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Latest revision as of 19:18, 8 September 2020

Diamonds and Kitties.
Date of Scene: 08 September 2020
Location: Times Square, Midtown
Synopsis: Catwoman encounters an unexpected ally and a new enemy while stealing jewelry.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Spider-Man, Spike

Catwoman has posed:
It's a nice nice for a walk - A cool gentle breeze sweeps through the streets of times' square as summer crawls to an end and autumn peeks in on Labour day no less. The streets are only slightly less busy than usual as stores start to close.

On one particularly quiet corner, a small jewelry store seems vacant, a large 'closed' sign hanging on the front door.

However, to the trained eye, or those of particularly keen senses, they might detect movement going on in the shadows of the store..

Spider-Man has posed:
Walking? Not this Web-Head. Spidey is swinging building to building, enjoying the nice, congested New York air. Seriously, he's going to have to get a filter for this mask. He's also got a police scanner in his ear, but he's not hearing about any runaway Armored cars he can stop, take a picture of and have JJJ blame him for later. He ends up perching aside a building opposite of the jewelry store to type out a text, and maybe check his social media.

It actually takes him a moment to look up and notice movement in a supposedly closed jewelry store. Could be the owner coming to check the locks... or not. He figures he has a few minutes so swings over to the roof, to try to peek in one of the windows discretely as he can.

Spike has posed:
     Walking down the street, Spike is smoking a cigarette and more or less in his own world right now. The movement does catch his attention though, he catches odd details even though he might wander infront of a moving car if he is too caught up in his own thoughts.

     He raises his cigarette and takes a long drag. Exhaling slowly he turns to step back to the alley. It's not that he particularly cares if a shop is being robbed, besides there might be a few scraps left over for him to pilfer if it is a heist.

Catwoman has posed:
Oh sure, it *could* be just the store owner tying up some loose ends for the night, filling in some paperwork, pulling an all-nighter.

Except for the fact that when the back door creeps open softly, the figure walking out is anything but your average, run of the mill store owner. Unless of course they dress in a black leather catsuit, carrying a little bag over one shoulder that's probably full of all sorts of expensive jewelry.

Of course, the way that figure creeps along in the shadows, it's almost like they're trying hard not to be seen, and the average person would probably not even notice them, moving as swiftly and silently as they are.

Unfortunately that catburglar just happens to creep right out of the very same alley that Spike steps into..And pauses.

Well, this might be a problem.

Spider-Man has posed:
Oh goodie, Creeping about. Spidey sighs inwardly, another up and coming cat burgler. He couldn't get a good enough look from the outside, but it sounds like whoever it is has stepped into the rather dimly lit alley. He crawls around to the side, hopping to a building to get just the perfect angle to use a fun-fun gadget he hasn't used in a while. He presses a button and then...

The pair, and most of the alley are lit up by a red and white light. From Spidey's point of view, its the round Spidey Symbol given off by his trusty spider-light. "It's a little late to be shopping," Peter says, spying the cat with the jewels and... an innocent bystandard? "So you'll have to... oh man, cat themed? Black Cat's going to be soooo jealous."

Spike has posed:
     "Hello what have we here?" Spike mutters and puts the cigarette to his lips again, taking a drag. There is an exhale and he raises a brow,"It seems like you've been busy. Did you save anything for the rest of us?" he asks amused.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman narrows her eyes at the blonde Billy Idol wannabe and smirks. "Sorry, pretty boy, I'm not really a sharing type, but if you're quick, you might be able to grab some left-overs." she jerks a thumb towards the broken-in door behind her. Looks like she already broke the lock so it's probably easy to re-enter.

However, it looks like someone up above her has spotted her as well and she snarls, backing up against the wall, shielding her eyes from the sudden, bright light. "Dammit!" she hisses, glancing around for an escape route. Looks like Billy Idol's blocking the front end of the alley, and the back is barred by a chain link fence. However, an average fence hasn't stopped her before.

"You have *no* idea what you're getting into, Spiderman. This is for a good cause!"' But Catwoman has no desire to get caught and she tosses a smoke bomb up at Spiderman before turning and running towards the far end of the alley.

