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Latest revision as of 14:06, 10 November 2020

Theory of Combat
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon and Emma help Alice work out for combat situations.
Cast of Characters: Red, Emma Frost, Nightingale

Red has posed:
Alice might be the worst combattant that had been at the fight with the Metaforce. Not heeded the order of scott to try to block fireballs from them with a super thin shield made out of highly fameable foamed plastic, then even throwing the thing at the enemy like she was Captain America. No, in the end she did her part by ding something only about two people would know about unless they told: Alice and her 'victim', because whatever she did... it wasn't nice.

So, some days layter, in the kitchen of the manor, Alice sat at a cup of coffee, mixing an stirring it as she worked on making it agreeable to her.

Emma Frost has posed:
The tapping of high heels on the hardwood floor of the hall heralds the quick-stepping arrival of Emma into the kitchen. It's a freakin' Monday for certain. Her Arctic blue eyes are shuttered and she seems, as always, perfectly coiffed and dressed for the day in her signature white slacks and blouse. Her blonde hair is pulled into a loose knot that allows a few tendrils free to soften the aristocratic lines of her face. She doesn't pause in the doorway, merely making her way directly to the pot on the counter with her cup in hand. It's not until after she has poured more caffeine into the thing that she turns to eye the student playing with her coffee. "Are you on a free period, Miss Thompson, or do we need to converse about detention policies?" she asks mildly.

Red has posed:
The voice makes Alice look up at Emma, chuckling a moment. "I know that face. You had some order at the shop I worked at last year... though, I got no class till later the day. College classes are somewhat thrown around it seems. Want suggar for your coffee?" she asks as she offers the dispenser before snatching a chair to sit down. "And you have no lecture yourself?"

Alice has opted for a red blouse and what might cout as her trademark impossible boots, no seam, no stitches, no hooks, eyes, lace or zipper on them. Because she literally cuts them of her legs in the afternoon and remakes them when she puts them on. "Heard of what happened at the Statue of Liberty?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Alice wasn't the only one with a break in classes, nor was Miss Frost the only one seeking out the nearest source of caffeine. It seemed as if a line was beginning to form at the coffee pot, with the latest person in line grabbing the biggest mug possible, and pouring what seems about half the pot into it. That person also had on dark blue jeans, plain white socks, and a wine-colored turtleneck that flattered the figure as much as it was modest. Oh, and the wings. Yeah, there was no hiding those. Shannon smiled at both Emma and Alice, nodding. "Miss Frost... Alice... how's it g..."

     She goes dead silent as Alice mentions the incident on Liberty Island, her brows furrowing and the grip on her cup tightening. There was that certain look about her that hinted perhaps Alice wasn't the only one had been there. But for now, it was not yet her tale to tell.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma takes the sugar dispenser and allows herself to sweeten the brew in her cup, then adding creamer from the fridge. "No, I've had to cut my lecture classes to one Ethics section this semester. Ms. Grey needed to take personal time, so I have more desk work to deal with instead." She sips from the cup, wrinkles her nose with an 'Mm!' sound of disgust, and picks up the sugar again. <<Henry made the coffee again. Ugh.>>

"Yes, Miss Thompson, I'm aware of what happened." Blue eyes cut back and forth between the students and Emma purses her lips slightly around her cup as she sips it. "I have strong feelings about weaponizing minors, so perhaps for the time being we should simply be glad that everyone is all right."

Red has posed:
"Tell that Mister Summers. He directed people into combat and gave me an order that was... pretty much suicidal. Expanded Polystyrene Foam ain't the most strurdy, even if it looks like Cap's frisbey shield. It's just as sturdy as... well, a foam cup." Alice grumbles, clearly thinking that this one order was particularily stupid. "Blocking shots with it is like impossible. You need at least a tenth of an inch ABS to to get a sturdyy shield that blocks knives." For something, the summer class had to be good.

"At least nobody but he attacker's pride was harmed beyond repair. I mean, that green raven gal's behind had a sudden 'hunger' for her underwear." Yep, now she just doubled the size of who would know, unless that one did go to the ER.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon is just taking a sip of her coffee when Alice makes her revelation, sending a spray of caffeinated goodness all over the place. "Oh good god," she manages to cough out, caught between clearing her throat and giggling madly. "You didn't!" But one look at Alice's face told her that yes, yes indeed, one goon likely had to make a quick trip to the ER. "You know, next time, you could try using your polymers to form restraints. I mean, think about it, plastic zip ties are even used by law enforcement."

     Hearing Miss Frost, she just nods slowly once, with a look of understanding. This was a talk she'd had a week or so prior, so it did not bear repeating. "I won't ask what happened to Miss Grey," she begins. "But if I were to make some macarons to send along, would that be possible? I can imagine if it's enough for her to take personal time, as dedicated as she is, then she could definitely use a little pick-me-up."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I'm certain she will appreciate baked goods when she gets back -- she's not really reachable for deliveries at the moment," Emma replies. And she eyes Alice. "I highly suggest that if you continue the training in any form of combat, you make a point of learning which polymers have a stronger shield potential and when next someone says to make a shield, styrofoam is not your first choice, Miss Thompson." As to the *other* part of what Alice confesses to, the White Queen frowns darkly. Headmistress Frost is in full form suddenly.

"I'm reviewing the conduct of students in the midst of the situation today, actually. There will be a conversation about performances when I am through."

Red has posed:
"It wasn't my first choice, it was what was availeable. I know what works for a shield, it's just... getting enough in a pinch when the order of the day was to go to visit Lady Liberty and look after teens that have to write a report about it. That's not like going out camping and packing a block of the good stuff to make tools that somebody forgot, I had to improvise and the only thing I could get my hands on was food packing. He didn't give me time to make that stuff better useable by getting the air out." Alice tries to defend, then that frown. "What's wrong with using someone's clothes against them? Sure, next time I might try to get their clothes to become a straightjacket, but they would need to help me by getting into that position first. I ain't the king of Genosha who is said to be able to rip out an arm as there's a bracelet on it."