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Latest revision as of 23:45, 4 March 2021

Twin Chat
Date of Scene: 01 March 2021
Location: Wanda's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: After a nice chat, the twins are invited out to pizza with Drake and Steve.
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Captain America, Slipstream

Quicksilver has posed:
Things have been tidied, at least somewhat. It's a thing that he does, whether his sister will appreciate it or not. It's challenging for him to sit still, which is a thing that she well enough knows. It's the middle of the afternoon, and he's in her room -- their room? -- and he heads for the couch after having floofed a pillow. He's wearing a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved dark green shirt. His shoes have been taken off, and they're sitting just inside the door. Once Pietro reaches the couch, he settles there, at least for the moment.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Technically her room, but Wanda doesn't mind sharing it with her brother. So long as he doesn't rearrange her things, she doesn't mind tidying either. She never has. She is dressed as she typically is, in red and black with a corset, a scarlet longcoat hanging draped over her left arm. She steps through the door and closes it behind her. "Any news?" She takes a moment to lock the door and then hangs her coat on a hook next to it. She turns to stride into the room proper. Her feet take her toward the couch as well, and she settles to sit there. Another moment is taken, this time to untie and take off her boots.

Quicksilver has posed:
Things are never really rearranged. He's not that invasive, though he does occassionally give something a slight turn where it sits. Folds clothes and puts them away or puts them in the hamper if they're dirty, things along those lines. As she steps through the door, his attention is immediately turned to her, and he smiles warmly at her. Pietro raises an eyebrow slightly, then lifts a shoulder in a bit of a shrug. "Nothing that particularly stands out. How about with you?" he asks, curious.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Slight turns are never a problem. Wanda can still find the things she needs when she needs them. She never leaves dirty clothes out, either. Her laundry tends to be done and put away before her brother can ever get to it. Not always, but a lot of the time. She shakes her head. "Missing mutant child. Otherwise, nothing of interest at this moment." Wanda finishes getting her boots untied and slides them off, stretching her toes out when she's done. "Anything intersting lately?" She pauses, then shakes her head. "No. I suppose that would fall under news, wouldn't it?"

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a raised eyebrow that accompanies a headtilt, his attention turning to his sister at mention of the missing child. "A missing child? Something to put on the list of things to keep an eye out for. In addition to things my sister might like," he comments, quirking a grin and reaching out to poke her shoulder. "Do you have a picture of the child? Where'd they go missing from?" he asks, curious. "I've been helping a place deliver meals to some homeless folks around the city. It keeps me occupied at least sometimes," he comments. Then he gestures towards one of her feet. "Gimme stinky foot," he says with a grin. "Interesting, news, enh... it's a small grey line between the two, maybe," he adds.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff nods a single time to that raised brow and headtilt. She rolls her eyes briefly at his talking watching for things she might like. She shakes her head at the question, leaving the rest unreplied to. "I do not. I believe there were pictures taken to Xavier's school. You will have to ask one of them. I didn't even think to take one of the pictures that were being shown." She eyes him for a few seconds, then turns so she's sitting sideways on the couch with her back to the arm rest. And plants her feet on his lap. Brothers have to be good for /something/, right? Foot rubs? Oh yes. "I do suppose news could constitute bad things, while interesting could mean good things?"

Quicksilver has posed:
"Hey, I will always watch for things that you like. You're my sister, and I like making you happy," Pietro says with a grin. Then he huffs out a breath. "Well, I'll have to see about getting my hands on one of those pictures. It's hard to look for someone without knowing what they look like!" he says, lifting one of his hands to pull his fingers through his hair. He gives her a look, then grins. "What? You were acting like your toes could use stretching or something," he says. "Maybe you need new boots, hmm?" he suggests, reaching for one of her feet to claim it and start rubbing it for her. "News can be good or bad, and interesting things can be good or bad. News isn't always interesting, though."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Yes yes. I know you like making me happy. And you know I like keeping you happy." And he knows she always keeps an eye out for things he might enjoy too! "Good good. He isn't very old. Mutant powers showed up. Got his head full of nonsense about how his parents won't want him now and ran away. His parents hired Jamie Madrox to find him." Wanda grins at her brother. "Oh yes. Stretching. Massaging. Both. Anything. Your foot rubs always work their magic on my feet," she says with a grin. She chuckles and shakes her head. "Nah. The boots are fine. I was walking for awhile. Looking. Seeing if I could use my luck and probability to find that kid."

