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Like a Titan Rising (I)
Date of Scene: 14 September 2020
Location: Daily Planet, Central Business Dist.
Synopsis: Garth goes out to recruit Supergirl for the Titans. She in turn introduces him to Phobos over a dozen cherub monsters.
Cast of Characters: Tempest, Supergirl, Phobos

Tempest has posed:
The blond blue and red clad woman can be difficult to keep up with. For a little bit, Garth simply flew about searching for her. That rapidly became a task he loathed. Also, it stank of desperation like a fish on its third day at the market. Garth is tired of being perceived that way. Instead, he is opting to hopefully be perceived as confident and capable. Maybe even resourceful.

It is a little cliche, sure. He's half worried that it will get the wrong one as well, but then Garth is not wearing a skirt and doesn't write for the paper. Garth of Shayeris, the erstwhile head Titan, the rightful king of the hidden valley (the one in the ocean, not the one where they make the ranch dressing), Ambassador to the surface world, purple-eyed magus, and potential doom to all that is Atlantean is perched atop the Daily Planet's hood ornament globe, idly kicking his feet, and perusing his phone as he speaks at a slightly raised volume. "Heeeeeeeere Supergirl, Supergirl, Supergirl. Psp Psp Psp?" She's not a cat, obviously, but? Earth customs are hard. He is sure she'll understand.

He moves his butt a little atop the globe, his trident's haft bouncing along the surface a couple of times as Garth wriggles in place.

Supergirl has posed:
It is part of her routine now. Classes at college. Then patrols as a hero. Sometimes, the classes were missed due to having to be heroic but she's trying to be more focused. She had missed her own graduation ceremony from high school due to working as a hero, while her cousin was 'dead'. She had waited until after his return to enroll in college. It was all work, all dedication. Her parents worried but she was driven, needing to do this.

Thus, she was making her patrol over the tri-state area. Right now, she was passing through Metropolis. So far it had been a couple of muggings and a cat in a tree. She'd made that same noise... Wait. What was that? She paused, floating in the air and turning her head to try to focus. Someone calling her name then the cat summoning lyrics that were known worldwide. Another cat in a tree? It was okay. She was a hero, she handled the big and the small.

She swooped that direction, using her vision to see the spot she was heading. Which is when she spotted Garth sitting on the globe of the Daily Planet. Watched his lips as he called. She almost giggled as she shook her head, closing the distance and coming to a landing near him.

"You're lucky I was passing through and have a soft spot for helping kitty cats."

Tempest has posed:
"You know? You should get like a light with that 'S' shield on it or something. You know? Something to shine at a cloud or at, like, a building? Something to let it be know you or your cousin are needed. Now -that- would be handy!" Garth says this brightly, and wriggles his backside until he can slide off the globe to land softly and easily on his feet. There is no grunt with the fall. He shoves his left hand through his hair to keep the ends out of the way. "I'm Garth!" In case he needs an introduction. "Tempest. I am in charge of the Titans. I wanted to talk with you."

The young man looks at his right hand, as if to make sure it is clean. He wipes it off on his hip, inspects it again, and with a nod offers it to Supergirl. "You do incredibly efficient, obviously dedicated work. You deserve to step out of your cousin's long shadow. Once upon a time myself and some others also stepped out of the deep shadows cast by our own families, mentors, or more famous friends. We set out to carve a new identity for ourselves. To demonstrate we were grown and our person. For most of us, this was not to break ties with another, but for some it was." Garth frowns a little remembering some of the drama from back in the day.

"Can we just talk?" Garth says, his smile returning and a faint blush moving over his cheeks. "Just an honest, open talk?"

Supergirl has posed:
"I am not Batman. We leave the whole spotlight thing to Gotham. It fits in better there," Supergirl says as she sort of half stood/half floated atop that giant globe. It wasn't the most flat of surfaces so it was easier to just hang there than put her full weight down. Her boots were touching but it was obvious they were not where her weight was resting.

She takes the offered hand. A firm grip but nothing crazy. She knew how to modify her strength for the world around her. As her cousin had said once, living in a world of cardboard that they had to be careful not to break.

"Supergirl. Although you know that. Duh." She rolls her eyes at herself then smiles brightly. "Yeah, I can talk. I'm really good at that. My Mom even points that out. And I sometimes talk too much like I just demonstrated." She giggles at herself and shrugs. "Nice to meet you, Tempest. What's up?"

