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Latest revision as of 06:45, 8 December 2020

Matters of Life and Death and In-Between..
Date of Scene: 08 December 2020
Location: Drop Dead Investigations - O.G.
Synopsis: Buffy visits Nolan again and seeks advice on Zombie-lore.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Deadwatch

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's fairly late, and Buffy would much rather curl up with a nice cup of hot cocoa and a good book - after the craziness she's been through lately. But she had some important questions. And she knew there was someone who might have answers, if she was lucky.

So she had called up The Ghost Whisperer (Her new favorite name for Nolan cuz, things!), and asked to see him at his earliest convenience. Which apparently is this time at night. Well at least she didn't have to wait weeks for an appointment. Cuz finding real psychics around these parts are pretty rare.

Anyhoo, here she is, right on time, ringing his bell and waiting patiently on the front steps. At least this time she wont (hopefully) get caught off-guard at the sight of his ghostly servants, or whatever.

Deadwatch has posed:
It's fairly late, and Nolan is curled up on the old beat up couch with a nice cup of hot chocolate and a good book. consider a grimoire called the /Krakkenhammer/ a 'good' book. He's sent out most of his 'posse', allowing him an evening relatively to himself after a hard week that involved nothing less then excorsizing a fiberglass Big Belly Burger mascot statue posessed by a voudoun Loa of all things.

And he didn't even get to place an order either, sigh.

Of course, the psychic medium/wizard forgot that he told Buffy to come over at this time, so when his doorbell rings he frowns.. Then facepalms. "Mike, get the door please..." he says... and after a moment he realizes nothing happens. "Damnit, I fgive them a nigh off and everything goes to shit." he gripes and makes a motion towards the door. Expending a WEE bit of power, all the locks unlock. "COME ON IN!" he yells.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks at the door, not really sure what to expect. And there is a pause before she hears yelling coming from the other since. She winces a bit, but cautiously tries the lock, finding it open to her surprise.

Phew, what a weiiiiird place.

With a grimace, she pushes open the door and steps in, peering around. Oh look, there's Nolan, looking all cozy, curled up with hot cocoa and a book. Dammit, now she's jealous and wishing she were at home right now.

"Heh, did you forget we had an appointment? I almost feel bad interrupting this. Almost."

Deadwatch has posed:
Okay, yeah. Nolan tries to look totallky suave, like he hadn't forgot at all.. Head held high, almost rolling his eyes, when the small radio next to him starts playing "Oops" by Louis Armstrong. And And Nolan sets the book in his lap and massages the bridge of his nose.. blushing a bit.

"Yeah, I did.." he admits and he sits up a bit straighter. "Close the door and grab a seat." he invites her, motioning to a loveseat that, while it hasn't a single colour in common with his portly purple sofa, somehow is the match of it all the same. "If you want something to drink, there is a carafe of Hot Chocolate on that induction burner on the bar. And it's REAL hot chocolate. European style.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers eyes the radio, wondering if that's possessed too, like, oh, probably everything else in this old, run-down..Place. She just smirks and shrugs.

"Hah! I knew it! I mean..I get it, it's late, and dark and kinda cold outside, no big, I'm used to it. Do most of my productive work late at night, y'know, traipsing amongst the gravestones and what not."

She grins as she talks, moving to close the door. And lock it. Hopefully these ghosts aren't too clever but you never know. When invited to sit, Buffy peers at the sofa and smirks. "Nice colors. Ooh! You got some more? Don't mind if I do!"

And she is only too eager to serve herself a cup of hot cocoa too. "Mm, maybe I was a bit harsh the other day, this place is kinda...cozy! In it's own, weird, creepy, nostalgic little way I suppose.."

Deadwatch has posed:
Would it be surprising if the radio was posessed? Of course not. Because he's 'the ghost whisperer', right? Of course, he's more of a Ghost /yeller/ more often then not but... meh!

"Well you can go on and /be/ productive on a cold winter night." HE says, shaking his head and sipping the smooth PURE liquid chocolate from his mug that says 'This is my Resting Lich Face.'. "My leg and hand hate cold weather."

