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Latest revision as of 15:59, 6 February 2021

Lethal Protection
Date of Scene: 02 February 2021
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: When Xiang is heckled in Mutant town, some ninjas come to his aid, though they seem to have very extreme measures.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Xiang Zhao

Shredder has posed:
    It's cold in Bushwick. Mutant Town isn't known to have the best record regarding police, and in the last year, there have been many people who have gone missing here. None of them are mutants, though. Most of them are FOH members, still, they never turn up when they disappear. It's created a detraction for those who might come to mess with the mutants, all the same, somebody is murdering them most likely. The snow is falling this evening, just getting to the point where it is starting to stick to the sidewalk. No salt trucks come through this part of town, it's likely to be a rough commute for anyone who drives in the morning.
    Some FoH members have decided that they are going to make a stab at harrassing the local population, a gang of six of them wandering the street in ski caps that have an X with a slash through it.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
One such presently wandering through that isn't a regular in this neighborhood is a man that looks like he stepped out of some sort of cosplay for the robes he wears. He could be a monk of some sort. The robes have that sort of look to them. Xiang Zhao is not a regular, not yet, but he has been here several times in the last week, so his features might be familiar to some. His right hand rests with his fingers resting against the white flute tucked into his sash, just touching it. His thumb is hooked loosely over the sash itself. His steps are neither fast, nor slow, but a deliberate pace that might give the impression that he's on his way to.. somewhere. While the eventual somewhere is uncertain, in the now, that happens to be across the street from the FoH members in their ski caps, walking toward them in the opposite direction. His eyes flick to the side to take them in. He doesn't seem to recognize them or their attire, nor what that attire might signify. Zhao's eyes move away again, though a portion of his attention remains on them. Six of them and one of him could spell trouble if he doesn't stay aware.

Shredder has posed:
    The group are laughing, and one of them spots Xiang. "Check him out. He thinks he's in a convention or somethin'," one says to the others. "Yeah," a second says, "Probably some self-made mutant superhero or somethin'. Hey you!" He shouts across the street, mostly bare except the few people who are scurrying from one warm place to another. "What's with the robes, fashion statement?"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao's brow furrows ever so slightly at conversation amongst the men. The expression is just a touch confused, and doesn't change from serene and unruffled otherwise. He looks like he doesn't entirely understand what they're talking about. He pauses at the shouted 'hey you', though, and glances to them. His dark eyes shift to his robes and then back to the men. "These are what my people wear. I am.." He pauses, head tilted ever so slightly, perhaps uncertain of just the right word. Or phrase. He finally settles with, "Sort of a monk."

Shredder has posed:
    "A monk," the guy echoes, and slaps his buddy backhandedly on the chest. "Like kung fu and stuff, right?" he asks.

    A short way down the street, a person in the town glances back and forth between Xiang and the group of ruffians, and she pulls a phone from her pocket. She strips off her glove, and makes a call, holding the phone up to her ear, and tucking to the alley. She's easily visible to Xiang, but for the group harrassing him, she's rather well out of sight.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
All that elicits is a single syllable. "Mm." Is that even a word? No movements had come with that sound to give any indication what it might mean. Xiang Zhao keeps his eyes on the group of men, for now. There's a good chance he's noted the woman's presence, but he doesn't look at her, nor do anything else to potentially give her away. For his part, Zhao doesn't look much like he's being harassed. His expression still shows serenity. There might also be patience there. Despite that, there's almost a readiness in how he holds himself.

