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Latest revision as of 05:32, 14 February 2021

Happy Birthday Thomas!
Date of Scene: 14 February 2021
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: The Scoobies celebrate Valentines and Thomas' birthday!
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Willow Rosenberg, Phantasm (Drago), Angel

Buffy Summers has posed:

Thats what the banner hanging across the entryway reads as people pile into the club. Naturally it's decked out in hundreds of balloons in shades of pink, red and white with streamers, sparkly confetti co during the tables and heart shaped candles lighting the booths. It's a semi private party, with all the staff here and other friends of Thomas. Who knows, maybe even his sister Lara will pop in?

At any rate it was supposed to be a surprise, but Thomas was probably tipped off anyway. He's sneaky that way..

Buffy meanwhile, is behind the bar counter, totally fussing over decorations, making sure everything is just right. Occasionally she dashes into the kitchen to check on....Something, looking largely frazzled about something. Oh yeah, she's wearing the most valentinesy thing she could find: A lilac ruffled tshirt and a pink skirt decorated with red hearts. Maturally she has something practical like cute pink kitten heel sandals to match her outfit. At least they're comfy..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is of course working on some paperwork up in his office, and quite studious not noticing that his security feed has been shut off and that Buffy is trying to keep him in his office as much as possible today.

Downstairs a skinny man with black hair that looks like he brushed it with a light socket grins slightly, looking around nervously. Not normally a social butterfly he walks up towards Nick and tries offering his hand. "Hi, I'm Waldo Butters. Quite the shindig huh?"

And at the door, Axe starts to say "Excuse me Miss, we are closed tonight for a private party..." It comes out more like "oh oh oh oh oh oh wow....." It's worth noting, Didi, short for Diedre Raith is Thomas cousin. She is drop dead gorgeous. a 10 out of 10 on any given day. The woman who just walked past Axe? She's about a 200. Her long black hair shimmers glossily and frames carved by angels on a good day. She is wearing a white tank top despite the Febuary chill (and yes it's clear just how chilly it is by looking at her. She's also wearing what looks like leather boots that somehow change their mind and become leather pants. The heels on them nearly five inches long and sharp as needles. As Axe tries to recove the woman heads to the bar and in a voice like a purr says "I'm here for my brother's party?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow arrives somewhere in the middle. Not too early; not too late. And because it was a party, she's dolled herself up with actually pretty decent clothes: a slim, short skirt; a white blouse; and, of course, sensible shoes. But she was trying!

Of course.. Thomas' guests put her to shame.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Surprise or not, friends, staff, and the combination versions are here. One such combination is Nick. Sometimes an employee. Due to living in another city, mostly a distant friend. But he made it. He's not really dressed up. But he's not dressed poorly either. Decent enough pair of slacks. Decent enough dress shirt. It's a deep red this time. That's - Well ok. Reds and blacks, sometimes blues seem to be his go to. But hey. At least he wore more than one color. Decent enough jacket. Is outfit is - well, kind of plain really. Nothing that really stands out. So perhaps that's why he's the one Butters targets for talking to. Nothing too flashy, right?

The musician looks to the smaller man. Giving a small polite smile as he takes the offered hand. "Nick." He supplies, glancing to the scenery in assessment. "Yeah, seems like an alright setup." He looks to Waldo, "So, how do you know Thomas?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers vanishes behind the counter again as steam rises from the oven, "Just a sec...Oh nooo! Dont you dare think of exploding on me! Gah!" she's gone for some ten minutes, trying to rescue a - SURPRISE - and when she returns, a bit more frazzled, she laughs hysterically, "It'll be fine, FINE! Just gotta...Let it coool.." she pulls it out of the oven, blowing on it. "Hey, someone call Thomas down? It's almost ready..."

Buffy pops up from her SURPRISE only briefly, smiling and waving to Nick and Willow, "Hey you made it! You two look awesome! Who are your friends?" she glances at Butters, smiling and nodding. The ridiculously tall woman who nonetheless looks a lot like a female Thomas is given a hesitant smile. "Hi! Are you...Related to Thomas...?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Lara offers an almost musical laugh to Buffy and smiles, "Well yes, I'm Tommy's sister Lara. And you must be Buffy that Tommy is always talking about...when he'll take my calls anyway." The woman smiles offering her hand to the blonde with a smile that is just a bit preditory, very like Thomas' own. "Not every day you meet someone who can simply break a Scion of the White King." she says with a smirk.

