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Latest revision as of 14:03, 12 March 2021

A Welfare Check
Date of Scene: 09 March 2021
Location: Kurt's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: The fuzzy blue elf gets woken up by Dani for a welfare check, then gets some stitches in his shoulder courtesy of Shannon's skills.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Moonstar, Nightingale

Nightcrawler has posed:
Since the time when he had BAMF'd out of the rec room in order to at least attempt to hunt down the neyaphem that Dani had warned of after stopping him from BAMF'ing yesterday, Kurt hasn't been seen. Not by anyone and not anywhere within the school or the school's grounds. It's now the middle of the afternoon of the next day. There's nary a sound coming from within his room, and nary a bit of light escaping at all beneath the door. The door itself is closed but not locked. All of the curtains are closed, to block as much of the daytime sunlight as possible. This had been done yesterday, though, so this is not a new thing. Within the room itself, things are neat and tidy. With some minor exceptions. There's a sword laying on the floor next to the bed, where it fell when it was released from Kurt's fingers. He's flopped on the bed, on his belly, still in what he'd been wearing the day before -- bare foot, a pair of blue jeans, and a grey t-shirt. His head is slightly hanging over one side of the bed, and his feet over the other. One of his arms is dangling over the edge of the bed as well, his tail laying limp with the end of it dangling over the edge of the bed. The shirt has a jagged rip or tear that goes diagonally across his back, a solid section partway along the tear as though whatever made it had skipped. The lower part of the scratch shows no sign of blood, though the upper section of it that goes across his shoulderblade does.

Moonstar has posed:
There is a soft knock on the door. A pause. A slightly louder knock. Another pause. That's when the door knob turns. The door opening follows immediately on the heels of the knob turning. A head pokes in with dark hair hanging mostly loose, skin a deeper shade of brown. Dani's features aren't clear to be seen in the gloom within the room, not with the light behind her. She glances to the side and reaches a hand out to flick the light on. She steps further into the room and closes the door behind her, taking in the scene. The sword, with blood on it, on the floor next to the bed. The as yet unconscious Kurt on the bed. The rip in his shirt, there's blood there too. "Kurt," she says sharply.

Dani hesitates briefly next to the door and then moves toward the bed and the man laying on it. It's unusual seeing that tail so limp, that causes worry all of its own. "Kurt!" This time the word is a little louder, but a lot sharper.

Nightcrawler has posed:
One might think that the knocks are falling upon an empty room or perhaps deaf ears, but in truth... it's simply that he was exhausted when he'd returned. It happens, from extended time spent in the Brimstone Dimension, and multiple teleports. He had practically been asleep before he'd even landed on the bed. The sword is evidence of that -- swords are his preferred weapon, and he takes good care of his collection of them. This particular one looks to be a thinner variety of a scimitar. The first call of his name is enough to pierce the dark fog of sleep within his brain and self, though it's the second that comes louder and sharper that actually causes him to stir a bit. He slowly blinks himself at least a little awake, glowing yellow eyes squinting a little at first with the unexpected light within his room. "Hä was? Was ist los? ... Dani?" Kurt asks quietly, his voice sleepily husky and nigh a whisper in volume. It takes him a moment to recognize the familiar voice. His tail gives a little flick near the end of it, and then it lifts to give a slow swish behind him. He lifts his dangling hand, to rub his face a bit, to try to chase away the last bits of sleep, a groan escaping him.

Moonstar has posed:
Swords, bows, and spears are Dani's preferred weapons. Depending on the situation in question. She doesn't relax, at all, until Kurt starts to stir. And she doesn't relax fully at that. "What's going on? What's going on?! Why don't you tell me? Nobody has seen you since last night. Are you alright? You seem to have an injury on your back." Now that he's awake, Dani approaches closer to see if she can get a look at that wound. The lights? Those she leaves on so she can see. Her Valkyrie abilities don't include enhanced vision in the dark. She doesn't touch, but she does look plenty close enough. Dani, for herself, looks... normal. No injuries. No fatigue. No nothing. "It's the middle of the afternoon." As though to answer that before it can even be asked.