Shredder has posed:
    There is a laugh from the group, and one of the buddies says, "Oh, John man, you hurt his feelings. He don't mean nothin' by it," he calls out. "He's a jerk, ask anyone. You need a hug?" They laugh, and the most recent to speak starts to cross the street, followed by the rest of them.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"My feelings are not hurt," says Zhao, his voice holding no more emotion than his expression does. The man seems to truly be at peace with whatever happens. As the men start to cross the street, Xiang Zhao's eyes leave them briefly. Just long enough to see what is where and how high. He lifts his right hand away from his body and makes a motion with it. It almost looks like he's writing something. Indeed, as he 'writes', softly glowing golden light appears, but it's certainly not English, and he's writing not from left to right, but from top to bottom. It almost looks like some sort of rune. But not. As he seems to finish writing, Zhao gives a flick of his hand. The 'rune' shoots to his feet. Xiang Zhao bends his knees and leaps up and toward the closest building, which he'd been walking no more than two feet from prior to stopping. This one happens to be one of the shorter, older buildings, and it puts Zhao quite handily atop it's roof. Where he crouches briefly to glance over his shoulder at the men. Clearly, the idea of a hug was too much!

Shredder has posed:
    The crew look up as Xiang jumps. "Yep, got a mutant, told ya," one of them says. "Look at him, right up like a cat up a tree. What's wrong, afraid we're gonna hurt ya?" he asks.

    here is something else, though, on the roof. Xiang lands on a surface that is not unpopulated. Three ninjas, or at least, they are dressed as such, give a surprised look as the monk lands next to them. They glance at each other, and then at Xiang. They wear ash gray uniforms, appropriate color for a snowy urban landscape. One puts his finger up to his mouth, and they peek over the edge at the gang below. He signals to the left, and one of his compatriots, staying low so she doesn't present a target, dashes to the edge of the building, and leaps over the side to the small gap between the buildings, not even large enough to be called an alley.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
'Mutant' at least is something Xiang Zhao understands. He doesn't dispute what is said, though. If they want to call him mutant? So be it. He takes half a step forward and pivots so he's facing the edge of the building. This allows him to face the still probably danger, as well as get a good look at his rooftop surroundings. And other occupants, apparently! His movement is smooth, not stopping until he's facing the men below again. He's close enough to the edge to see them, but far enough back that he can simply sway back to avoid any projectiles they might throw. With the exception, perhaps, of bullets. The finger to the mouth is a universal sign, and so Zhao respects it. He doesn't give them away. Instead, he speaks to those below. "I do not care to be touched," he says simply. So not a hugger!

Shredder has posed:
    The ninjas on the roof wait as the men below continue their mild heckling. "Like a cat up a tree, see, that's the thing with mutants, they think they're better, cuz they got powers," the FoH leader says. It's at that moment that a handful of gravel slaps them from the side. The female ninja on the ground threw it at them. Harmless, really, except that it drew the gaze of every last member. The two on the top leap over the edge, each landing on one of the hecklers, knocking them to the ground, and then striking inward at a second target without hesitation.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao makes no response to the heckling. His expression doesn't even change. It's like he doesn't hear it at all. Or maybe he simply doesn't understand it. Or doesn't care one way or another. He waits a moment, assessing the situation as the ninjas begin their attack. And then reverses course. Back down to the ground he goes, leaping out and floating down at a much slower rate than the ninjas had gone down. He lands lightly next to one of the hecklers, striking out just as his feet touch the pavement. His aim, to remove the man from the fight without doing any more harm than simply knocking him out.

Shredder has posed:
    The female ninja joins, engaging the fight at approximately the same moment that Xiang enters the fray. Xiang's strike is true, and the leader of the group takes a blow to the face. The female ninja takes the one in back, leaping up to catch him by the head. There's and unsettling crack that echoes through the fight as she twists his head during her descent, landing in a crouching position, her opponent's body limp. That was probably more than a knock out. One of the other ninjas strikes with a jab of the fingers to his second target, leaving him coughing and gagging for air. The final man takes the first strike to the gut, and while he recoils, he manages to deflect the second blow that might have been to his own throat. Panicked, he starts to backpedal, spotting his friends scattered about.

    It appears these rescuers do not hold to the same standards many heroes do.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
At the sound of that sharp crack, Xiang Zhao's head turns unerringly in that direction. There's no confusion this time. It's shock that shows in his eyes, chasing away the serenity for a couple of breaths before he takes a breath. The serenity comes back as though a mask has been put back into place. "Surrender," he says sharply. "Beg for mercy and they might show it." Might. Might, because in truth, Zhao just really does not know for certain whether it will do any good or not. Despite the shock, there's no argument for the deadly force that has been used. He doesn't know the history here and so cannot judge.