Butters smiles at Nick and shrugs, "Well, he's a friend of a friend really. I work with Harry, Thomas works with Harry, our paths have crossed a few times, you know how it goes." He smiles a bit to Nick, "I'm a bit of a musician myself actually," He says with a grin. "My one man polka band won second place at the chicago anual Octoberfest three years running.

And then, per Buffy's directions, Crush comes down the stairs leading Thomas, who really does do his best to put on a surprised face.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The ponytailed musician glances over to Buffy as she makes comment to the attire. A slight smirk is sent her way for the obvious lie. He turns back to Butters, listening to him describe his musicianship. "Interesting. That probably took a bit of time to get to that level. For live performances I just use other musicians to play the other parts. Frees me up to work on presentation."

As there's a change in volume to the room, Nick turns his head to look towards the stairs. Looks like the party really is about to start.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at the 'Tommy' but and she offers the beautiful woman a cautious smile. "Ahh, yeah, he did mention you..Nice to finally meet you, Lara. I'm Buffy, yeah." she does arch a curious brow at the king but. "Sooo, is he like literally a prince then? Or is that just some fancy nickname for your dad?" she smirks.r
Butters is given a warmer smile and nod, "Nice to meet you, Waldo. Harry's pretty awesome, too bad he couldn't make it tonight. I guess something came up.." she smiles at Willow, moving to give her a hug, "Willow! how you been? love the outfit, looks so cute on you, and you too, Nick, looking sharp! How you bee--"

And there he is, the man of the hour, the so-called White Prince. Buffy smiles softly at him, suddenly not noticing anything or anyone else in the room as she glides halfway up the stairs to meet him. "Happy birthday, gorgeous.." she murmurs as she wraps her arms around his neck, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
At the compliment, Willow beams. "You think? I never tried before. My friend told me to wear it." She giggles. "It's so short!"

To the unknown guests the introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Willow!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins widely. "What's all this? I'm totally surprised." He says with such genuine inflection that one might almost believe him... unless they have known him for more then five minutes." He kisses Buffy back, soft and gentle, lost to the rest of the world for that moment. Then he scans the room, grining. "Wills, great to see you." He says with a genuine smile. "Nick, glad you could tear yourself away. You too Butters? Meet any new interesting paitents? Lara. You're here."

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.." Lara offer in a voice that is almost like smoke over silk. Then she kisses her brother's cheeks, one then the other softly. The kiss lingering /just/ a fraction too long." She then moves back to Willow, giving her a slow smile, "Very nice to meet you Willow. You are lovely indeed." She says moving to actually kiss Willow's cheek as well.

Butters swollows hard as he watches Lara move up on them, muttering to Nick "Aren't vampires supposed to be hidious... or at least, I dunno, Sparkle."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick rolls his eyes at Thomas's comment about being surprised before he slids a hand into his pocket. He glances back over when Thomas addresses him. "Well. Just good timing." He admits, "Next flight's not scheduled for a few more days."

His head turns slightly to Butters's mutter. "Eh. They kind of vary. Some are just incredibly sarcastic."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Lara's overly formal greeting, giving Thomas' hand a squeeze before letting go and letting him mingle. "So, were you surprised? And I gotta ask, are you *really* a Prince or is that just a figure of speech?" she smiles at Nick and Wil, "Glad you could make it, I know things have been hectic but make yourselves at home, there's food over there.." she points to the finger food at the lovely heart decorated table, and there's live music playing too. "I actually baked a birthday cake for Thomas, I'll bring it out soon..And I worked super hard so you'd better eat it!" she winks.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow actually blushes when she is kissed. There is a fabulous guest, paying attention to her? *swoooooon* Even if she has to remind herself not everybody looks at both sexes equally. But for that one moment..

But Buffy comments are observed. "You made a cake? It got to be better than mine!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith totally doesn't flinch at the idea of Buffy baking a cake. It's more like for just a second he is preternaturally still.Then he smiles and grins, "Of course I was. Never suspected a thing." He says with a grin, trying to avoid Buffy's question about "royal lineage".

