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(Punisher comes by with some news for Nick. Others come by with gunfire)
(No difference)

Revision as of 03:47, 20 October 2020

Digging Up The Past : Revelations
Date of Scene: 09 October 2020
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo, Claridge's, Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Punisher comes by with some news for Nick. Others come by with gunfire
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Punisher

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Friday evening sets and the work week comes to a close for many, plenty of people are off doing their own things. Some are going out to eat. Some are going clubbing. Wade's got a late recording session he's got to monitor. No big surprise there.

Nick, oddly enough, none of those things planned. Through some miracle he hasn't been booked for any gig tonight. The pianist at the Blue Lady hasn't had any incidents lately so no last second emergency call overs there and the recording for his newest album has been finished. So all that's left is to rest up for the eventual promotions, film schedule, and touring.

He rests on the sofa, looking through a large bound booklet. All in all. Boring.

Not much has changed since the last time Frank has been there. The building Nick's been in is rather quiet. It ususally is. He got some new neighbors taking over the place next doors. They also got a new doorman. But other than that and some maintenance work about a week ago, the building is just quiet.

Punisher has posed:
Then... there's a knock. It's not loud, but it's firm.

There's been no announcement by the doorman or anyone else. Just... out of the blue.

Knock Knock, at the door.

When Nick opens it, the Punisher is in full regalia and gear web. Despite the 'socialness' of the whole scene, the way he's outfitted for a war is a blatant contradiction. "Hey Kid. We gotta talk." The Punisher grates out.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances up from the booklet at the knock, giving a frown. He gets up, closing the booklet before sliding it underneath the sofa cushion. No one asked to be buzzed up so maybe it was one of the neighbors? He pads over, but upon looking through the peep hole, he mutters a curse.

He takes a deep breath, opening the door quietly, brow arching to the man in Punisher attire. There's a pause before he steps back. He doesn't invite Frank in persay, but... he's not blocking the door either. Probably better not to have him just standing out there. Neighbors tend to talk and he'd rather not have to explain this.

He tilts his head to the side, bringing his left hand up to rub at his temple. Knew it was too quiet.

Punisher has posed:
To be fair to Nick, he wouldn't have asked for permission anyway. They were on the same page about the watchful eyes. He didn't want a confrontation with the police anymore than Nick did.

Instead, he moves to sit on the table, and folds his arms. "Good news. I found your mother's killer and dealt with a whole bunch of complications around that. Bad news, things were not exactly as I thought they would be. Your life just got a whole lot more complicated." The Punisher grates, subtly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick keeps an eye on Frank as he closes the door. Locking it. Annnnd after a thought, setting a couple of the interior bolts in place. Just in case Wade decides to come home early. As Frank has taken a seat at the table, the musician wanders over towards the counters of the kitchen area. Back to the cabinetry, facing Frank.

Unlike Frank, he doesn't fold his arms, instead keeping them down. Free to move but not in a position to be considered challenging. At the mention of his mother's killer he blanks out.

"You found him?" He asks, seemingly not hearing the rest of what Frank said.

Punisher has posed:
"I did." Frank confirmed. He's seem enough psychological shock to recognize Nick hyper focused. You don't become an expert interrogator by ignoring such signs.

Instead, he waits for Nick to process how he wills.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Getting the confirmation, Nick's attention seems to drift, glance shifting to the skull on Frank's chest, eyes not focusing. There's a slight quirk to the side of his lip, curling upwards, almost remeniscent of the elder Drago. But as the eyes start to focus, the expression fades as the image reminds him what that probably means. "Is he-?"

Punisher has posed:
"He's dead. He was down in Florida, believe it or not. I'll spare you the details unless you ask for them. Suffice to say the man is not living anymore." The Punisher confirms. "You don't get to be as much of an asshole as he was and walk away breathing from me. He deserved everything he got."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well...murdering someone is assholish." Nick allows. Possibly a joke but the facial expression doesn't seem to indicate any actual humor found in the statement he just said. He pauses. "What is his name?"

Punisher has posed:
"Malcom Moretti." The Punisher replies, simply. He had a lot of information to dump... but there was no rush, after all.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The first name doesn't do anything but upon the last name, the musician's head cocks aside in recognition. Hard to forget some names with the right amount of motivation. "Moretti? Like Dennis Moretti?"

