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Milk Cartons: The Fall Of The Black Dragons
Date of Scene: 09 November 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Cloak and Dagger partner with The X-Men and Spider-Man to take down the Black Dragon Gang and save mutant children from being kidnapped. Not everyone made it.
Cast of Characters: Dagger, Cloak, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Cannonball, Spider-Man

Dagger has posed:
This city is sick. Sick and screaming. The city is choking on the fumes of exhaust. She cries in pain from the disease of drugs that courses through her veins. But in this particular part of the city, the disease, the cancer, the anger and anxiety is a normal part of everyone's life. Much like breathing, even if the lungs are reeling in pain.

It is in Hell's Kitchen that the shadows have eyes, with whispers of angels and demons looking to bring the fight back to those who wish to poison and sicken this city. Bit by bit, crack by crack, Cloak and Dagger works from the shadows of The Holy Ghost Church, tracking down those who rape, harm, and steal from those that are loved, and those that still have a shred of hope.


A word that is only a 'thought' on the minds of those who are trapped here. A word that is almost taboo. A luxury.

As the shadows pull together in a swirl, Dagger steps out of Cloak's billowing folds and on to the top of a warehouse roof, listening to the sounds of the city around her. The honking of horns, the rumblings of people down below, and the loud airhorn from a freighter ship pulling into the docks. It has been weeks of work that led them to this moment. Tracking. Interrogating. And sometimes .. painfully hurting those that have what they needed. Information. Targets.

She left a message on Kurt Wagner's cell phone in the form of a text: 'Tonight. Cloak and I are ending this. Pier 34. Midnight. It's a full moon.'

As the woman dressed in a pure white leotard with a cross cut out through the chest stares out towards the approaching freighter, she can feel the cold breeze whip through her blonde hair. Her blue eyes narrow as she clenches her fist tightly which bleeds white light through her knuckles. "That's it, Ty'. Those trucks have crates full of kids. Are you ready?"

Cloak has posed:
"You're asking me that?"

The voice behind Tandy comes out of darkness, shadows that congeal like oil and give form to a man enshrouded in fabric that moves opposite the breeze. Black and blue stripes are barely visible in the dark, like the patterning on some unnatural tiger prowling the night. The voice of Cloak is a deep growl, his dark eyes fixated on their target below with deadly intent as he steps up to the edge of the building to leer over the edge. "I've been ready for months, and I'm not letting anyone stop us this time. This is no place for heroes. If any of them show, they either help us or I'll be sure that they don't get in the way."

A very real warning. There's been rumors on the grapevine that these two have tangled with several other costumed do-gooders, and have rarely been friendly with those who took offense with their means of getting a job done.

Wolverine has posed:
"Got a light?"

A tall man in a cable knit sweater finally decides to stop trying to flick his Bic, and ask for assistance lighting the cigarette dangling from his lower lip. He's dressed simply, but someone with an eye would be able to detect the telltale signs of money. So could someone with a nose.

"Sure, bub. I gotta match."

A much shorter man wearing the Wal-Mart Dockworker Special has been lurking near the dock long enough that he's no longer considered a stranger. From the beanie pulled down over his ears to the flannel shirt to the grimy hands, he looks the part of someone who loads and unloads crates for a living.

Funnily enough, that's exactly what these gentlemen have need of this evening.

As the taller, richer man lights his cigarette (a bit awkwardly with a match, because who uses those anymore?), the shorter one puffs away on a cigar that's so used up that there's barely a nub left. In front of him, a pile of uniformly-dropped gray ashes still hold their individual hockey puck shapes.

"Slow night, huh?"

The taller man smokes his cigarette quickly, as if he's nervous. Eyes dart around cautiously.

The short guy? He's whittling a small piece of wood.

Looks like it might be a giraffe, but he's kind of a shit whittler.

"Yeah, slow night bub. Little chilly, too."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    And Kurt would be there. He had reported it to the X-Men, and those who would come, would join them.

    He himself was in rare form. Hair damp, sticked back, sswords at his side and a grim expression as he steps out of the shadow, his stomach tightened by the thought of what fate awaited the children if they failed.

    And to him, this was Hope. A righting of wrongs, this was Good.

    Tonight, there would be justice.

