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Latest revision as of 15:55, 4 November 2020

Cookin' Cajun Cuisine
Date of Scene: 02 November 2020
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy an Shannon eat some food and due some business.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Nightingale

Gambit has posed:
The smell of spicy food on a Sunday evening is hardly a rare occasion but clearly signals one thing. Remy is preparing his famous (at least in the school) Gumbo. And considering he literally makes gallons of the stuff at a time the scent travels rather extensively, even through the large house mingling with the sweet scent of corn bread baking and the soft sound of Remy whistling.

Nightingale has posed:
     Normally, it would be Shannon in the kitchen at this hour, and very likely cooking up a mess of her mac 'n cheese. But the winged teen's been a little bit 'off' the past week or so, and not exactly at the top of her game. So when the spicy, savory, sweet scents waft through the hallways, it's almost like in the old Tom and Jerry cartoons, bringing her to the kitchen as if lured by some siren's song in the steam. She's in dark blue jeans, a wine-colored turtleneck, and her floofy Old English Sheepdog slippers, with her hair long and loose except for the little blue braid on the left side of her face. "Oh gawd... now that smells like a little slice of heaven!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Mrs. Pottswort' would say dat dey don' got anyt'ing dis sinful in 'Eaven, an' yah gotta 'ave a lil devil in yah ta cook proper gumbo." He says with a grin." He wafts some of the swteam up to his own nose. "Been goin' foh lil over an hour now, so it jus' about ready if yah willin' ta be mah test subject." He says as he reaches for the cupboard. "Yah wan' a big bowl chere, or a 'uge one?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Now that dose of humor was just what Shannon needed, chuckling softly. "How is that even a question? Huge, of course!" Indeed, like all teens--especially those whose gifts tended to affect their metabolism--she seemed to have a black hole for a stomach. The prospect of a good bowl of gumbo has her wings perking up with her improved mood. Taking a detour to the refrigerator, she opens the door and starts rummaging about. "And it's not good cornbread without a good slathering of butter."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks just a little bit and says "'Tween yah an' me, Ah always put strawberry preserves on mine. Dat lil bit of extra seet ta set off de savory. " He says with a smirk "Brown jar with de red check clot' under de lid dare." He takes down two massive bowls and adds a large serving of rice in the center of each, then poursw the thick soup around it. "So 'ow's tricks?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shrugs and smiles, bringing out both the butter and the brown jar, setting them down on the counter. "It's... complicated," she says after a moment. "It's really hard liking someone a lot, trying to tell them, and not wanting to push it because they've been through a lot. And on top of that, getting friendzoned." Lifting her shoulders in a bit of a shrug, she perches on one of the kitchen stools, keeping her wings tucked in neatly behind her. "What about you? I'd ask if you've been keeping out of trouble, but for some, that's an impossibility."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles and raises an eyebrow. He opens the oven and takes out the tray of corb bread muffins and tips them into a large glass bowl waiting there for the purpose before joining her at the counter. "Dare ain' no fun stayin' out of trouble. If yah goin' ta 'Ell any way, may as well enjoy de ride." He says with a grin. He shakes his head, "So teenage relationship drama huh? Wanna tell me what 'appened or do Ah gotta drag it outta yah kicking and screaming?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shaking her head, Shannon just smiles a bit. "I'm not sure how many they've told exactly what happened to them, so this time... you might have to drag it out of me. And trust me, when I want to keep mum about something, it'd take miss Grey or miss Braddock to pull it out of my head." One hand darts out to snag one of the cornbread muffins from its glassy resting place, and it's devoured plain right then and there. "I bow to the superior cook this time... these are really good!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit and shakes his head. "Personally Ah find rellying on telepat's ta get information kinda like cheating." He says amused. "If dat's 'ow yah feel petie, Ah'm willin' ta let it go. Jus' know if yah need ta talk mah door always open." He spoons some of the strawberry preserves onto a muffin, dips it into the gumbo, then moans contently.

Nightingale has posed:
     Nibbling on her lower lip a bit, Shannon reaches for a second corn muffin, this time slathering it with butter and strawberry preserves before dipping it in her gumbo. "It's mixed signals, a lot of it. On one hand, there's moments it almost seems like there's something there. But in the next breath, I'm friendzoned. Bah."