Punisher has posed:
"Long story. Suffice to say things haven't gone that well for Dennis. He might warrant a visit later, but right now that isn't important." Punisher notes.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick furrows his brow, cocking his head aside in confusion..."Okay, well..." He pauses, "What is, then?" He thinks there was something else beyond what he stopped on that was getting mentioned. But he's not sure what.

Punisher has posed:
"The killer is dead, but it's not for the reasons you thought they were. A DEA deal was made and Moretti was in witness protection for a very long time." The Punisher continues. Rather than info dump, the Punisher is allowing Nick to adjust on his own time.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's backside smacks into the side of the counter as he leans back slightly in reaction, left hand lifting to rub at the back of his head. "What?" He shakes his head, "They knew?" The hand slides down the back of his head slightly, lacing fingers through the long hair, glance shifting away from Frank as he seems to instead fixate on a point on the floor.

Punisher has posed:
"They knew where he was the whole time. It was a classic 'use the small fish to testify against a bigger fish' play." Punisher points out, "It's useful... but there's no justice for you in that. He escaped punishment for his crimes until I came into it."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick closes his eyes, chest rising slowly as he takes a deep breath. His arm moves, momentarily casting the shadow of a line on the raised forearm before he shifts, letting go of his hair to lower the arm quickly. Hand balling up to smack the lower cabinet with a balled up fist. The wood of the door gives a loud bang in protest to the brutality.

He stills, before letting out the breath he took in. "...What was so God damn important for them to just ignore her?"

Punisher has posed:
The Punisher knows that rage well. It's what put him into this war. It's why he /wages/ this war. That frustration against a system that has gone unchallenged for so long it's almost mechanical now... with very little empathy for those actually affected by it's decisions.

Unlike most though... The Punisher did something about it... and has been for years.

"It was less ignoring, and more they wanted to take down another syndicate... not caring that all they're doing is bandaging the wounds, not actually dealing with the root. It was a cover up." There's a moment as the Punisher watches Nick, "I was initially not gonna tell you any of this... but after I've actually seen all the bullshit surrounding it? Yeah, fuck that. You deserve to know the truth. You are not a statistic."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's eyes open, head turning to look to Frank, "There's more? What the hell else is there?!"

Punisher has posed:
"Your father was undercover. I got him out." The Punisher states, simply. There was really no way to be easy about that one, so he just makes it simple.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Ok. If there was anything Nick was expecting. It wasn't that. There's a twitch to his right eye as he tilts his head back, dumbfounded. "-What?"

Punisher has posed:
"I get the impression he got in too deep and they found him to be too useful to give him an exit strategy. I'm in the process of handling that now, but I wanted to prepare you for the storm that was coming." The Punisher calmly explains.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"You're kidding ri-" Nick pauses, noting the expression on Franks face. "...You're not." See? He's learning. "But, that doesn't make any sense. He'd hav-" He shakes his head, "I'm twenty eight." Nick states, stated age not at all reflected in his physical appearance. "How in the world does someone do that for that long?"

Punisher has posed:
"By not being given a choice. Your father was another statistic in their 'undercover' machine. Then 9/11 happened. I don't think they ever went beyond 'it's for the greater good' in their reasoning. They wanted results for the PR. They didn't care they were tearing your family apart to do it." The Punisher grunts, "It's so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if they got you under surveillance by this point after the mess I made of their operations."

That calm expression turns icy, "I'm half expecting them to use you as bait to try to bring me in after what I did, but that would mean admitting to you they were involved."

The implication of coming in here armed for a war would lend credence to that. Frank can't honestly be expecting to need all that firepower in his gear web for a social call for Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's eyes widen of the suggestion of him being under surveilance. "What?" He steps away from the counter, moving towards the end of the bathroom extension that obscures the view of the window. Finding the curtain closed, he looks to Frank. "About how long ago did you piss them off?" He pauses, "Well...involving this?"

He moves over to the desk, pulling open a drawer to tug out a few of the contents. Putting a bagged envelope back in before sorting through the rest. A few more get chucked in after the bag before he ends up with just one in hand.

