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Revision as of 06:26, 26 January 2021

Who's Who: The Bodyswap
Date of Scene: 26 January 2021
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Buffy is returned to her proper body. Tiffany gets a dusting.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Willow Rosenberg, Deadwatch

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been almost a month now, since Buffy has been stuck in this wretched 'Barbie' body, and Buffy is more than eager to get back to her normal body as soon as possible. Not that weren't certain..Perks, but really, it didn't come with dire consequences too, as far as she is concerned.

She had contacted Willow about 30 minutes ago and finally got confirmation that the Katra she and Harry had been working on was fixed and ready for use. Now she just had to wait anxiously..

Which of course meant she was sitting at the bar, drinking endless glasses of beer as she waited..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is actually sitting at the bar as well, rather then shmoozing his customers, and as a sign of his nervousness, he's drinking something other then iced tea out of his private crystal decanter... I mean it's green tea to calm his nerves, but still.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes almost the full entire half hour to get there, but eventually she made it. "Sorry! I hurried as fast as I could!"

Deadwatch has posed:
Ugh. If Nolan has to keep hoofing it across the bridge from Gotham to Bludhven at /someone's/ insistance he's going to have to have to invest in an timeshare here or something. Because public trransit SUCKS and he has an aversion to this thing people call Uber.

The cripple limps into the Blue Lady, mismatched eyes looking around, head nodding as if greeting indiciduals yet no one is near him. Finally he ambles into the bar proper.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is pretty quiet. She hasn't really talked at all since contacting Willow and Nolan too, knowing he would be able to determine if the Katra actually worked or not. Aside from that, she seems pretty nervous, although assured by the mere presence of Thomas next to her.

And when Willow finally makes it, she smiles faintly, tired, stepping towards her, hugging her. Which may feel a bit different with her in the blonde bimbo's body still. "Willow! I'm so glad you could make it..I couldn't stand another day in this body!"

Ah, and there is Nolan. She smiles and nods to him, knowing he's not the touchy feely type, even though she tends to feel sorry - maybe even a little protective of him sometimes. It's all Nolan's fault naturally, showing her all those painful memories of his. Among other things.

"Nolan, hey. Glad you could make it. Not sure if you've met Willow yet? She's our super talented witch, the brains of the operation.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles warmly to Willow, nods once to Nolan, apparently still some hard feelings from the other night. Still this is more important. "Okay so I have the Bimbo upstairs and restrained to a Saint Andrews cross, and have another one up there for you Buffy. Figure we'll tie you to it, move your hands together, do the whammy... then either way Tiffany is still restrained in the end..." Because Thomas can just summon up two $1500 sex toy/props at a moments notice..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Surprisingly Willow know exactly what a Saint Andrews cross.. not that anyone asked her! "Sounds good to me." What she didn't know was who Nolan was.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight doesn't take a seat.. Itr's sometimes easier to lean on his cane-crutch. He nods to both Buffy and Thomas, each with a different vibe. To Buffy it's a a greeting with a faint smile. To Thomas.. it's much more neutral. To Willow, he just raises a brow because she seems sort of.. mousy. Not exactly the kind of person he'd expect in this group but.. her aura is interesting.. there is mojo there.. so he'll just make any opinionms later.

Focusing again on the group as whole he nod slowly. "Yeah, it sounds like a plan, though I have some important questions to ask before we get into this. One. You just happened to have /two/ Saint Andrew's Crosses lying around? And Two. Should we be using the term 'whammy' where these two said crosses are involved." he asks.. completely deadpan.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers does NOT know what the heck a St. Andrew's cross is, and truth be told, she's been trying *really hard* to stay away from Thomas Apartment, specifically, his bedroom where Tiffany is currently tied up. Suffice to say, their last encounter was...Violent.


    Anyways, she just sighs tiredly, hanging her head. "Ohh great, I get to be strung up like another cultish creepy sacrifice. Yay. This gets better and better." Buffy takes another loooooong swig of beer. Really, she's lost count of how many cans she has emptied while waiting for Willow and Nolan to join them.