    He clung to the wall, above, his toes curling a moment before he hops up to the top of the roof, watching. His eyes glow in the dark, and his tail gives an irritated lash behind him.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus isn't particularly adept at being undercover, but he's doing his best. He has a cap pulled down low and a simple leather jacket over his massive body. Even in human form, he draws a bit of attention, well over six and a half feet and plenty wide. But, in this neighborhood, that passes for a local bruiser looking for work or maybe some dock worker getting tipsy and looking for a fight.

Of course, his very innocent and kind looking face might dispute some of that normally. But today he's not feeling kind. Today he's feeling very angry. "When?" he says simply into their communications.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie was waiting a bit out from the others. He has rented a boat and is out on the open waters a little bit away from the docks. He makes sure he is running dark and out of the way of the larger crafts. He has a pair of binoculars watching both the ships and the dock. He waits for word from the others, as tonight he wants to make sure there is no getting away by ship. His ear piece in listening to the chatter of the dock workers and other radio bands in the area.

Dagger has posed:
Two trucks that have pulled up in front of a warehouse comes to a stop, their brake lights cut out, extinguished as the engine is killed. The men that pop out are wearing the Black Dragon gang colors. Black vests with large gold dragons stitched into the back. They're the muscular biker types with thick beard and shaved heads and firearms strapped to their side. As the back of the trucks are opened, crates are seen being removed on dollies and pushed towards the dock.

Two men in tuxedos are waiting at the end of the pier with what appears to be headsets on. The Bob's. They are identical, pale and hairless with gleaming green eyes. They are clearly not human, but their payment is pure, unmarked bills of Benjamins, and thus many questions are not bothered to be asked.

"Gentlemen! Thank you! Thaaaank you! How many did you find for us today? Ten? Madame will be 'quite' pleased."

As one of the Bob's steps forward, he passes forward a black suitcase to one of the large men, who takes a peek inside before he gives a sharp nod of his head towards the gang. The crates are pushed up the dock towards the freighter and Logan with his sharp senses can hear the sounds of muffled screaming from within the iron prison. Pleas for help. Sobbing. Loud banging on the walls.

From the roof, Dagger grinds the back of her teeth, emotion welling up in her chest as she watches the crates start their move. A noise rips out of her throat as she starts running for the edge of the roof, leaping off with her arms spread, knowing that Cloak will be right behind her to catch her, to whisk her forward.


The word is silent on her lips. Kurt will have to alert the team.

The angel of light and the demon of shadows are on the hunt, and woe to those who get in their way.

Spider-Man has posed:
It's an odd coincidence that brings Spider-man to the docks tonight. He usually likes to do a quick cleanout of the various seedy, nefarious hide-out type places a couple times a year, but it's been a few weeks since he's even been to the area. He swings until the buildings get a little shorter, then does a quick hop or two and ends up atop the high boom of a crane meant for loading heavy cargo onto ships. He's not really easy to see, despite the red and blue. He doesn't notice anything at first, but seems to adjust the area around his lenses. It kicks on a night vision mode and he looks around a few moments, just taking in the sites, as it were.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Nightcrawler just have to give one word, simply whispered into the communicator: "Go."

    And he disappears in a cloud of brimstone, whisked away into the city before he is next seen down on the ground, sticking to shadows beneath the trucks, and he crouches beneath, reaching with one arm and his tail to opposite sides to remove two gang members at once -- switfly, suddenly -- and should all go well? With nary a sound between them.

Cloak has posed:
Showtime. Cloak grins a predator's gleeful smile, white teeth in a dark face caressed by shadow.

He moves nearly as fast as Dagger as the pair surge off the edge of the rooftop unafraid and without hesitation. His cloak stretches out like the wings of a dragon and he sweeps down over Dagger. The woman disappears within the fabric and the man into darkness. They reappear a heartbeat later atop the cargo truck with the sound of displaced air. Cloak is a formless mass, a portal of darkness out of which the woman steps, glowing like a miniature star brought to Earth. Once she is free, Cloak reforms and his voice reverberated off the docks like the first rumbles of an earthquake.

"You have been judged. She is the sword. I am your grave. This ends tonight."

Colossus has posed:
Colossus draws off his cap and pulls off his jacket, revealing a A-line shirt underneath. A little chilly given the season, but he won't feel the cold for very long. He steps out into the open adn begins approaching, "I call tonight to those who would kill or harm children. Mutant or otherwise," the young Russian calls out, his accent noticeable as he stands, some of the gang members turning towards him.

His body shifts in that moment, a flash of light that gains in height and mass, leaving him towering at 7 feet tall, wide as a disel truck and gleaming head to toe in almost indestructible organic steel.