Nightcrawler has posed:
For a man who has a streak of swashbuckling in him and is as agile as he is, the swords fit. Plus there's the configuration of his hands, with the three fingers he has. He's still sleepy groggy, even as Dani repeats his question and continues beyond that. He blinks a little bit, then lifts one of his hands to tussle his hair a bit, trying to get himself the rest of the way awake. "Ja, seit letzter nacht hätte mich niemand mehr gesehen. Ich war die meiste zeit der nacht auf der jagd und teleportierte mich direkt hierher, als ich zurückkam. Ich war müde ... wirklich erschöpft," Kurt says quietly, his brow furrowing a little bit. He doesn't complain about the lights -- they don't hurt, though he is fully capable of seeing in the dark. He stretches a little bit, wincing and giving another groan when the movement pulls at the wound on his back. And he pushes himself up to be in a sitting position, drawing his legs beneath him into a cross-legged position, his hands settling into his lap and his tail swishing a little behind him. "Ich bin ok. Ja, ich habe eine rückenverletzung ... es ist ... nicht so schlimm, wie es hätte sein können? Obwohl ich das gefühl habe, wie schlimm es ist, in wahrheit. Es ist von einer klaue auf einem flügel," he offers in explanation, still quiet. He doesn't try to stop her at all from looking at the wound. It's on the bloody side of things, four or five inches in length, shallower where it's closer to his back and going diagonally across his shoulderblade towards his shoulder. The deeper side of it is nearer to his shoulder, since that's where the claw had dug in. At her statement of the time, he tilts his head a bit to one side, a bit surprised but not overly much, and one of his eyebrows quirks up. "Mitten am nachmittag? Bereits? Ich ... hatte gehofft, früher wach zu sein, aber ... der schlaf war notwendig. Es ist nicht ganz ungewöhnlich," he adds, wrinkling his nose a touch and giving his tail a slight flick behind him. Perhaps irritated with himself over sleeping for so long.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar tends to be on the agile side herself. And the enhancements from becoming a Valkyrie only helped in that aspect of things. In addition to making her stronger. Her reflexes alone make her almost impossible for a normal person to land a strike against. Dani is being as patient as she can be, but the worry is obvious. Especially after what she'd seen of Kurt's present timeline the evening before. That had been unpleasant in a way she hadn't even stated. She considers what is said and then nods slowly. "If you were exhausted, I can understand why you teleported directly here. You still should have let someone know you were back." She continues on in English, but has no trouble following his words in German.

She watches as he gets himself sat upright, and then, even though he's facing her, it's obvious Dani is almost envisioning what his back looks like. "Let me have a look. If it's bad enough, there's always the autodoc in medical." With that said, Dani moves around to do just that. Look at his wound. "I imagine you slept for as long as your body needed. Less, actually, since I woke you up." She doesn't seem to think the sleeping part is at all unusual, but her voice is a bit on the distracted side of things. What she knows of first aid is basic at best. Slap a bandage on it, put some medicinal salve on it if it's not too bad, or get someone more qualified to look at it if it's worse than her limited skills would allow care of. Growing up with a shaman grandfather, she picked up some rudimentary skills in that area, afterall. She clicks her tongue. "Salve and a bandage at the least are needed. It could likely do with stitches. You should have it taken care of in medical."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a nod from him in response to her words, and there's a little bit of a smile that finds the corners of his lips. "Ja, das passiert manchmal. Ich ... erschöpfe mich und komme direkt hierher. Es ist, ähm ... warum ich immer noch in der kleidung von gestern bin," Kurt says softly, a bit sheepishly, lifting his uninjured shoulder in a bit of a shrug. The bandage from the bullet graze is at least yet in place around his upper arm where Shannon had originally put it, though it's been changed a number of times. He raises an eyebrow slightly, and he gives a small nod to her, agreeing to let her have a look at the wound. "Sie können es gerne überprüfen, wie sie es für richtig halten, meine dame. Ich werde nicht argumentieren, dass es getan werden sollte," he adds, giving her a little smile. It hurts, but the pain isn't overwhelming to him. And he's quiet for a long moment whilst she does check it out, and he even moves his tail out of the way to sort of curl it around himself, the tip of it resting in his lap with his hands. One of his eyebrows quirks up at the click of her tongue, and he turns his head to look towards her examinatio of the wound. "Ja, ich hätte ... und hätte wahrscheinlich ... länger geschlafen, wenn sie nicht gekommen wären, um nach mir zu sehen. Obwohl ich dankbar bin, dass du es getan hast. Es ist eine freundlichkeit, und ich schätze es sehr. Salbe und ein verband, dann ... Miss Shannon ist ausgebildet, sie kann es für mich tun, wenn sie gerade nicht im unterricht ist," he says in a thoughtful tone, ducking his chin slightly. And so soon after the bullet injury, as well. At least that one hadn't been a Cure dart, though!