The kiss to Willow's cheek is...intense. Like chocolate and roses and whips and handcuffs all at the same time... and that was just a brush of lips agienst the witch's cheek. She stands very close to Willow and it's pretty clear how /she/ is looking at her. Still she smirks at Thomas "Oh Tommy, don't pretend you won't always be our little Prince." she says amused, but then to buffy adds "Our Father holds the rank of King among the White Court. The most powerful among us, Thus Tommy is expected to take over House Raith should anything untoward happen to him, as his only.. living... male heir.

Butters just shakes his head and looks more nervous... "Oh look... there is punch... anyone else want Punch? Did you guys know Karrin almost drown in a punch bowl once?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The kiss doesn't go unnoticed. With a set to te lips, Nick gives a slight hrm before looking away to the rest of the group.

At the mention of Buffy making a cake and then hearing Willow's declaration that it has to be better than hers, Nick looks to Thomas with a quietly concerned look. "Two cakes? I wish I had known earlier. I already ate."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as she regards Lara in all seriousness. "Wow, male patriarchy, huh? I guess thy always said Vampires were old fashioned.." she laughs rather nervously at that, while quite aware of the gravity of the situation. "Soo...Next in line, huh, I guess that's why..Uh.." he's always trying to kill him, apparently. "I mean, can't you be next in line, Lara?"bshe does frown a bit at how she hovers over Willow, ever protective of her BFF, especially when a succubus is giving her that kind of attention.

She also glances at Wil with a smile, "Heh, doubt I could best your cakes..But I can at least try!" she winks, "But the more cakes, the merrier, lemme get it, one sec.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow drags her attention back to the conversation. "Karrin? As in Harry's Karrin?" She tries to imagine, but really she can't. "What did she do, if you don't mind sharing."

As for Lara, it occurs that she is not backing down, which is surprising. But why?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Butter's laughs slightly, "Oh it was a funny story, Some evil fairy tried to drown her at Billy and Georgia's wedding." He says with a grin, ladleing some punch for himself as he talks about what was technically Harry and Murph's first kiss... okay it was technically CPR but...yah know mouth-to-mouth so..."

Thomas narrows his eyes at Lara, sliding his finger's into Buffy's hand but still not liking the closeness of a Succubus to one of his favorite people either. "So what brings you all the way out to Bludhaven, last I heard you were at Silverlight."

Lara pouts, and she has a truly lushious pout, "Oh Tommy, I haven't missed any of your birthdays yet, why would I start now. Sweet 16 was perticularly memorible wasn't it?" and she gives a devilish smile as Thomas once more goes almost paraliticlly still. Almost casually she slides her hand onto the barstool behind willow... which has the side effect of her arm resting agienst the witch's waist almost seductively..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head tilts at the discussion of attempted murder. "Huh." His hand shifts in his pocket before something comes to mind. Turning to look to the witch, Nick tilts his head. "Hey Willow? Can I talk to you for a sec?" He tilts his head over towards the break area commonly used by musicians between sets.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Ok. There are conflicting messages in Willow brain. Running from enjoying the attention, to .. 'woah! Let me think this through.. back off'.

Luckily Nick excuses himself, and asks Willow to join him just for a moment. "Sure.. Nick." She gets down, and follows him. "How can I help you?.."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a bit at the story, though chuckles at the CPR bit. "Seriously? I mean, that's sooo Harry!" she chuckles, letting go of Thomas' hand for a moment. "Be right back!" unfortunately she misses Lara inching towards Willow but she's ever grateful for Nick's presence. She's gone for a while and when she returns, the lights are dimmed a bit as she carries in the cake - a gorgeous red velvet cake decorated with a lotus flower candle holder, adorned in several flame color changing candles. A signal is given to the jazz band who quickly switches to a jazzy 'Happy Birthday' number, with a singer doing the solo. You know the words.

Buffy sets the glowing cake down on a large center booth, motioning for the others to join. "Happy Birthday Thomas. I really did put a lot of effort into this cake after many many tries. I hope you enjoy it!" she does look a bit uncertain, worried he will reject it, even though this time it came out absolutely perfect.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shoots a glance to Nick that says "Thank You," for pulling Willow away from his predatory sister, then smiles slightly as Sasha begins to croon out Happy Birthday much in the style of Marlyn Munroe. He grins as he looks down at the cake, then turns Buffy's face up for a soft gentle kiss. "It's perfect." which is what he would say no matter what of course.