It ends now," he says, driving a fist into the concrete and sending a shockwave of force into the gang.

Wolverine has posed:
When you're the best there is at what you do, you don't really need an electronically-relayed signal to tell you when it's go time. The hairs on the back of his neck are all that Logan needs to tell that the rescue op is starting and there's blood to be shed.

And he has a lot of hairs on the back of his neck.

It's been the work of nearly an entire day to get on a first name basis with some of the guys who hang around the dock. If they knew that the simple, short, slow-witted dock worker that they've been talking to was likely to be the cause of their death, they probably wouldn't have loaned him a collective twenty bucks for the vending machine.

"Yeah... getting chilly for sure. Tomorrow's supposed to be a little warmer though."

The nervous, tallish guy does his best to make small talk while also keeping watch for any do-gooders or cops. His cigarette is nearly gone.

"Yup. I read low forties. Shame though..."

The movement of the short man's arm is so quick that it would barely register to the eye before it is back in its place by his side.

The nervous guy slumps over, almost completely silent apart from some gurgling.

"... you ain't gonna see it. S'posed to be sunny and everything."

Making his way into the shadows, holding an access card to one of the warehouses, the Wolverine gets into position for maximum efficacy.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is watching from his place on the water. He wants to go jetting in and help, but knows for now there are plenty of people on the docks handling that. He stays his position watching, and waiting. He does have a tablet under a shelf so it's lights do not give him away looking up plans for how the ships are constructed.

Spider-Man has posed:
A little adjusting on the ol' tech and the goggles are working fine. Oh, where'd that human shaped truck come from? As soon as Spidey realize that it's Colossus and that other things seem to be afoot, he comes to a couple realizations. A: More trouble's brewing than he realized and B: He might could've skipped the monthly bad-guy sweep of the docks today. Nah, that last one isn't really his style. He simply falls backwards off the crane, fire's a few webs onto it and uses the momentum to send him flying toward the most obvious situation. Assuming Colossus and company haven't subdued whatever villains they've found before he gets there.

Dagger has posed:
As the billows of Cloak's cape opens wide to release the angel of vengence, Dagger's hands glow brightly with three long blades between her knuckles on either hand. There is nothing but riteous fury in her eyes. She may be beautiful, but her actions tonight will be ugly.

"Black Dragons! You have stolen children from their families and ran poison through these streets! You have been found guilty and undeserving of your light!"

A pair of blades find their way into the chest of one gang member who turns around to raise his revolver. There is a quick jerk of his body, a loud 'gurk' in his throat before he crumples to the ground with a visibly violent twitch. It's as if he has been tased by a hundred rounds.

As the body hits the ground, he is swept up in the shadows of Cloak's cape as the large black man extends the darkness outwards, hearing the man's scream snuffed out into the cold, icy depths of one's personal hell.

"Shit! It's them! It's the demons! Johnny! Where are you?!"

Johnny has been 'subdued' by Logan and is laying out near the dock somewhere. As the other men turn their guns upon them, they feel the shockwave of Piotr's impact, causing a few to hit the ground as steam rushes out of broken pipes from the large cracks of split concrete.

Two more men are snuffed out of thin air by Kurt's crafty move, not even so much as a chance to scream before they are laid out on the street.

Bullets rain down from the ship now, bouncing off the large X-Man made of steel, and ricocheting about the truck Cloak and Dagger made their appearance. Once more they disappear in a rush of shadow as bulletholes dent the truck. From within, more screams can be heard of the captive children within the crates.

Wolverine has posed:
Bad Guy #1 is pushed in the way of an oncoming truck.

Bad Guys #2 and #3 are killed when they swerve to avoid running over Bad Guy #1, unsuccessfully.

Bad Guy #4 gets a single claw inserted through his forehead when he happens to check the door at the exact moment that a short dockworker is trying to use his newly-acquired keycard to gain access.

Bad Guy #5 never sees it coming, but he feels it.

As he works his way toward the ship, Logan frequently comes across gentlemen with whom he has a difference of opinion. They would prefer that he doesn't make it to the ship.

By the time Logan is pulling his bloodied claws out of Bad Guy #7, he's beginning to have lost the element of surprise...

Nightcrawler has posed:
    While Logan takes care of the various and sundry, Kurt is a little more focused on his takes. The younger gang members, pulled beneath cars and knocked out.