Shredder has posed:
    The female ninja snaps her head up at the retreating man, and she works with the ninja who had already had his attention on him to close the gap and surround him. The man is clearly scared, and does as he's instructed by Xiang. He throws his hands up, "I'm sorry! I didn't wanna come in the first place, they-" He's cut short as the two ninjas both converge, delivering blows to him rapidly and without the mercy begged for. They don't even speak.
    The man with the injured throat holds his hand out for mercy as well, unable to say anything. Next to Xiang, the third ninja pulls a small kunai from his sash, and looks as if he will give no more mercy than his compatriots.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao offers no further words to the men who are unlikley to survive this encounter. Instead, he turns his eyes to the ninjas. "Wèishéme?" The questioning tone to that single word seems to lend it the air of a question. It's clear that Zhao doesn't quite understand why these men need to die. Despite the question, he does not interfere with what is happening. Instead, he stays standing next to the one he'd knocked unconscious.

Shredder has posed:
    The ninja with a kunai readied takes a moment to look over at Xiang, but offers no explanation or justification. He glances back at the battlefield, and flips the kunai around, and uses the ring akin to a brass knuckle, striking the nearly defenseless man in the temple, which may or may not be a lethal blow, depending on the precision and power it struck with, and the target's endurance. It does not appear that he is concerned. The other man is placed in a choke hold by the other male ninja, until he stops moving, slumping in his grip. The female goes to one of the unconscious men on the ground, the one that Xiang knocked out. It doesn't seem that they are much for talking, this group, going about their business mostly as if he is not even there.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao doesn't interfere. Not his territory. Until they get to the last man, the one he'd knocked out. He can't seem to help himself. Zhao takes a deliberate step to place himself between the unconscious man and the female ninja. His right hand has gone to rest back where it had been before, fingers just touching the flute tucked into his sash. His left hangs loose at his side. "Why?" Oh hey, he remembered the English word this time!

Shredder has posed:
    This time when he speaks, the ninja who had the kunai, the same that gave him indication to remain quiet in the beginning, looks through his fukumen mask, brown eyes intense. He glances at the robes, and then holds his hand out. The female had turned over one of the unconscious men, clearly ready to snap his neck by stomping on it against the curb. She pauses.

    "For your protection," he says. It's a Brooklyn accent. The wearer is not from Japan. He points at the unconscious and deceased, and the other two begin picking up a person each to carry. Another man comes around the corner, looking to be going about his day, and spots the scene. He steps to the side, and turns back around, apparently he didn't want to be involved, and rather than take any other action, he's simply removed himself from the equation as quickly as he became part of it.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
The words are considered for a moment, Xiang Zhao's expression thoughtful. Then, "My life is not worth more than the lives of others. They caused me no harm. Why kill them?" His voice is quiet. Not for the situation they happen to be in, but more from habit, it would seem. He still stands between the one he'd knocked out and the woman, protecting him at least until he has answers as to why they deserve to die.

Shredder has posed:
    If Xiang was hoping to have a discussion on morality, he'll be disappointed. The body of the two dead are taken back to the thin space between the buildings, and the one who had answered simply picks up one of the unconscious, the one he had first knocked out, and takes them back to the same space. The three return, and one picks up the other that had been knocked out at the beginning by one of the ninjas. The female goes to pick up the one Xiang knocked out, if not impeded.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao seems less like he wants to have a discussion on morality, and more he simply wants to know why they need to die. But when the question remains answered only at protecting him.. Xiang Zhao doesn't ask further. This time, when the female comes to the one, Zhao steps aside rather than interfering. Instead, he cups his hands in front of himself at about chest level, and bows to each of the ninjas. As he straightens, he says, "Xièxiè." He watches without further comment, hands going back to their previous positions. He makes no move to follow them, for the moment.