"Fine. Let's just get this over with already." she climbs to her feet, waiting to follow the others. She does not look very happy. But mostly Buffy is just really tired of the whole situation.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives Nolan a wicked sort of grin, "Don't be ridicules. My sister has two St. Andrews crosses just laying around, I'm only borrowing them." He lets /that/ hang in the air for a moment as he reaches over and gives Buffy's hand a gentle squeeze. "I mean you don't want to mess with tradition, do you?" he asks trying to sound playfully reassuring.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow just shakes her head. "Can we go now. You can play with the crosses another time." Really.

Deadwatch has posed:
Okaaaaaay. Nolan stares at Thomas for a moment, looking like he wants to make a comment... but then stops and shakes his head. "Nevermind." he murmurs and motions towards the bar for a drink.

"The things I'm willing to do for friends.." he murmurs to himself, then stifens a bit and looks to the emptry space on his left. "I do /plentry/ for you..." he mutters to the air. "Fine, I'll just give your next turn playing 'Alive and Breathing' to Anyanka." he says with an indignnt stiff as his drink arrives and drains it in one go with nary a cough...

"He then jerks a thumb at Willow. "Yeah.. what Ginger Spice's little sister said."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows a bit, nodding quietly to Thomas as she follows. The mention of him acquiring these..Crosses from his 'sister' causes her to frown more deeply, shaking her head. "Oh. THAT's where this is going, is it?" seems someone is particularly testy tonight.

"Yeah, fine, whatever, let's just..Get this over with already. Willow, can you give me a break down of what exactly this whole body transfer thingy involves? I assume you were able to repair the katra right? and Nolan..Thank you for coming on such short notice, I really appreciate it..""

And without further adue, she heads up the steps towards the apartment.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, knowing that it's the stress more then anything that is weighing on her. As they head up the stairs to the private apartment where faux-Buffy waits the huge black bouncer just nods his head to them saying softly, "Looking foreword to having you back Ice." he says softly to Buffy.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Ginger Spice?" It rolls over Willow's head. Again, sometimes she really wished she drank. "You don't have a Shirley Temple, do you?"        At least they are moving upstairs now!

"Well, it's really quite simple." Ha! Says she with magic /and/ mathematics to boot. "You have to be in place, and the right hands crossing, and, well, hold your breath and pray." Ok, maybe it not as simple as she says it is.

Deadwatch has posed:
Oh yay.. Stairs.

Sighing, Nolan limps upwards as he follows the group, grunting with a bit of pain with each step. He looks to Willow and shkes his head. "Nope. Not a Shirly Temple. Unless they made it a very VERY dirty SHirly Temple." he quips.

"To Buffy he shrugs at her thanks. "YEah, don't mention it. Really, don't." he tells her. "You came for help before this mess started. You were a straight shooter. And you didn't treat me like a whacko or with pity. SO.. Yeah. I'm here." he tells her as they pass into the bouncer protected room.

AGain he looks at Willow and a single eye rises. "Really... Thats it?" he asks with suspicion. "Why do I feel like it's a BIT more complicated than that?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Crush is given a faint nod and smile, "Thanks, Crush. Looking forward to working here again, among other things. See you soon!" she glances back to Thomas, nodding and biting her lip as she clasps his hand more tightly than she needs to. Yeah, her nerves are really playing with her tonight.

"Okay then, let's do this.." and she presses the combination on the door, stepping in and leading everyone right to the door of the bedroom, where presumably her REAL body is..Tied to one of those cross thingies.

    Willow is given a relieved smile and nods. "I'm just glad it's in your capable hands..I trust you both..And Nolan. I'm glad you trust me. I really need to pay you back for real sometime, but I hope you at least liked your christmas present?" she smiles weakly. still, that doesn't seem to make her feel any less nervous, and she hesitates a moment or two, just outside the door..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith opens the door to the bedroom where two large X shaped things are in the center of the room. To one Buffy's Body is lashed with wrists and ankles spread in all four directions, while the other sit's empty, it's leather bindings just waiting. He give's Buffy's hand a gentle squeeze, whispers a soft "I love you," to her and then begins opening the cuffs to secure her... or more accurately secure Tiffany when she get's switched back.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Meanwhile, Willow makes certain that when their bodies are tied up, that the rest of the 'equation' will be simple (ha!) and as painless as possible (ya.. right).

