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Thick As Thieves
Date of Scene: 08 October 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, West Side, Burnley
Synopsis: Spike and Catwoman encounter an unlikely ally while tracking down Cat Lady.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Gambit, Ivory, Spike

Catwoman has posed:
It's that weird twilight hour, when the sun seems to rapidly fall beneath the horizon, but shines just enough light in the sky to paint it an eerie violet grey with a hint of gold. On the dock-side warehouse, workers are busy loading large wooden crates into the big building. There are rumours that they hold priceless diamonds though probably blood diamonds at that, being held there for a few days until they can fill the warehouse enough to send them out to the various wealthy jewellers in Gotham, no doubt at least some of them are as tarnished as the diamonds.

Even as the workers start to leave, a shadowy figure watches the process, a large black cat at her side. Somewhere else, another cat-like figure watches the cat duo..

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is meanwhile preforming reconacence of his own. He'd recieved word through one of his contacts about the Blood diamonds, and that Marcus Tello (a general underworld low life with a perchent for donating large sums of money to the FoH and SHAME, was backing a large percentage of the deposit. Well those diamonds would feed allot of hungry mouths in the mutant underground. A Slight smirk tugs at the Cajun's lips. "Shoul' be like takin' candy from a baby..." Which just goes to show two facts. One that Remy is not precognitive, and two he's never actually tried to take candy away from a baby.

Ivory has posed:
    What does Ivory do in the twilight hour, down in the Docks? They are for sure not out for a party, because parties would be loud and not in the dock warehouses. And for sure they are not people-watching either, because the docks are rather devoid of most people. But it's the cat-ivory that is stalking the roofs of the harbor area tonight anyway, a 10 pound creature of white fuzz, shining like a beacon for anyone that might see the magic within. A furball that was out to follow the smell of large cat. What's not to like at a night that pretty much stands under the motto of 'Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell?'

Spike has posed:
     Across the way from Catwoman, on a roof top, Spike takes a drag from a cigarette and exhales thoughtfully as he notes the other cat lady and her cat. He turns his head slightly to the side a little,"Well, well. What have we here?" he mutters unsurprised of course.

     He crosses his arms and lets the cigarette burn between his fingers for a moment,"If it isn't the nasty kitty with her over grown play toy. Look pretty kitty, I'm so incapable of original thought I have to copy a real criminal to get any real cred." he comments to himself, running a monologue of sorts,"We have to get this theft down for your operation you know? That surgery costs, but you'll be less apt to chase the other kitties into the streets after."

     A glower passes over his face and he steps to the edge of the building to note where Selina is in regards to the nasties, mindful of the potential issues there. Glancing back down at the pile on the roof next to him he mutters,"Don't worry kitty. I got a right surprise for your little four legged friend."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman narrows her eyes as she watches the cat duo. She taps her phone, glancing over to where Spike is, tapping in a message for him. <<You in position? Get ready for anything..>> she notices the white cat and frowns. "Careful kitty.." she murmurs but makes no other move, not yet.

And the cat duo dont bother with whoever else is out here tonight. With a graceful leap, both lunge towards the warehouse below, picking the lock on the back door and sneaking in. "Mmm..." the Cat Lady licks her lips as she peers around, "All these beautuful, glittery jewels. All mine!" she grins wickedly and puts her phone to her mouth. "Move out, I'm taking them all, load up!" The front door opens and a group of tough looking thugs come in and start grabbing boxes, getting ready to load them onto some vehicles outside.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau had been just about to make his move when the Cat Lady made her's. He blinks slightly, hellfire eyes narrowing as he watches her by-pass the security on the outer door. Not bad. He decides with a smirk. "Almos' as good as Ah coul' 'ave done." Then he jumps from his own perch, landing not at all far from where the feline femme fatale kindly opened the door for him. "Well dis is awkward," He says casually from behind the woman, though a good 6 feet away. "Ah do 'ate when dese places double book. Completely unprofessional."

Ivory has posed:
    The white cat stops as the ct due springs forward to burge the place, even going so far to use helping hands to start hauling off their loot. The head tilted, feline eyes eye the warehouse, shining as they reflect the light, wandering over the facade. What to do... no phone on them, so calling the police was out... and the nect phone was like out of the harbor. Maybe make a report later? No good trying to fight a so much bigger cat...