Tempest has posed:
"I don't talk enough, I'm told. Except when I'm nervous." Tempest feels like he is always nervous. He doesn't want to screw this up. He has a really good, firm grip, Nothing like she can dish out, but it is still an indicator of far greater strength than his form might indicate. "Once upon a time, I was Aqualad, if that helps. I was Aquaman's sidekick." He actually uses the term and has no issue saying it. "I grew up to be his partner and colleague. Stop me if I am presuming too much?" Tempest considers her, then commits. "You are not Superman's sidekick. You are his partner, albeit maybe a junior one. You have your own identity. You are your own person."

Garth sizes her up, then squares his shoulders. "How about you join your own team? I want to make you a Titan. I want you to have your own place in our headquarters. I want you to have your own allies, your own place in your own group. I'm not saying that you should abandon what you have now. I am saying you should have all that, and a little more. Something that you get to forge. You can work with operatives around your age group. You can work your own cases, but always have backup. You can teach us some things, I am sure, and we can teach you. Then, in a year if you want to go full time Justice League or whatever, or if you want to stay with us, well, either way you will have options? Just think it over?"

Immediate regret crosses his face. "That was, like, a hard sell wasn't it? I didn't mean to come on so strong. I might have projected a little of my own teenage years into that pitch."

Phobos has posed:
    It is ever the situation in Metropolis with the reputation of the great city that it is a wonderful town where anything can happen. That's a good selling point for a great number of the people who live there and visit there. For in truth it is such a wondrous thing at times. To be walking down the street and see individuals of such iconic gravitas dashing across the sky.
    But there is the other side which those who have lived there these last twenty years have realized that it truly means /anything/ can happen there. And usually it often starts like this.
    A scream is heard, a shout going up shrieking a cry to the heavens as three streets down and one over, in a block of the burg that the heroes above likely can't see too easily unless they had something like x-ray vision or the like. But it's a shriek carried by the voice of one, and coupled with more of the same as cries of alarm are heard.
    For on that street there is the rush of movement, a young man with blond hair rushing through the crowd down the side street, emerging from a package mart with a paper bag under his arm. His rush of speed is not what causes the shrieks, however. It's when no less than six... seven... nine? Perhaps even eleven flying cherubs the size of irate angry toddlers, flying after that blond youth. Their tiny wings flapping, their faces contorted into angry little cute baby faces. Normally not enough to cause shrieks and screams.
    Instead those cries are caused by the /fangs/ that they have, the claws for hands, and the way their wickedly recurved bows fire extremely vicious looking barbed arrows right after that running youth who seems to be fleeing for his life.

Supergirl has posed:
"It was a good sale," Supergirl tells him, hoping to boost his confidence there. "I am more part time Justice League honestly. With Superman back, I'm can help out but obvisouly he's the big boots on the team."

She considers a moment, looking off at the horizon then back over to Garth. "I was never a sidekick so I don't understand how that feels. I chose to put on the costume. My cousin preferred I stayed safe and lived a normal life but I was the one that pushed, became a hero on my own. He supports my choices even if he would've liked it to go differently." A moment of catching her bottom lip in her teeth as she considers. Then she opts to just admit it.

"When Superman was gone, believed dead by most of us, I realized I wasn't as ready as I thought. I'm not as good as he is. I'm not that strong yet. But I do want to be. I want to get better. So I was working on a team of like-minded pe--"

Her head snaps to the side as she hears the screams and she floats about three feet in the air as she is poised to respond. A peek through the buildings has her brow furrowing. "Phobos?" Yes, it is the young man she remembers. "I wonder if this is another family thing." She glances to Garth. "Even if it is, those things are going to either hurt someone or have people hurting themselves trying to get away. Want to join me for some heroing?"

She doesn't wait for an answer, flying away at speed to try to intercept the youth and his creepy pursuers.

Tempest has posed:
The Atlantean is nodding at Supergirl as she speaks. His agreement and even hope are obvious. He is a pretty good listener. Tempest is listening, not waiting for his turn to talk. Slowly, his lips start to spread into a happy smile. Garth thinks he actually has something to offer this woman.

