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The problem with magic..
Date of Scene: 02 February 2021
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Megan and Poseidon meet in Apple Park. After Shannon vouches for Megan not being evil (even if she IS a motormouth sometimes!), Poseidon finds himself with a new student in the magical arts.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Poseidon, Nightingale

Pixie has posed:
Apple Park is usually pretty busy and full of people, even in the winter when the large pond turns into a skating rink. Today however, is especially cold, and Megan finds it quite empty as she pulls out her skates and wanders onto the ice..It's really a nice little park with twists and turns and trails leading off into more isolated areas, surrounded by trees and what not.

Unfortunately, in certain areas, the ice is a bit thinner, and there are some barricaded areas where it is too dangerous to skate..Which is annoying, because as she peers over to the other side of the thin ice, Megan is sure she can see some beautiful deer grazing, and what a sight that would be, if only she could get in closer for a better look!

It's too bad she cant fly, and while she could cheat an teleport, wouldn't it be cooler if she could just find a way too...Patch up the ice..? Fortunately, she found some cheap old magic book from some cheap old magic shop..Too bad she never really found a proper mentor after Morgana and Dr Strange's brief stints with her, neither of which provided her with proper training!

She pulls out her book now, thumbing through the pages, searching for something that might help her patch up the broken shards of ice, smooth it over, make it solid enough to support her weight.."Hmmmm..."

Poseidon has posed:
Whilst working as a god is a bit less, timetaking now aday, Poseidon still does his share of intervening here and there to fix whatever he can in his domain. But when he's not actively on duty, he can enjoy a perfectly regular life as a perfectly regular person, with a perfectly regular job as Harbormaster. And so Poseidon, which today is Percy the harbormaster, is just idly enjoying a walk in the park, in the literal way. Mingling with other mortals, dressed in a pair of jeans and a black shirt, the man who looks to be in his early thirties or late twenties, with his blue eyes and oddly white hair, is walking not to far from a frozen lake in Apple Park, Salem Center.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns as she finds a spell - a freezing spell. "Ooh, this might work!" she murmurs, brushing her gloved fingers over the crisp page. "Just a little..Should be enough to re-freeze the ice, but.." she peers into the depths of the ice. "Gotta be careful all the same, don't want this to blow up in my...Face.." She murmurs the arcane words aloud, her fingers glowing with latent magic as she focuses her energies upon the broken ice, trying to bring the severed pieces together..

Oh, what's that? Just beneath the surface? A blur of movement, moving too fast to be a fish, with little wings rather than fins propelling it through the water. "wait, what?" she frowns, pausing in her spell, only sealing a bit of the ice chunks as she senses magic..Could it be a fairy or...?

Poseidon has posed:
A ogger runs past him, a woman walks with his kid that is eating an, icecream? And Poseidon observes all that flux of mortals going through their lives by walking peacefully along a path of the park. His senses can be focused on the here and now, yet his magical awareness tingles with something happening not too far away, behind him, slightly to the right. And so it is that, curious, he turns around and takes a side path, aiming his steps for the frozen lake where he can sense something which shouldn't be there, specifically, magic. And something else? His magical awareness right now is what he focuses on, ready to perceive any magical signature and identify it for what it is. Plus, something is in the water, and connected as he is with every body of water, he tries to discern what it may be. Or who.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns softly, not yet aware of a greater power around the corner coming this way, and she focuses upon the blurring creature under the ice. "No..If you're another escaped fairy, I don't wanna trap you in there, but if you're one of those gremlins...?"

She shakes her head, and climbs to her feet. "Okaay, here goes nothing!" and Megan very cautiously skates over the newly sealed ice, finding it surprisingly firm and strong enough to at least support her weight.

However, as she follows the form, it seems to take a better shape, small, humanoid, glowing red with a trail of sparkles behind its wings. It zips this way and that, along the frozen trails of the large forest pond..