Punisher has posed:
"In the last month." Punisher replies. "Dealing with Savio required a /lot/ of planning. A few of the agencies involved refused to play ball, so I had to figure them out the hard way."

He stands up, his posture one of a viper waiting to strike as he moves towards the window, pressing his body up against the side of it as he whispers into his commlink. "Micro, update. They've had enough time to see me."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns, not really liking the information as he opens up the letter, checking the date. "They decided on the maintenance work about three weeks ago."

"They know you're there." Microchip responds back. "Found their feed. Doorman's in the lobby eyeing the hallway door and it looks like Drago's new neighbors are in the hallway outside of the condo to the right of the door. Ours are picking up a few potentials outside the main entance and the fire doors. About a block over heading straight. They also have a couple entities hanging out on each corner of the building. Seems they're waiting for you to leave. first. Window has the least obstacles. Also the straightest shot to the park."

Punisher has posed:
"Kid. Find a safe place. This entire building is about to turn into a warzone." Punisher grates out, matter of factly, to Nick.

Then, for the first time, Nick gets an up close view of the Punisher prepping his gear. SPAZ-12 is checked, pistols are checked, grenades are double checked, and an anchor point is taken from his utility pouch, and the sounds of drilling can be heard as it secures itself against the window frame, in case a quick exit is required and a rappel is called for.

Then, he takes the SPAZ-12, idles it against his chest, and looks to Nick. "I'm about to put a couple people in the hospital, and your apartments about to get lots of non-lethals fired."

"Micro, gonna kick out the door. Adjust the remote for a gas grenade the second the door is open." As he finishes speaking, he grabs a gas mask from his gear web and slips it on.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to Punisher. Muttering a curse before he moves over to the sofa, grabbing a bookbag from the side before he moves towards the bathroom area, closing the door shut. Studio condos don't give many hiding places. So the tub seems the best option. Also, probably won't hurt to Phantasm as well. Nope. Not his fight and he's not about to out himself for this guy or a group of people who apparently confined one of their own to a roll.

'On it, Frank.' Outside, hidden away a launcher makes a slight whrr of adjustment while a their own feed monitors the situation.

Punisher has posed:
Silently, the Punisher walks over to the door outside... then, with just enough of his strength to daze the man about to be hit by said door, he kicks it over. Splinter no doubt fly, and the Punisher immediately stops to the side, allowing the grenade to fly true.

"Can't walk away from this one, Microchip. These morons intentionally left their own for me and now think they can just grab me. I'm gonna have to give them a painful lesson."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:

Unobstucted by the window that was opened by Punisher earlier, the canster flies true, downward arc causing for it to sail through most of the condo itself unobstucted. The back of one of the kitchen chairs causes for the canister to make a pink sound as it starts to spin out the door into the hallway.

The man who got hit by the remnants of the door has not much time to process as the gas starts to errupt. Unfortunately for him, HE's not wearing a mask. There's the start of a cough as he tries to reel back but instead he ends up stumbling. Landing on his back and blacking out.

So much for one neighbor. The companion to that man however, is far enough down the hallway to be able to kick the fire door open, allowing for air to get inside. The alarm that typically would go off at this point has apparently been disabled. Seems they don't want others to get into the hallway unecessarily as well. Her gun raises, "PUT YOUR HANDS UP."

How cute.

Punisher has posed:
"TELL YOUR BOSSES THEY'RE IDIOTS WHEN YOU WAKE UP!" Punisher shouts back, still within the condo itself as he waits for her reply. "FEEL FREE TO CALL FOR BACKUP, YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT!"

Taunting the woman into coming closer will let him take her out easier. If not? There's always more grenades.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The woman remains at the fire exit, firearm still aimed at the open doorway where her partner is slumped over "I SAID. PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND COME OUT!" The woman makes no move to go for her radio and instead maintains a watchful eye on the doorway. How on earth is this going to help her situation?

Well for one the fire door is open. And two, her voice carries like a banshee.

From the doorway leading to the lobby, the doorman pops through, closer to the open condo door, gun drawn. "GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR NOW!"

Punisher has posed:
Instead of answering, the Punisher takes out a mirror device and uses his free hand to move it just enough to get a look around the corner, testing the angles to find the two newcomers. Going out there blind was a Bad Idea... and he needed to get the room to move around.