Lara steals willow's seat crossing her leather encased legs and looking very amused as she is pulled away. Then the lights dim and the singing starts and she claps politely when it's over. "well come on Tommy, make a wish." She prompts with a smirk..As for poor Butters... his mouth hasn't closed since Lara's leggs crossed and uncrossed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Once Willow agrees to talk to him, he starts to walk towards the break area further away from the group. Once there is sufficient distance. He glances over towards the direction of Lara and Thomas for a moment before looking back to Willow. "Well, I wanted to get your opinion since you know Buffy better than me." He replies lowly as he pulls out a small envelope, carefully opening it to show Willow the contents without describing it out loud. "What I got for for Thomas."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
When Nick shows her his idea, her whole face lights up. "Perfect!! I wish I would have thought of it!" Mind you, she didn't have the money. Her box of chocolate chip cookie looked pathetic now, though they tasted good!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Thomas. "No realky, try some, I promise you, no more disaster cakes! But make a wish first!" she smiles and waves to Nick and Willow, "Co e on, you're gonna miss Thomas blowing out the candles!Go on then, make a wish!" she will tug Thomas towards her and the cake, while still keeping a cautious eye on Lara, trying to figure out her angle.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick smiles, carefully closing it once more. "Ok good. I feel better about giving this now. Thanks."

Hearing Buffy call over to them, he looks over to Willow, "Ready for some cake?" He offers an arm over to her.

Angel has posed:
Angel, as always, remains in the background, shrouded in darkness and shadow. His eyes watch everything, and takes in the whole scene with a slight smile, and a lot of angsty brooding. Leaning against the wall, he was alone, as though waiting for something.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit and looks to Buffy with obvious love in his blue eyes. It's enough to make his sister look away in disgust. Then he takes a deep breath and lets it out slow blowing out all of the candles and grinning with apparent pleasure that he was able to do it in a single breath. A man with a heavily tattooed face, multiple peircings in his eyebrows, ears, nose and lips, a split tounge...and a Chefs hat... comes out with several plates and a restaurant sized tub of cherry vanilla ice cream. "You better like that cake boss. That poor girl made a wreck of my kitchen trying to make it for you." Smash says with a grin.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes corner piece of cake, and *two* scoops of cherries jubilee. "This looks great!" She doesn't take back to sit down where Lara is.

Angel has posed:
Angel holds something in reserve, hiding it from everyone else. A present that was ancient and precious. Moving quietly, he puts it with the others, if there was a present spot, and then turns quietly back to the rest of those present.

Hearing there was cake, Angel perks up a bit, and gets less broody. Maybe the night was looking up after all. Cake was always a good thing. Like puppies and comfortable black boots.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As cake is being served out and Willow appears to be Lara free now. Nick takes the opportunity to move over towards Thomas, handing him an envelope. "Happy Birthday Thomas. Enjoy."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles lovingly at Thomas, taking his hand again as she slides into the booth next to him. "Sooo what did you wish for?" she smirks, glancing over at Smash and makes a face, "Cmon, at least I got it right the third time round! Come on, help yourselves!" She spies Angel and waves him over, "Angel! How long you been standing there? Come join us!" she laughs, knowing he's probably been there all along, and starts cutting slices and handing out cake all around. "Now honestly, tell me..Is it really that bad?" no seriously, she worked super hard on it this time...After the third time round..Shush you!

Angel has posed:
Walking forward into the light, Angel nods to Buffy, and says, "Hello Willow." Turning slightly, he adds, "Nick." Then across, "Good to see you Thomas. "Happy Birthday." Finally, Angel's eyes find the last person he hadn't mentioned yet. "Buffy. Thank you." That was all of them. "I heard there was cake."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith carves off a huge chunk of cake that seems to have all the icing on it and gets a huge scoop of ice cream as well. He whispers something in Buffy's ear, though judging by the wicked grin on his lips as he does it, it's likely whatever he wished for is not for public consumption. "I do really appreciate you all coming tonight. It's good to know how many people I can call friends." He says with a smile.