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Latest revision as of 21:49, 16 March 2021

A quick Riding Lession!
Date of Scene: 02 March 2021
Location: Horse Stables - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Dani gives Megan some pointers in riding horses.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Moonstar, Nightcrawler

Pixie has posed:
Okaaay, so it's kinda late, but there's still some light in the sky. Either way, Megan is a wee bit late for her riding lesson with Dani, and she was reallly eager to learn to ride a horse too!

But you know, stuff happened, probably a really good reason why she's late. When she arrives, she is flying in like a bat out of hell, dashing towards the stables, nearly crash-landing, as if she didn't look in ragged shape as it was, what with those bruises and scratches.

"HIii!!! Sorry I'm late!" ooh, she's isn't TOO late though, is she?

Moonstar has posed:
That stuff. It has a tendency to happen. This is something Dani might be intimately familiar with. Perhaps. "Hey," she says. "Not to worry. Late happens." Dani's back is, for the moment, to the exit, and to the entering Megan. She's just finishing combing the mane of a dun colored mare who stands quietly next to Brightwind. The mare is a decent size, about fifteen and a half hands, but looks almost tiny standing next to the much taller Brightwind who is easily seventeen hands.

Brightwind's head turns, one blue eye taking in the measure of the entering woman. He whickers and looks to Dani. Who turns about to look at Megan. "What happened to you? I hope the other side is in worse shape. You still good to ride or is a raincheck in order?" She pats the mare on the neck and turns more fully, walking to a small bag she keeps with brushes, combs, hoof picks, and other such goodies she keeps stored in it. The comb is dropped into the bag.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn leans over a bit to wipe the dust off her clothes. She had changed out of her blue and gold uniform, which had been a bit torn since an earlier training session, and slipped into something a bit more comfy for riding - A pair of close fitting, faded blue jeans, a black t-shirt and her green peacoat, long enough to give her some warmth in the waning days of winter-into-spring, but light enough that she wouldn't sweat or anything.

"Yeah..." she stretches as she steps towards the mare and the larger pegasus, sighing a bit. "Just a rough Danger Room session. y'know, now that I'm finally officially an Xman, gotta train harder than ever before. But it's okay, I'm just happy I made the cut. But y'know, Cyclops' sessions are sooo darn strict.."

Megan makes a face as she reaches up to touch the mare gently. She's not a total newbie around horses, but she's really only ridden them maybe once or twice, briefly, and only at a slow walk around the paddock.

"Nah, I'm good, I'm totally up for this! I wanna learn how to really ride a horse, not just get led around a paddock. I wanna know everything!"

A glance is given the beautiful pegasus and she just watches him with a bit of awe. "Wooow...So this is the famous Brightwind, huh?"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar is likewise not wearing her uniform. She's in something much more comfortable. Jeans, black rather than blue. A pair of riding boots. A black tshirt. Over it a long sleeved shirt that is loose and, for the moment, open at the front over top in abstract colors of red, blue, purple, and gold. Buttoned up, it should provide enough warmth if it gets too cold later on.

"Ahh. Yeah. Cyclops' sessions can be rough. But they're not as bad as Logan tends to make his, at least." Or, perhaps, the training sessions Dani puts herself through, though she doesn't mention that!

She turns and steps toward the mare's head, rubbing her face from her forehead down to her nose. "This is Luna. The first step to learning how to ride is learning what things are, what they're called, and how to put them on your horse. This first time, I'll tell you what things are, and show you how to properly put them on. The next time, I get to watch you name things and put them in their proper places," she says with a grin.

Brightwind stretches his neck to the side, so that his head is leaning over Luna's neck, and snuffles toward Megan's hair. "Yup. This is Brightwind. He is a ham, but I love him."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn probably should have worn proper riding boots but all she had really were chunky heeled ankle boots do they'll have to do instead.

Still, she's enjoying this, the weather, the scent of leather and horses and hay under melting snow.

Oh right, pay attention! "Ugghh.." she stretches a bit, "Yeah, Logan sessions are scary but at least he has a weird sense of humour even if he doesn't mean to. But yeah, I'm here and ready!"

The summary of today's lesson is given a slight if at least interested nod, hanging on her every word. "Oooh Luna, what a pretty name!! Soo you mean I'll get to put her saddle and bridle on and stuff? Cool! Do we get to ride around a bit too?"

As for Brightwind, she giggles as she's snuffled. "Oooh you're Soo pretty! I'll bet those wings aren't just for show either!"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar can forgive those who don't have proper riding boots, so long as they have a heel. Megan's boots had been glanced at, approved, and put out of her mind. She chuckles and nods about Logan. "That he does." She nods to the questions. "Yes, and yes. If you want to put her tack on this time, I'm okay with that too. Have you ever tacked up a horse before? It's fairly easy." She looks thoughtful for a moment. "I think we'll start you with a western saddle. They have a bit more stability than an english saddle. Or bareback, which is how I started." Ooh, that would be so mean, wouldn't it? But is apparently not going to happen!