    One teleported away, his gun robbed from him in the moments of sickness after experiencing Kurt's brand of teleportation. Another plucked and left upside-down on a rooftop some ways away, and The Amazing Nightcrawler stops a moment to catch his breath, knowing they're losing that special element.

    So, he does the next best thing. He draws two rapiers, and rushes behind another pair of gunners, this time seeking to hamstring them.

    He *is* the nicer one, after all.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus feels the bullets bouncing off of him, sending sparks all over his metal frame. He shrugs them off as if they were nothing, for they are nothing to him. With some shots coming from the boat, he casually walks over to one of the lamps casting its weak light onto the street, tearing it free and wielding it to give him some range in his bludgeong.

With the weapon in one hand, he casually backhands a charging gang member, sending him skidding end over end down the way like a bowling ball headed for a sure strike.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie gets a bit more of the layout of the ship, and he will dive over the edge of his own boat, but before hitting the water, the blast field is kicked in and there is a glowing comet of a man streaking across the water. He keeps as low as he can and aims himself towards the enemy ship's propeller, heading into it to knock it off. The young man making a sharp turn he would not have been able to years before arches up along the edge of the dock and into the air.

Spider-Man has posed:
Once in range of the all out war, Spidey briefly lands on a pole. A moment after, one of the gang members cries out as he's suddenly pulled and webbed to the post as Spidey says, "Hey, hang out here for a bit will you?" before leaping off. Another one gets pulled off his feet by webbing, while his nearby friend has his gun hand, and gun webbed to a nearby wall, all the while Spider-man says "You get a web, you get a web. Everyone gets a web. Well, not everyone, this stuff's expensive," all the while moving and flipping through flying punches and bullets.

He also spies the others, wondering briefly what the heck he's gotten into before he spies Cloak and Dagger and realizes it probably had something to do with the stuff they had mentioned in the last encounter. He'd continue that line of thinking but a nearby thug whips a knife out, distracting him from his thoughts. This guy gets his fist webbed up pretty quickly, then the hero does a quick hop step around, ending up on the thug's opposite side and with a quick tug or two on the webline, causes the guy to punch himself into a less concious state. "I'd say stop hitting yourself but a little late for that I guess."

Dagger has posed:
The boat is rocked visciously to the side upon the surface of the black, inky depths of the water. As Cannonball hits it with the force of a comet, the gunmen find themselves stumbling about and yelling at each other and pointing towards the glowing rocket man that soars through the sky.

One by one, Logan leaves a trail of bodies in his wake as he finally gets the door open to the warehouse that is connected to the dock. Within are empty cages, the scent of blood, fear and urine from those who were held captive. There -is- two gang members that are currently loading a pair of automatic weaspons. As they spy The Wolverine enter, they lift their weapons upwards, spraying bullets towards him on their way running towards the back for an exit. The wild man is covered in blood and he looks scary.

The pair of Cloak and Dagger dance in and out of the shadows together as blades of light is flung forward to find multiple targets to take them down. They are not killing blows, only meant to stun and shock the system before they are devoured by the dark powers of Cloak's cape. By now, most of the grunt soldiers on the ground have been removed due to the actions of the X-Men and the appearance of Spider-Man.

With a low sigh, one of the Bob's steps forward, pulling out a simple revolver. "I have grown tired of this, brother." The tuxedoed man says to his doppleganger next to him. "We can't afford another mis-step."

"Well, you know what we must do then."

"Of course! We could continue to enjoy the show. Ah, look. Another one of our hired help just got punched in the face by a lamp."

Holding up a small device, the other Bob presses a button. "Ta-Ta."

One of the trucks explode in a shower of fire and smoke, rocking the other truck to the side as it tilts over and crashes into the ground. The flame is so bright it lights a few blocks with the heat of flame and fury.

".. No..." Dagger's voice is caught in her throat, eyes widening. ".. NO! Cloak! The children!"

Cloak has posed:
They hadn't been expecting help, but given that (mostly) everyone seems to be on the same page about leaving no one standing and not getting in his or Dagger's way, then Cloak anger is directed away from the assorted heroes and on to the gang members. One by one, those felled by Dagger find themselves lost to his darkness and the nightmares beyond. Things seem to be going swimmingly, until they aren't.

