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Latest revision as of 22:28, 7 September 2020

I *really* need a drink (Don't we all
Date of Scene: 07 September 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Buffy runs into Spike again. The usual awkward talk ensues.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers should really stay away from pubs or partoes or...Really anywhere where they're serving drinks, because apparently she gets drunk incredibly easily, and tends to do...Regrettable things when she does. Soo...Why's she here anyway? Oh right, maybe Buffy can find Karrin or...Something. Definitely not Spike, since she's been avoiding him these past few weeks, but they tend to have lousy toming..

Anyway here she is, feeling hungry as she comes down the steps and orders one of Mac's famous steak burgers. And...Herbal tea..

Spike has posed:
     Don't speak of the devil and yet he still appears. Whether she was trying to find him or not...he wasn't exactly trying to be found by her either. Apparently that last meeting was awkward on both sides. Going into Mac's is a crap shoot. She might be there, she might not, but it is one of the safer places for a guy like him to go and get a few pints and one of those legendary steak sandwiches.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. The last few days were pretty iffy and she clenches and unclenches her fists as she waits for her meal, slowly sipping tea to calm her nerves..Then of course Soike comes in and she sighs softly, shrinking sunn on her barstool a,though sitting near the front, it's a bit harder for her to hide. Dammit, why do they always run into each other?

Spike has posed:
     A cigarette caught between his right index and middle fingers, Spike pauses to give the place a once over. Surely that isn't her right? Surely not,"Bollux." he mutters softly and looks for a different seat at the bar. Of course not, there is no other seat at the bar. Maybe a table? It sure is busy in here tonight,"Bloody hell."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers closes her eyes for a moment and sighs. Of course, when did it get so crowded in here? Unless someone leaves soon, there's probably just a couple of nearby seats at the bar, where she's sitting...Argh...Why do things have to be so..So awkward between them?

With a shrug, she stares straight ahead as Mac sets down her steak burger. Of course Mac notices Spike coming in and grunts to him in greeting, pausing as if waiting to see if he wants a drink or a steak or something?

Spike has posed:
     He takes a drag from his cigarette and exhales, putting it out on the bar and at least leaving a barstool between them,"Steak sandwich and a pont Mac." he finally manages. That cockney accent standing out over the rest of those gathered. He sighs and takes a seat, looking at the mirror behind the bar. Yup, there she is. Nope, no Spike there. Finally he sighs,"Hello Buffy."

Buffy Summers has posed:
She glances sidelong at him and yes, she notices the lack of reflection. But of course it's him. And he's not ignoring her. She sighs softly as she takes another long, slow bite. "Spike..Hi.." she says softly. She seems..Sad, regretful. Oh yes, she remembers well what happened between them.

Spike has posed:
     They are masterful conversationalists these two. He sighs and thanks Mac for the beer,"It's been a while. You doing OK? No new drama with the little bit?" See, he can do forced friendly when he needs to. He still looks straight ahead though, drinking the beer.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows a bit, staring back at her burger, taking another bite, swallowing it down with her tea. "Yeah..I'm fine, she's fine. She...She misses you. I..." Buffy shakes her head, she can't say she misses him, can't let him know she cares. That the kiss was real, for all it's worth. She squeezes her eyes shut, stupid, stupid..

"Umm...How, how have you been?"

Spike has posed:
     "Busy." he replies after another drink. He nods to Mac as his sandwich arrives,"I'm glad everyone is fine." Real or not, he's trying to avoid it as hard as she is,"Tell her I said hello and I will try to get by to see her this weekend or something." Awkward isn't even the word.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow, she's really curious how he spends his days or nights as a vampire - a neutered one at that. "Oh..lUm, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you, she's heading back to school this week, but you know how dangerous things are in Sunnydale..Not that you need to feel obligated to protect her I mean..Just.."

Buffy just slumps in her chair, feeling utterly defeated. "Spike...What happened the other night..I'm sorry, I didn't mean..I just wanted you to have a happy birthday.." she sighs and hangs her head. Well that doesn't help any, either. Idiot.

Spike has posed:
     A good thing he doesn't read minds. That one could cost her some day. Not that he doesn't know it is true, but no less annoying. He takes another bite of his sandwich before trying to get around things,"You know I'll watch over her. That's never been an issue despite any of ours."

     A long sigh precedes him finishing the pint and motioning for another,"Forget it. I need to stop pining after you and leaving myself open for that sort of things." Take the blame, that always works. He takes anohter bite of the sandwich and tells Mac,"Skip the other pint mate. Just another sandwich to go." Enought awkward for one night.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly and nods. "I know...She's crushing big time on you, you know? Just.." she shakes her head, she has no right to tell him what his relationship should or should not be with Dawn, does she?

As for what happened between them, Buffy just shrugs. "Not your fault, not entirely. I guess..For the first time, I saw another side of you, I saw you as more than just a vampire, and if circumstances were different.." she shakes her head and sighs, don't even go there, "I mean, I was in a moment of weakness. I was just..Angry and lonely and frustrated, you know? I shouldn't have gone there. It wasn't fair, to either of you."

Spike has posed:
     "What's not to love?" he replies with a shrug and places a few bills on the bartop,"Don't worry. You're too young, she's way too young and entirely too naive thanks." Taking another cigarette from his pack he lays it on the counter and finishes the sandwich on the plate,"Bad decisions on both parts love. We'll leave it at that so nobody has to ding their egos or admit to being wrong."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and nods, "I suppose so.." she's almost finished her burger and washes the rest down with her tea. "Even so, I hope that one day we can be friends..Without any awkwardness between us. But for now, I think maybe we both need a breather to clear our minds, you know?"

Spike has posed:
     Money on the counter and he stands from the barstool. Taking the cigarette in hand, he lights it and exhales away from her,"I hope we're friends at some point too. Not sure how it will work, but hey I'm game." He nods to her and turns to walk out into the waiting night, steak sandwich in tow,"Good night Buffy." Out the door he goes.