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar tsks at him. "You should be more careful not to exhaust yourself," she points out. She snorts a quiet sound out her nose. "Well, that's good. I wasn't really planning on giving you any choice, you know." She raises a brow at the last comment. "I do believe I said stitches are likely in order. I can't do stitches. Salve and bandage is all you're going to get with me. Dunno if Shannon is qualified for stitches. So long as she promises not to take your wound onto herself, she's probably better than me at bandaging too. But it needs stitches." Though she notices the bullet wound, she doesn't comment about it. She likely knows where it had come from.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a tilt of his head at her advice, or scolding, and then he gives a small nod of agreement. He can't really argue with her -- she's right, he should be more careful. He lifts his hands, rubbing his face a bit and then pulling them back through his hair, the end of his tail thumping lightly against one of his legs. "Ja, I should be more careful, with that. It has happened twice, recently. Last night, and on the last mission," Kurt comments quietly. Then he snorts softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he looks to her and nods. "Somehow, I had a feeling that you were not offering choices," he says, a hint of amusement finding his voice. He has, at least, come awake enough to realize that he should be speaking in English rather than his native German, despite her understanding of the latter. "I do not know if Miss Shannon is able to do stitches or not, but... I know there is one certain way to find out, ja?" he offers, tilting his head slightly to one side. "She would not take the wound from me. She has wings," he says softly, as though that explains everything. "Shall we check to see if she is in her room, then?" he asks, looking to Dani and studying her for a moment. It would seem that he's willing enough to let her have the final say.

Moonstar has posed:
More care really should be taken. Or backup should be taken. Or.. something. Dani huffs a breath but doesn't continue on that line of thinking. Or scolding. For now, at least. For now! There might be more to come later, though! "Eh. In the last mission was understandable. And there were at least people there for backup, so there's that." She doesn't seem to really notice the shift from German to English on his part, but it might be something she's more or less used to. She nods agreement. "Yep. That's to ask her." Comms being what they are, and Dani being who she is, she always has hers on her. So here's hoping the one she's trying to call also has hers on her! She gets it out, presses the proper key sequence, and calls Shannon. "Shannon. You there? Can you do stitches? Kurt's injured himself. We're in his room." She stops sending and glances to Kurt again. "That is good. Easier to comm her."

It is presently midafternoon. Dani and Kurt are in Kurt's room. Kurt is sitting up crosslegged on the bed. Dani is standing at his back looking at a nice gash across his shoulders and shoulderblades.

Nightingale has posed:
     The sound that greets Dani and Kurt over the comms is just some very soft, peaceful music. Perhaps a bit poignant, with a hint of childhood dreams somewhere in the delicate little tune, but still quite pretty. The notes fade into nothingness as Shannon answers. "You're lucky that was just covered in one of the most recent ones. Though I've got to admit, I'm more used to stitching fabric than flesh. I'd still suggest the autodoc, but if you're set on me doing it, then let's at least head to the medbay for it." The line remains open, almost as if the young woman on the other end is holding her breath, fingers and everything else crossed. This was not something she had expected to be put to the test so soon, but still, it would, sooner or later....