It's probably not the first bomb that Cloak has seen in his life, but even if it is, rage is a very powerful motivator. "Refocus attention on those *things*." He snarls aside to Dagger. "I'll check." And in a puff of shadow and frigid air, he disappears. Though not visible to anyone outside, his target is the truck that was toppled over in the blast. He can't do anything about a fireball, but he can check the interior for displaced and precious cargo.

Wolverine has posed:
Still following his nose, Logan's attempts to get to the kids is thwarted by the shower of randomly-fired bullets that rip through both his flesh and his concentration. It's not enough to put him down for the rest of the fight, but it's enough to help those two get away while Logan tries to keep moving.

Why didn't anyone at Weapon X think about putting the Adamantium on the 'outside' of his body? Way more effective.

Finally using his comms for something other than breathing heavy and snarling, Logan puts out an update to the rest of the team.

"They got me! Felt like 7.62... I'll be a little slow getting to the rendezvous point... you'll hafta manage..."

Plodding after the guys who shot him, Logan makes much more effective use of cover from this point on, but he's already starting to pickup speed by the time he's gotten to the exit.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The explosion catches Kurt's attention. His lips draw back in a snarl, sharp teeth showing as his eyes narrow, his tail lashing behind him as he takes a step forward, slashing through one of the gang members on his way as Dagger's cry tenderly reaching his ears before he turns his attention to the Bobs.

    The third rapier is drawn, held deftly in his tail, and giving an inhuman cry of the utmost rage, the blue elf channels his anger and charges the Bob nearest to him.

    He yells something in German, it is not very polite.

    "Remorseless, heartless, ugly machines!"

Colossus has posed:
Colossus freezes as he hears that scream from Dagger. The impact of what just happened, what it means, almost buckles the knees of the massive Russian. He is new to this particular conflict, having been called in relatively at the last minute to provide Kurt with backup. And yet the idea that these children have been killed, have died int he midst of their rescue, fills him with a kind of rage that the Russian cannot recall, cannot express in mere words.

Charges towards the fireball and starts to tear apart the wreckage, trying desperately to find someone, anyone alive within...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes diving back down at he sees the explosion. He skims the dock, gouging a grove out of the floor of the dock as he flies under the remaining truck. As he goes, he pulls off the blob of gray material and all that was attached to it, and is heading back up into the air. He looks at the bomb he has in his hand, and sees if he can see a way to set it off, with a short timer, or even on impact. As he figures it out he will turn to head back down call out over the comp. "Move away from the bobs." He says as he starts down towards the bombs, but Sam has encountered them before and knows roughly how close he can get and keep his powers.

Spider-Man has posed:
Explosions and screams are real hard to miss. Spidey shields his eyes from the blinding lights, then remembers to cut off the powered lenses. He's not sure what happened, but he assumes someone's probably hurt in all that. He takes two quick running steps then webslings a nearby post, tugging himself in the air before repeating the gesture, making his way to the explosion quick as he can to see if anyone can be saved.

Dagger has posed:
As Cloak's words cut through to Dagger, she gives a sharp nod and checks her emotions at the door. The mission has to come first. She turns her attention towards the pair of Bob's who are currently making their way down the dock towards a black tinted SUV. With the explosions and chaos, they are hoping to make a subtle get-away. Pulling forth one of her blades of light, she sends it soaring through the air towards them. As it gets within ten feet, it disappears in a blink.

That damn field of range that dampens their powers.

As Cloak swoops into the tipped over van and through the crate, he can hear the muffled cries of pain and confusion from children. It won't take him long to swoop them up and out, even if that means giving them a quick and terrifying trip through the dark dimension.

Once Piotr makes his way to the truck that is on fire from the explosion, he yanks part of the hull away to reveal the damaged crate from within. He can see what appears to be a bright glowing object.

Is that a large egg? It has several cracks of bright blue light coming from within it, followed by four shadowy shapes inside.

With Logan in pursuit out the back door after the last two remaining gang members, they are reloading their rifles while still running for the pair of bikes that was parked out back.

With Spidey incoming and Cannonball rocketing towards the Bob's in the sky, the ship that he struck earlier is starting to sink as the gunmen are leaping off the side and into the dark waters in an attempt to make their way back to the docks and not drown.

Cloak has posed:
There'll be time for therapy bills later. Cloak isn't concerned about their initial fear, there's plenty of it. His focus is solely on getting the kids out. Crate by crate, one for each arm with one extra trip for the last, Cloak teleports the kids out of the tipped over trailer and towards a nearby empty warehouse that was arranged ahead of time for just such extraction purposes.

