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Latest revision as of 14:17, 8 December 2020

Back From Outer Space
Date of Scene: 07 December 2020
Location: Bryant Park, Midtown
Synopsis: Drake is back from his adventures in space so it's time to catch up with his bestie, Kara.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Slipstream

Supergirl has posed:
Even superheroes have besties.

Unfortunately, Supergirl's had joined the Legion of Superheroes and disappeared for months at a time. Such was the lot for superheroes. Yet it was odd. When they had first met and become friends, he'd been human. Jokingly, he was called her Jimmy Olsen. She even gave him an emergency watch should he need to reach her in an emergency.

Then he met the Legion and ended up off in space. Gaining superpowers. He had become a hero. And he was rarely around.

So when she got the message he was back, she was quick to make a lunch meeting so they could catch up. Of course sitting in a retsurant wasn't always the easiest thing to do so she opted to set up a picnic for them.

Slipstream has posed:
As the Legionnaire and part-time Avenger flies out of the sky and touches down in front of the establishment, Drake gives a twist of his flight ring, then slips it off to place it in his pocket. He is wearing an Avenger's bomber jacket over a solid black shirt and a pair of jeans with some slashes through the denim and repaired with multiple Overwatch patches. He reaches to his harness and taps Snowball on the head to detach her with a 'bloop'. The gold robot floats after him as he heads inside to spy Kara.

"Hey!" He calls over joyously as he bounds over to give her a hug. "And now I'm back! From Outer Space! I just walke din to find you here with that sad look upon your face! You should have changed that stupid lock, you shoulda made me leave my key! If you'd know for just one second I'd be back to bother thee! You will surviiiive!"

He's an idiot.

As he flops down across from her, he gives her a wide grin. "I'm home - home. For good. The team decided to go into deeper deep space to save some type of planet from a planet eating monster with a terrible sense of wardrobe and I noped right out of that one. That's above my paygrade. That and Tony has been non-stop drunk dialing me about how he misses his favorite baby Avenger. He also said I'm the most improved Avenger." He puffs up a bit with pride. "So .. looks like I'm going to be a full time Avenger instead. Back to saving Earth!"

Supergirl has posed:
She managed to get all the trappings, including the wooden basket and the gingham blanket. To be honest, she borrowed them from Ma Kent but she wasn't telling! Laid out were a variety of finger foods. She even had some hot pockets and GFuel since she knew that was stuff he had liked in the past. She also had good old fashioned sandwiches too. Various types.

The hug is returned, full of affection, her smile bright as the day. The song? She had no idea what that was or why he was singing it but it made her laugh. In her mind, he made it up. She didn't know the source at all.

"Congratulations on becoming an Avenger!"

Slipstream has posed:
"Thanks. It's really exciting. As much as I loved sitting in a space ship all day trying to teach Lar the basics of how to use a door knob to how to use a toilet, I really missed this. Fresh air, not synthesized fresh air, and being able to pop about the city. They keep talking about trying to go back to their own time anyways, so at the end of the day, my adventure with them would soon end."

Drake plops some chicken strips on to a paper plate, then pours some honey mustard on top of them. "Whatcha been up to? Anything exciting? I downloaded a ton of future news on to my iPad so if you want the deets on what bad guy is gonna terrorize the city next month, I can help you get a jump on it, unless you really don't like spoilers."

"I'd be totally breaking the rules of time and space and all that good stuff, but you know, yolo right? Who hasn't broken a little time space as a hero?" He tips a wink at her. "By the way, it has tentacles and it's green. You'll love it if you're really into sushi."

Supergirl has posed:
"Yeah, don't want to break something in the time space continuum so I'll let you keep that information to yourself. Thanks though." Supergirl claims a turkey sandwich out of the pile then a small bag of plain potato chips. She takes the top piece of bread off, setting it to the side on her plate. The chips are opened. She begins lining the sandwich with the chips, placing them on top of the sliced turkey.

"I've not been up to much. Still helping Alpha Flight and Justice League as I can. But I'd been trying to set up a team of younger heroes, to help us develop our skills more to be ready to take over those big seats in the Watchtower someday, potentially. Then I ended up recruited to the Titans by Garth so that whole plan sort of fell to the side since the Titans sort of fill that role."

Slipstream has posed:
"I mean, I'm living proof of breaking the space and time and all that good stuff. I take this magical bracelet off and poof, I rip apart and who knows what happens. I end up back in the Upside Down world that Glorith put me in, or I turn into a sack of guts in front of these delicious chicken nuggies. Either way, both options kinda suck."

Drake takes a bite of chicken after swirling it about in the mustard. "The Titans, huh? That's cool. You aren't doing the whole Teen Titans thing are you? You're kinda upgrading to Adult Titans?" He gives her a teasing grin.