Once he locks in both positions, the mirror is replaced in his gear web... and the Punisher takes a breath, focusing.

Suddenly, he twists around, moving out into the open, and aims for one, then the other, with bean bag shells. Once both shells are off, he twists back towards the other side of the doorway.

Given the close quarters, it's unlikely he missed... but he did just produce two gigantic bangs from a combat shotgun.

No doubt the rest of the ambush will have heard that... as will Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
'One of the guys in back just went to the fire door. Two are going into the lobby.' Microchip warns

Frank's planning does pay off as the woman near the fire door goes down first while th one in the lobby door ends up falling down next. However as she falls down the firedoor swings open and another comes running in, lining up and blasting off a solitary shot towards Frank. Being that the *ahem* polite requests for Frank to surrender were ignored it appears shooting back is on the table now. There's the sound of people entering into the lobby from the front door as well.

Punisher has posed:
The shot misses, with his dodging, but that doesn't matter. What matters is clearing out the front so he can get some breathing room. "See any on the street yet?" Frank asks Microchip in a whisper, a possible plan forming in his head for a flank. "I'd rather not stay here. We don't know which agency ordered this, they might have SWAT level tech."

As he finishes speaking, be turns out the combat and begins to blindfire it out in an arc. It's doubtful he'll hit anything, but he'll at least give them something to keep in cover from.

It's also really, /really/ loud.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Frank shoots back the man who shot at him first the man ends up darting to the side, popping out of view. It appears the 'new neighbors' left their condo door open.

'It looks like they're expecting you to make a grand exit out the front. Cars are coming up over there. The fire door opposite of the one already open appears to be watched by just one person.' Microchip points out. 'Door swings to the left opening. Guard is that way too. He's positioned to also have line of sight of the condo window.'

There's a pause. 'I don't think this is DEA. There's no sign of activity on their channels.'

Punisher has posed:
"Then we need to find out who this is. Which means we need to tap their comms and check IDs." Punisher replies. "Any chance I can just grenade their cars to create some noise and disable their transports, or are they too close for collateral?" Punisher asks, keeping alert for anyone else charging his position.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I'm looking into it, " Microchip replies, "The cars might be too close. Looks like those are the closest to barriers they got at the moment.

As Punisher waits, another person peers through the entry way to toss a canister at Punisher's doorway. Thick smoke starts errupting from it.

The person who ducked into the condo appears to be quiet.

"There's a curse over the commlink. Frank, It's DHS."

Punisher has posed:
Smoke? Even better. Thermal goggles are taken from the gear web and placed, and the Punisher uses the screen to scan the hallway a bit easier. "Makes sense. They're always arrogant enough to think they control everything." Punisher replaces the two spent beanbag shells in his SPAZ, and begins to walk out into the hallway, starting a systemic sweep and clear pattern as he kicks in doors and uses the smoke to his advantage.

"This is gonna turn into a shitshow for them. I hope I embarrass them nationally."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Punisher makes his way out of the condo there's a blast coming from behind him. A mix of drywall, wood and a few patches of brick flump downwards, combined with the crashing of music equipment. A booted foot kicks at the remnants of the newly formed hole between studios. Scattering across the studio floor.

At the blast, the figure who threw the smoke canister starts coming forward in the hallway. Their own goggles on as they get ready to shoot.

Nick has. In all honesty been pretty good about the 'get down' instructions coming from the man loaded down with non-leathal weapons. And honestly, he was very tempted to sit this whole one out. But at the sound of the VERY CLOSE explosion, Nick mutters a curse. This is not a simple leaving the building thing and it's blatantly obvious, SOMEONE is not using non-leathal force here. The musician gets up, backpack already on before he fades from view. Preferences aside, this isn't something that can be ignored.

Punisher has posed:
And so the gunfight starts in earnest.

Blast after blast of beanbag ammo begins to fire down the hallway at the incoming agents as the Punisher begins to fire, a raging battle cry sounding as he starts his warpath. "COME GET ME, ASSHOLES!"

