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(Buffy asks Wade what happened at the condo)
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Digging Up The Past : Poor Wade
Date of Scene: 20 October 2020
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Buffy asks Wade what happened at the condo
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Buffy Summers

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With it being the evening after the incident. There's some signs of life back at Claridge's. It's just of the overly cautious variety. While people are allowed in the lobby area, the majority of it has been cordoned off with tape indicating people are only allowed to go from the front door to the hallway. There's also tape in the hallway preventing people from going left down that way.

As for the why? Well, the bullet holes peppering the doorway leading into the condo of one Wade Shaw may be one hint. The additional tape blocking the door, AND the apartment next to it is another.

A rather exhausted Wade Shaw stands at the first round of tape in the hallway, looking over to his own condo door, frowning. He ended up staying in one of the upstairs units last night, being his home was offlimits. And it is quite fortunate he has welcoming neighbors to where he can do such a thing. But, it isn't that much consolation.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had seen the news reports of course, and she was already berating herself for not being there to protect Nick before it happened. She had of course texted and called him several times but no response.

So she came down her eon foot, which is a pain when you dont have a car but she made it all the same. It's frustrating though, with all the police tape everywhere as she continually rings the buzzer to Nick's floor, hoping he's home..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Buffy is both unlucky and lucky at the same time. The unlucky part is that no one on that floor is answering for her. Also there is no doorman at the moment. The lucky part is that the tape that blocks off part of the hallway has Wade standing near the doorway that leads to the Lobby. Within eyesight of the front lobby door.

A lash of movement draws the short haired blonde's attention over to the door. Surprised at the visitor, he walks over, opening the door to let Buffy in. "Nick's not here." Wade states, his tone apologetic.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow as she spots Wade and waves to him, relieved that someone is here at least. She steps in and peers around, about to ask when he answers for her. "Wait, he's not?" she frowns. "Sooo, where is he, is he okay? I dont like this.." Hadn't Nick mentionned some sort of danger surrounding him lately? She blames herself for not following up on it sooner.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I don't know." Wade replies, shaking his head. "I've tried calling him but he's not answering." The frustration is embedded deepy in his tone as he steps further in to the lobby to allow Buffy a bit more space in the confined lobby.

"I know he was at the condo around the time all this was said to have happened." So, I'm guessing he's the one that got taken to a hospital. But no mention of which hospital or any confirmation on who they too in. I've called around but-" He shakes his head, "I don't know what's going on. Or why DHS would be involved."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, pulling out her own phone and checking as she had done several times before. "Yeah, me neither. I don't like this.." she sighs, glancing down the hall. "Okaay, so this gunfight, did it happen in your apartment, or out here in the hall? Were there any clues at all we can go on?" Okay, she's not a detective, but..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Wade's quiet as he looks to the phone as Buffy fiddles with it, glancing up as she speaks to him. A brow arcs. "Clues?" He asks, head tilting back, He shakes his head, "Ok. I only got the briefest of glimpses when I was escorted in to get a change of clothes. There are bullet holes in the hallway around the doorway and some inside the condo. Half of a wall is missing giving a view of the neighboring condo and someone unloaded a couple shots into the bathroom door and floor. Didn't see any blood though." Of course, if there was blood, chances are he wouldn't have been allowed in even to get the clothes. "Either way we can't get in there right now. They haven't released the scene yet."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, "Okay I guess it's up to the police, although I wonder if Karen could shed light on this? But if you're the roomate, you think they'd tell you something a t least?" sh blinks a bit at the description.

"Woow, soo we're talking high calibur bullets, some sort of professional attack. Was there a price on his head or something? I hope they at least have a guard watching the door, assuming he's at the hospital and not kidnapped.." her frown deepens. Yeah, definitely needs to talk to Karen about this.

"Okaay, guess there's nothing more we can do here. I need to make a few calls. Get some rest Wade, I'm sure Nick's okay.." she tries to give him a reassuring smile, patting his shoulder if he'll allow as she glances towards the exit. Few, what a day..