Another burst of magic can be sensed as the creature cackles, pausing underneath another spot on the lake and deliberately melts the ice at an alarmingly rapid rate. It cackles again, almost wickedly as it darts away to spread more mayhem, creating more pockets of thin ice..

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon finally managed to get to the lake, do motals always take so long to move from point a to point b? Oh well, that's what you get for walking instead of teleporting or flying... In any case, Poseidon, alias Percy, is now standing on the lake's edge, eyes focusing on the skating woman, and every other sense, magical awareness included, focused on the creature melting the ice. It surely doesn't seem natural, and the magical query that the god sends to the creature is as simple as, hopefully, subtle and not noticeable by the creature itself. 'what is that flying cackling melting thing?'

Pixie has posed:
Poseidon may sense something unusual in the ice for sure..This creature, some sort of magical imp, doesn't belong here but came from the nevernever. It seems to smirk at the water god, almost defiantly as he sends his request to him.

"This is my lake and I will toy with these foolish mortals as I please!"

Megan shivers, definitely sensing some chaotic magic. "Not a fairy then.." she frowns, summoning her soul dagger. "Stop! You're making this lake unsafe for skaters! This isn't your playgr--aah!" she yelps as the imp sends a blast of fire towards her, causing the ice to rapidly melt around her.

She's now skating on thin ice and every movement she takes causes her skates to carve deeper holes in the very ice she is standing on..."Ack!"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon blinks, then blinks again, and his magic immediately flares out to resolidify the water under Megan's feet. "every droplets of water of this entire planet is under my jurisdiction so you will absolutely, not speak to me like that, you fool..." he mutters, sending the thought towards the creature as he floats, seemingly effortlessly, over the lake's surface to get closer to the creature and Megan.

Pixie has posed:
The foolish imp takes a moment or two to realize just WHO he is talking to, and he cowers, but does nothing to reverse the damage he has done to the lake..Or to Megan, who is now trapped on a little island of crumbling ice, surrounded by melting water. Instead, he dives into the ice again and starts to flee!

Megan meanwhile, shrieks in surprise and fear as the ice around her starts to melt, scrambling to stay out of the melting water as her little island rapidly shrinks. Her skates veer out and it's all she can do to stay still, and she knows that her magic doesn't work so well when she is flustered. "Meep! Help! Somebody!"

As she flails, she loses grip on the slippery book which falls into the water, trapped under the ice...Gah, what she wouldn't give to get her wings back!

Poseidon has posed:
Luckily, Poseidon's magic requires no book or magic words, though everyone attuned to magic could sense his casting. On one side, it should be relatively easy to cast a bubble of energy around the imp to trap it, and on the other, controlling the water and making it solid under Megan's feet is a simple work, with his hydrokinesis. In any case the man, now, should be visible to Megan now, standing not too far from her, and allowing the bubble with the imp trapped in it to float above the lake's surface. So far, he isn't aware that the book is trapped underwater! And his next words are directly aimed at Megan.
"Did this creature cause you troubles?" and the creature in question, the imp, should be floating in its bubble trap now right behind Poseidon's right shoulder.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blink blinks, peering at the mystery man, sensing his magic before even knowing who he is. "Huh...Who...? Your magic..So powerful.." she gulps, wondering if this is one of Shannon's many powerful mystery friends. But really, THE god of the seas, here? No, must be some powerful magician or...Something..

The imp shrieks, not a very big guy or a very powerful guy, but anything breaking up ice right under the feet of unsuspecting innocents can be potentially lethal. The imp shrieks and struggles but all in vain..He may have some decent fire magic, but really, his powers are nothing compared to the god of the seas.