His ears are pretty good, but not as good as Supergirl's. The young man pauses a split second after she does and as she moves, he starts to follow. His own pace is more measured, both out of necessity and out of curiosity. Tempest pauses at the edge of the building. He, again, listens to Supergirl. "They are manifestations. Magic. I do not believe they are real, per se, but they are not?" He struggles for words. "Wholesome?" Yeah. Wholesome. She's already flying off at speed.

A muffled, musical word escapes Garth's lips as he takes off as well; this fish can fly. That was not a spell. It was an Atlantean swear. "I am right behind you!" He can fly, and quite quickly, but not at all at speeds comparable to the woman of steel.

Phobos has posed:
    They are fast enough indeed to get into a way to see what there is to be seen. The rush of the running youth, then the way the dozen cherubs all seem to fly up and spread out, their bat-like wings flapping and flapping as they make high-pitched mewling cries of annoyance as if terribly annoyed at whatever that blond youth must have done to gain their ire.
    Some of the ones that are closest to the youth start plinking away with their arrows, and for what it's worth those projectiles at the least seem to have weight and mass for they hit and stick with a /fwip-fwip-fwip/ and the heavy /whok!/ of impact.
    That young man they are chasing skids around a corner, snaring the heavy square plastic lid off a trash bit as the first few of them round that corner onto the side street, firing blindly at this point. One man cries out as an arrow embeds into his briefcase, snapping it open and sending papers flying with the wind.
    But the four or so that make it around the corner all fire at the young man...
    Who holds the trash lid up like a makeshift shield as those arrows thunk thunk thunk into its surface sticking into it and quivering as he laughs with a short sharp, "Hah!" And abruptly throws it back at them, smacking one in the face and sending it flying backward.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl isn't going anywhere close to full speed. No need to destroy windows with a sonic boom at this range. But it is a speedy response. But this time, she's not sure what she should do other than protecting the people that aren't being hunted.

As another arrow flies, she swoops in and pulls a woman clear as the arrow hits righ where the scared witness had been about to run. She sets her down behind something solid. "Stay there until they are out of range then run the other way." A brief instruction.

Thens he is flying toward Phobos, coming to a hover not far from him. "Is this more family stuff I shouldn't get involved in? I mean, I don't want to offend you again. Are you the good guy or them this time?"

Their last meeting had been a bit of a confusing mess, as she had thought Phobos the bad guy for chasing a cherub looking fellow. Phobos had a sword and seemed to be attacking. Turned out, the cherup fellow had stolen from him. So now, she just wanted to make sure before doing anything.

Tempest has posed:
The Atlantean flies after Supergirl. As his feet hit the ground, Tempest has not ablated quite enough momentum. To be fair, he just figured this flying thing out in the last few months and he isn't quite one hundred percent at it. As he skids to a stop, Garth lifts his left hand and splays the fingers wide. Almost theatrically, he closes the hand into a first as the air about it shimmers with heat and then a flame wraps about his gloved flesh, sheathing Garth's limb in the red glow of flame. "Begone." He commands. The flame dances about his hand and then garth raises it to allow the magic flame to harmlessly shoot up about ten feet in a display of raw mystical power. The fire writhes in its jet for a second. "Or face the flames of the Atlantis before the fall."

fTempest does angle himself as he speaks, trying to position his form between the cherubs and the man with the briefcase at least.

Phobos has posed:
    "What, are you kidding me?" Alexander says as he skitters back a step, two. Though now the cherubs look a little less inclined to pursue with Supergirl just flying right there in front of them. But then the young Olympian replies to the Kryptonian, "I'm always the good guy."
    Of course that's when one of those small creatures sort of looks at the others of its ilk, then waits for Supergirl's attention to be on Phobos before he baaaarely draws his bowstring back and plinks an arrow at the back of her head.
    On the street, however, as Garth manifests that eldritch flame, it's the purity of the magic and its subtle strength that is in some ways more intimidating to the creatures, those spiritual manifestations of whomever's will that brought them forth. For his magic is a true magic, and it causes them to gasp and flutter and rush back and forth, their howls of revenge now turning to mewls of petulance and supplication as their little bows fall to the ground, abandoned.

Supergirl has posed:

It is more the sound that gets her attention as the arrow hits Supergirl in the back of the head. It was a little plink as the arrow hits and falls to the ground with a clatter behind and below her.

Supergirl turns slowly around, looking down at the arrow then head snapping up to focus narrowed blue eyes on the four cherubs ahead of her. "Which one of you did that?" she demands loudly.