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a snort and Pietro rolls his eyes, quirking a grin as he looks to his sister. "Fah, -keeping- me happy," he comments, the words coming with a chuckle. "You know that you're one of the few people that gets to see me happy," he says in a thoughtful tone. "Children's heads are easy to sway with nonsense. Not so different than what happened with us, hmm? Until we started to see what we were doing, the hurt we were causing," he says quietly, turning a touch brooding at that. His hands remain on one of her feet, continuing to work at massaging it and easing the tension from it. "No sign of him, hmm? Where would a child go, to hide, if they thought their parents did not want them?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff nods firmly. "Yes. Keeping you happy." She grins at him. "Because I know this about you. You need to make more friends, Pietro," she says firmly. "I know. This is easier said than done. It was just us for so long." She considers his words, and nods slowly. "Yes. Same thing that happened with us. Too easy to sway, especially with hormones and inexperience. Too easy to not come back from that." She reaches out a fingertip and lightly taps his forehead with it. "Stop brooding. It does no good for any one." The tension in the foot getting attention slowly starts to ease. There aren't any knots. Just, as she'd said, she was walking for quite some time earlier in the day. She shakes her head. "None that I saw. I was probably not looking in the right places. Or.. well. He or his friends saw me and were afraid." The red and black isn't exactly inconspicuous. "With friends, likely. Or whoever was telling him his parents didn't want him. Perhaps on the streets, somewhere. Possibly, maybe probably, Mutant Town."

Quicksilver has posed:
"Ugh," Pietro grouses, giving a sidelong look to his sister before looking down to her foot that he's working on. "Make more friends, you say. It's easier said than done, that's very true," he agrees, raising an eyebrow slightly. "And always easier for you than for me, it seems. People see you and you're beautiful and they're drawn to you, to want to know you. I don't radiate that like you do," he adds, running the pad of his thumb along the arch of her foot. Even though there aren't any knots, he still rubs her foot. He blinks twice when she taps his forehead, going slightly cross-eyed to look to her hand then looking past it to her. "I know, you keep telling me that. And I try. But, this is also easier said than done, hmm?" he suggests, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well... an investigator would likely have checked with friends. I wonder if any of them have gone missing as well? Hmm... that's a curious thing, there... who was planting the notion in his head? Giving him the idea? Maybe his phone records would give some indication of who he talks with that could have been telling him such a thing? I'll look around Mutant Town and see what I can find."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers hears murmuring as he makes his way down the hall, heading towards the gym when he realizes that the twins are talking in their room. He considers for a moment and knocks carefully.

"Don't mean to intrude you two, just letting you know we're glad to have you back around. If you need anything from me, anything at all, please, let me know!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff rolls her eyes as she withdraws her finger and lays that hand with the other over her belly. "Yes. Making more friends. You should. Really. It's not /that/ hard. I promise. You might even find you /like/ having more friends," she points out. Wanda and Pietro are sitting on the couch. Pietro sitting about how one would expect. Wanda is sitting with her back against one arm of the couch, with her bared feet getting the attention of her brother's hands. She leans her head back and closes her eyes. The very picture of relaxation. The door is closed, but unlocked. Who would knowingly intrude on Wanda, afterall?

"It doesn't have anything to do with my looks. Most of that is how probability acts around me." Not that that really helps, but there it is. "You're beautiful too, you know." Beautiful? Really Wanda? Did she /have/ to use 'beautiful'? Probably. "That's better. Keep up with that smile and I might refrain from flicking your forehead next time." She grins, but her eyes remain closed for the moment. Not sleeping, just.. resting them.