Spike has posed:
     Though capable of sword play, Spike rarely indulges in such things. Typically he prefers to beat his opponent senseless. The short sword that he picks up from the roof says tonight isn't exactly a normal night. Taking one last drag, he exhales and flicks the cigarette behind him so as not to draw attention.
     The free hand picks up the stange bundle on the roof top and he tosses it over his shoulder before climbing down the fire escape. He could survive the jump, but who wants to fight with both legs broken? A few moments later he is on ground level and he pauses as the Cajun makes his appearance,"Hello, what have we here?" Again, barely audible.

Catwoman has posed:
The panther demon snarls, crouching and glaring at Remy. The Cat Lady just laughs, snapping her electric whip in front of her warningly. "Back off pretty boy, this loot is mine! Get him!" she barks, and as she backs away into the building, some of her thugs start to rush at Remy, about three of them, shooting at him with guns.

A stray bucket or two might just rush towards the white cat, and Catwoman frowns , dashing towards Ivory, attempting to grab the cat and take it to a safe spot out of the line of fire. "Careful there kitty.." eyes narrow on Remy, not having expected the intruder. But whose side is he on?

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau extends his hand and a long bo staff seems to just pop into existence in it. He spins the staff, seeming to almost deflect the incoming rounds before bringing it down on the wrists of the one nearest him. A spin and sweep with the bo takes out the ankles of the second, both with a bone shattering crack as he ruthlessly and systematically disarms the foes. "See Ah'd 'ave been willin' ta share. But now yah pissed me off." He says annoyed.

Ivory has posed:
    Suddenly picked up, Ivory flails, but doesn't meow loudly like most cats would. The ears swivel. Didn't they know that voice? But for the moment, they stayed silent, trying to get the head turned to try and catch a glimpse on the face of the sudden abductor of white floofy cats. Because one couldn't be too careful if you were not actually a cat and had to pretty much act ro behave like one.

Spike has posed:
     Pale complexion over the black leather makes Spike stand out, even in the dimmer light. He doesn't seem too concerned about the newcomer, but he does raise a brow a fraction at the way he deflects bullets with the long staff. Still, a chance for a distraction. He closes the distance quietly and waits. Not well known to the world as a good tactician...he really is. The enemy sent her pawns and the would be knight dispatched them. Wait for it....

Catwoman has posed:
The thugs are fairly skilled, but Gambit is moreso, easily disarming the first three thugs, although there are dozens more who swarm him now, some with lead pipes or knives as weapons, others keeping their distance as they continue to fire off bullets.

Cat Lady continues to load her loot onto a couple of trucks through large garage doors in the back, the panther demon snarling as he guards his mistress.

Catwoman frowns, setting the cat down somewhere gently, watching the scene unfold. "He's Gonna get himself killed.." and she snaps out her whip, still hidden in the shadows, snagging at some of the thugs, tripping them up, drawing their fire and attention in half between the two of them.

"Hey there's another!" they yell as they spot Spike, and some of them open fire on him too. "Soike! Don't forget our objective!" Catwoman yells.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is actually smiling... no more to the point he is grinning as more and more goons seem to join the festivities. When Catwoman and Spike make their enterences he nods to them quickly in acknowledgement, saying "If Ah'd 'ave known it was gonna be a party, Ah'd 'ave brought beer." Even as he drops another pair of the goons, making sure now to keep some of them between himself and their gun toating allies.

Spike has posed:
     I remember love." he muses aloud and starts to mark the original target. Where is the nasty kitty? Mildly surprised the woman hasn't released it, he turns his attention towards the ones pointing guns at him,"Bollux." he growls and makes himself a little less obvious. Slinging the mass in his left hand he uses it like a whip of sorts to batter the nearby gunmen. Still, a bullet or two find their way,"Bloody hell! I don't care what Angelus says, that's not just like a bee sting. Lousy poofter."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smirks, "Well, we can always celebrate after the loot, hmm?" she purrs playfully before turning back to the goons, continuing to dance and play and slash at them with razor sharp claws, "They sure do t make em like they used to, do they?" still there are a lot of them with a mix of short end long ranged weapons, and they coordinate well, rushing in with blades and clubs before stepping out and mixing it up with guns from a distance.

