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Latest revision as of 04:54, 6 February 2021

Bringing Dawn Home
Date of Scene: 06 February 2021
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Spike brings Dawn back to Bludhaven. The usual awkwardness is had.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Spike

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had had a rough several weeks, and with her sudden body change into a vicious bloodthirsty vampire, she had been worried for Dawn's safety - so much so that she had agreed to allow Spike and Selina to take care of her and take a break from the dangers of Bludhaven while she sorted herself out.

However, that miiiight have been a mistake, knowing that Spike is a bit of a kleptomaniac himself..Which is why Buffy is now anxiously pacing the club as she waits for Spike and Dawn to arrive. "I..Really hope I didn't make a mistake!" she chews her nails anxiously as she waits.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit, "Dawn's a pretty good kid, and as much as I think Spike is an asshole, I'm reasonably sure he wouldn't have let anything bad happen to her." Thomas says, trying to sound reassuring. He's sipping his iced tea while going through the weeks ordering on his tablet. The club, hasn't picked up yet, though with it being a little after sunset they are open. No live music yet though and people are being let in on just a one drink minimum.

Spike has posed:
There is a shake of his head and Spike mutters,"I don't know little bit. Maybe she's lowering her standards and getting the stick out." he comments about something. He motions her into the club after he takes a moment to glance over the place and then follows her in.

Whatever they were talking about, it ends at the door. He takes a drag off his cigarette and flicks it towards the street. He exhales the last of it into the air and looks over the place once before noting Buffy and Thomas. He points their direction and follows Dawn over to them,"Now remember. You only smoked when you were drinking and he had his shots." Dawn laughs inspite of herself as they draw near.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shakes her head, pausing to glance out the window before she continues to pace some more. "Just hope I didn't make a mistake." the asshole comment is ignored. She still blames herself for everything that soured between them.

And then she sees that familiar shock of platinum blonde hair and Dawn's young figure trailing after him. "Dawn!" she cries out in relief, quickening her footsteps to meet her, hugging her tightly, much to her sister's annoyance no doubt.

A thoughtful glance is given Spike as well and a slow nod. "Thank you for taking care of her..As you can see, things are back to normal, more or less.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles slightly as he sees the pair walk in as well. He makes eye contact with Axe, shaking his head slightly and the Hispanic man just nods and goes back to apparently playing Candy Crush. He follows over at a more sedate pace, giving Dawn a grin, "Nice to see you again Dawn. He says with a smile. To Spike he just offers a simple nod. Man-speak for 'I don't like you, you don't like me. You've done me a favor however and I acknowledge this fact, with no obligations to either side expected or incurred.' Guys can say allot with a nod.

Spike has posed:
There is a shrug and Spike replies,"Normal is not any of our lives, but I get what you are saying." He leaves a comfortable distance between him and the rest of them,"As far the other, the bit's never a problem. Good company. Keeps things intersting."

He glances towards the nod and returns a nod of his own. His own nod saying "didn't do it for you, but what's done is done." Words are so over rated.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Heey! Quit stifling me! I'm not a kid, you know!?" Dawn grumbles, pushing her away. "Pain!" Buffy rolls her eyes, ruffling her hair, "Quit being such a brat Dawn, why can't I be worried for my little sis?"

Dawn just groans and rolls her eyes, pushing away, glancing at Thomas and smiling shyly. She liked both of Buffies friends for different reasons. Spike let her get away with anything, while Thomas was very easy on the eyes. "Hii Thomas..Umm how have you been? I really missed you. I hope my annoying sister hasn't cause d you anymore trouble. I know how much pain she caused you when she and Spike--"

"Oh shut up, Dawn!" Buffy shoots her another murderous glare and heads to the bar for another strong drink.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith lets out a long sigh and a bit of a smirk at Dawn, "You know I have to give you some props, I'm pretty sure, even with me and Spike in the mix, no one can get under your sister's skin quite as fast as you." He says amused and and offers the girl a one-armed hug. To Spike he just nods again. "I have some Red Packs left from Tiffany's stay. I can have Yosa fix you a screaming Mary if you want." Not precisely a peace offering so much as hospitality, something the White Court is fairly big on." He steps behind the bar fixing Buffy some sort of Orange cocktail, and opening Dawn a glass bottle of Pepsi. He gives Buffy's hand a light, almost tender squeeze.