Her eyes go red, blazing with power and it is as though plasma was leaking out the edges of her eyes, flickering and flaming. "C'mon. Shoot me in the face. Or you do better when shooting at backs? Cause I am about to fry all of you. Enough. You will not endanger anyone else and you will not hurt Phobos. You want to, you go through me. And I am now grumpy."

Tempest has posed:
"You should be ashamed of yourselves." Garth wags his right index finger at the petulant spirits in a very fatherly tone. He doesn't sound mad, just disappointed. "Now. you go on home. Back from whence you came and do not come back." Tempest instructs the spirits, still not raising his voice or seeming angry. "Be on your way." he instructs making a shooing motion with his right hand even as blue energy forms about the hand, and cool air wafts off that hand. Mist from the moisture in the air heating and then rapidly cooling begins to coalesce about Tempest, falling to his feet and pooling into a burgeoning carpet of cool and condensing fog about his booted feet.

His tone is more firm now. "Go. Return from whence you came and do not trouble my person again, or you will know my power and my wrath." Tempest starts to look over one shoulder to see how it is going in the alley way, but it is a quick glance and he cannot see past the corner. "Everyone okay in there, Supergirl?"

Phobos has posed:
    Suddenly the four cherubs that are around the corner are /just/ as discombobulated and petulant as the others that are withstanding Garth's wrath. They drop their little bows and start to flap around, clasping their hands, pleading in their high pitched chittery voices speaking in some sort of early Hellenic language that is Greek-ish, but not quite.
    They gather together as the others that had been cowed by Garth's display rush toward each other and all of them seem to hug each other as if trying to console themselves at being so shocked and chagrined by these angry large people.
    It is hard to understand what they're saying, but they are masterful with their body language clearly trying to convey that they were doing nothing wrong, and now they are being tormented by the big bad heroes. Oh woe is them. Yet at Garth's behest they start to gather up and nod to each other as if they'll see each other some other time. Then their forms take on a wispy quality, flittering away from the imagery that had been chosen for them and then disappearing into faint energy-like sprites before fading entirely from view.
    But Alexander straightens up and grimaces, "See, that's what you get. Messing with me. I got big time friends." Of course it helps they tried it in Metropolis.

Supergirl has posed:
The red fades from Supergirl's eyes as the demonic cherubs drop their bows. Then they all whining and chittering leading her to actually feel bad for scaring them. But they were the ones shooting arrows and endandering people!

"We're good, Tempest."

Then the little cherubs turn into something else and are gone. "Whoa." A shake of the head then she calls. "Come on around, Tempest."

When he does so, she settles her booted feet on the ground, standing for real this time instead of half-hovering.

"Tempest, this is Phobos. Phobos, Tempest."

Tempest has posed:
"We get it." Tempest assures them as they sublimate. "You are not bad, you are simply doing as you were bade. Still, we cannot have this sort of pandemonium loose on the street of Metropolis." Again with the paternal tone. Once he is certain they are gone, his purple eyes sweeping about, Tempest extinguishes his fists.

The Atlantean strides around the corner and looks Supergirl over, making certain she is well. "Any damage?" He looks over towards the other young man. "Any clue why they were after you?" Tempest has a more genial tone. "I'm Tempest. You seem to know Supergirl, is that a metahuman name or more the son of Ares, Fear himself?" He asks, still alert and his head moving a little as if to make for certain the cherubic little horrors are gone. Again, Tempest is casual about this magic and godly thing. Interested and sincere, not in awe.

Phobos has posed:
    "Helloo." Alexander says as he lifts a hand to wave at Garth but then steps forward to stand closer to them both. He offers a handshake to the Atlantean as he smiles a little, perhaps a touch wanly as he murmurs. "It's a small family feud sort of thing." He offers that insight.
    And if his hand is accepted it'll be a nice firm handshake, but not aggressive. Business-like with its three quick pumps and then done. Though it lets him straighten up afterwards and look around, then he tilts his head sidelong.
    "But yeah, Ares is my dad. It's a long weird story that..." He sort of cants his head in Supergirls' way and murmurs, "I can't remember if I told you or whatever. But yes. Family stuff."
    That said he rests his hands on his hips. "Appreciate you guys being around. Sort of a nice fringe benefit of being in Metropolis. Usually I spend most of my time in Manhattan."