Spider-Man has posed:
Never let it be said that Spidey will get completely distracted and leave a completely open door while chasing someone else. He flicks his fingers and there's a 'Fwip" and there's a sizable blob of web sealing the door closed. It also closes off an escape if she tried to go back in as well. "There a kitty shelter that's going under and only you and your thieving ways can keep the fuzzy fellows from being turned into a coat by some oil executive?" He quips back before getting that low-key Spider-Sense buzz from the smoke grenade. He fires a web and swings into the dark to another building nearby, taking only a moment to rescan the area. For the moment, the bystandard's not first on his mind since he didn't seem to be in any danger as of the moment.

Spike has posed:
     Looking towards the open door he takes a step that way, apparently not interested in chasing her. The door getting shut and glued shut startles him,"Blood hell!" Looking up he watches Spider Man make his move towards trying to chase her,"That's interesting." he muses. Seeing the man's reflexes almost before she throws gets a raise of his eyebrow. The things you see at night.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman sighs as she peers towards the sealed door. "Well, how rude..Good thing I got everything I wanted.." however, pretty boy doesn't seem like a law-abiding citizen.

"Hey blondie, I'll give you a cut of these jewels if you help me escape!" she practically purrs, smiling sweetly at him before she heads towards that chain-link fence.

Catwoman pauses only briefly, glancing towards Spidey, and actually frowns. "Well..Actually, that's not far from the truth, Wall-crawler! If I dont find the money to help Miss Selina Kyle after her fundraiser to help rescue stray animals was totally ransacked by another selfish catburgular, all those poor kitties and dogs will be destroyed soon!"

Spike has posed:

     Jewels and a flirty beauty. Tough decision there. Spider Man is famous, so this will at least be entertaining. He puts the cigarette into his mouth and follows her,"So much for a dull night." he muses and eyes the Spider Man to see how this is going. He's not exactly a nice guy so a chance to tangle with Spider Man will probably be painful, but that's half the fun right?

Spider-Man has posed:
Having re-caught sight of her as he re-orientated, he leaps close once again, landing hard on a light post. "I'm pretty sure she could get a few donations that aren't from hot gems," he says. Now close enough, he fires another web, this time just trying to do his "Hang them from a light pole" trick. "Man, lady, recruiting someone just out for a smoke break, that's braizen." He's probably not even a bad guy, right? Spidey can be naive at times.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smirks and nods to Spike, handing him a smoke bomb. "wise choice! Here, cover me." She has no idea how far or fast he can throw it but she is determined not to get caught this time.

To Spidey she just shrugs and smirks as she starts climbing the fence, "Sorry Spider but this is the only way I know to help, and there isn't much time! Why don't you go pick on a fly burglar or something?"

Spike has posed:

    Spiderman is legendary about his reflexes and such, so Spike takes the smoke bomb and towards where he is. Instead of tossing the bomb, Spike picks up a stray beer bottle and chucks it at the wall crawler first. Sure that will not hit him, but it does buy him a second to toss the smoke bomb once Catwoman makes her move to escape.

Spider-Man has posed:
The bottle is caught by webbing, and he does manage to hop quickly out of the way as the smoke bomb does go off. Once he's clear, though, he doesn't have a good bead on where they went. He sighs, "Man, Wolverine will not let me hear the end of this," he mumbles under his breath.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman glances behind her, just long enough to notice Pretty Boy's impeccable aim, that manages to disorient Spiderman long enough for her to scale the fence. But she pauses a moment, keeping true to her word.

"Come on, this way! There's an old abandoned warehouse nearby, a perfect place to catch our breath.."

Spike has posed:
     Fortunately for him catching his breath isn't really a thing, but still it is a good run. Staying on her heels, he glances towards where the SpiderMan is left behind. That's going to come back and haunt him most likely.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman continues to sprint, although Spike will no doubt have little trouble keeping up with her. She's afterall, only human, one in incredibly good shape, but human nonetheless.

"C'mon, almost there, just around the corner..Ahh, here we go.." she grins as she comes up to a large, abandonned warehouse and easily picks the lock with the practised precision of one who has done this all her life.

"After you." she smiles sweetly, holding the door open for him, breathing a bit lightly as she glances around to make sure they're not being followed.

Spike has posed:
     He chases after you of course and does keep up. For his part he isn't breathing hard at all, but he doesn't breathe so there's that. Regardless he slows and when you come to a stop and open the door he nods approvingly. Sure this might be an absolute set up, but the night's young and it's been a long time since anyone was dumb enough to double cross him.