Spike has posed:
Initially it looks like Spike might just nod to the trio and make his way towards the exit again,"Not sure I want to wear the Yoko mask long, but a drink would be good before I head back to Gotham." he finally comments in response and walks up to the bar to take an empty seat.

"Remember to eat your vegetables and look responsible little bit." he tells Dawn with a wink,"Hate to have your sis thinking we didn't feed you right." Uh huh. Surely there was something other than take out every night right? Right?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Dawn laughs at Thomas, still ogling him with a slight blush as she heads to the bar. "Awe, just a coke? I mean, Spike let me drink real alcohol, even got me a fake ID and he taught me some thievery too!" as she spews a bunch of secret stuff she happily sips her coke all the same, "I think I'd be able to pick just about any lock now, thanks to him, it's sooo much fun! Oh, and we mostly just ate great takeout food, but hey, pizza with mushrooms, pickles, onions and tomatoes counts as balanced meal...Right?"

More innocent smiles are met with an increasingly fuming Buffy who positively glares at Spike, "Spike! I didn't tell you to turn her into a juvenile delinquent! You were just supposed to watch over her and keep her safe! I can't believe you!"

Pretty much the only thing keeping her from staking or punching him right now is Thomas' hand, squeezing hers' reassuringly. She draws a deep breath, glancing back it him for a moment, trying hard to relax..And takes a looong sip of her strong alcoholic drink.


Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks mildly amused at that and says simply, "Spike gives you booze, it's a Misdemenor. I give you booze, I could loose my liqueur license and then all these people would be out of a job." He says amused and tilts his head slightly, "As for the fake ID, Axe over there is an expert at spotting them if you want to put it to the test." he says almost challengingly. He fixes Spike's drink behind the counter, a bloody Mary that uses real Blood instead of Tomato Juice and sets it in front of the man. "One Screaming Mary for you. My iced tea, Dawn get's a Coke with real sager because that Corn Syrup garbage is horrible for you, and Buffy, I don't think you've ever looked like you needed a Slow Comfortable Screw up Agienst the wall more in your life.

Spike has posed:
There is a soft laugh as Dawn gushes and Spike shakes his head. There is no shame because let's face it, Spike doesn't have any. He sets his cigarettes on the bar surface and replies to Buffy,"She didn't become a juvenile delinquent on my watch thanks. I just honed a few rough edges. It kept her from worrying about you the whole time we were there."

He nods his thanks when the drink arrives and he swirls it a few times with his wrist absently. There is a devil may care smirk at something that was said and he takes a shallow drink from the glass in his hand.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Thomas, and for once not flinching at the name of the drink. "Thanks Thomas..Never tasted better than tonight.." as if he's not getting enough swooning from Dawn, well..Buffy hasn't been alone with Thomas for any decent amount of time since changing back.."Hey Spike? Maybe you can drive Dawn back to Sunnydale after this? I'd really appreciate it."

Dawn is given a sharp look as she starts to protest, then she just smiles and wriggles her brows at the two of them. "You know, I'm not dumb, I know what you two do when you're alone..Anyway, I still don't get why no o e will tell me the real reason I was sent away. I mean, it's not like I haven't dealt with danger before right? So what's the big secret?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs slgihtly and looks at Buffy as if to say, "i'll tell her, but not without your permission," Though to the first part of Dawn's statement Thomas just gives her a wicked grin and says "You may think you know what we get up to when we are alone, but if you really had a clue, your imagination would simply burst like a soap bubble as your mind went all blue screen of death." He says with a grin.

Spike has posed:
There is a nod and Spike takes another drink. He raises the glass a little,"That will be one drink tonight then." he comments since he'll be driving Dawn around later. He smirks a little and stays /way/ far away from the 'what goes on when the sun goes down' conversation. She's better off not knowing and thinking she has the idea. He leans on the bar a little bit and tells Dawn,"You've been wanting your bed for several nights anyway. A quiet house to yourself. Who knows what you might get up to." Yup. He's a pain.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Dawn just giggles nervously at Thomas. "Oh. Eww! Dont even go there, I really dint need to hear details!" she yawns as she finishes her coke, "But I'm not a kid anymore and have a right to know why I was really sent away!" she shrugs, "Anyway, I know Thomas is like, a sex demon or something which is like, really creepy. I mean, is that why you dumped Spike for him, cuz you're all spellbound or whatever?"