Supergirl has posed:
"You told me that you were Phobos but we didn't get into all the dirty details, no," Supergirl offers to him as an explanation. It had been kind of a brief meeting. "Were they sent by that one that likes to annoy you? The one you were chasing with as sword?"

Yeah. That happened. She glances at Tempest. "A family member, cousin, something or other, stole from him. I just saw him chasing the guy, thought Phobos was the bad guy at first. It was confusing."

Then back over to Phobos. "Usually there is someone around here to help. I was only passing through this time but Superman spends a lot of time here so likely would've shown up."

Tempest has posed:
His own handshake is both firm and friendly. There is no malice to him at this moment. Again, Tempest simply listens. His jaw softens. Slowly he nods. "Family issues? I can relate. Maybe not quite to yours, but I can relate. Phobos, are you in trouble? Do you need help?" He flicks his gaze to Supergirl. "Have you got someplace you can go? I mean, if we leave you to this, are those things going to show back up? Or are you usually okay?" Tempest is obviously fishing. "I mean? the Olympians can be a hassle." His tone is not laughing, but it sounds like he might have a little experience.

Phobos has posed:
    "Parnus, maybe." Alexander answers Supergirl's question, "I don't know. Probably?" Which might be a damning answer in and of itself to be fair. But the blond-haired deity slides his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans, shifting his weight back on his sneakers as he looks between the two of them. "But really, appreciate the help. I was vaguely worried about, you know, collateral damage. But I'm trying to keep a semi-low profile. Which, yeah, can be difficult."
    Then to Supergirl he lifts a hand, "I'm just here to go to the circus, weird that we met each time I've come out this way. Fate and all that." Which, for some reason, makes his lip twitch a little as he turns his gaze back to Garth.
    "I should admit to you I am envious of your magical talent." The young man says thoughtfully, eyes lowering to the gear the man wears. He bite his lower lip then looks back up and murmurs, "Oh I'm... I mean fine. I think it might have something to do with my cousin feeling like this is his turf for some reason? I'm only here for the weekend then back to the city." Which 'The City' means Manhattan assuredly.
    "But I appreciate the concerns I can usually handle things. I was..." He shifts his weight onto his back foot and gestures down the way, "Sorta heading for that alleyway, then up towards the roof to try and get some room to handle them. But meh, lucky you guys came along."

Supergirl has posed:
"Yes, Parnus. That was the name. Over a thousand and likes to bother you for some reason. And teleports when confronted." She remembers that part well.

"He does seem able to handle himself," Supergirl confirms. "He was doing well the last time. Also has some metahuman stuff. Well, guess that's godly stuff instead of metahuman. Or alien. Or Atlantean. Or whatever."

She dismisses that as the not important part.

"You came here to go to the circus?" She caught that. And it seemed odd for a grown man to be following a circus. "Is this like peanuts on the floor and animals in the rings or one of those artsy ones?"

Tempest has posed:
"That Big T? It's ours? er.. Mine? My team's. It is our headquarters." Garth fumbles it. "I'm the leader of the Titans." He fishes in his belt and comes up with a laminated card. His Royal Highness Garth, Prince of Shayeris, Ambassador of Atlantis, Poseidonis with a string of contact information. Garth presses the card towards Phobos. "It really? it's just awful to be alone." He says succinctly, not a clue that he might be construed as flirting with the other young man. "You might have friends with us. If you decide you want friends to help you with your family issues, in exchange for helping those friends with their own troubles, give me a call. We will arrange some meetings. See if you like what we are about? See if it is a purpose and a challenge that suits you?" Tempest shrugs his shoulders. "Or don't." His smile is sincere. "Consider it." Supergirl's say so was enough for Tempest.

Phobos has posed:
    "Artsy," Alexander says off-handedly, but then his brow lifts as his eyes distance a little. "Though I think they do have an elephant." But for now that's all she gets out of him about the circus as he shifts his weight to the other Chuck Taylor sneaker.
    "The big T? The building?" Accepting the card his hazel eyes lower to consider it and he reads, eyebrows lifting slowly as his head bobs a few times. Then he smiles a little and meets Garth's gaze. "Oh hey, that's a kindness. Thank you." A look is given to Supergirl as he holds up the card to show it to her then looks back at it.
    "I mean, this is nice of you. But man, I sorta come with a lot of baggage." The way he says that it's in a warm pleasant way, self-deprecating assuredly in one way but honest in another.