"If you need help, you can always poke me. It's not like I haven't double dutied for two teams before."

Supergirl has posed:
"They have been just Titans for a while now. I think once they stepped being teens, they realized they hadn't really thought it out very well," Kara says with a laugh, shrugging it off. She puts the piece of bread back onto the sandwich then promptly smooshes the entire thing, breaking up the chips and settling them into a flat layer of crunchy goodness.

She pulls out a cola for herself then motions for him to take his pick.

"I'm sure they could always use more. The seem to focus more on street level stuff, some bigger threats but not like world threatening. That is more Justice League and Avengers territory. I look at it as an opportunity to gain more experience, learn more, just become better."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, I'm really just gonna change my name to Door Dash because I'm mostly good for grabbing sandwiches and beating traffic." Drake says jokingly. "If you need help, just let me know and I'm in. I'd love to finally be on a team wtih you. I'd love a chance to show some of those Gotham brats how we throw down in New York."

Not that there is a rivalry or anything, but, there is nothing wrong in creating one! A little competition has never killed anyone.

"So, what else have you been up to? You still working a mundy job? You seeing anyone yet?" He flutters his eyes. "Because I'm not. I got dumped by this alien with blue skin. Was kinda scaly. She was cool, but you know, she said that I can't 'carry eggs' or whatever and that was a total deal breaker."

Supergirl has posed:
That gets another laugh. "Well being able to carry eggs is important! Apparently. To some species. So weird that you probably have spent more time in space than me lately, and I'm the actual alien!"

Kara takes a bite of her sandwich, satisfied with the textural interest the chips add, as long as a bit of salt. Perfection.

Once she swallows, she shrugs. "Haven't really been working yet. Doing the college thing as best I can. Thank Rao for online classes. That's made life much simpler than it was in high school. I still have a lot of brick and mortar, but at least I can make up things online when I do have to skip."

She gives a negative shake of her head. "Not dating. Just think that is the least of my worries at this point. After the scare with Superman's death, I am completely focused on being a hero and trying to get my life in order, without bother with dating and relationships. Too complicated and distracting." She takes another bite of sandwich. "I had to fight a giant pigeon the other day. Still need to track down where he came from. He's normal size now. I named him Stinky. For...reasons."

Slipstream has posed:
"Pigeons are just flying rats. They're terrible." Drake says with a grin as he takes another bite of his chicken strip. "You know, you could also not focus on being a hero and focus more on being a person. You'll have a way easier head-space if you do. You need to do more of this. Going out with your bestie and having lunch and being more Kara than Supergirl. If you try and hero twenty-four seven, your brain will get all messed up and you'll get jaded and then you'll live in a Batcave and talk with a growl in your throat and be all jaded."

"Superman also isn't dead now, he's back .. from outer space!" He croons out again. "But seriously, you can be a hero, but it shouldn't be who /you/ are. I can't be Slipstream every hour of the day either. Otherwise, I'll forget who I really am and where I came from."

Stretching himself out, he pops a few joints in his back. "We could do this more often, hang out and be normal and not worry about capes and spandex, even if you look good in both. I don't wear any of it. I'm way too cool for that shit."

Supergirl has posed:
"I thought you had a costume with the Legion? Am I mistaken? Or did you decided you are too 'cool' for it during your more recent adventures?" Kara asks as she munches happily. She's dressed in jeans and a nice shirt with a light jacket over it. To be honest, she doesn't need that even in slightly cool weather. But one must keep up appearances.

She basically ignores his advice on how she should be handling things. He's sounding too much like Kal. But she does point out, "I do normal stuff. I go out with my friends, I attend stuff at the university, obviously I take my classes. I haven't exactly had my bestie on plane to be able to hang with, so you can't blame me for not doing it."

Slipstream has posed:
"I had a uniform. It's not a costume." Drake laughs as he shrugs his shoulders upwards. "I also think Brainy just wanted to see my ass in it anyways. I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy. Easier to throw in the laundry and not blow up a washer. Thirty-first century clothes do not handle detergent very well for some reason."

"And you can fly through space, so you coulda visited me at any point in orbit or whatever." He gives a sniff. "I see how it is." His lips give a bit of a twitch as he shrugs his shoulders. "But, if you become all dark and edgy, can't say I didn't warn you. Next you'll be dying your hair black and calling yourself the Dark S or something. I'll find you a clown arch enemy to punch in the face."

Supergirl has posed:
"I think I'm good being blonde. I'll stick to the wig though." She pats the brown wig that's on her head at the moment, covering her real hair. She also has on her glasses because she is there as Kara. Not Supergirl. That was paramount, to protect her secret identity. Kal had made that clear ever since she came to Earth.

"You were working. I didn't figure I should disturb you. That's all. If you would've pushed much further, then I would've come knocking. Wouldn't be the first time I knocked on a spaceship or station."