He's already heading for a new door frame as the explosion from behind gets his attention, "Micro, flashbang where that explosion came from. Don't need the flank."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
'On it.' Microchip replies back, keying up a few commands. But, as he's about to execute, an odd thing happens to the person coming through the wall. They step through. But immediately stumble backwards, smacking into the side of the wall. 'What the hell?' Well. Can't really take the time to get to know what did that. So- He hits the key.

FWOOMP! Another canister comes in, not going as far as the gas grenaded as earlier. Smacking into the wall across from the bathroom, ricochets, bouncing into the bathroom door before landing right there. A loud explosion of light and sound. Unseen, but unfortunately in the area of the flashbang, Nick gives a startled yelp as he backpedals through several objects before smacking a stray cymbal.

The figure who shot at Punisher first gets knocked back by a round, gasping for a breath as the accompanying man pops out, shooting towards Punisher. The decision to take time to aim is not taken this time around. But being there's only two condos behind Punisher and they're... free of innocents. Whoever owns the main building is NOT going to be happy with the extra ventilation.

'I can't see what but something knocked down the one in the condo and reacted to the flashbang.'

Punisher has posed:
One round actually hits the left side of his vest and the Punisher hisses slightly as he's /SLAMMED/ into the doorframe instead of slipping into it. That's gonna bruise.

Still he knows where that shot came from, and the Punisher is already twisting back out of the door to spend a couple more shells where the agent is. "I'm callin' it. Micro, bring in the milspec recon drone and get me a full thermal of the building. Sounds like a meta got involved, which means this isn't just about DHS anymore."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
'Got it.'

Hidden further away from the building a panel to the top of a van opens up, allowing for a drone to take to the sky.

OOMPH! Well, if the visual of Punisher getting hit back was satisfying, that would be about the only satisfaction the one who shot him gets as he doesn't get hit with a shell. But he manages to get hit by both.

'Frank, They're converging. the one in back is running round to get into the open fire door. The one he was watching is clear. You got six more coming into the lobby. Window or the closed door are your best options.'

The person in the condo starts to stir briefly only for their head to jerk up and for them to fall back down out cold.

Punisher has posed:
"Gonna try to flank around through the alleyway and hit those in the lobby from behind. Keep me informed of any flankers." The Punisher whispers as he heads for the window of the condo he's in, silently opening it as he heads out, moving for the lobby entry.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Punisher makes his way over to the window, Phantasm shifts over, running through the wall into the bathroom.

'Okay...' There's the betrayal of a sigh coming from Microchip. The drone launched from the battle van comes over, pulling Microchip's attention over to it as it gets a clearer view of what's going on. 'Ok we got two si- three signatures in the condo you're at. A few more residents on the upper levels but they're making no motions. You got six coming in the lobby. The back end guy is going for the open firedoor. You won't run into anyone if you go up the alley to your right, facing out the window.'

The door to the Lobby swings open as several armed persons enter in, guns ready and sweeping the room for any threats.

Punisher has posed:
The Punisher is already heading into the alleyway, jumping out into a roll before making a combat ready sprint to the entry of the building...

But not before placing a proximity activated gas grenade just near the window, in case anyone comes inside and tries to investigate. "I'm almost insulted they didn't even bring in SWAT."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
'Well, they bring in SWAT they probably would have more questions to answer.' Microchip responds, 'And they're going to have enough to answer when this hits the news.'

It is one big circular cluster of chaos. With Punisher hopping out of the window and going around, the agents who have already entered the lobby are finishing up their check of the lobby. Three of them stay behind, spreading out while the other three make their way into to the hallway. The man who abandoned his position from earlier? He enters in to the hallway from the open firedoor.

'Three are in the lobby, four in the hallway.'

Nick, being settled back in the bathroom, moves back into position, ducking down into the tub. There's a momentary sigh of relief at the quiet in the condo.

Punisher has posed:
There's no loud battle cry. No blundering. There's no attempt at getting them to surrender. There's only the silent opening of the lobby entry moments before the Punisher takes in the situation, moves to cover, and begins to methodically try to take down all three agents from behind as quickly as possible.

The first two should be easy enough... it's the next one that will be the wildcard, having gotten time to react.


Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As they were spread out it did indeed give the third person to react. It is very hard seeing your companions flying back with the force of the hit. The man turns, gun turning with him as he takes a shot. Feet already starting to move to try and avoid Frank's shot.