She nods, thoughtful. "Hmm. You are probably right. And that is a good question. I.. did not think to ask if any others have gone missing. Nor who was planting the notion." Wanda opens her eyes and nods. "You're faster than I am, so it will be easier for you to cover more ground. Especially after you have gotten a picture of him."

At the knock, her head turns toward the door. She waves a hand and a bit of scarlet wafts around it, and the door. The knob turns, the door opens. "You are not intruding. Come in. Pietro needs to be more social anyhow." Now that was just mean, Wanda!

Slipstream has posed:
There is a blur of contrails from Drake as he appears in front of the door, reaching out to give a light knocking before he leans back and glances about the hallway. As usual, the young speedster is rocking back and forth, full of energy. "Eeeey! Wanda. It's me, Drake. You in?" He asks as his voice comes out a bit faster than normal.

"Heeeey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight and do a pizza bar run. There's a few places doing some promotions and I'm starving and I know you like American junkfood."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers regards Drake with a raised eyebrow, "Junk food isn't the most optimal fuel to put in the tank for a high performance engine like an Avenger. That said, I suppose a little indulgence couldn't hurt," he says. His own metabolism let him eat what he wanted, but he often watched his calories only for the purpose of solidarity. He didn't like to be a show off.

"It's alright if Pietro isn't feeling particularly social. I was something of a shy guy myself once upon a time."

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a grunt from Pietro, and he gives her a sidelong look. Again. Then he gives a nod to her words. "Yes, yes... you keep saying that I should. I will try. Maybe. Probably. If for no other reason than because you asked it of me, hmm?" he suggests, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Then he blinks at her, studying her for a long moment. "Are you sure that's a possible thing?" he asks, giving a wry chuckle. He might like other people and having friends, he's not entirely against the notion! Then there's a longer blink at her -- longer for him, at least -- when she uses /beautiful/ to describe him, and he mutters under his breath, colour ghosting into his cheeks. "You'll still find a reason to flick me. It's your hobby," he comments, half sulkily. Not that he truly minds. Then there's a knock at the door, and he looks in the direction of it. "Mmm, see? Additional questions to find the answers for. Perhaps one of them will turn up answers that will have to do with where the boy has gone to," he says, giving a nod. He watches the door open, then purses his lips briefly at a part of Wanda's commentary, looking to her and reaching out to flick her knee. Then he snorts softly. "You see? Everyone comes to see you," he comments. Not that he can blame them!

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff can't help the smile at Drake's faster than normal talking. "Pizza does not sound bad," she says. She glances to her brother, and then to Steve. "What do you think? Pizza bar run sound fun?" She grins at Steve, but doesn't relent where her brother is concerned. It seems she has decided he needs more friends. To said brother, she nods. "Good," she says. A very similar smile curls up the corners of her mouth. She nods. "Of course I'm sure that's a possible thing. I would not have suggested it if I didn't think so." She laughs, then, and nods. "Yes, yes. You are probably right. But sometimes, you need a flick to restart your brain." She pauses. "In addition to it being my hobby." She nods about the boy, but doesn't speak further on it for now. She chuckles and shakes her head. "Drake, perhaps. But Steve seems to have come to see both of us." Logic. She has it. And loves using it against her brother when he needs it.

Slipstream has posed:
Nearly jumping at the sound of Cap's voice behind him, Drake whirls around and immediately snaps his hand up to his brow. "Hello, sir! Captain, sir. Sir Rogers. I burn calories off at an incredible rate, so, technically I eat twelve times a day. Also, pizza is .. an American past time, right?" No idiot, that's Hamburgers.

"But, um.. you're welcome to tag along? I know this place that -- heeeeey! Wanda!" He crows out as the door opens, then peeks past her.

"Oh. Hey Pietro. Didn't know you guys were doing a family thing. If you are all busy, I can always dip out and dunk pizza into ranch dressing all by myself."

