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(What happens when you take a questionable deal in the kitchen? Captain Vincent Xydias is about to find out.)
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Revision as of 05:03, 5 March 2021

Just another night in Hell's Kitchen
Date of Scene: 04 March 2021
Location: Hell's Kitchen Police Precinct
Synopsis: What happens when you take a questionable deal in the kitchen? Captain Vincent Xydias is about to find out.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Punisher, Kid

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hells Kitchen Police Precinct

In the city, theres not a lot of room for oddly shaped buildings. This is very much the case for the Hell's Kitchen Police Precinct which looks a lot like... a rectangular building. Three stories high plus with a basement. There appear to be two entrances in. One up front and streetside And another up back where police officers can access their vehicles.

Like with most buildings, the first floor is where the entrances from outside are. One up front. One in back for the officers to access their vehicles. Facing in from the front entrance. Stairs to right. Elevator to the left. Front desk to the front. Partition wall to block view of the desk areas. The supplies and gear, including weapons are located near the back right of the building, in a locked room. There's another staircase in the back left.

On the second floor there are more desks to the middle left. Situated above the supply room is the lock up area. There are also two interview rooms to the middle right which have a partition wall to block the view from the lockup area. Apparently snitches don't really appreciate stitches or ditches.

On the third floor is an enclosed office area located just above the lockup area. To the middle left there are even more desks, and to the middle right there are two more interview rooms.

And the basement. Down there, it's mainly storage. Records, evidence, and things confiscated from those in lockup to prevent further hijinks. And like the game of Clue, its not shown on the board, but there are bathrooms... somewhere

With it being a night shift, there's not that many police offficers inside the building tonight. Most on shift are are out patroling because- Well, it's Hell's Kitchen at night near the end of the week. That's reason enough. They already have one drunkard in lockup snoozing away. On the first floor waiting at the front desk, a cop is straightening papers while near the back door, another is locking up the supply room. Again. He must be seeking one of those secret bathrooms.

Punisher has posed:
All told, the plan wasn't that complicated. A classic infiltration covered up by a flashy raid. Get in, do the wetwork, get out with the van full of siezed assets.

The uniform and the mannerisms were easy to duplicate. Nearby, the Battle Van is on standby with Microchip in the driver seat, waiting for the signal. The Punisher? He's walking right into the front doors of the police station, brazen as he pleases, wearing a beat cop uniform and a police standard baseball cap, wheeling in a small crate on a cargo hauler. In his best Los Angeles accent, "Package for Captain Xydias from Vasquez. I was told to deliver direct. Can I get a buzz in?"

Today, the Punisher is 'Frank Manta', and his uniform reflects that. He even had Microchip whip up a delivery notice to make entry clean.

Kid has posed:
Jua...typically avoided police stations. He didn't like doctors, he didn't like cops, guards, or basicly anyone of authority. There was very very very few reasons for him to ever get near one. But there was ONE exception. Jua can and does walk his parole officer turned adoptive father: Officer Orion, home. He was old, on the force for years, seen the worst of the worst, or so he claimed. He was busy finishing up some paper work on one of the floors.

This left...Jua to his displeasure, waiting outfront. Most of the officers didn't bother him, and only some were on good terms with him. Still, it gave him time to relax and read a magazine. But...a shiver goes up his spine. A new emotion...icey rage. It couldn't be? Could it? Jua sits up and glances around, there were always a couple of lame brains around, but only one he worried about.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The officer at the front desk is not very good at reading minds. So the effort Punisher puts in to come in somewhat descreetly isn't wasted. Hands move from the papers as he glances up to Frank's voice and then to the crate being wheeled in. He seems curious. He reaches over to tap a sign in book in indication. "Another one? Got papers for that?"

The rest of the precinct is pretty peaceful with the drunkard being the biggest disturbance as it turns out he snores loudly enough for the second and third floor to hear. Too bad for Officer Orion if he needed to concentrate on his paperwork. That snoring is coming through the floor dangnabit.

