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(Punisher and Savio discuss DHS)
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Digging Up The Past: Meeting of the Minds
Date of Scene: 25 October 2020
Location: Safehouse in Cape Coral, Florida
Synopsis: Punisher and Savio discuss DHS
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Phantasm (Drago)

Punisher has posed:
The Punisher and Microchip have safehouses all over the world... but given his focus on New York, Frank has most of his safehouses there.

Today, the safehouse in Cape Coral has been tapped for the first time in a while. Microchip has the Battle Van on standby just outside, and Frank is sitting on a couch in a a 'shitty' apartment.

Of course, covertly, the place is wired up with alarms, some booby traps and a high grade computer station... and today, it has a weapons scanner as well for Savio, even as Microchip keeps a lookout on the perimeter with just-installed concealed cameras around the block.

The meeting place and time was set... now, it was up to Savio to accept the invite, as the Punisher sits on the couch in the middle of the apartment in jeans and a black shirt; both of which show off his impressive musculature.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The invitation was recieved and the instructions contained within were rather clear. And while he still carried a firearm for work related reasons, he did have the foresight to lock it up in the car before stepping out for the building. Considering all the opportunities Castle had to end his life prior, it did not appear that he'd go through the trouble of setting up a meeting with him now if that was his intent.

His appearance is a bit different now. No longer having to maintain the persona he had to exercise in the New York area, his hair is changed. No longer slicked back, the hair has taken on a different mood. Still orderly, but a bit more relaxed in a few places. The sunglasses he uses to protect his eyes from the Floridian sun has the added effect of adding to the relaxed tone. The biggest sign of change though would have to be the lack of suit. Being that they're meeting in a shitty apartment area, and he's been in the area before so now so he knows, he's shown up in the Florida equivalent of business casual. Khakis and a light gray tee.

Despite the relaxed appearance of his clothing. The expression on his face, while not to the extreme when he was playing his role, is not of the happy variety.

Punisher has posed:
Savio is easily seen before he knocks, and Frank gets up to open the door before he can knock. "Come on. We have things to discuss." Frank states, directly and to the point. He moves back to the couch, and sits down, gesturing around the apartment to the various seating available. "I take it you've heard about current events around your kid?" Frank asks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Savio was in the process of raising his hand before the door opens. Lowering his hand, he gives a gruff nod, stepping inside. Making sure the door was closed before looking around for available seats. He opts for one across from the couch, and moves over. "Schwizer informed me." Savio replies, frown deepening, "Still looking into it. At least one of them is out of a job." He sits down in to the chair. "...Why would you go there?"

Punisher has posed:
"Honestly, I didn't expect them to go all in with explosives, but I needed to know which agencies would have a grudge enough to hunt me for breaking up their operations. Now I know which agency to go after if I start getting interfence in the war." Frank shrugs a bit, "I didn't expect them to go as far as they did. I don't deal with DHS too much, but that shit is worse than what the Hulk does. I tried to keep the kid out of the line of fire, and they trump me up as a 'hostage taker'."

Frank snorts, "Doesn't matter too much in the long run, but I was tempted to go and trash the NY DHS office for their bullshit."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There's the slightest uptilt to the side of Savio's mouth at the mention of going as far as they did. Not amusement but perhaps vindication? "They have a long standing history of bullshit. DHS was born from a kneejerk reaction so it stands to reason that they inherited that trait." He leans forward, "We have to work with them a lot now. The moment drug trafficking hints to funding terrorism, they're going to be latching on."

Punisher has posed:
"Loose cannon doesn't even begin to cover them. It's a miracle he didn't get hit when they exploded the wall, and they're lucky I haven't investigated them for corruption yet. I'm thinkin' that needs to change." Frank muses. "I can look into that later. For now, I called you here because I wanted to get your read on the current politics in the DEA after I got you out. I need to know if there's any aftermath I need to tie off."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It is fortunate that he wasn't hit." Savio agrees, "Which is why they're looking into it. And, being who was there, probably more than one investigation. "

He leans back. "I'm a little distant on the details for what happened after I was extracted. But it appears they're using the incident to cut ties with DHS on that project. If DHS wants to maintain the channels they used DEA resources to build, they're going to have to use their own now. If anything the assault on the residence of a known agent's family is just icing on the Dear John letter of law enforcement."

Punisher has posed:
"That project?" Frank presses. "What do you mean? Things are still ongoing?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Savio gives Frank a look. "Red tape." He states simply, "It takes forever to get stuff started and stopped. And can't speak for the DHS side. Not my department. But considering how long I got stuck in the project. I wouldn't be surprised if they continued with the project even without DEA cooperation."

Punisher has posed:
"I'll have to look into monitoring that." Frank notes, before he looks to Savio. "I could use your help on that end, if you're interested. I need to know what's happening in the aftermath, and I'd prefer to not have my partner hack in. That chances digital logs."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A brow peeks over the black tint of the sunglasses, giving a slow nod. "Had a feeling the talk would lead to that." Savio admits, "I might be able to get some more information through Schwizer. He's been good on updating me on matters involving Michael. And them damn near killing him definitelly is a matter. As for any other bull DHS does, well. I'll keep an ear out but once again, not my department. Might not get that much info on them."

Punisher has posed:
"The more information I have in general, the easier my war is, and it makes it that much easier to avoid doing serious damage to legitimate cops and civilians." Frank affirms. "Most of the agencies in the world might think of me as a lunatic, but that's their problem, not mine."

He holds out a hand for a handshake, "I'm glad I was able to give you the chance to get to know your son again."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Looking to the hand, Savio nods slightly. Shifting up in his seat to reach over to take the offered hand. "Glad you did. Just got to figure out the logistics of the meeting him part."

He leans back, "Seems you got me out in time to catch his next tour assuming its still going on."

Punisher has posed:
"Thought did cross my mind. I'm going to monitor him for a while, see if anyone comes after him for you getting out." Frank offers to Savio as he heads for the door to the apartment. "I gave him a bit of information about things, so he won't be blindsided about you. Figured if he heard it from me, he'd believe it when you said you were undercover."

He turns his head to regard Savio, "he's a decent one. Also, you should thank your former handler for telling me you were undercover. If he didn't, you would have been on the list."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Savio chuckles, nodding, "Most of the decent he probably got from the Hannigan side. But thanks. Hopefully by the time I can get to him he'll have had time to accept it."

His eyes follow over to where Frank stands, listening to the mention of what his handler did. "Hmm. Schwizer's a bit rough around the edges but I've worked with him a long time. Not the best with first impressions but a good man. He did good taking over."