He then looks around and.. nods. "This place /is/ rather cozy. I found it when I was.. fourteen I think. I was hiding from some gangbangers who were after me because.. well.. nevermind. I cam down the stairs and they went right passed like they didn't even see it. I learned then that most people just ignore it.. some type of magic. I've neveer found the creator of it but I have used it time after time when it would let me..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is busy filling a little paper cup full of the warm chocolately stuff, drawing in a hungry breath at the delicious scent of PURE liquid chocolate. "Mmm, nothing like curling up with a nice hot cup of cocoa on a cold winter night.."

But of course that means whenever this little chat is over, she'll be walking home late, unless she can get Thomas to come pick her up.

She walks back to the sofa, careful not to spill her cocoa as she takes a seat and arches a curious brow at him. "..Wait what? So like, this place was always some spooky, abandonned old place since some ten plus years ago?" she shivers. "Did I ever mention how spooky this place is? Even for the Slayer?" Buffy grins.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight smirks a bit and shrugs. "This building was built, originally, in 1816 by a number of german immigrants and this was the basement tavern which was common back in germany. So it's been around for a long time, enough time to accumulate.. a spirit of it's own, I guess you could say. Not long after the tenents here helped the underground railroad and used the tavern as a place to hide slaves passing through. And during prohibition it was a speakeasy..." he shakes his head. "The place has been a haven over and over.."

Yeah, thats the Readers Digest History.

"So.. what did you need to talk about?" he asks, curious.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, "Woow, must have some really creepy history to it, although they seem to listen to you at least, so that's a plus!" she grins, "Your very own spooky servants! How..Quaint.."

She sighs, blowing on her hot chocolate, taking slow sips, careful not to burn her lips, even as it rolls smoothly down her throat, making her feel warm and cozy.

"Okay.." Buffy sighs, setting down the cup for the moment. "Soo what I wanna know is, how much do you know..About zombies?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan almost chokes on his chocolate when she likens the ghosts and spirits he keeps arund him as '...Servants? Oh boy, have you got it wrong. I mean, yeah, I can get them to do things but.. it's like training and herding cats.. made of invisible smoke." he tells her. "It works more as a.. cooperative." he admits. "Because if I were to totally control them I would be taking away whatever free will they have left and.. I can't do that."

Sitting back again he stares at the slayer a moment. "Zombies?" he asks, slowly. "Well thats sort of a loaded question since it depends on what TYPE of 'Zombie' you mean. The modern definition of a zombie differs a lot from the original, and there are a hundred variants in between..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shrugs, "Right, right. Sorry, my bad. I guess I just find it..Difficult to understand, how you could be friends with something that's..Y'know..Not alive or visible or physically here, or whatever.." she waves her hands about awkwardly, trying to explain herself without seeming unkind..And fails hopelessly.

"Wait, are you saying there are different TYPES? I mean, I just thought they were all like, 'Raarrgh!!'" she makes little fangy motions with her fingers. "Um, but seriously, the only zombies I ever fought were like, being totally controlled by this weirdo...Mask..thingy. That brought all sorts of dead thingies back to life and they all made a beesline for the mask thingy, which by the way, just happened to be a piece of art that my mom had recently bought from a creepy friend who turned out to be like, the zombie...Queen?"

Yeah, her stories sometimes have a habit of getting away from her. "And yes, that's a true story."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight cants his head slightly, regarding the blonde supernatural warrior carefully. "HOw can we be friends with /living/ people who are physically there yet ignore or outright harm our fellow living?" he asks. "To me, the ghosts and spirits /are/ there. I can hear them. I can see them. SOmetimes I can even touch them. And they have been there for me more than almost any living being has. EVen when they couldn't physicaly help me, they were there." he tells her softly, looking into his cup.

Then he shakes it off and looks up again. "There are different types of 'zombies' because people have used the word for dozens of different undesd or even still living, kinds of beings." he explains. "What /you/ are describing falls much closer to the original definition. A dead person, or persons, physically revived by an act of necromancy of a bokor, what we would call a sorcerer or witch. The bokor is usually opposed by a houngan, or priest, or a mambo, a priestess. At least in formal voodoo religions. A zombie remains under the control of the bokor as a personal slave, having no will of their own.

"But what a lot of people forget is that the Bokor's magic stems from the same gods, or Loa, as the Mambos and Houngans. This where things start to get messy, but this Mask definately fits into some of the practices."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms and bites her lip as she thinks that one over. "Well..." she licks her lips and takes another, longer sip of her sweet hot chocolate drink. "I suppose..It's harder to understand when you cant see or hear or touch them. Heck, I've known plenty of people who have died in my line of work..I guess it comes with the territory."