Punisher has posed:
Following the Punisher for Jua is easy. He's a mental fortress in the middle of a bunch of weak minds among the police, and he's got an icy focus to him that radiates like the sun as he begins to head for the office of Captain Xydias.

Once out of earshot, the Punisher whispers, "I'm in, seeking primary." On the other end of that commlink, Microchip begins to setup the targetting parameters that will be used within minutes.

As the Punisher heads through the station, he ignores just about everyone as he hauls the crate in, heading right for the office... and does a visual inspection of the room. Blinds he can use for the assassination? Desk to hide the body? Improvisation is half the job in this war.

Once he's near the door, the Punisher gives a polite knock.

Kid has posed:
Jua...does not like this. Not because he particularly cares for the captains, but because Orion was here and didn't want him getting hurt. Alerting TOO many officers would cause panic and probably get more folks killed than nessarry. So he does what seems like the best idea...he tells Orion.

A telepathic goes up to Orion saying 'You..may have trouble. I do not know what it is about this guy, but I like him even less than I like your cooking'

Orion huffs 'At least I can cook' he says before getting up from his desk. He gets a mental visual of what the suspected man looks likes...and begins heading down to try and check what might have Jua on edge.

Meanwhile...Jua decides to begin following the fello, not too closely, but close.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the crate is on a cart and the paperwork checks out, the front desk officer directs Punisher to the elevator which is pretty much right next to him. "Third floor." He states, already reaching over to the phone. Like Mario coming across the warp zone. Frank's path through the police station is mostly unchallenged. Up to his desired floor anyways when the door slides open to show an officer standing there. Seeing the car occupied, he backs up to allow for Frank to roll the box out. He looks to it and then the man carting it around. "Gofer duty-" He pauses, looking to the tag, "Manta?"

Punisher has posed:
"Yeah, he wanted someone he could trust for this, Sir." Punisher walked in, carting the crate in casually, then, he moves around, and casually reaches out to close one of the blinds. "One of those 'gifts' he likes to give."

Then, Punisher casually moves towards the Captain.... and without a word of warning, brings up both arms to try to catch the man in a lethal chokehold.

Kid has posed:
The elevator was easy enough to get into, and any would be 'floor' stops would be met with a rilla that WILL give them the boot...and likely get lots of complaints, but right now that ain't his worry. Of course his agitation will grow upon feeling: Death, if Punish manages to get ahold of the captain with that hold, it would light a fire under the gorillas butt and send him running.

Meanwhile Orion himself was by now searching the second floor, as Jua conviently didn't tell him the man was carrying a dolly of packages.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The officer that spoke to Punisher nods, stepping into the elevator once it's empty and hitting the down button. With that officer gone and Orion taking the stairs, the main desk area on the third floor is empty, providing no resistance whatsoever as Frank rolls his gift to the office area.

Vincent Xydias is busy looking through a folder before him. Upon the door opening, he takes a moment to look up in time to see the blinds being closed by the officer he's never seen before. At the reference to the crate he glances down to it. Which, drives his attention from the incoming danger long enough to get grabbed on to. "HE-" Eyes widening, he brings his hands up to tug at the arm wrapped round, struggling to pull away. There's a rasp of displeasure to the new situation.

The doors of the second elevator part ways, granting Kid access to the suspiciously empty looking front area of the third floor with the light peeking from the closed blinds of the office in the back the only indicator of someone still being present on this floor.

Punisher has posed:
There's no real satisfaction in his eyes for it. There's no vengeance radiating from him. This is an objective being dealt with, pure and simple. "As you die, remember. The Punisher doesn't discriminate. I punish criminals. That includes you, asshole." As he forces the Captain to the ground. "Give your asshole friends my regards when I send them to you next." The Punisher whispers into the mans ear. "I'm going after them after this."

With that, the Punisher twists, trying to snap the man's neck like a twig.