Nightcrawler has posed:
Indeed, there should be more care that is taken. The trick may be in convincing a man like Kurt of such a thing. Kurt raises an eyebrow slightly when Dani huffs a breath, and he tilts his head a touch to one side before giving a nod to her. "Ja, there were others there, on the last mission. It was the quickest way for bringing the prisoners out," he says. He made as many trips as he had to and with little care for his own welfare beyond avoiding Cure darts. Kurt is, apparently, not awake enough to think of comms. He'd thought of the old fashioned way istead! And so, when Dani makes use of hers, he gives a soft chuckle and a nod, and remains settled in cross-legged pose near the foot of his bed. "Ja, easier to use the comms. It would seem that I'm not entirely awake yet," he comments, lifting a hand to rub one side of his face before tussling his hair. He awaits the answer from Shannon, then gives a small nod before lifting his uninjured shoulder in a bit of a shrug. "It will be good practice for her, and I do not mind if it leaves a scar," he comments. It's likely to scar ayways. His ears perk up a bit at the music in the background, the music behind Shannon's voice, his tail lifting from where it had been resting in his lap in order to slowly swish behind him.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar can be heard to chuckle quietly at Shannon's reply. "He's being stubborn. It needs stitches, I think, but he's hesitant to use the autodoc. Perhaps a second opinion would convince him?" She glances over to him and, leaving the line open, a half snorted, breathy chuckle can be heard again. "You are definitely not entirely awake yet." She shakes her head at his decision, and looks amused. She sounds it too, when she speaks more directly into the comm to Shannon. "I guess you just got volunteered, Shannon. Meet in the medbay, then?" Dani straightens and moves toward the door, motioning to Kurt as well. "C'mon. You heard the 'doc. Medbay is the location."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Stubborn mule." Shannon's voice bears a touch of humor, and she sighs lightly. "See you both in the medbay."

     A few minutes later, she herself is in the medbay, already gathering the things needed to set some stitches. There's the lidocaine, the needles, the thread, the forceps, gauze, gloves--all the accoutrements for the work that must be done. Shannon's pinning her hair up in a bun at the back of her head, to keep her line of sight clear, and scrubbing her hands down. "I knew I'd wind up on this end of the deal one day," she murmurs, half to herself. "Just never expected it to be this soon."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a soft grunt from Kurt, and a smile that tugs at the corners of his lips. "When have you ever known me to be anything other than stubborn?" he suggests, tilting his head a touch to one side. He's German. It's practically in his DNA to be stubborn. He eyes Dani, and then quirks a grin, his pointed teeth showing. "You only just woke me up from a sound sleep a couple of minutes ago. Be thankful that you are getting this much coherence, ja?" he suggests. Shifting his weight, he scoots to the edge of the bed before rising to his feet, his tail lightly swishing behind him, and he gives a nod to Dani as he follows after her towards the door. And he'll follow her to and then into the medbay where Shannon is already waiting. "Guten nachmittag, Shannon," he offers in greeting, a smile coming to his features. He could likely have done with more sleep, but... it is what it is.

Moonstar has posed:
"Yes he is," agrees Dani. Because it's the truth! She cuts the connection after that, and rolls her eyes at Kurt. She chuckles at him again. "I suppose I should be grateful for some little coherence," she says. And then it's out and to the medbay they go. She walks with Kurt, leading the way for part of the way and then following for the rest. It's almost as though she worries he might try to bolt! She comes in jus tin time to catch that half murmured comment. "Makes you wish you had more practice, huh?" She seems to understand that sentiment, if not for the exact situation and skill.

Nightingale has posed:
     The suture kit is all laid out on a tray, with adequate saline solution for wound irrigation as well and other necessary bits and bobs, next to one of the medical beds. Shannon herself is taking a few deep breaths to steady herself; this was not something she had expected so soon! But then again, for her calling, should she really have expected otherwise? She's slipping the gloves on. A bit of a sheepish grin is given to Dani, and she nods. "Indeed, but sooner or later, practice becomes reality." As she reaches out to help Kurt up onto the bed, her hands are, despite the expression of nerves, very steady, and her expression, calm. "Any allergies to a local anaesthetic like lidocaine I should know about?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a grin at Dani's words, an expression that shows his pointed teeth, and a nod. She woke him up out of a sound sleep! At least he's speaking English now! He was speaking German, at first, not that it had bothered Dani at all. He doesn't bolt, or give any signs that he's going to. Although if he were to bolt, then it would most likely be via BAMF'ing. His glowing yellow gaze falls upon the suture kit that's all laid out neat and pretty, and he wrinkles his nose a touch. Then his gaze turns to Shannon, and he gives her a warm smile. "You will do well, I have faith in you," he says in a warm tone. Then he tilts his head a touch to one side before shaking his head. "Ah, nein, no allergies that I know of," he answers. He accepts the hand she offers, at least, giving her hand just a faint reassuring squeeze in the process, and he settles on the bed, his tail swishing behind him. It is, interestigly, the shoulder on the same side as the arm she'd bandaged from the bullet wound. Left side. And he's wearing yesterday's clothes still, a pair of blue jeans and a grey t-shirt, though the latter has a tear in it from the bottom right side up to the upper left side with a gap in between the two points where it's still solid. The wound is on the bloody side of things, four or five inches in length, shallower where it's closer to his spine and going diagonally across his shoulderblade towards his shoulder. The deeper side of it is nearer to his shoulder, since that's where the claw had dug in.