He does that. Don't judge him.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers nods, "Wanda has the right of it. I'm just as pleased to have you here as I am Wanda. Moreso, even, perhaps, because I know it isn't something you seek out as much as she. The call to duty can be difficult to answer and I'm proud of you for doing so," he says.

He claps Drake on the shoulder, "Very well, pizza it is. I don't have to feel too shy about my own metabolism with you and Pietro around."

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a raised eyebrow at the consideration of a pizza and bar run, but then he gives a nod. "Pizza is always good," Pietro agrees. It's a food that just about anythng can be used as a topping. Then he snorts softly before lifting one of his shoulders in a slight shrug. "I would think the flick is more to stop it than restart it. Or skip it to a different track, hmm?" he suggests with a sidelong glance towards his sister. Then he's quiet a moment, eyeing her, and he grunts. "Your logic may one day be my undoing," he comments with a measure of amusement. He's not really serious. But he might be halfway. One of his eyebrows quirks up at the various and assorted titles that Drake uses on Steve. He gives Wanda's foot another light rub, then pats the top of it before simply resting his hands there. "Besides, pizza has all of the food groups involved. It cannot be that bad, hmm?" he suggests. "We're not busy, and food is important," he adds, giving a small nod. Then he looks to Steve and there's another nod. "I am grateful to be here. To be on the right side of things... the better side of things. Thank you," he says, the words actually sincere.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff can't help the smile that curves up her lips again, this time at poor Drake's reaction to Steve. "I like pizza, though," says Wanda, maybe unexpectedly. "It is.. interesting. Often a good combination of flavors." Hamburgers, on the other hand, not such a big fan! She raises one red tinted brow at the thought of pizza dunked into ranch. She doesn't judge, but seems to be considering that combination seriously. "You know, that actually sounds good. Have you tried pizza with barbeque sauce instead of pizza sauce? That is also tasty." She grins at Steve. "You don't have to be shy about your metabolism with me around either. I'm used to Pietro's." She chuckles at her brother and shrugs. "Restart it. Skip it to a differnt track. Same difference, I think." She grins at Pietro. "What? It has not already been your undoing more than once?" She's mostly joking, but perhaps a little serious as well. When the foot massage comes to an end, Wanda lifts her feet and sits up again. She turns and lowers her feet over the side of the couch and takes a moment to pull socks and boots back on. Once her feet are properly attired, Wanda hops to her feet and then claims one of Pietro's hands to tug him up too.

Slipstream has posed:
"Awesome! I'll get the car ready while you guys catch up then." Drake says as he gives a big smile to the 'Cap', then flashes a 'peace' sign to the pair of twins. There's a rush of air, followed by a 'blink' as he zips his way down the hallway to snag one of the Avenger's rental cars.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers smilesl, "Pizza wasn't really much of an option in my day. Perhaps in some of the more Italian neighborhoods, but a Brooklyn kid like me didn't get out that way too much. Still, in the depression, we were happy to eat anything. I ate a lot of boiled potatoes and carrots. Today, it seems like an endless bounty, and yet there are still those who go hungry. Something of a shame," he says, sh aking his head. He's already clad in civilian clothes, with his jacket and baseball cap on his head, "I'll buy. They invested my pension well enough that I can afford to splurge," he says with a wink as he takes his Avengers out for some rest and relaxation.

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a chuckle, and then he nods to Wanda. "It is a good combination. I enjoy it," Pietro says with a grin. "Dunked into ranch sounds... interesting. Maybe," he allows. "Mmhmm, works out to the same, I think. It spins too fast," he comments, about his brain. He thinks fast, and it's not always a good or useful thing. "And, well... your logic has been my undoing more than once before, so I am sure that it will be again," he adds, giving a single nod to her. He lifts a hand to accept her offered one, getting to his feet as well. He glances to Drake at his quick departure, then looks to Steve and gives a nod about the talk of food. "I have read of those times. There is much food that is wasted, these days, it seems," he says. Then he heads for his shoes to get them put on.