Each kid is dropped next to a pile of blankets, food, and water. Each is given the order to, "STAY." with absolutely no room for argument before Cloak disappears to grab more. Luckily, none of the shaken youth seem up to task of trying to argue with an angry shadowman who just got them out of shipping crates.

Once the lot are recovered, he reappears next to Dagger with a drop in temperature and a snarl on his face. He looks drawn and shaking with fury. "Time to finish this."

Wolverine has posed:
There's no way that Logan will be able to close the distance between himself and them before they're able to get on their bikes and leave him in the dust.

There's no way that he can, but maybe... just maybe... he knows someone who can.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out something that, while not very heavy, is hard enough to hurt someone. He pulls back, and chucks it as hard as he can, beaning one of the remaining gansters right in the forehead.

The other gangster panics as he sees the wooden giraffe that was buried in his buddy's head, and clambers onto his bike as quickly as possible.

Technically, it wasn't a giraffe. But Logan is kind of a shit whittler.

The other guy gets away, at least from Logan. But that leaves one of the bikes free for Logan to use.

The engine roars to life, and Logan is speeding in the Opposite Direction.

The direction of the scent that he's picked up.

The direction of the Bobs.

He's also not wearing a helmet, and going pretty fast. Don't try this at home kids.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Nightcrawler rarely gets angry. It is a rare enough event that most of the students had never actually seen him angry.

    Nightcrawler, int his moment, is done.

    There's the whiff of Brimstone behind Logan, mindfully fading quickly in the wind as the bike shifts, and the circus performer balances precariously behind Logan, his eyes narrowed.

    He doesn't have to say anything.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus picks up the large egg, crossing his head as he looks a tit, trying to peer inside through those cracks to see what's within. He's massive and covered in organic steel, so he isn't too concerned and, even if it were an explosive, he'd want to use his body to shield the others from its force.

//What are you, little thing?// he says in Russian, feeling more than a little relief that he didn't find any dead children amongst the wreckage. He could not have forgiven himself if that had been so.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is kicking it into overdrive, and while the motorcycle the other x-men are Sam breaks the sound bearer with a bomb to shatter windows nearby. Sam has fought the Bobs before and knows roughly where his blast should shut down. He pulls a few wires on the bomb, cause that always make the timer go super fast in the movies., and at the last moment before he should hit their field he is pulling up, but the bomb is tossed on a forward course aiming it to return to those two mechanical maniacs. "Fire in the hole" is called out a memory from his time in the mines. As he skims the edge of their field his power kicks out and back on a few times, but momentum keeping him going fast and far enough, he can kick his power back on in a bit of spiral loops over the water, bringing himself under control again with the boom left for the Bobs

Spider-Man has posed:
Arriving at the point of explosion just a few moments ago, Spidey sees that it's well in hand. He spies the dark and light duo and does a quick swing over there, landing in the typical superhero pose. "Last time I ran into you two it was at least a little less explosive. What's going on? Assuming this has something to do with the coked up druggie from earlier." He's still a bit tense, as they did attack him last time.

Dagger has posed:
As Piotr discovers the massively large egg in the wreckage and takes it out, he can feel movement within. Something wiggling. He can hear muffled noises from within as the cracks build along the shell before it shatters in a burst of colorful light. Within the egg was three other children that are alive .. and two that are not moving. The pair appear to be identical twins with bright blue skin and snow white hair. They also appear to be holding hands. A young boy with scaled skin stares at the pair, lip wibbling before he breaks into tears. "Th.. They .. they turned into an egg! They saved us!"

Some Wonder Twins can turn into an eagle and a bucket of water. Others can turn into a living egg. A weird power. A useless power for the most part. Mostly.

Dagger looks towards Spider-Man as he swoops down, her face full of emotion and amped up on adrenaline. She looks at the iconic hero for a moment, tears streaking down her face before she reaches out to grasp Cloak by the hand. "We came to end it. They were going to steal those children .. then they tried to blow them up. We had one chance."

The bomb that Cannonball carried is let loose, arcing towards the Bob's before he peels upwards and out of the range of field. He can feel the tug in the pit of his stomach, his powers shortening for a moment before he is able to blast away. As the bomb hits the street, it erupts in a loud explosion, causing one Bob to blow into metal pieces, it's limbs bouncing along the street. The other gets thrown forward and into the SUV, creating a large dent and a sickening crack. The metal body slumps to the ground, sparking brightly.