Moonstar has posed:
"That it does, Shannon. Don't worry. I have faith in that you can do this and do it well." Dani takes herself off to the side so she's out of the way of both the patient and the doctor, and leans against the counter there. "It might not need stitches," she points out. "But it looks to me like it could use at least a couple across the deepest spot. I'll leave the end decision on that to you, Shannon. I'm not trained in more than very basic first aid. And stitching is not part of that. Only being able to smear a salve on something and bandage it. Or put a tampon in it, if it's a bullet hole."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods slowly. This was perhaps the worst part for her. Along with others, and often by her own request, she would observe this very same procedure. "This will sting a moment, but it should numb up fairly quickly," she murmured. "Just hold still as you're able, please. It'll be over soon." With the length of the cut, she chooses a few points to administer the lidocaine, to ensure the area that needed attention was completely numb. "There... when that's numb, I can get to work cleaning that up and sealing the wound."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a glance towards Dani when she mentions stitches, and Kurt gives a soft grunt at that. He neatly draws his legs up beneath him in cross-legged fashion, then settles his hands into his lap. His tail remains behind him, lazily swishing from one side to the other. "Well, I leave it up to both of you, ja? I can't see it to have an idea for if it should or shouldn't have them," he comments, quirking a bit of a grin that shows his pointed teeth.

He's outnumbered, so he's not going to argue with either of the ladies. He tilts his head a touch to one side at Shannon's warning, and then he gives a small nod. And he's quiet whilst the lidocaine is administered, and he sits patiently still -- except for his tail, which continues its lazy swishing behind him. And after the injections have been done, he removes what's left of his shirt, pulling it over his head and bundling it up so that the bloody part is hidden away in the center. He looks to Shannon, a bit sheepishly, his ears lowering a touch. "I'm sorry. I seem to keep making more work for you," he says softly.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar remains leaned against the counter where she is. She's kind of to the side, so she's not looking fully at Kurt's front or his back, but a bit more of his back than his front. "Did you learn anything about the demon I saw?" She watches the lidocaine application without comment. And the shirt removal, again without comment. "You'll just have to be more careful in the future, Kurt. So you don't make more work again. And take backup instead of going on dangerous missions by yourself."

Nightingale has posed:
     "A healer's work is never done. Besides, I consider it payback for all the times I've wound up stuck in here, being the one making more work for everyone." Shannon chuckles softly, getting the saline syringes and the iodide wipes for around the outside of the laceration. Very gently touching the area around the wound, she waits for any reaction indicating pain from Kurt, before proceeding with a closer visual examination of the wound, and running the saline solution over it. "Well... good news, nothing seems to be stuck inside the wound. But Dani's right, this is definitely going to need some stitches. Also, when it's done, I would really like it if you would follow up with one of the nurses or doctors just to make sure everything's alright."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a soft grunt from him, and then he shakes his head a little. "Nein, I did not learn anything of that one," Kurt says softly, his brow furrowing a bit. "It did not seem overly dangerous, at the time. I do not like to be within the Brimstone Dimension for long at a time. I ended up finding another neyaphem instead and tussled with it some. I made some other trips in and out to try to find the one that you saw, but... there was no sign," he says, lifting his good shoulder in a bit of a shrug. He's in good shape, overall, fit and lean. He raises an eyebrow slightly as he turns his glowing yellow gaze towards Dani, and then he gives a nod. "Ja, the being careful is not always easy. I try to be," he says, giving a small nod to her.