Supergirl has posed:
"Everyone has baggage." That's how Supergirl sums it up. She glances at the card as it is shared by Phobos, quickly scanning and committing it to memory. Then a glance back to Garth.

"You're a prince? You didn't mention that before. I mean, not that it matters matters but it is kind of cool."

Focus, Kara. You're being odd. "I'm a member of an almost extinct species. He's apparently a prince with magic powers who will someday be a King." She pauses. "Okay, not sure what the downside is there but I'm sure there is one!" Back to the pep talk! "So we all have our things. And maybe we can help each other cope with those things better. You can't always pick your family but your friends and teammates you can."

Tempest has posed:
"Well. Uhm. We have a space princess. Maybe two." Tempest slants Supergirl a little side-eyed look. "A vigilante from a lineage of them, and an Atlantean prince who might be the doom of his people and was therefore left out for the fish to eat because he has purple eyes?" Tempest lifts his brows, which shows off said purple eyes. "This is not a contest or anything. Baggage is sort of what we are, Phobos." Garth makes a little gesture of negation with his left hand, as if urging Phobos to forget that is even a thing.

"Don't make up your mind. Take some time when you have the time to think it over and call the embassy. I'll make certain they are expecting the call and will schedule you, and I'll give you a tour?" Garth offers his right hand again in a firm clasp.

Tempest rolls his shoulders in a shrug at Supergirl. "I thought you were a Kryptonian Space Princess?" He sounds confused. "Not that it matters?" his lips quirk in a self-deprecating smile. "The water control and the ability to command the denizens of the ocean? Those are the signs of royal blood. Add to it my magical affinity and other little traits? It.." How to say this? He considers. "It's complicated. Ask me sometime to explain it all, and I will."

Phobos has posed:
    "And I'm an anthropomorphic manifestation of the collected psychic zeitgest of the human race personified in a being representative of an abstract concept." The youth looks at them and then spreads his hands, "Just... I don't..."
    Alexander lifts a hand to rub the back of his neck after he pockets that card and keeps it on hand. "I don't exactly run around and do the hero thing. But yeah sure," He nods to Garth, "I'll take some time and we can chat, and hang out." He looks at Supergirl and bobs a nod in her direction then back to Garth.
    "Oh hey..." He slides a phone out of his back pocket and frowns, "Speaking of the circus, I gotta get over there. You guys would be welcome to come if you wanted. I could get you tickets." And with that he's already sort of moving back to the main street and off the side street. Though he stops beside that fallen garbage can lid to /snap/ one of the arrow shafts off of it and pockets that. "Anyways..."

Supergirl has posed:
"No, I'm definitely not a princess. Not even close." Supergirl has to giggle at the concept, it's so odd. Certainly someone might have thought it but it's still not true. "Maybe being royal yourself with a teammate who is a princess has skewed your preception."

As Phobos goes to make his departure, she takes that as her cue as well. "I need to get going. Got homework for class in the morning." And there is the side of her that is so at odds with what she is.

"Tempest, thank you for the offer and I think I'll take you up on it. I'll get with you later for more information on how I'll fit in."

Then a glance at the young man making his exit. "Tickets would be nice. I love a circus. As long as it isn't one of those ones that'll make me blush in which case no thanks." Which ones would make her blush? That's for him to guess. "Until next time you are dealing with crazy cherubs, Phobos."

Tempest has posed:
"Phobos? That's perfect." Tempest says, his smile a quick flash of pearly teeth and warm emotion. "Even if it is just to hang out. I? do not have a lot of friends who live in the same number of worlds as I. Metaphorical worlds, I mean. Just call if you want. I cannot attend a circus; I have a party to continue to make arrangements for and diplomats to deal with. Enjoy yourself." He simply hands Supergirl one of his cards."No. You hold yourself like a princess." his shoulders move in a shrug. "But, you are right. What do I know about surface culture, let alone Kryptonians." His smile is another flash of pearls and warmth.

Phobos has posed:
    With that Alexander spreads his hands and says, "Alright, catch you guys later!" He turns and starts to head back down the street after lifting a hand in a wave. How will he get those tickets to them? Probably a call to Garth who can distribute if needs be. But the future shall see!