Hearing the blast, two of the men in the hallway turn, going back into the lobby, guns starting to shoot once they get visual on Punisher. As for the remaining men in the hallway, they check on the other agents lying down before moving towards the condo.

'Two from the hallway are going back in the lobby. The other two are going into the condo.' Microchip relays.

Punisher has posed:
Ignoring Microchip, the Punisher ducks down again, this time grabbing a flash and gas grenade, and tosses them with just enough force to stop just in front of the hallway... and near to where the third man was.

He was quickly running out of grenades... but they had plenty of supplies for them... there were always more on the market.

"Why the fuck are they going into the condo after those booms? Someone must be giving orders." Punisher muses as he blindfires the shotgun again right after the flash goes off, trying to aim for the hallway.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"GA-" The third man's shots halt as he ends up looking away from the sudden blinding light. The turn doesn't quite halt as he soon loses his mobility, falling to the ground, out cold. One of the persons entering in to the lobby turns out to have horrible timing as they too end up getting exposed to the cloud of gas and ends up Dick Van Dyking over an ottoman. The other, was a tad more fortunate and starts to move back, only for the shotgun blast to hit them. It takes a moment but there's another thud.

Off to the condo, the two that enter the condo step over the mess quietly One of them checking on the unconcious teammate on the floor and peeking through the hole in the wall. The second one, moves over towards the bathroom door, trying the handle.

Nick's eyes glance over towards the door. The sound of fighting going on elsewhere making him a bit wary already. The features on his face shift slightly as he taps into his ability.

'Okay, you're down to the two that went into the condo. They're approaching the other heat signatures.' Microchip narrates, pausing. 'One of the signatures vanished.'

Punisher has posed:
"Meta." Punisher notes simply. "I need to interrogate one of these morons. Find me one with a functional commlink. I'm going to say hi to the last two."

With that, the Punisher begins another combat dash over to the condo, even as he replaces the spent shells once more.

Once he's within the door, he unloads into the nearest agent standing... before he twists back into the doorframe yet again.

Time to get up close and personal.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Finding the door locked, the man at the bathroom door points his firearm at it, starting to shoot several times through the door. He gets about two shots in before he ends up jerking to the side from the shots from Punisher, falling to the ground.

'The other one is standing where you hid the first time you were here.' Microchip states, giving Frank a general idea to where the last person is. A blindspot. Unseen due to the presence of the bathroom wall blocking the view from the doorway. The splintered bathroom door from the gunfire seems a bit worse for wear.

Punisher has posed:
Slinging the shotgun, the Punisher immediately charges forward, heading for where the last agent awake is... and he immediately reaches out to grab the wrist of the hand holding the gun, forcing it to one side so it shoots the wall leading outside if he manages to fire.

Then, he takes the other hand, and knocks the gun out of his hand, before his elbow is brought up to neck level and he charges the agent right into the wall behind, pinning the agent to a wall... and holding him there with sheer strength.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The blindspot. Possible source of defense when no one knows you're there. But, it also makes it hard for you to see when someone has the means to accomodate for it. This is the lesson for the last agent. It is a blur. The gun was already angled oddly. "AAurrk-" The response is cut short as the man gets smacked into the wall, knocking the breath out of him. The elbow against his neck, not at all helping.

He gasps, eyes wide for a moment as the fixate upon Punisher before the thought process reboots. The expression darkens, eyes narrowing to a glare as he struggles to get out of the pin.

Nick sits in the tub, wide eyed. Shifting to the side, he glances to the hole in the wall near his head and slides down a bit further. This. Has not been a good day.

Punisher has posed:
"Hello there." The Punisher greets icily... his face has turned icy and neutral as well. "We should chat."

Without bothering to offer a choice, the Punisher brings the man around in a chokehold, controlling his movements as he brings him over to a seat with that's relatively intact. Patting him down for other weapons and tossing them aside, the man is turned around and forced into the chair. "DHS, right?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hands going up to grasp at the hand, the disarmed agent is manhandled into a seat giving a gasping rasp of discomfort as he's pushed down.