Kid has posed:
Even seen a Gorrila go barreling? That is the image here. The difference being...Jua can be quite stealthy for an ape of his heft. The Only reason harold of his arrivel was the somewhat shaking ground...more due to the building shoddy design and old age than his weight. One way or another Jua comes charging in to try and tackle the Punisher.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Punisher whispers into Xydias's ear, the captain doesn't stop what he's doing, which is trying to breathe. The struggles continue as the speech is given. It's a losing battle, but he doesn't stop until he starts losing the strength. The crack of his neck is almost drowned out by the rumble of the Gorrilla coming for Punisher's back.

The sound is indeed loud and any form of stealth is defnintely lost on the 3rd floor. But on the bright side-

The snoring has stopped.

Punisher has posed:
Well. There goes his infiltration plans.

The 'crate' is actually a paper thin disguise that the Punisher rips open, and he grabs the gear web and the trenchcoat from inside, before he dashes to one side of the office and hurriedly buckles it on... then the trenchcoat, waiting for the newcomer as he pulls out a grenade from the grenade sling. "New variable Microchip. Bring the Van around to my side of the building. Prep for hot extraction."

In the Battle Van, Microchip boots the targetting computer and sets the machine guns and the rocket pod to standby. Plan C has turned into Plan D, and the Battle Van starts driving around to the side of the building Frank is in. "On the way, Frank."

Meanwhile, the Punisher is coiled as Jua comes through the door. "Who the fuck are you?" The Punisher grates out in question, the grenade in his hand clearly visible.

Kid has posed:
Jua looks at Punisher...and than at Grenade. Oh hell no, the man was going to blow the place up? Not if he can help it...probably not, but worth a shot. Not bothering to answer Punishers question, Jua snarls and just charges the Punisher, intent on trying to ram him into a wall.

Punisher has posed:
The grenade is pulled, and tossed right at the ground. It doesn't go off. Yet. Instead, the Punisher jumps to one side, getting behind the desk in the office in a combat roll just as the grenade itself goes off.

No explosion... but that custom flashbang is definitely going to not be fun to be in the proximity of.

The moment after the grenade goes off, the Punisher tries to head for the door at a dash.

No doubt the entire building heard that one.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
What in the w-?

There's only SO much noise that can be generated on the 3rd floor before those on the 2nd floor are going to wonder what the HELL is going on?! Fortunately there's a smaller number of officers in the building so their approach is a tad quieter. Two in each stairwell moves upwards with caution.

Kid has posed:
Oh well...that is unfortunate. Lucky it wasn't a litteral Grenade...not so lucky it was a flash bang. Jua cover his eyes with his hands, but it was too late, the gorilla was dazed and dilliberated from the flashbang going off, as he stumble about the office, trying to get a sense of direction as his ears rang, snarling as he does so.

Orion looks up to the third floor and wonders what the heck is going on, but being he was a parole officer and some other medical conditions, he was ordered to guard one of the doors as opposed to engaging directly in going up the stairs.

Punisher has posed:
"Some gigantic asshole just tried to gorilla rush me. Heading for nearest window. Prep the machine guns and pod." Punisher says in a rush as he dashes for -and jumps through- the nearest window.

So much for the portable ram in the crate.

"I don't know if the hostile is coming for me. Anyone who comes out after gets rounds to the head." Punisher grates as he grabs for and takes a grapnel gun from his gear web, and barely keeps from hitting the pavement for broken bones with a line to the power poles.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The sound of glass shattering, combined with the previous sound of a big freaking boom, the message of 'All is well on the third floor' is clearly lost in the cops that are reaching that level. A cautious opening of the doors to allow the glimpse of a large man stumbling.

Recognizing him as one who typically comes to see Officer Orion on the third floor. The two officers emerge from the front right stairwell. One moves past kid while the other looks to him, mouthing the words 'You okay?' to him.

Two of the officers move towards the broken window to glimpse the fleeing Punisher while a curse comes from the office. "Dispatch. We've got an officer down at the precinct..."

The window watchers bolt for the stairs, one of which grabbing for their radio.