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight says, "YEah... the gift." he says.. Then he smiles a bit. "I'll just say it's not what I was expecting but it weirdly fits. The gang think's it's a hoot." he tells her. Though whomover he means by the gang is anyone's guess since Buffy hasn't seen ANYONE else at his place.

after he steps into the room he sidesteps and leans back against the wall. His mismatched eyes narrow on the Real Buffy Body tied up and he just shakes his head because there are so many JOKES he could make right now. Instead of making one ABOUT Buffy, he looks to Thomas. "You got these from your sister, huh? Family reunions must be interesting." he says casually, trhen looks back at the scene of the ritual..

And Slowly his pupils bleed black oily Dark into his irises.. then swallow his eyes whole as he he subsume himself into that Otherplace he usually only half exists in. He then opens his mouth and his vice seems to echoe ever soi slightly.

"Okay boys and girls.. Make a circle. Do not let anything, or out." he intones, and taps his crutch on the ground three timnes.. and there is a momentary burst of something that is the opposite of light spreadiung through the room... and then whisps of smokey/shadowy /something/ fade into existance.. each barely there shape is that of a person.. Each one in clothed from different time periods. A scullery made from the 1800's. A mobster. A female hippy. A late 20th century soldier in full gear. A little girl holding a stuffed kangaroo. All in gray as if they were drawings projected on smoke, only their adges actually visible.

This is perhaps the first time Nolan has shown some of his actual power that anyone could actually sense.. The spirits spread out, taking places along the walls like guards.. The temperature sipping ever so slightly."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows deeply before she follows him into the bedroom, eyes widenning a bit at the two giant X shaped thingies..Especially the one that's empty. "Wait..You want me to step into THAT!?"

She sighs and shakes her head. This day just keeps getting better and better. Buffy even backs away a bit and..If Thomas wasn't there and she didn't trust her with her life, she probably wouldn't even consider this. But as it is, she lets him secure her to the giant X thingie.

"Willow, please tell me this isn't gonna hurt, or take too long? Umm..What do I have to do now?" A nervous glance is also given towards Nolan, knowing that only he can be sure in the end, Who exactly is Who, although she does smiles softly at him and nods. "I'm glad your friends liked it too.." She cant see who he's talking to but she trusts he knows what he's doing.

Tiffany, for the most part, looks pretty sleepy, pretty hungry, and pretty annoyed. "Ooh great, you brought some friends. Let's see..A wimpy mouse girl and..Ooh a cripple. Pathetic. These the cavalry? Hah! What a joke!" she smirks at Thomas. "Sooo, what, we're gonna have a party now? Brought some friends to join in the 'fun?'" although as she sees the Katra in Willow's hands, her smile freezes. "You..You don't have to do this Thomas, there's still time to change your mind..You KNOW you'd be happier with me than with that bitch!" she sneers at Buffy.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks slightly to Nolan. "If this screws up, maybe I'll introduce you to her. She'd probibly find you delicious." he says in a tone that is one part amused one part threatening. "Don't worry love." He says to Buffy. "Second we have you back, I'll get you out of this thing. Then we are going to gorge on pizza and cheesy movies." He promises softly as he tightens the straps down to the point if she wasn't a vampire he'd rish circulation. To Tifffany he says, "YOu know the hardest part about dealing with you? Not punching you in the mouth."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Now, Nolan shows Willow something interesting.. very interesting indeed.

But Buffy's plea makes Willow cringe. "I.. I can't tell you that, Buffy. You know that. Just.. don't fight it?" She really hopes it is as painless as it could be.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight snorts at Thomas's offer.. almost like two bros chatting. "COnsidering I've done a WEE bit of research on you and yours, I know who your sister is and all I can say is.. You're all heart, man." he jests... all while never looking anywhere with those now completely black eyes thet peer foreward and never stray.

That sight lets hiom peer deeper than flesh and into the souls and/or spirit of people.. He sees the demonic presence that now inhabits Buffy's body, just as Buffy's soul inhabits Tiffany's body. Only traces of Tiffany's true persona remain, but even then they hint as her being a petty materialistic woman who obssessed over shallow insignificant things. Now she's just an evil selfish demon and a shadow of her former self.