Megan bites her lip and nods, stepping across the ice a little closer inland as she regards the harbormaster curiously. "Um..I guess you're not just a harbourmaster, huh?" she laughs nervously and nods. "Some sort of magical creature from the nevernever no doubt..Dunno why he was causing so much trouble..Thank you, for saving me..That's pretty powerful magic you got there!"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon blinks, then blinks again "how did you know that I am a harb... Oh nevermind" he shrugs, just waving his right hand in front of the bubble and making it disappeer "there, straight back to the nevernever which, by the way, has a very amusing name." with a glance all around, it is a matter of seconds to command all the water to freeze again, so that noone will fall in and freeze to death anytime soon. "Poseidon, nice to meet you miss..." and that, should explain it all shouldn't it? The magic, at least.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as he sends the little troublemaker back from whence he came. "Ooh.." eyes widen in obvious admiration. "Wow, that was pretty cool.." could he be..? And then he admits it and she laughs, "Hah! you really ARE that guy!" Megan giggles, and nods, "Hi! I'm Megan Gwynn! Perhaps you've heard of me?" or...Maybe not, who knows if Shannon ever mentionned her before?

"Heey, that was pretty awesome magic..Don't suppose you're looking for a...Hardworking, trustworthy, totally awesome student?"

Poseidon has posed:
"that... Guy?" Poseidon tilts his head a little, then shrugs and even manages to summon a smile "well yeah I am that guy. Nice to meet you, Megan" he pauses fr a moment, not really answering to the question if he has heard of her or not. "mhm, well, not really... But if you've the talent and want to learn magic, I suppose we could do a, trial period of sorts and see how it goes. Can't say I've had any students recently. Do you have anyone to vouch for you? Anyone that I, may have heard of or something?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Funny, how it should come back to this place, where it all began. There was a fair bit on Shannon's mind as she took a quiet stroll through the park. The people she'd met, the things that had happened in the past year or so, and where things might go from here. But there was little time for reflection, as there seemed to be trouble by a semi-frozen pond. She starts jogging over, worried--especially when she saw just who might be in trouble. "Megan, is everything...."

     She comes up short, skidding to a stop with a spray of snow from her boots. Glancing between Poseidon and Megan, she chuckles a little bit. "Hello, you two."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen gleefully and she giggles and nods. "Thank you! I wont let you down!" as for someone to vouch for her..She bites her lip, wondering if she should mention Morgana who, in some circles, is considered a villain...Or Dr Strange, who..Can't be easily found half the time.

"Um...Well..Err..." oh hey, there's Shannon! She beams, waving her over, a big smile on her face. "Hi! shannon! She could vouch for me for sure...Right, Shan?" she elbows her playfully.

Poseidon has posed:
"Ah, Shannon, well met" Poseidon smiles, turning his gaze towards Shannon herself and making sure the icy water is as solid as it can be under her feet. "Miss Gwynn here just asked me to be my student in, the magical arts. I suppose you can vouch for the fact she is not going to, destroy the world or, something like that?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Looking between Megan and Poseidon, Shannon is just silent for several moments. "Nobody could ever accuse Megan of being evil. Bit of a motormouth sometimes, but evil, no. In point of fact, she's most likely to -save- lives with her magic. Heaven only knows she's bailed me out a couple times."

     Megan and Poseidon each get a hug, and she smiles faintly. "Remember how I was telling you what happened to my wings a couple days ago? Megan is the friend I was helping out of trouble. She'd been doing her best to save lives and was hit with that 'cure' the same as I was. I got hit air-lifting her out of range."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts at the motormouth big, but hey, she's got a point there. She does beam at the compliments though and nods. "Thanks! You're the best!" she giggles and nods to Poisedon. "What she said!" the whole wings thing does have her a bit sad thought but. "But I'm sure we're getting closer to an antidote...Can't wait to hear Dr. Brightman's speech in the next few days, and...And..!!"

Her watch starts beeping and Megan starts meeping! "Oh no, oh no, I'm late for a very important date! Gaaaah! See you guys later!!" and she scrambles off, having a field time trying to peel off her skates and put on her boots and not get all tangled up or trip over them before slinging them over her shoulder and running down the street.
