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Who's Who: Who's the baddest of them all
Date of Scene: 27 December 2020
Location: Beacon Hills, Haven (TBD)
Synopsis: An amnesiac-vampire Buffy encounters Spawn again. Things don't go well.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spawn

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's the night after Christmas and the creepy craw lies are out in full force. So much for taking a break. One would expect to see the Slayer patrolling these shadowy places, but hardly another vampire.

Of course, this one is not exactly patrolling, mostly just lurking, sticking to the shadows as she seeks a short cut to her crypt before daylight breaks. And of course she is getting hungry too, and on the look out for food.

To the untrained eye, she appears to be nothing more than a stereotypical blonde bimbo, too tall, too thin, too busty to be realistic, she is dressed in black leather pants, a pink floral halter top that exposes her mid riff and a short denim jacket. oh and she's carrying a wooden stake. What's up with that?

Spawn has posed:
    From behind the blonde, two dots of glowing green flame are visible, smoke rising up from them. The rustling of dry autumn leaves can be heard constantly, and only after many long moments do most come to the realization: That's not the sound of leaves, that's the sound of the dark red leathery cape scraping along the ground and scraping against itself every so often.

    "You know, the pink makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Good if you want to send a message. Bad if you're trying to hide and keep out of sight."

    The cape unfurls, and the Hellspawn is revealed in full. Black white and red, chains coiled around his waist and around his legs and biceps. Spiked gauntlets gleaming dangerously.

    "So what message are you trying to send, little miss Baywatch?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
She tenses slightly as her vampire senses pick up a strange scent, and spins around to face him, body tensed, stake at the ready. It probably wouldn't do any good against this demon though, unless he was a vampire, and he doesn't smell like one. All the same, it seems everyone and everything has been coming after her lately, and what's the diff between one demon and another?

"Who says I'm trying to do either of the above?" she retorts, swinging out her stake at his face, following with a quick sidekick aimed at the mid section. "I dunno who or what you are, but I've had a rough day as it is, so back off!" she snarls, baring those telltale vampire fangs.

Spawn has posed:
    The stake strike is blocked with a forearm, battering away the woman's attack even as the sidekick hits flush against the big man's sternum and hits with enough force to stagger him back a step or two. He sees the fangs, and his earlier suspicions are all but confirmed. There was now only one final test, which came as the Hellspawn raised and pointed his right hand in her direction. Grasped in those pointed clawed fingers was an uzi, cocked ready and loaded. One trigger-squeeze later and the night was filled with the sounds of automatic gunfire as 32 rounds were emptied from a magazine, all of them aimed directly at the woman's midsection and torso.

    "Yeah, and it's about to get a lot fucking worse."

    He knew this wouldn't kill...most likely. But he'd been dealing with enough of these things to know that they had a pain response. Which meant it was possible to have a little fun during these hunts.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers isn't sure exactly what she's up against, but he's sure a helluva lot stronger than any mere vampire she has fought before. Her eyes widen as he knocks away the strike, but she manages to hold onto the stake nonetheless.

She freezes though as he aims the gun at her, twisting and turning and flipping this way and that to dodge at least some of the bullets. She's pretty skilled for a vampire, a pretty young one at that, and must have been exceptionally trained in life.

Yet at such a close range she can't dodge them all. A few bullets hit their mark and she cries out, staggering to one knee. Oh yes, that many bullets would severely injure, even kill a normal human, but she is clearly not normal.

She glares up at him, clutching at her bloody stomach even though it doesn't seem to have dealt a lethal blow. Still hurts though.

"What kind of demon are you? As if I didn't have enough trouble with vamps and cults on my tail too.." she mutters.

Spawn has posed:
    "The bloodsucker is calling me a demon. That's rich."

    Spawn put his uzi down, seemingly to pass it to the inner folds of his cape which wrapped around his hand and, when it pulled away, the weapon it seemed was nowhere in sight. Talk about convenience. At the same time, the chains started to uncoil from around his body, hovering in the air like tendrils that sway this way and that. And, since 'Buffy' was close enough, she might actually be able to hear the serrated skulls on the end 'hissing' like cobras.

    "I came back from Hell, to try and fix my mistakes. And figured that while I'm here, I might as well send creatures like you in my stead. So it's time for you to make a decision, before you prey on any more innocent lives: Do you want it slow? Or do you want to get it over with?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, climbing back to her feet, glaring back at him. He sure is persistent, isn't he. "Sorry, can't help it, I was made this way. What's your excuse?" she narrows her eyes at him, watching his moves warily as he ticks away the uzi and pulls out..Chains?