The pair of Logan and Kurt are able to make it towards the Bob's easily, though they most likely felt the heat of the explosion and the slap of the impact through the air.

Cloak has posed:
"The ones in the other truck are safe, five of them in total." Cloak says gruffly. For once, however, not with hostility as he turns to look to the Spider-Man. "That warehouse. They'll need medical attention." Is Cloak actually giving him permission to help? He'd probably never admit it.

He looks down to Dagger briefly before looking towards the eruption of the other bomb. He bares his teeth in a vicious grin as the one Bob is blown to pieces and the other looks to be damaged. With others closer, he leaves the last of the spoils to Logan and Kurt.

"Look." He says then to his partner before tipping his head towards Colossus and the remaining children. Upon spying some that don't seem to be moving, he quickly envelops Dagger and teleports over to where Piotr stands with the other children.

Wolverine has posed:
Scratch one motorcycle. It's a shame, as it was kind of nice, but it was doomed from the moment that Logan swung his stubby leg across its saddle. Like virtually everything else he rides.

Off in the distance, a safe distance outside of the blast radius of the bomb, Logan is busy hacking up some of the smoke he inhaled before getting teleported to safety at the very last second.

It's handy to know a bamfer, as Dagger can probably attest.

"HAAAACK! HAAAAACK! KEFF!" Logan takes a deep breath and makes a gurgling noise at the back of his throat. Followed by the sound of phlegm getting kicked out.

"Hwock! Hwock! Ha-WHORK!"

He places a stubby finger on one of his nostrils, and blows out a thick chunk of snot that's pretty much entirely black. It might not be from the smoke of the bomb, he spent most of the day working on a box of Cohibas...

Spitting after hocking up the phlegm, Logan wipes his face on the sleeve of his flannel. From his vantage point, he can see the developments below.

"Looks like the Ruskie's got 'er all handled. Good. Last thing them kids need is any more trauma, lookin' at the likes of us."

Hwock! There was a bit more phlegm.

"But they'll probably think Petey is one of them dadgum Pokiemans."


"C'mon Elf... less getsum beer."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt had the good sense to teleport Logan out, though between goon-teleports and the back and forth, and his angry heart, it had been a tough choice. As Logan hacks away (with Kurt looking on with a slightly annoyed expression, Kurt takes a deep breath, and stands. HIs tail sways behind him.

    "You know, it *could* be the cigars and not the sulfur." he states, his lips curling into a slight grin as Logan spits.

    ... Ew.

    The more cuth appearing of the two gives an over dramatic roll of his eyes, every hair on his body on end from the explosion -- but he takes a deep breath.

    "Let me know which bar to stop you from tearing up -- I would like to take some of the parts from the machines, for investigation. Perhaps we can determine just who made them -- and stop them from making more." he states.

    "And... I would like to make sure that Ta-- that Dagger is all right, while Piotr minds the bittes."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey starts to tell the duo that he can help if he's in the know, but they vanish too quickly. He ponders staying around to catch anyone they missed, but decides his efforts are best aimed at getting help for the injured and containing the carnage. He fires a web and swings off to get more official assistance. He's pretty sure the Bugle's going to blame it on him again, but just another day in the life of your Friendly Neighborhod Spider-man.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus turns towards the two as they appear next to him, "I...I hope you understand this. I do not know entirely what has happened here tonight. But these children are safe. They will need further protection, I think. Those that are different often do," he says.

Kurt's endorsement of the pair is enough for him to trust them and then he goes to join his fellow X-men in the hope that such atrocities do not happen again.

Dagger has posed:
When Cloak and Dagger are teleported back to Piotr and the kids, Dagger looks down at the three surviving, then looks over to the pair of twins who no longer breathe. She squeezes her hands together into tight fists, bleeding light from her knuckles as she shakes with rage.

There is a world of emotions on her face as she chokes back a sob before she looks to Cloak. "Take us home." She says with a growl in her throat, one that is tired and raspy. She gives a glance over to Kurt, then to Piotr, her lips pressing tightly together. "Take care of the kids, please. The rest are at the safe spot we talked about earlier. Thank you .. we owe you again .. "

"I can hear the sirens in the distance. Don't let anyone get those robots."

She glances upwards to Sam in the sky, then watches Spider-Man zip off back through the city. Stepping closer to Cloak, she tucks herself into the folds of shadows, disappearing with a final glance over her shoulder to Kurt.