Condo torn apart. Wall missing. People shooting randomly into bathrooms. Yeaaaah, this is not a very good place to be. Pretty much done with what's going on. Nick gets out of the tub and rests his hands on the backpack straps. Eyes closing, he simply slips through the tub and floor, ending up in the basement level. He'll just... find a way out from here. Away from the trigger happy people.

Punisher has posed:
Instead of trying to interrogate him, Punisher strips the man of weapons, then grabs his commlink, bringing it up to his ear to listen.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Not really caring about the commlink just yet. The man in Punisher's grasp continues trying to pry off Punisher's hands. Air right now is desired. He tries leaning back to wedge himself out of the grasp.

The commlink is quiet for a few moments before a voice pops over the line. '... D team, have you found B team? '

Now in the basement, Nick glances around, considering his options. There's no reason for them to come down here so maybe he should just wait. But...stray bullets are not fun either. He glances to the stairwell. Of course, neither is actively walking back up to the scene of an active shooting.

Punisher has posed:
The man is choked out suddenly, the Punisher having gotten what he needed from the man. As he goes to the floor, the Punisher hits the transmit button. "Sorry Sir, B team got a whole can of 'the Punisher isn't happy with any of you'. Feel free to send in more teams though. I'm sure they'll appreciate being sent to the hospital."

As he finishes, he hits transmit on his own commlink, "Microchip, trace the signal for the commander. I want a word."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yep. Got it." Microchip replies, typing away as he gives a fixed look to the screen. Head looking to another display. "Seems they're a bit hesitant this time around. Or they're waiting for something."

He snaps his fingers, "Got it. Ok. Putting him on... now."


A rather gruff voice filters over '- Repeat that, you got cut off.'

Punisher has posed:
"Commander Asshole, Sir. team B opened a whole can of 'fuck you', courtesy of my shotgun. If you want to send in anymore teams and be even more of an idiot, I'm waiting." The Punisher icily replies.

It's not bragging. It's not even gloating. This is the Punisher making a fool of the DHS over their own radios.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There's a long pause as the commander is likely turning his head in reaction to look to another. Punisher's not really privy to the details just yet, but there's probably some footage from the drones before the commander speaks once more. 'As much as it'd be nice to just go home and call it a day, we can't do that. Not until you release the civillian.'

Punisher has posed:
"You people are gigantic morons. You're the ones coming in with massive wall breaking explosions, and you want to tell me you care about hostages? This is by far the most incompetent team I've seen, and I've seen some serious fuckups from my time in the corps. Commander Asshole, I told the kid to get into the tub to make sure /you/ don't hurt him.. I'm the Punisher, I don't kill innocents."

The Punisher starts to head for the hallway, to the rooftop, clearing doors and corners as he goes. "I've been using non-lethal and gas. You're the one who just ruined half the condo."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Punisher starts making his way up to the rooftop, he finds his path unobstructed as it appears they're solely focused on the floor the condo is on. There's no immediate move to send more people in as the commander dumbfounded.

Nick should NOT be able to hear the conversation going on upstairs. But do to some sloppy shots there are some listening holes present. Pursing his lips close he jerks his head in a silent curse as he uses his ability to jump BACK through the bathroom floor, landing silently on that level. This is the most IRRITATING evening ever. Easier to explain the tub than the basement apparently.

Punisher has posed:
Taking the door to the rooftop, the Punisher beelines it right for the fire escape. "Bring the Battle Van around to the front. We're going to need to handle the kid another day."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"The front?" Microchip asks, glancing to the screen. Dramatic exit it is then. The van starts moving, zipping from its hiding place towards the embattled residential building. "...Arrival in 30 seconds."

As the van makes as quick an approach as it can without drawing fire. Door opening on one side to allow for a quick entrance in by the time it comes to a rolling stop. Not really stopping, don't mind the van. Just passing through.

Punisher has posed:
A dash into the side at full speed later, and the Punisher is in. "go!" The Punisher barks as he tosses the shotgun to one side. "That went about as well as I expected. I was hoping the condo wouldn't be fucked by all that, but I can't control what those idiots do." Punisher remarks as he watches the back for pursuers. "Are we being followed?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The van door closes as they van peels off. But, surprisingly, no vehicles move their way. Instead the parade continues to be over at the residential building as a final team goes in to the building. A few press vans start pulling up to the scene.