"Soo what, you're gonna strangle me to death? News flash, I'm already dead. Well, technically I suppose. I mean things are kinda complicated right now." she clenches her fits, looking down at her rather wimpy looking stake in comparison and shrugs.

"I mean to be fair, I don't prey on innocent lives. Not that I'd expect a *demon* to believe me but..!" and Buffy doesn't hesitate to get the first strike in if she can, rushing at him, hurling the stake at his face with well practiced precision and speed before ducking under as many chains as she can, attempting to foot sweep him, not once or twice but thrice in a row. Just in case the first one misses.

Spawn has posed:
    The stake is easily snatched out of the air, a red 'gloved' hand grabbing the weapon and briefly examining it even as Buffy slipped in closed, sweeping the Hellspawn's legs right out from under him. Simmons went down hard, rolled to his feet-and went down again, falling for her trick hook line and sinker.

    That meant that on the third roll he was ready for her, and pissed. Her leg lashed out, but his chains lashed out quicker to try and intercept her, and wrap around her knee and ankle tightly. Enough to break the skin just ever so slightly, enough to give a squeeze and give her small hint as to the kind of strength he was normally capable of.

    Assuming he caught her, the next moment that chain would sweep out, aiming to throw her hard through the air, and not caring where she lands.

    "Cute trick, so you're not the typical brain dead vampire. You've even got a little insurance policy against your own kind. None of that means you're one of the good guys."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is about to dart back once she footsweeps, already pulling out another stake - which is an interesting weapon for a vamp, considering they are traditionally used to slay other vamps.

However, he is too quick for her, yanking her feet out from underneath her as those chains snag her and whip her around, slamming her into a tree or too. She yelps as she gets battered hard, struggling to disentangle herself from the chains.

"So what, you think you're a good guy, cuz you can beat up people who are weaker than you?"

Spawn has posed:
     The tall man approached slowly, chains swaying and waiting for their chance to strike and maim. The telltale signs of morning were starting to show, the subtle feeling of warmth washing over all things moments before the light visibly shows up. For his part, Spawn glanced over his shoulder at the eastern sky for a moment, before he held out his hand, and his cape seemed to move and wrap around him. In moments it became a bastard sword, gleaming and dangerous even as Spawn turned back to regard the vampire.

    "When you wake up in Hell, tell whoever you see that Spawn is the one who sent you. Try not to scream when they pull you apart over and over for a thousand years."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okay, so this day started out pretty bad, and it just got worse from there. She manages to wriggle free of the chains, backing away as he pulls out the sword, "I mean seriously, where on earth do you keep all those toys anyway?"

She smirks as she pulls out about three more stakes well aware that the Dawn is rapidly approaching. If she can just slow him down a bit before making her exit. "Boy, aren't you arrogant. What makes you think you're gonna win this fight? Tell em yourself when you get there, here, let me help you with that!"

She rushes at him again, tossing all three stakes at once, each with deadly accuracy and force although she is not as fast or as strong as she once was. One stake is aimed at his face, one for his sword hand and another at his face. Hopefully it will wound him, or at least distract him enough for her to make her escape.

Spawn has posed:
    The bad news, Spawn was moving at the same time she was, so none of her stakes hit their exact targets. The good news, is that the first hit his throat, the second pierced his heart and the third loged itself deep in the man's shoulder. Glowing green necroplasm splashed outward, and unless Buffy's reflexes were as fast as they were in the past, it seemed her cute pink top was going to become a bit less cute. Additionally, she now had to worry about a fast backhanded strike from that left hand of his. He was strong enough that he might send her flying, and the three metal spikes over the back of his fist would be very uncomfortable if he made contact. But she wouldn't have to worry about a follow up. As the sword was dropped and very quickly turned back into a cape, it seemed the 'Demon' was focused on pulling those weapons free from his body. He was not happy about the current state of affairs.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okaaay, this is definitely not good. She's not sure what exactly she's up against, but whatever it is, Buffy is no longer equipped to deal with it. She cartwheels to the side, avoiding a direct, potentially lethal strike from the deadly necroplasm, but it nonetheless slashes her across her stomach and chest, partially burning through her shirt and reducing it to rags. The damage to her skin is worse and she screams in pain, staggering to the ground for a moment.

"Dammit.." she mutters. Who or what, is this guy? She barely had time to recover from that when he slams those spiked knuckles into her face, sending her flying, crashing into another tree. She's bleeding quite heavily by now and if it weren't for her vampiric constitution, she'd probably be dead by now.

At least he's busy pulling those stakes out at the moment, but Buffy isn't gonna take any chances. She pulls out a smoke bomb and tosses it in his direction,hopefully he's not immune to the blinding effects. She doesn't pause to see if it worked or not, and simply staggers away to safety as quickly as she can..