His gaze turns to Shannon, and he chuckles softly before giving a small nod. "They should make punch cards, ja? Frequent patient points, or something," he says with a grin, pointed teeth showing. He gives no reaction to the touching of the area around the laceration, and no indication of pain. One of his eyebrows quirks at her words about the wound, and he gives a nod. "At least there is that. It did not seem irritated enough for there to be something within it. As you see fit, mein dame -- I will not argue with your decision, on the stitches. I will try to follow up with one of the others in a day or so, to make sure that all is yet well," he says, a smile tugging his lips. "It is kind of you to agree to tend it for me, and I appreciate it," he adds, giving a small nod to her.

Moonstar has posed:
"I do my best not to wind up in here," says Dani. She doesn't always succeed, but she does succeed more often than not. "Oh good. I'm glad I wasn't just dreaming." About the stitches being needed, of course. She wrinkles her nose at the fact that Kurt didn't find anything. "Well. That sucks. Was there anything to make the trip and hunt worth it?" She shakes her head, amused and exasperated at the same time. "Frequent patient points is not as fun as frequent flyer miles," she points out. "Yes, I agree. Thanks for fixing the stubborn one up, Shannon. We all know how he can be." Ain't that the truth?

Nightingale has posed:
     Chuckling softly, Shannon just shakes her head. "You want to talk about frequent patient points, it got to the point last year where poor Bean made a magnetic nameplate that he stuck on the end of my bed in here. Thank god that hasn't been used in quite a long time." She grimaces slightly, pressing her lips together. "The hardest lesson I had to learn over that time was saying no. It's not easy, when you know you can heal with a touch, and have to refuse because it would put you out of commission and leave you unable to help others. Logan was right to growl at me that time, bless him."

     As she's talking, she's also working to stitch the wound shut, using some of the thicker 4.0 suture, setting each stitch separately, and quickly. None are pulled too tight, and none are left too loose. "I won't be complaining about these first aid training sessions in the danger room at all hours of the night again. Too much, anyways."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I try not to end up in here. Trying only goes so far," Kurt says softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. And sometimes Fate has other plans. He lifts his uninjured shoulder in a slight shrug, and then he gives a small shake of his head. "It is the way of things, sometimes. Perhaps I will need to investigate it further at another time. Nein, there was naught to make the trip and hunt worth it. Unless the scar is worth it," he comments with a grin, amused and proving his sense of humour is undamaged. "Ja, frequent patient points would be less fun. Probably less useful, as well. They would probably have rewards like emptying bedpans or something," he comments, giving a chuckle. His tail flicks at Dani's last words, and he gives a soft grunt but doesn't argue. He -is- stubborn! He tilts his head a touch to one side, and then he gives a nod. "Ja, learning to say 'no' is not an easy lesson, but it is a very valuable one," he says. Then he's quiet a moment, thinking, and he raises an eyebrow slightly. "I seem to remember catching part of that conversation," he adds. Damned Cheyarafim blood crystals. "I'm glad that you have had those first aid training sessions. They're coming in handy," he adds.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar blinks. "Bean? Who is this 'Bean'?" She sounds both curious and interested in whoever that might be! She nods firmly. "Being able to say no is something that is not easy to learn," she agrees. "And first aid training sessions are good things. I know enough to slap a bandage on, or insert in as the case may be, and get whoever it is to a professional. And most of that comes from my shaman grandfather." She glances to Kurt and nods. "Sometimes there isn't any other choice." She grimaces at there being nothing to have made the trip and hunt, and wound, worth the effort it had cost. "Well. If you do investigate further, take backup." She grimaces. "Ew. Emptying bedpans is nasty." She straightens from her lean against the counter now that Kurt is being well taken care of. "Right. I have duties. If neither of you needs me for anything further, I'm going to get back to them." She waits a moment, to make sure nothing further is needed, and then turns to walk from the room. Back to those aforementioned duties.

