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Latest revision as of 23:10, 24 February 2021

Even D List Heroes need to eat
Date of Scene: 24 February 2021
Location: Cafe - Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Drake and Shannon bump into each other at lunch, then run into Jamie Madrox and all his 'siblings'. Weirdness.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Nightingale, Multiple Man

Slipstream has posed:
There's a blur of speed as the doors to the cafe open, followed by Drake appearing in a more slow motion moving forward towards the counter. He's wearing his Avenger's bomber jacket, a snug black shirt and a pair of worn jeans along with some new sneakers. "Hey there." He calls over to the employee as he lifts a hand with a bright grin.

"Caaaannnn.. I get a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich on wheat and a large orange juice?"

Ding! As he slides his cash over, he grabs a number and makes his way over to a tabl eto sink down into it with a heavy thud.

Nightingale has posed:
     Drake isn't the only one who's in for lunch in the trendy industrial cafe. One patron tends to stand out a little bit in this locale. Oh, it's not the light blue jeans, or the cream cotton ruffled peasant's blouse, or the soft, caramel suede boots she's sporting. It's not the long, loose blonde hair, with a thin glacier blue braid on the left side of her face.

     It's the wings.

     Tucked in neatly at her back, one can imagine their full span without too much effort. As their bearer steps up to the counter, she offers the employee a warm smile, nodding at the menu. "Hi! Don't suppose I could have the gyro and fries, and a root beer?" Like Drake, Shannon paid, took a number, and went off to look for somewhere to sit and wait for her order.

Slipstream has posed:
As he pokes around at his phone, Drake glances upwards at the voice, then tracks the winged girl towards the counter. "Hey, Shannon!" He says as he recognizes her, lifting his hand upwards. "You /are/ Shannon, right? I think it is .. or was it .. Suzanne?" He says as he puts his phone glass down on the table again. "I recognize the wings, ya'know. How have you been? Things been pretty cool?" He asks as he gives the waiter a smile as the sandwich is brought over along with complimentary baked chips.

"You want to join me? I got nothing going on unless you're about to bounce outta here." He says as he gives a motion to the chair across from him, then plucks up one half of the sandwich in front of him hungrily.

Nightingale has posed:
     "You got it, Drake, it's Shannon." She makes her way over to his booth and sits down, leaning back to chill out for just a few minutes. "Nothing going on here. Just got out of the studio and holy hell, I'm starved!" Running her fingers through her hair, she laughs, shaking her head. "No wonder Andrea ate as much as she did sometimes after recording. That takes a lot outta ya!"

Multiple Man has posed:
You know how you notice a face in a crowd that just seems familiar? Sure you saw someone somewhere before? Yeah, James Arthur Madrox doesn't help this, as he tends to actually be sort of everywhere. Behind the counter, the Madrox working the counter nods, "PBJ and a Large Nicole Simpson Killer" tossed to someone behind him, "Should be up in under five." returning the change to Drake right beside the tip jar that says 'tips are not required, but greatly appreciated'. After Shannon orders, he tosses "Sabra & Spuds with No Sassporilla, for the little angel." returning her change as well.

A keen eye might notice that there are actually two Madri working here, plus two more actually patronizing the place. The patron Jamies are one in a Hawaiian Shirt, Sunglasses, Bermuda Shorts, Surf Shoes, with a slightly tanner complexion than most and a few days stubble, who is lounged back at a table with an chocolate and whipped creamed iced coffee and a slice of chocolate creme pie. He appears to be doing playing on a phone, some app game, the volume almost muted.

The other patron Jamie is wearing a T-Shirt with the Xavier Institute Seal on the front and a pair of jeans over a green and gold spotted bodysuit, who seems passed out at a table with pamphlets of what looks like hundreds of jobs, trade schools, and colleges, as well as some internship programs, an empty pot of coffee sitting on some of the pamphlets

Slipstream has posed:
"You're in a studio? Like... doing singing?" Drake asks as his brows lift upwards some. "That's cool. Mutant popstars are taking over the planet." He says with a grin, then tilts his head to the side. "In fact, in about two hundred years from now, you're going to love... oh .. wait.. no you'll be dead... so will I. Darn future.. stuff.. um... long story short, when I was living on the Legionnaire's Cruiser with all the other ... uh.. heroes from about a thousand years off from now, they had some awesome music. This one was considered the oldies, but it was a real banger. We're not really 'ready' for that yet, because if you heard it, you'd hate it, but it took awhile for my ears to adjust to the frequencies." He's a babbler. Always babbling.

