Once the door is closed she looks over to Bobbi. "If trouble does come back here and anything on the house gets broken, let me know sooner rather than later so I can tend to it, please"

Mockingbird has posed:
"Sure. Once I get done beating it up you mean" Bobbi nods looking amused, then over to the oven. "Alright I'll keep an eye on that oven, and drink my coffee and try not to bring trouble back here. Good thing?" she asks with a nod. "No, you can't keep the lego set by the way. Unless you, too, are into Detective Dog, that is" Bobbi admits with a smirk. Oh. Surrounded by Detective Dog fans..
Help. Her life's not quite gone to them, ahem, Dogs....yet

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks over to Bobbi, head tilting. "Bobbi. I have a LEGO room. And you question whether or not I'd love more LEGOs?" Giving a bit of a overly dramatic scoff, she turns, grabbing the timer to plug in the time.

"If you hear it beep before I do, just pull it out and set it on the burners to cool." She sets the timer down and with a spin, grabs a couple of oven mitts and sets them down in front of the timer. "You can use these."

Mockingbird has posed:
"Oven mitts" Bobbi nods and puts them on, just in case. Bring it on, oven. Bring. It. On!

Although don't burn the place down, too. Bobbi snorts at the Lego question. "Hey, I did order a Detective Dog set so I'm no better. You are corrupting me..." she groans and shakes her head with a playful glint in her eyes. "Next thing you know I'll take Lego to work" Bobbi grins looking pleased. She's serious, to. Teambuilding, build this Lego thing while I watch, guys.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan glances over to Bobbi as she takes her own mug of coffee and walks away from the oven now that Bobbi has taken over oven duty. "Not my LEGOs, right?"

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi has oven duties in hand...er....mitt, as she smiles. "Well yes, I was going to buy my own"

Translation: Taxpayer bucks at work. Mostly since...well...Bobbi's waiting on more things to be driven over...as her phone goes off she checks it. "Ah, there's a lot of stuff being delivered here from work, I can bring it in, things like clothes and food"

Nothing sensitive, more just get your stuff outta the Trisk, Morse. You got your own place now, quit cluttering up our apartments!

Joan Wright has posed:
"Oh." The slowly forming stern look on Joan's face flips back to a smile. "Well that's good. We'll get you a different looking bin so there's no confusion when you bring yours out." NO one threatens her LEGOs...

As Bobbi mentions more stuff to bring in, she walks back over to the island. "Go get your stuff in. I can manage the oven."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just happens to be passing by the house, and noticed the two ladies unloading stuff off the truck. She might have continued walking, are it not for noticing a very large and heavy box becoming dislodged from something else they had grabbed. Okaay, if that lands on one of them, or crashes on the ground it could cause some major damage.

With a frown she launches herself at said truck, moving with impressive speed as she moves to grab the big heavy box, balancing it effortlessly in her hands as she glances at the other two. "Hey, careful there!" she calls out a warning to the two of them.

Mockingbird has posed:
Okaty that's...not something Bobbi sees every day. A helpful, if quick citizen. And Bobbi's wearing oven mitts, too. Great...

"Hey thanks" Bobbi calls over. "Anything else on that truck we gotta watch for?" Ah, the SHIELD agent off the clock, and without caffeine this morning. Alright, she'll take the backup of a sort. For once it's not literal on the clock backup. God knows. if she was moving in...officially, there'd be a team of agents, a quinjet, forms, safety lectures, medical staff, a five mile exclusion zone, and secrecy. Bobbi took the easy route and decided to do it herself, saving everyone hassle. And cause she packed light, it's just boxes lf clothess. Admittedly the boots in the box that Buffy caught are steel toed and designed for working in, true...

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan smiles as she stands near the oven. Humming to herself a rather cheery tune. "...Everything is awesome..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks as she brings in the box, "I think I saw another big box in there too..Need help moving? That's a lot of stuff." although it looks like they have most of it under control. she nods and smiles to Joan as well. "Hello."

Mockingbird has posed:
Buffy gets a nod from Bobbi. "Thanks" she calls over and nods, giving Joan an 'I got this' wave. She's heading back and forth with boxes, looking over to Buffy. "You want to help move all these boxess in or put them on the curb?" she asks with a look over to the Slayer, and glances to the boxes, then Buffy again. She waits and looks in the truck once more. Bobbi heads for the door again, leaning on the doorframe again watching the truck again. "You alright?" Bobbi asks looking to Buffy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, bringing the box into the front door, "No worries, I can leave it here if you like? And sure, I can help you with the rest if you want. Oh by the way, I'm Buffy. Are you new around these parts then?"

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks over to Buffy and shrugs. "Leave the boxes by the door" Bobbi nods keenly. "I'm Bobbi, and yeah I'm moving in" she adds. True. She is moving in. "You from around here as well then or?"

Great, Bobbi, stick your nose into maybe neighbors or something...great. Though she does on the other hand glance to the truck again, then watches it leave. "Alright, I guess all the boxes aren't mine. Okay, those boxxes we got off the truck...yeah those are my things. I don't have much"

Well much that's outside the realms of not for anyone but Bobbi anyhow. "So I can travel fairly light. Just clothes in those boxes"

Joan Wright has posed:
Ding! Permission granted by the timer, Joan extracts the pan from the oven, setting the hot tray onto the burners. Closing the door, she grabs for the icing container to pop off the little sliver of metal being used as a lid. The container is set down. "Spoon... spoon..."

She turns looking for the said object she needs.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Nice to meet you Bobbi, and no, I don't live in this neighborhood, though I was just passing through on my way to elsewhere." she shrugs and she goes back to the truck and grabs another big boxes, bringing it back, nodding to Joan. "You two live here together? Seems like a nice neighborhood." her phone rings at that moment and she sighs, pausing to check, "Oh shoot, I'm late for an appointment but maybe I can swing by later if you still need my help? Nice meeting you both!," she does take in the second large box, dropping it on the curb before waving and hurrying off.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi comes in and looks to Joan. "Why're you asking for spoons? Oh, the cinnamon rolls. Right" she says and hurries outside to finish bringing boxes in and...more imporatantly, getting them up to what is, now, her room. Mostly since they are all her stuff anyhow. She's constatntly moving with boxes in hand for a good several long minutes.and then returns, empty handed, box free...and fully liable to have to vault over boxes to get into bed when it rolls around.

"Still need a spoon?" Bobbi asks from the doorway

Joan Wright has posed:
Spoon acquired, Joan holds it up triumphantly as Bobbi asks, "Ta da!" She turns back to the rolls, spooning icing on to each of them. "I think we're good. Just need to wait a minute for the icing to set in and we're in roll town!"

She tilts her head, looking over to the doorway. "Did your new friend leave already?"

Mockingbird has posed:
That gets a 'woohoo!' from Bobbi. yes. An actual 'woohooo!' from the holder of Ph.D. "She did. And roll town? Did we move already or did they rename the island while I was upstairs? And people say our government moves slowly..." Bobbi snarks and grins pouring herself a coffee, finally.

"Alright. Coffee. Cinnamon rolls...and moving my things in. It's been a very, very productive day so far. I'm suddenly glad there's no TV in my room. I could just poke my head into the Lego room to get ideas for what to order"

Joan Wright has posed:
"Yes you may look." Joan agrees, picking up the mug once more, "Just, don't touch the Star Wars stuff. That's kind of sentimental."