She laughs, though her laugh is almost bitter. "Heck, it'd be nice to have had the chance to say goodbye, or know they're still around, guess we don't all have that luxury." Buffy sighs a bit longingly, but shrugs again, trying not to dwell on it too much.

"Okaay, soo, hungamungas, mambos and hoogans are the bad guys..?" she rubs her eyes, trying to keep all the different gods and stuff straight. And fails miserably, "So like, these weirdos are the ones who control zombies using dark magic, basically?" Buffy sighs and takes another sip of hot choco, trying to figure out that mess.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan can sort of understand her view on ghosts and spirits since she isn't quite wrong. SHe /can't/ see or hear or touch them.. Not without some sort of magical or divine support. And thus he could sort of understand some of her bitterness. But.. "You may not be able to always say goodbye, Buffy. And that can definately hurt. It accounts for a LOT of my business. But people tend to not think about this one thing."

He leans foreward a bit and stares her in the eye, his own mismatched pair shimmering. "If fou can't say goodbye, there is still a chance that one day, at the end of your time, you will probably be able to say Hello." he tells her, then leans back.

If he was truly a scholar, he would probabl;y wince as she minced those names and titles into shreds but he just nods. "Close enough." he says with a grin. "There is almost ALWAYS someone in control of a zombie. The magic user, the priest, or someone given their tools and rites, or.... well.. the Gods themselves."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as he peers into her eyes, not really liking the intense contact with those mistmatched eyes or his. Nor where this is going. "Heh. Funny you should say that, I mean, I wonder how many decades I'll have to wait. But, y'know, us Slayers aren't known for having a long lifespan either."

She shrugs, leaning back, "But maybe I've been lucky so far. At least I don't have to fight the big fight alone."

However, the more she listens and begins to understand, the more trouble Buffy seems. "Okaay, that's...Hmm.." she frowns softly, "See the thing is, I met someone recently, a girl who claims to have died, gone to hell, decided she didn't like the place and came back, and jumped right into her original body, only now it's cold and grey..Calls herself Zombie-Girl? Seems to possess a consciousness, a sense of self, but..Is...Is that even possible?"

Deadwatch has posed:
As she explains this.. zombie girl(?) he frowns a bit and sems to think on it. He isn't an ENCYCLOPEIC resource for ALL magic but this kind is pretty much up his alley. But considering the BREADTH of magic even then....

"I really can't say yes OR no." he admits. "But it's a firm maybe." He gets that 'look' on his face again, thinking. "There are, like hundreds of factors. What was the method of her escape from hell. Because that /is/ possible. Like any prison, there are ways to get out. You say she just decided to leave hell? She may THINK that but there is always a cost to pay.. Of which being a zombie-like undead creature could /be/ the cost or that she will have to do something for The Devil himself at some later date and doesn't know it." that elcits a shrug. "So.. maybe yeah, it /is/ possible. We know that bodies /can/ be possessed. Why not by their own ghost?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly and frowns. "Yeaah, that's what I'm worried about. I mean, from what you're saying, it sounds like it would normally take a powerful sorcerer of the dark arts or something, right?"

She sighs, shaking her head as she tries to figure this all out, "Y'know, maybe it'd be best if I invited her over here some time, give you a chance to talk to her yourself. She..Didn't seem to understand everything that happened to her, heck, maybe she's not even really a zombie. I mean, she seems like a nice -if strange - girl, just hope she's not gonna..Become possessed, or turn evil or..Disintegrate, or something, y'know?"

Ahh, Buffy, just wants to help everyone.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight looks a bit.. apprehensive about MORE supernaturally poowered entities coming to his place. "Look, maybe I should come to Sunnydale. I've had a lot more.. company.. then I usually get here. And The last thing I need is the Bat to be swinmging overhead and wondering why people are visiting a door he can't see. So far I have kept off his radar and would.. like to continue doing so.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles and nods. "Yeah, that might be a good idea. Heck, you could drop by the Blue Lady, or the Magic Box if you're in the area. I'm usually at one place or the other."

She arches a brow at the whole 'Bat' reference and smirks a little as she rises to her feet once she has finished off the last of her hot chocolate. "Mm, well I should head back home..It's a long ways from here to Bludhaven..Thanks for the information. Let's just hope this story has a happy ending."