As his eyes give a coasting along the room, he starts to notice the dopplegangers. He pauses for a moment, then leans forward some as he sips at his OJ. He looks to the lounger, then to the cashier, then back to Shannon. He rubs the side of his eyes for a moment. ".. Those two guys look alike to you? The cashier and that other dude? Think they're twins?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, it's just for one song, at least so far," Shannon admits. "Sony and Andrea Jackson's studio, Starlight, signed me on for a single. It's actually a pretty good song, and I had a blast working with them on it. This was the last day of recording on it."

     As she leans back in the booth, she does indeed steal a quick glance around the room. The two Madri at the counter... two more as patrons... and her face goes pale as she sees one of them with the Xavier's shirt on. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she just nods, with a bit of a sheepish smile. "Possibly... they say everyone's got a look-alike somewhere. Some of us might even have more, so who knows?"

     Meantime, she slips her phone from her little brown leather bag and taps away at it, smiling. "Sounds like you've seen and heard some pretty wild stuff. Just kind of sorry I'll be missing out on some of it."

Multiple Man has posed:
The school shirted Jamie mumbles in his sleep, "No Layla, only Legion I know is David... or the nickname bout me being many. No, you're too young for a ring. Yes, I know, but that's the future, not now. You're too young, and it's weird." then sighs, and shifts, pushing the pamplets around and drooling a bit.

The Jamie from behind the counter not taking orders walks around and shakes his own head, wiping the drool from his counterpart, replacing the pot of coffee with a fresh one, and then moving on to whisper to the Hawaiian shirted Jamie, before heading back behind the counter to work on orders.

The Jamie taking orders actually seems to have the job down, shouting back plenty of oddball sounding code for orders, "Order of Cows' eyes, extra crispy. Tar & Feather with slime on top. Elvis Presley with Amber. Three staring skyward T-Rex Babies and Fried Bands of Poison extra dry." As the other employee Jamie returns, they have a moment of conversation, and then shrug at each other.

Finishing his app game, the Hawaiin shirted Jamie takes a few bites of pie and a sip of his drink before crossing to his sleeping counterpart. He pauses, digs through the pile a moment, then taking two pamphlets, then turns an walks toward Shannon, placing the pamphlets for Berklee College of Music and Julliard down, "He's exhausted, but pretty sure those are mostly meant for you. Hopefully he'll have the job fair on time, but if not, you can still start the preliminaries for applications before cutoff dates."

Slipstream has posed:
"Maybe. I haven't met my look alike yet. I kinda hope I don't. Don't want to look at myself in the mirror on most days." Drake says with a grin, then takes a sip of his Orange Juice. "Congrats on the single. I hope it gets big. I'll make sure to download it so I can put it on repeat a few times." He takes his own phone and pops in a pair of headphones. He gives a glance around, then nudges it to her. "I'll let you listen to the future songs, but don't go copying it." He says teasingly as he pulls up a playlist.


Very, very, subtle.

At the glance over towards Jamie, he raises his brows upwards. "That your twin?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just smiles and nods, tucking away the pamphlets in her little brown bag. "Thanks for those. I've kind of got my eye on my state EMT exam this summer, though, and med school after that. But I'll have a look." Briefly, she leans in to whisper to the Madri, casting a quick glance over at the sleeping one and shaking her head quickly, before returning to conversation with Drake.

     Grinning, she ducks her head, flushing a little bit at the congratulations. "Thanks. I'm just happy to have that one crazy thing I can point to years down the road and say 'See? I did that.', know what I mean? If it turns into more, hey, that's great too." The name of the playlist may lack subtlety, but makes up for it in intrigue. "Ooooo...."

