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Latest revision as of 20:58, 2 October 2020

Telling Xio A Tale....
Date of Scene: 02 October 2020
Location: Shannon's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Xio gets wind of something amiss with Jeremy, and visits Shannon in her dorm to find out more. She gets quite an earful, as well as a cup of hot cocoa!
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Aegis

Nightingale has posed:
     Rumors tended to run rampant amongst teens in close quarters. Some were true, some weren't. Among the most recent ones that seemed to be making the rounds were that Shannon had somehow gotten herself put on light duty again--and something was up with Jeremy. And where one of the two were found, the other usually was not far behind!

     The winged teen is, in fact, resting up in her dorm, a pair of earbuds in her ears, her phone playing back some soothing music. She's in her favorite two-piece pink satin pajamas, and barefoot for once. Her door is slightly ajar, should any of her friends want to drop by--though that was fairly rare.

Aegis has posed:
Shannon was one of those people everyone talked to. It was a fact that seemed to be known around the school. Even for the newer residents there.

Jeremy was acting weird. Weirder than normal. Which was a problem for Xio. She didn't like changes in behavior because it usually meant something had happened. And considering the life Jeremy had before this school, she wanted to know what it was.

Thus, here she was knocking on Shannon's door. Xio was still on the outside, the new kid with the attitude problem. The rumors abounded about her past and what she had done, that she was a criminal. She didn't really care. It wasn't false. Just the variety of things she had supposedly done was pretty amusing for her.

She knew Shannon, who knew everything, was friends with Jeremy, the weirder than ever who wasn't talking. Thus, time to go to the source of all knowledge.

There was a knock on the open door then Xio peeking her head in. She was in yoga pants, sneakers, and a plain v-neck t-shirt in white which was a little baggy. "Hola, got a minute?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Hearing the knock at her door, Shannon pops her earbuds out and listens. Finely arched golden brows flick upwards in surprise--Xio wasn't a normal visitor to her dorm. There's an audible wince as she moves to get up from her bed, her footfall a bit slower than usual as she makes her way to the door. "Xio... no problem, come on in!" Her own color is a little bit 'off', but she does smile. "What's going on?"

Aegis has posed:
"Sorry to interrupt. I won't be long," Xio promises as she pushes the door fully open so she can step just into the room. Not too far. Just a little bit, not wanting to invade her space. She already scanned the halls and they have some privacy.

"Jeremy is acting weird. Staying in his room, not talking. Not answering texts. Was trying to get with him about something." That didn't need a paper/text trail. "Is he sick or something?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "You're not interrupting anything. I was just listening to some music." Shannon smiles a little bit. "I've got an electric kettle I could put on for some cocoa or tea if you like?"

     Her frown echoes that which can be neard in Xio's voice, lines appearing between her brows. She crosses her arms and sighs lightly, wincing at the motion of her abdomen. "He's been a little 'off' since a run-in with another student. Aerin. The one with the purple metal hair. She was pretty rude to him yesterday." Rubbing her temples, the winged teen grimaces. "I've dealt with some pretty difficult sorts but there's only one so far I've come to truly dislike, even if I also learned to respect them in the end. Her... I don't like very much, either."

Aegis has posed:
"Run in?"

With Xio's life, that means a lot more than it might to an average person. Even normal people that doesn't have a positive connection. It's always negative. Sometimes negative with physical but she is sure she'd have heard if there was a fight on campus.

Course, with as gingerly as Shannon is moving, maybe she missed the rumor.

"What kind of run in? And is that why you are acting like you have a cracked rib or something?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "No, I had to heal a stab wound on someone out in the field today. Medics have me on light duty for a couple days while I heal up from it." Shannon inches her pajamas top up just barely enough so the edge of a fairly decent-size gauze dressing can be seen taped to her abdomen. "Completely unrelated to the thing with Aerin."

     It's odd for her to speak unfavorably of anyone, but this one has her looking as if she'd eaten a sour lemon. "She was first not very pleasant about his choice of hair color... the purple looks rather good on him, by the way... but then she had to call into question his morals when he offered to help Tabitha with a trip to the salon to experiment with some different hair colors, insinuating that money he'd get would be through... improper means." A few colorful oaths in various languages--Spanish included--drop from her lips.

     "That... that...." Her voice trails off, as now her own blood is boiling. "...had the nerve to essentially question him, and insinuate that he was a bloody /thief/, and then a /liar/ by expressing skepticism about the means by which he acquires his funds."

Aegis has posed:
"Damn, hope you feel better soon. That looks like it hurts," she comments when she sees the bandages.

As more information is shared, she contemplates. A few details going through her head. "So, she has the right to judge people's color choices on their hair? When she has metal hair. That is purple. Sounds pretty hypocritical."

She nibbles at her bottom lip a moment and then frowns. "This puta gonna make me get myself expelled," she muttered under her breath then looked more closely at Shannon.

"Wait, she implied he was a thief? Does she even know him? At all? Or she just making assumptions because he happens to have access to so much with his powers?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Thanks... it'll heal up in a few days. I might soak up people's injuries to heal them, but I heal fast myself." Shannon lets the edge of her pajama top drop, settling in place to cover up the bandages.

     As she's moving to get her little electric teakettle filled up from the sink in the bathroom, she grimaces. "Yeah, that's pretty well what it boils down to. I get it if she's sick of purple and she has difficulty dyeing her own hair because of its physical composition. Really can't damn her for that. But she didn't have to snark off to Jeremy about his choice."

     The kettle is set down on one of the little side tables, plugged in, and a switch flipped to start the water heating--which pretty well echoed her own mood at the moment, her temper slowly coming to a boil as she continues. "And then just because he has access to so much with his gifts, and does a lot of good with them... okay, yeah, he sees /things/. Things that'd make most people run for the hills. But he uses his gifts to good ends. I've seen some of what he does and damned if I'm not proud of him. Yet Aerin pretty well implied he was stealing the money he gets, when he earns it fair and square helping out around here."

Aegis has posed:
"I know he gets information. But I've found he is responsible with it. Going by the rumors around this place, not a single person has gotten my past right when they talk about me. And I know he is aware of what I've done," Xio says as she shakes her head.

"Yeah, that cup of hot chocolate would be great. Tell me more what she did. Cause I may end up having to...talk to her."