Meanwhile the thugs at the loading docks are busy loading some of the loot into a van still although things are getting dicey. Cat Lady snarls as Spike rushes through some of the thugs tiwards her and her panther, "Get him!" she yells and with a loud growl, the massive panther demon moves with a blurr of movement, rushing at Spike with powerful fangs and claws, attempting to slash him and pin him to the ground.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau spins his staff around and then drops a pair of cards into his hand from somewhere up his sleave. After a moment they glow with a pink light and...well then two of the gun men are having a very bad day, and the guys on either sides of them are not exactlly living their best lives either.

Spike has posed:
     The king of the wise ass, Spike smirks as the cat starts towards him. Whatever he is packing slide around to his side and he dangles it. Closer inspection will be a little too late for the attacking cat to realize it is diving right into a heavy cargo net. As the cat dives in, he piles it onto the animal.

     The net has several weighted ends to it and it wraps and anchors the attacking cat to the ground,"Nasty kitty." he comments and the short sword is picked up again,"I wonder kitty...do you bleed?" He smirks and points the weapon towards the side of the creature.

Catwoman has posed:
How many thugs are there tonight? Seems like they keep on coming..But between Catwoman and especially Gambit, they are easily taken down, shrieking in pain either from the whip, the staff or explosives. Even so, there are just five left to swarm them, a couple shooting guns at Remy, he three others attacking Cats with blades, clubs and knives in a pincher attack.

Meanwhile the Panther demon shrieks and claws and squirms in confusion as that weighted net keeps it at least temporarily trapped..And the Cat Lady is nowhere in sight, having booked it while her minions do the hard work to co er her tracks.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau, who isn't totally sure what is going on but is having fun at least, cartwheels away from a knife slashing thug, bringing the end of his staff under said thugs chin and bringing himself more or less back to back with Catwoman. "Nice nigh' foh a lil exercise, non?" he asks with a grin and then, "so yah an' de David Bowie wanna-be a t'ing or maybe yah wanna get coffee aftah dis? Know a place not far from 'ere an' it a whole lot less crowded an' 'omocidal."

Spike has posed:
     There is a pause and Spike actually looks towards Catwoman and Gambit and he raises a brow,"Wha?..." A shake of his head and he stabs the cat, might as well try to kill it if he can. Taking a plastic container from his pocket, he lets the cat's blood fill it. Another one is produced as well, two plastic vial looking containers to hold the cat's blood.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smirks at Gambit, moving swiftly and gracefully to dispatch her enemies, but not too distracted to continue conversation with a fellow thief, "Nit David Bowie, but he probably inspired him..And Billy idol and who knows who else besides?"

she grins, quite enjoying this charming thief, although she shakes her head with a smirk, "We're kinda together, but we should still compare notes when this is all finished." Between the three of them, there's not much left to fight, and still some loot to be had that wasn't taken by the thugs that already fled,

"Unless of course you're here just for the loot?" she shrugs, turning to see how Spike is faring. And the Panther shrieks as it's stabbed, but it's pretty hardy and won't die so easily. Spike manages to fill a vial with ample blood, but before he can finish the creature off, it vanishes in a puff of blinding black mist which emanates over the area, momentarily covering the tracks of the retreating thugs and giving at least some of those who were defeated a chance to flee.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs lightly as if it were hardly a concern. "Ah'm 'ere cause de guy who owned dese sparklies is a special kind of scum an' Ah was planning ta cause 'im some inconvenience." He says casually. "Not dat Ah'd /mind/ a cut of t'ings mind yah, Ah jus' not 'cpect ta fall inta World war t'ree." As the panther vanishes he adds, "Nice trick. Seen it before on a German Circus performer, but good technique all de same."

Spike has posed:
     Not expecting that, Spike spits out some of the black mist and growls,"Bloody hell." Standing up he puts the two vials into his pocket and leaves the sword and the net for the time being,"You're lucky I like you pet." he tells Catwoman lightly and spits out some more of the black mist,"That one is going to be hard to kill if he can do that whenever." The cockney accent in his voice difficult to miss.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns and nods to Spike, "We'll deal with him when we cross that bridge, or maybe we'll do some research...It's got to have a weakness, right?" e glances at the vials and smiles as she steps towards him, "At least we got the vials and that's what counts most right now. We can make an antidote.." she sighs.