     One bite of the sweet-savory mix of cornbread, gumbo, and strawberry preserves chases away the blues for a moment or three or four. "You know, if you ever gave up teaching, you'd make a helluva living opening your own place and cooking this kind of stuff."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins just a little bit. "Yah only sayin' dat because it's true chere." he says with a grin, leaning back. "Yah tried, yah know, talkin' ta de boy? Layin' out 'ow yah feel an' 'ow yah feelin'? Sure might blow up in yah face but in mah personal an' rat'er vast experience, situations like dis usually best treated like a band-aid. Quicker is better."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Yeah I did try once. It seemed to go right over his head. Either that or I'm the thick-skulled one." Shannon leans back, drawing her bowl a bit closer and digging in with considerable relish. Some things, not even heartache could dull the enjoyment of--and a good bowl of gumbo like this was one of them! "I've just got to get out of my own head a bit before the next time I head down to the DR for training. Any thoughts there?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little bit, "Ah mean usually Ah jus' go up on de roof, smoke 'alf a pack of cigerettes an' brood it out. Can' actually recommend dat stratagy foh ot'ers." he says with a bit of a smirk, tilting his head slightly. "Yah try writing? Ah've 'ard dat dat is a good way of talon' wit' stuff like dat. Let's yah release it in a way dat yah completely in control of."

Nightingale has posed:
     "That's not a bad thought. Maybe I ought to try putting it into music. Maybe not with words, but at least what comes out of it all will still be something beautiful." Wrinkling her nose at the notion of smoking and brooding, Shannon just shakes her head. "It'll work out or it won't. Either way..." She reaches over with one wing and briefly brushes it on Remy's shoulder, as her hands are otherwise occupied with the task of sending the gumbo on its merry way. "...I'm glad to have good friends to talk to."

     Smiling somewhat, she settles back, and enjoys her repast in companionable silence for a moment. "Also, I'm wondering if I'll be able to start studying for my EMT certification in February, because I don't know if a known mutant has ever been allowed to."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little bit. "Ah imagine so. Ah mean Henri a full on doctor wit' all dose fancy letters after 'is name. Surely one of dem gives 'im de permission ta do CPR if nessicary." He says with a bit of a grin, tilting his head. "Wanna see what Ah pick up for Raina foh Christmas?" he asks, changing the subject and grinning.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon grins wide and nods, leaning forward. "That's so awesome you two are still doing well," she says. Hey, at heart, the girl's a romantic. "Will we ever get to meet her one day?" The rest of the worries were ignored--this was much more fun!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit and says, "Maybe Ah see if Ah can' bring 'er ovah foh de X-Mas party." Okay, sure it's supposed to be a non-denominational Winter Holiday celebration of fellowship and friendship... but living in the mansion how can you resist calling it the X-Mas party? "Yeah, t'ings going pretty well. Some of dis is foh 'er actually, so she don' accidentally poison de dog." He says reaching into the pocket of his duster and pulling out a necklace and earrings in gold and rubies, studded with diamonds around.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon gives Remy a side-eye, and... facepalms. Double facepalms. And face-wings. "Really, did you just go there?" There is just no way she can hold back a giggle at the awful X-clamation.

     As Remy brings out the necklace and earrings, the winged teen just whistles low. "Holy crap. I'm not going to ask where that came from. But it's -gorgeous-." Her eyes are about as wide as dinner plates as she looks at the set glittering in the light.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins just a little bit, "woul' yah believe dat dey were a presen' from a vampire?" he asks with mild amusement, as he lays the jewelry out on a pitch black cloth that makes the inner fire of the jewels sparkle all the more. "T'ink it'd be wrong of me ta put dem in a Tiffany's box?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just stares at Remy, perfectly deadpan. Well, deadpan save for the half-smile that tugs her lips upwards. Well, alright, maybe even a rare hint of pride. "Mr. LeBeau, you're talking to someone who's walked with gods and kings, survived healing what should've killed a god, and even manages to get along with someone like Deadpool. Some of the weird stuff I've seen, I'd believe it if you told me that came from a vampire."

     Glancing over at the cloth with its sparkly payload, she chews on her lower lip, thinking for a moment. "Something like that, I'd have a box made custom. It's too beautiful for something run-of-the-mill."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods a bit, running his fingers through his long rust brwn hair, a slight smirk crossing his lips. "Maybe, jus' not sure where or how Ah'd go about doing somet'ing like dat. Ah gave 'er a puppy las' Christmas. 'Ard to outdo dat one."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles and nods. "If anyone can manage, though, it'd be you. As for something to hold that present?" She gestures briefly towards the black cloth and its sparkling payload with her spoon. "I could either sew a little pouch for those, or you could see if one of the other students or other folks around here might be able to make something for you."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau offers up a slightly lopsided grin and says, "well if yah were ta take care of dat foh me, Ah can offer yah a tray of Remy's special corn bread muffins and a jar of Ms. Pottswort's 'ome made strawberry preserves all foh yah lil lonesome."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon grins, her eyes lighting right up. In her best Marlon Brando impersonation, she rasps out, "Now there's an offer I can't refuse." Of course, the effort of that particular voice has her caught between coughing and giggling. "Just give me some sort of idea what she likes design-wise so I can work that into the pouch. In Thor's case, it was a triquetra, like on Mjolnir," she offers for an example.