He snorts at her insults. "Better a cripple than whats going to happen to you when this over and done with." he promises her. And as he says that his own shadow seems to grow behind him on the wall. Only Tiffany can see it,, well Tiffany and the ghosts. The shadow looms high on the wall.. A primordial shape ALMOST humanoid. It is whatever those who see it fear most. The floor at Nolan's feet becomes coated in frost as Those-Who-Judge stare at Tiffany's spirit.

Deadwatch has posed:
Oh and the ghosts? They give the shadow thing a BIT more space. They don't like it. Not one damned bit. ANd they are already dead.

Deadwatch has posed:
Oh and the ghosts? They give the shadow thing a BIT more space. They don't like it. Not one damned bit. ANd they are already dead.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Tiffany's eyes widen, focusing on the shadowy thing, shrinking back. "What is that?!"

Buffy frowns, seeing nothing.But she is also focused on the ritual about to be performed. Presumably the katra is clasped between her and Tiffany's hands and she cringed at the tightening of the bonds, but more so at the banter between Thomas and Nolan.

"Dont..Don't do this..Not now.." she sighs and shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut. And once everything is in place and under Willow's careful inspection, the katra does its work, freshly charged with a new spell as it surrounds both women in a shower of green light.

Both girls scream and shudder briefly as a wave of electric shock courses through them both. When the light clears, both hang limply on the crosses.

Deadwatch has posed:
For all the mystical and posychic and spiritual energies bandying about the room, roiling together as the spell and ritual take hold, Nolan's face has become unreadable. He watches througth The Dark as two souls (well a soul and a spirit) are wrapped in those strange eldritch energies and literally pulled from one body to another. Buffy's soul has an easier time of it as Tiffany's spirit is litterally (and metaphysically) kicking and screaming.

And once the two personalities are back in their proper shells, and the screaming of the spiritual anguish of pyschic rebirth flares and fades away, Nolan slowly limps over to Tiffany's original body. That shadow, whatever she sees, looms over him and stares INTO Tiffany as Nolan answers her question that was asked before the transfer.

"Once you have escaped death." he intoned here. "No longer. /That/ is what has weighed you. /That/ is what has measured you. And /THAT/ has found you wanting. Ashes to ashes, Tiffany.." he says, confirming the swap worked.. an he turns to Thomas and nods.. allowing him to finish the job.. and the prayer.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith pulls a heavy wooden stake from behind his back and walks looks into Tiffany's eyes with nothing but contempt. Then with a single, brutally efficient thrust he slams the stake into her heart. No banter. No witty lines. He simply ends her. Then with barely a moments reflection, he is moving to Buffy and opening the leather cuffs, pulling her off the cross and into his arms...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Tiffany screeches, nothing but contempt and hatred in her eyes. "Nooo!" but her cries fall on deaf ears as a moment later, there's a stake through her heart, and she explodes into a shower of dust, leaving one cross eerily empty, and quite dusty. Oh. At least she was wearing Buffy's least favorite pyjamas anyway.

Buffy meanwhile, looks pretty tired, but glad to get out of those restraints. "Thomas.." she murmurs, blinking slowly, tired, confused. "Did it work..?"

Deadwatch has posed:
In THe Dark, a demon SCREAMS as the vampire's body turns to dust on the physical plane, yet in the spiritual domain the physical representtion is burned away in the coldest fire. It tries to escape, dragging the remaining shadow of Tiffany's spirit, with it as it is sent back to it's hell. But that shadow, that primordial force of nature, cleanses the demon from what little of Tiffany's self remains.. a twisted and charred thing wailing loudly. Around her more shadows, darker than The Dark itself, surround her. Watching. Saying nothing.

They are Those-WHo-Judge.

The first one looks to Nolan, canting it's head as if in question. Nolan just nods. It nods back and then it and the rest of it's brethren swarm Tiffany's 'soul', as it is, and drags it into a deeper place thn the dark. It may not have been THAT demons hell, but it was a hell of SINE kind.

In the real world, Nolan's lip quirks into a small smirk. HIs eyes are their regular color. The frost his gone. His ghostly companions have vanished. HE turns to face his companions, seeing all is well now.

"I could use a drink. What about you guys?"