"Seems we have bigger problems though, I caught sight of their escape van. It didn't just have a bunch of loot..There was a cage in there with two unconscious teens. Not sure what she has planned for those two but..."

With a shrug, she glances at Remy, "We may just grab some loot ourselves, although I have bigger concerns right now..What did you say your name is?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins bit. "Mah friends call me Remy. Everyone else dey call me Gambit. As foh yah chere?" he gives the feline femme fatale a wicked grin, "Yah c'n call me any time yah like." Getting seriousthough he addws, "Dey took kids?" wish Ah'd known dat, coulda put a tracker on dem." the heelfire in his eyes looking all the more intense.

Spike has posed:
     Spike catches the other one's name, but turns his head in the direction of the departing van. If only he had some nifty super vampire speed or something. He sighs and mutters,"Kids in a van. Draw back to walking in from the bike so far." Looking up towards the rooftop he contemplates something and then shakes his head.

     Instead he looks towards the open door and walks past toe two talking to see what might be left. They are talking and he's not exactly the jealous sort...exactly. He looks around the inside,"Looks like they got most of the better selections. Look for it when we go after him I guess." he muses thoughtfully.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smiles sweetly at Remy, extending a clawed, gloved hand, "Nice to meet you, Remy. I'm Catwoman..And this is Spike. Seems we have something in common.." she purrs as she glances towards-the leftover loot.

She glances towards Spike and shrugs, "Not a big deal, plenty to go around, besides we got what we came for. However, I'm concerned about those kids.."

Catwoman frowns softly, "I'm afraid Cat Lady may be planning to do to those kids what she did to me..We need to work on that antidote..And then, perhaps we can lure her out with a trap. She's fairly easy to predict, tends to go after high profile expensive loot, prefers cat themed treasure. We do our research, then follow with footwork."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau whips his arm out and a 0playing card flys from his hand at a speed that is hard to track with the human eye. Just as the truck rounds a corner to escape there is a faint "POP" and from his cell phone a light double chirp. He nods slightly and looks back at the wearhouse. "Ah've been meaning ta pick mah girlfriend up somet'ing foh Christmas anyway.."

Spike has posed:
     "Cat themed treasures..." Spike muses softly,"Something to think about." He starts picking up a few goodies. He glances towards Remy and considers the man,"Not knowing you or your girl..." he pauses and picks up a necklace that has some large red gem with diamonds studded around it and tosses it towards Remy.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman quirks a curious brow as Remy makes that quick gesture. "Woah..Was that a tracking device?" she smiles and nods appraisingly, "Niiice...Do keep us updated, hmm?" she flicks something at him, looks like Catwoman's business card, "If you find em, give us a call, once I make an antidote, I should be able to help those kids, if she plans to infect them like she did me.."

She sighs then, taking a breath, resting against the wall...Speaking of infection, she doesn't look so good..Suddenly exhausted, Eyes bloodshot, those scratch marks practically glowing again through her costume.

"Spike..We need to hurry.."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau catches the jewels and considers them for just a moment then says with a smirk, "Ah'd 'old onta dis one chere, 'e's got taste." A Moment later both items seem to vanish in a bit of slight of hand. "So A man name of Marcus Tello Bankrolling dis operation an' Ah'm 'ere ta be a fly in 'is ointment. What yah two story? An' who our mutual friend?" When he really sees how off Selina looks he makes a bit of a face. "Yah need a 'ospital chere? Ah know a doctor. He won ask questions..."

Spike has posed:
     Looking towards Selina again, Spike grabs a few more baubles and stuff the pockets of the duster. He heads towards her, concern on his face where the cocky smirk had been a moment ago. He slips his arm around her waist and tells her,"Let's get this antidote done and get you back on your feet." He nods towards Remy and replies,"Appreciate it mate, just not too many doctors that have the know how on this one. It's mystical in nature."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman snarls, perhaps a bit too cattishly than Remy deserves, "No doctors. No hospitals!" she regains her composure a bit, straightening from the wall as she leans into Spike, gaze softening a bit as she nods, "Yes..Once we finish the antidote..It'll be alright.." she nods and smiles faintly to him, giving Remy a smirk and wink, "Catch you later."