Catwoman has posed:
Of course, it can always be a setup, but then those who know Catwoman, know that she is an honorable thief at the very least. She steps in after him and smiles, flipping a switch and turning on a light. It's not a huge warehouse, but it's comfortable, and provides some shelter, at least for now, especially as it sounds like rain's on the way.

"Phew, cant stand that guy, that's pretty decent of you, stepping in like that." she grins, "Pretty impressive too, the way you handled that smoke bomb. Can't say most people I've met have such impeccable aim..Or..Throwing power.." eyes narrow thoughtfully on him for a moment, pondering something..Could he be..Some sort of metahuman like Spiderman?

Well, that's a discussion for another day. Shaking her head, Catwoman steps towards a dusty bench and sits down, opening the sack of jewelry, grabbing a handful and inspecting it with a smile.

Spike has posed:
     If it was a setup he would have dealt how he needed. Win, lose, or draw Spike always takes care of Spike. Looking around the room he tells you,"I've had a lot of practice throwing things and fighting in general. I've always had a decent arm too."

     Well, maybe not always, but she doesn't know his age just yet. He watches you start going through the jewels and takes a moment to study the warehouse thoughtfully,"You're not bad yourself. Handle yourself like a pro whose been at this for a while."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smiles and nods approvingly. "But of course! I'm pretty famous or..Infamous, back in Gotham at any rate. There aren't a lot of people who can out-burgle the Catwoman!"

she winks at him, patting the seat next to him. "C'mon, we're safe here for a bit. Anyway, it seems I owe you one and I'm not one to go back on my word..What's your name?"

Spike has posed:
     There is a knowing look as the connection is made,"The famous Catwoman. I didn't know I was in the presence of royalty." he tells you and goes to take the indicated seat,"Queen of Gotham City's nights if all the stories told are true. Even if half the stories are true."

     "Call me Spike." he replies,"The other names get forgotten over time." At lease his name wasn't Billy. Could she keep a straight face if it had been? He looks at the bag and the jewels you have laid out,"I'm not an expert, but I'd say your employer just got the score of her life."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman chuckles, "Glad to know you've heard the name. Yeaah, can't say I'm like the others though. I only steal from the rich to give to the poor. Like Miss Kyle's Cats and Dogs fundraiser, 'Paws for a Cause'." Yeaah, it's a cutesy name.

"But it makes me *really* mad that those poor animals are gonna be destroyed if we cant raise the funding to keep the shelter open a little longer. Sure, some of the money was not taken, but enough was taken to make a serious dent in her cause. It just make me soo mad that someone would be so selfish to steal from the poor like that!"

She clenches her fists, subconsciously rubbing her right forearm where, if Spike looks carefully, he may notice three angry red marks, like powerrful claw marks on the exposed skin.

"Anyways, a deal is a deal. Pick whatever you like. I'd say about a handful of jewels is fair enough. I doubt that jewelry store will even notice, they're filthy rich, got tons of outlets, and besides, I left plenty behind. That Spiderman's just a stiff."

Catwoman rolls her eyes, and geez she must be really frustrated to be blowing off steam to a total stranger. "Spike, huh?" she smiles and nods, "I like it. Short and sweet. Nice to meet you, Spike."

Spike has posed:
     "People like me have long days with not a lot to do." he replies,"You make up for it watching the telly. Sometimes the news even. It's almost more fiction than anything else on television really." He puts a new cigarette behind his ear for lighting in a few minutes and listens to your story,"I wish I could say I was as noble, but I tend to look out for me. Been doing it for too long."

     He looks at the jewels and selects an emerald and a ruby. Rolling the two through his fingers he studies their sparkle. It's not like he's a professional or anything, but the gems are pretty and they will bring in cash. He puts the emerald into his pockets and considers the ruby a moment. He flips it back to you and says,"For the critters. They probably need it more than me." So he almost has a heart despite it all.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman nods slowly. "Oh yeah? You get bored easily? You might try your hand at cat burglary. You might enjoy it." she grins as she sorts through all the shiny jewelry, placing a ruby ring on her finger, holding it up to the light to cause it to glitter.

"Mmmm.." she purrs, "I think I like this one.." she nods to the emerald. "Hey, it suits you. Keep it."