Buffy groans and takes another looong sip of her drink. "Oh for crying out loud, hhave you been spying on me or something? Fine fine, go tell her if you want, doesn't really matter at this point.." Buffy whaves a hand at Thomas before burying her face in her drink, completely emptying it and ordering another, stronger drink, muttering about nosy sisters..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smakes his head a bit as Buffy asks for something stronger... So he pulls out a bottle of Johnny Walker, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and bottle of Jim Beam, and prepares a double sized Three Wise Men for her. He sighs a bit, "the short short version," He says to Dawn looking amused, "Buffy got herself body swapped with a half vampire half silicon gollem. This same individual had gone out of her way to make allot of enemies who wanted her dead, and thus wanted your sister dead. We had to find a magical do-hicky to transfer her mind back into the right body." he sets the drink in front of Buffy looking to Spike, "that hit all the main notes you think?" then he adds "and I'm not a sex demon. I'm basically the host of a Symbiote demon that feeds on the life force energy of humans. Lust just happens to be one of the most potent forms of life force available." Okay so he's basically a sex demon, still!

Spike has posed:
"That pretty much hits the high spots I think." Spike agrees and takes the last of his drink. He checks the time and tells Dawn,"If I'm going to get back to Gotham before the sun comes up I'd better get you home. You about ready to make the trip?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs softly, just burying herself in another drink and not talking for several moments. "Thank you, Thomas. To be fair, I can protect you from other demons but not myself, and for the record? Me and Spike were never dating so I never dumped him." no need to go into details that would lead her to that conclusion.

"Yes, please take her home before she says something else utterly...Innacurate or embarrassing. Besides it's getting late."

Dawn just makes a face as she climbs to her feet. "Wooow, that's crazy, I mean I wish I got to see you as a vampire. Hah, what a laugh! I'll bet that was a major strain in your relationship. I mean how did you and-"

"Just go Dawn, please!" she gives Spike those pleading eyes, climbing to her own feet with a yawn and stretch. "Anyway I'm pretty tired, I should get some rest too.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is trying very hard not to chuckle... I mean he is the youngest of his family, save one, and Inari was always the super sweet girl. so seeing Dawn and Buffy interact is always fun. Still he smirks a little bit, "Believe me, if your not ready for the last set of details, you definitely aren't ready for /those/." He says wickedly. He takes a long drink of his tea, Nodding again to Spike and giving Buffy another reassuring squeeze.

Spike has posed:
Spike gets up, setting a twenty on the bar. Reaching into his pocket he gets his Zippo and takes his cigarettes from the bar with the other hand,"Come on. You can burn one more before I get you home." With that he heads towards the front door.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Dawn just stares wide eyed at Thomas, jaw hanging open for a moment or two, then hurries off after Spike. "Hey, wait up!" Buffy meanwhile, it's nods and waves to them both, quite relieved to be rid of them. "So then...Now that that's dealt with, where were we?" she smiles.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles a little bit and takes a deep drink of his own drink, though non alcholic, and he chuckles. "well we were either going to do inventory and ordering," He says tapping his pad, or we were going to go up and do exactlly what Dawn figures we were going to do as soon as she was gone... Though that'll have to wait if you have many more of those." He says playfully.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, finishing off her second drink and shrugs, "Well...To be fair, we haven't had a lot of...Alone time since I got back to my original body..And I still feel like I have to prove myself as better than her.." that causes her to frown a bit, shaking her head. "Sorry about Dawn, she can be a real Motorhead at times. Dont take anything she says seriously.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles a little bit and shakes his head. "Between you and me, I think she's adorable." He says with a smile. He grins a little bit adding, "Between you and me? I think she just might have tiny itty bitty crush on me." He says with a bit of a grin. He brings her hand up to his lips, kissing her knuckles. "I mean I already know you have nothing to prove, but I welcome you to try as much as you like.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Oh, she has a crush on you alright, you and Spike both, for different reasons. I'd hardly call her 'cute'though, more like a pain in the butt. But I'm sure you know all about pain in the butt siblings." she grins, "You and Harry are...Well I dunno if 'adorable' is the right word, but.." Buffy shrugs and yawns again, climbing to her feet, tugging him along with her. "But I'm ready to turn in for the night, how about you?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Considering that the sun had barely gone down and what they had been discussing before... and that you didn't have to hit Thomas in the face with a wet mop to make him get a hint, He just grinned slowly. "Love," he says as she pulls him by his tie, "I'd follow you anywhere..."