Multiple Man has posed:
Pondering a moment, Jamie smiles broadly, almost conspiratorially, "Actually he is my father's brother's wive's nephew's cousin's aunt's husband's son some odd number times removed" with absolute veracity, as if he crafted the statment to be 100% true, from a certain point of view. He glances at the playlist, "Hey, I know a few of those. Some of them even survive in parallel timeslines." he then looks back to Shannon, "If you ever need help with studying, both EMT and Med School, feel free to knock on..." he pauses and glances back at the sleeping version of himself, "My father's brother's wive's nephew's cousin's aunt's husband's son some odd number times removed's door. HE passed his EMT qualification at 17, is certified on 8 Continents, and it was one of the first fields he ever studied.... possibly one of the ones he actually took seriously." she nods at the whisper, "It probably would have been less a problem if he'd not come here for coffee. I think he is just really invested in the job fair. He mentioned on the phone that he wants to make it a good one. Actually why I came here from Tahiti, such a magical place, to run a mocktails bar and represent the bartending, microbrewery, gastrochemistry, and mixology fields." smiling.

The pair behind the counter... wait trio behind the counter, one of them seems to be getting off and heading out, the other two returning to work. Though all three look at their tanner more laid back self and shake their heads, almost scolding, getting a whatever shrug back from the Hawaiian shirt wearer, who smiles and says, "See you later, /Bro/!" to the departing him.

Slipstream has posed:
As he leans back, Drake stares at the Jamie in front of him for a moment before he gives a casual glance to Shannon. "Uh... " He trails off at the talk of parallel timelines. "Yeah?" He says as he picks up his sandwich again. He looks a bit dumbfounded, as if unsure what to really say.

He watches Shannon interact with him, then raises his brows upwards. "You two know each other?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Just then, Shannon's food arrives--honestly, what could have taken so long about making a gyro and some fries anyways? She's a bit quick to take a big bite out of the sandwich, slowing down any sort of reply to Drake's question. "Yeah, I tend to run into people a lot. I've met some folks that way I never thought I would. Some of them are your teammates." At that, the winged teen grins, laughing. "I think there must still be a dent in the sidewalk where I met Cap that first time in Salem Center, right where my jaw dropped."

Multiple Man has posed:
Shaking his head, Bartender Jamie smiles, "I have never in my existence met Miss Drake. Perhaps in another lifetime, a different self, but she and I have never met." again, that oddly absolute truth in an eeriee almost twisted level of pure factualness. He adjust his sunglassess and brushes his messy hair from his face, "On the other hand, I sort of have that everyman quality about me. You know, like everyone feels like they have met me at some point in their life, maybe just in passing, maybe in the mountains of Tibet, or the streets of a Durlan Bizarre, or trekking through the jungles of Brazil. Though, I think she know's father's brother's wive's nephew's cousin's aunt's husband's son some odd number times removed..." stifling a audible laugh.

Slipstream has posed:
"I have never met a Miss Drake either." The Avenger says as he continues to watch Jamie oddly. He runs a hand back through his own hair, continuing to watch the multiple versions of the mutant appear. He squints one eye for moment, then shrugs as he takes another bite of his sandwich.

"Still not the weirdest day I've ever had." He says with a grin. "Yeah, Cap is something else. I remember when I first met him. Now it's like .. just seeing Uncle Steve around the house when we come home from work."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ummm, who's miss Drake?" Shannon looks genuinely confused at the Madri, shaking her head. However, when the list of relations comes up, she can't help laughing, and capping the line. "What's that make us?" she quips, pale blue eyes fairly dancing with mirth.

     Looking back at Drake, she smiles, and nods. "Lucky you." She takes a sip of her root beer, and smiles a bit more, thinking back. "He's reached out a few times when he didn't have to, and willing to reach out and be a friend. Heck of an example to live up to."

Multiple Man has posed:
The Hawaiian attired Madrox looks confused, then nods after a moment, "See, must be confusing people with other people. Minxing Canaries with Nightengales with Crows with Magpies... must seem like such a bird brain." he smiles, "Well, I probably should be going. Don't want to interrupt your little date. Have fun." he then begins to turn to walk out, pausing to kick the guy sleeping over to fall under the table, while waving to the employees.

The employee Jamies sigh, but go to clean up the mess quickly, assisting the trio at the booth with the pamphlets, seeming to say, "Pull yourselves together." to the guy(s), both looking around a tad nervously.

The three, no two, no it is just one guy, yeah, just one... the guy who was sleepy crawls out from under the booth's table, "We're awake... I'm... I mena, I'm awake. Um... another pot..." he trails off seeing the full pot of coffee, then yawns and drowsily looks around, idly waving to Shannon as he sees her, "Hi. When you get here?" wiping his mouth a bit, "I have... I..." he seems confused at he digs through the pamplets, not finding the ones he was intending to.