Nightingale has posed:
     When the last stitches are set, Shannon takes a moment to examine her work. It looked much like the outcome of her training sessions in the DR--there might be a bit of scarring, but with a wound like that, it would be difficult to avoid entirely. At least it wasn't bleeding, and it was a clean cut, overall. The remains of the suture kit are cleaned up, disposed of properly where need be, and notations on the incident made for the next properly qualified doctor on duty to handle. "Please try to take it easy for a couple days and again, follow up with a properly qualified doctor as soon as you can. No ruining all my good work!" Only now do her hands begin to shake, when it is safe enough to let nerves show. She looks about ready to offer Dani a hug, but before she gets a chance, the Valkyrie is out the door.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Sometimes it is a choice between the lesser of two evil, ja?" Kurt suggests. He gives a nod towards the bandage around his upper arm (near his shoulder) where he'd been clipped by the bullet. "It was be hit by that or be hit by a Cure dart. I expect this hurts less than that would have," he comments, giving a wry chuckle. Then he grins. "Ja, emptying bedpans is bad. But fitting for someone that's in here filling them often, ja?" he suggests with a light laugh. He studies Dani for a lingering moment, and then he gives a nod to her. "Vielen dank, Dani... for coming and checking on me," Kurt says softly, his tone sincere. Sometimes? He could use to be checked on. Today was one of those times.

His glowing yellow gaze turns to Shannon, and he quirks a grin that's all pointed teeth. "At least you said 'try to'. You know it's not easy to take it easy. But I will try. And I will follow up on the wound," Kurt promises, giving a nod to her. He sets the bundled up shirt aside on the bed, then gracefully rises to his feet to step over to Shannon, lifting his uninjured arm to place that hand upon one of her shoulders. Then he lifts his other hand to lightly touch under her chin. "You did well, Shannon. Vielen dank, for your efforts... for putting in the stitches," he says softly, a gentle tone to his voice.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon can't quite help but smile at that, offering a very gentle hug to Kurt in return. "Bitte. Maybe when you're cleared, I might be intrigued to learn a bit about fencing sometime, ja? Word around here has it you're quite the legend there." She gestures to his freshly stitched wound and smiles a bit. "If the possibility of scarring bothers you, it couldn't hurt to ask Josh Foley about perhaps seeing to that. Unless you want a reason for the ladies to make a fuss over you, hmm?" She can't help a soft chuckle as she teases her teacher and--hopefully--friend.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Softly, Kurt draws her into a hug and lightly rubs her back with one of his hands before releasing her. "You do good work, Shannon," he says softly, his tone reassuring. Hopefully, the words and the gesture will combine to set her nerves at ease. Doing something in the flesh is different than doing it in the Danger Room. He raises a eyebrow slightly and tilts his head to one side before chuckling and giving a nod, his cheeks flushing a bit and his chin ducking. "If you are intrigued or interested in it, then I will teach you what you wish to know of it, ja?" he offers with a warm smile. One of his eyebrows quirks and then he chuckles again before shaking his head. "Scars don't bother me. I have a collection of them," he says softly, his tone thoughtful. There are other marks on his skin, if she looks closely enough to see them for the dark fur. He reaches out to pick up the balled up shirt, then tosses it into the trash bin. "Shall we fetch some tea and biscuits?" he offers, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Now that sounds like a plan. Or you could walk me through it and I'll cook the schnitzel we were talking about. A little extra protein would be good to boost healing of that wound." Shannon grins a bit, and there is a very unladylike growling in her general vicinity. "Plus it just tastes damn good." Indeed, the mention of additional scars has her looking just a bit more closely, her eyebrows lofting. "Those look a bit more... deliberate. I imagine there is a story behind them. Perhaps one day."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a chuckle and then a nod that accompanies a smile. "Ja, I could do that as well. It is not hard to make, and it is always delicious. Your belly beast is hungry," he says, a grin coming to his features. He notices the lift of her eyebrows that happens when she sees the other scars, and he tilts his head a touch to one side before giving a small and single nod. "They are what they are," he says softly, perhaps a touch wistfully. "One day, if you are truly wanting to know," he adds, giving a small nod to her and lifting a hand to lightly touch her shoulder, briefly. "I will meet you in the kitchen, then... I should have a quick shower and grab a clean shirt," he comments with a grin.