Kid has posed:
Jue being ever the silent type merely signs a very very annoyed 'Yea, I'm fine. Just an asshole murdering folks. What else is new' in a rather matter of fact fashion. Death doesn't quite phase the gorilla, and jumping out after this particular fello would be bad news, that much he was certain of. Jua has questionble morals, but he pretty sure Punisher had none, but at least Orion was safe and that was enough for him.

Punisher has posed:
As he lands, the Punisher has a completely flat expression. What is it with 'supers' getting in his business lately?

"Plan B for the vault. Hit it, Microchip."

Inside the Battle Van, Microchip sighs, "Are you sure, Frank? We won't have time to get what we need." Punisher replies over the commlink, "I'm sure. This is going loud regardless of what I want. We're just going to have to risk the damage."

The Van moves into position, there's a target lock... and the rocket pod concealed in the roof pops out, and a mini-rocket is launched directly at the wall where the armory is located.

It's a payload designed to do breach and clears.

Even as Microchip works on opening the hole, the Punisher is dashing for it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The officer who stopped for Jua looks to the hands, giving a nod before gesturing to the stairs. "Orion's on the second floor." He looks over to the office, frowning. "We need you to w-"

The statement is not finished as a loud boom is heard, this time from below. With the exception of the noise, there's no indication of damage inside the precinct. Save for the exterior wall that went missing from the supplies room. The very one that got locked up earlier. Who... is making their way down from the third floor right now.

Kid has posed:
Wait? Explosion below? Jua goes acharging, swiping through the officers and across the halls. The gorilla plummting, practically summersaulting down the steps as he tries to reach Orion. The explosion after all was from below, he had every right to be worried.

Punisher has posed:
As the Punisher moves in, the Battle Van gets into position, back double doors open to both take cargo and to cover the Punisher with the dual M249s that pop out front the sides and aim into the hole. The Punisher, at this point, wastes no time in grabbing the guns, ammo, and equipment, only grabbing some specialist ammo as he hotwires a wifi broadcaster into the internal wiring, hiding it as best he can with a camo patch.

"Just your standard gear in here. Not worth waiting for." Punisher notes over comms.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As kid reaches the second level, he finds it still intact. However, Officer Orion is not simply sitting around waiting. He is still an officer and AS an officer, he is currently in Lockup retrieving the drunkard from the potentially unstable side of the building.

The officers that bolted down the stairs upon seeing punisher through the window finally reach the first level. Coming out of the stairwell, they make their way to the other side of the floor to where the still locked door leading into the supply room is.

Kid has posed:
Jua sighs, and well that was over and delt with. But dealing with explosions, manicas and rockets was way above his paygrade. He was no super, just a gorilla who WAS trying to go home. For now he just decides to follow orders and goes with the rest of the civilians if any, to where the officers direct them for now. Unless the Punisher was going to blow up the entire building, he was fairly confident that neverdowell would be getting ready to run. Please let it be run

Punisher has posed:
While Microchip sets up the transceiver, the Punisher is grabbing some of the more expensive gear in the armory and tossing it like so much trash into the back of the Van. "Come in here, and you'll regret it." The Punisher warns as the officers footsteps are heard. "I'm not in a mood to hold back now."

Once the setup is done and he has enough to make a snatch and grab look convincing, the Punisher heads for the back of the Battle Van himself. "Warning shots, Microchip. Don't want them getting stupid."

As he enters the back, the M249s on the sides open up, a literal shower of stun rounds begins to spray into the door... and keeps going.

No one is getting through that door without some hurt... and everyone in the neighborhood can hear that.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the stun rounds going off at the door, the officers move away from the non-viable route. Instead going towards the front door. But, the dash around the building is not going to be fast enough to catch the van making its getaway.

In the end, the damage was a window. A wall. Guns. Possible building integrity. All things that can be fixed or replaced. But Captain Xydias can't be brought back. Perhaps with time the reason why will come out.

It was simple. Vincent took a deal in Hell. And today, payment was due.