Brightwind nickers and shakes his head. He doesn't answer in words. He has Dani to do that for him. And she does. "No, not just for show. He and I both adore flying, so that's a good thing!" She pats Luna one more time and motions to Megan. "Right. Follow me. Tack room's this way. We'll need saddle, blanket, and bridle. When you ride with a saddle, you always want some sort of breast plate or collar. Else when you go fast, your saddle can slide off backward. That's not fun. Usually makes the horse buck." Dani turns and heads for said tack room.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to strike the pretty horsey as she listens, "Ooh, no, I've never tacked up a horse before, I hope it's not too hard, but I'll do my best!"

But of course when she went on a short trail ride once, she got to ride western, which is generally easier and more common than English.

She follows Dani into the tack room but shivers as she talks of bucking horses, "Ooh really? I thought the breast piece was just for show.." she shivers, "But getting bucked sounds kinda..Scary. I hope Luna isn't like super spirited!"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar shakes her head. "It's not hard," she promises. "And I'll be here for every step of it, so don't worry that you'll get it wrong. I won't let you." She shakes her head about the breast pieace. "Nope. It's there for a purpose. It's especially important when you're doing any activity which takes you up hills or over jumps. Or into the sky. It helps keep the saddle where it belongs. Getting bucked can be scary with the wrong horse. Luna... has no buck. Well. She does. But she doesn't get more than three or four inches off the ground, so it's more of a.. hop." Dani laughs.

In the tack room, Dani pauses and considers Megan for a moment. Assessing... something. What that might be, she doesn't say, but she turns and walks over to a specific saddle. She grabs a pad and a blanket, and holds them out to Megan. "Here, you get to carry these. I'll take the saddle." As it turns out, she takes the saddle with a bridle hung over the front. On that bridle is a low port pelham style bit. Once the things are in hand, she turns to lead the way back to where Brightwind and Luna are standing tied in the aisle.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nod nods and smiles. "Okay, of course! Sounds good. I mean..Even if I fell off, I could always just fly away.." she giggles, "Ooh, but it must be sooo much fun to ride a flying mount. Brightmoon is soooo pretty too.."

She continues to ramble on as they head for the tackroom, and she grabs the blanket and pad with a nod. Hey, at least they're lighter than the saddle right?

"Ooh, such pretty tack. Soo, okay where do we start with all this stuff? It looks kinda complicated.."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar carries the saddle easily, as though she's used to doing this sort of thing on a fairly regular basis. Already hanging on Brightwind's stall wall is his gear, though none of it is on him as of yet. "Well, in theory, yes. In practice, it all depends on how fast you get thrown, how you get thrown, and how quickly you react. If you fall wrong, you could get knocked out or askew by a hoof before you can ever start flying." She says this as though from experience. She's probably had her share of falls!

"But, it really is fun. Flying is one of my favorite things. Even more so, flying with Brightwind." Dani doesn't seem to mind the rambling. Perhaps she finds it enjoyable. When they get to Luna, Dani nods to the blanket and pad. "Blanket first. Notice how it's folded in half? Place it on Luna's back with the fold to the front, about four inches up her withers. That's the bony part at the base of her neck. You want that well padded or the saddle can rub a sore on it."

She smiles. "It's actually pretty easy and most is common sense once you figure out what goes where. Once you have the blanket on, put the pad on. The section in your right hand in the same place as the fold in the blanket." It might be noticed that there are three reinforced sections on the pad. The bit in Megan's right hand has a reinforced section. The bit in her left hand does not. Both of the other sides do.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip. "Huh, I guess that could be kinda scary. I mean, I've never ridden very fast and I've only ever ridden a bike which is much slower..Once I nearly got hit by a car while on my bike. The only thing that saved me was my mutant power manifesting for the first time."

She smiles at the fond memory, but back to the present, Megan nods thoughtfully, eyeing the blanket in her arms and carefully placed it on Luna's back. "Oooh, doesn't it get hit in the summer though?" after the blanket, Megan puts on the pad, noting the folds and sections. "Okaaay, so now the saddle?"

Moonstar has posed:
"It can be until you get used to it. Once you get used to it, it's not so scary anymore, most of the time. There are still times..." Which gives hints that Dani gets scared on occasion herself, still. She chuckles. "Not just in the summer. It gets hot if the horse is hot. They sweat just like we do. Everywhere. Not like dogs or cats, who sweat only on the pads of their feet and noses, and pant to cool down." There's a possibility that Dani knows way too much about animals.

She considers the blanket and pad, and then nods. "Pretty good job. You got them nice and straight, centered, just about exactly where you want them. For the saddle, you want to place it a couple inches from the front of the saddle pad, like so," she says. Dani lifts the saddle and places it where she'd said it needed to go, a couple of inches from the front of the saddle pad. The blanket's edges stick some out from under the pad, but not very much. They're nearly an equal match for size.

"When you place the saddle, always be careful that the right stirrup doesn't fall down and hit the horse in the side. Else, you can cause them to startle." All the gear that normally hangs down on the saddle is hanging over the top. Except that right stirrup. It is over the saddle horn. Good way to keep it secure. She starts lowering straps as she's talking, going to the off side, the right, to lower the stuff there first. "This is the girth, or cinch. This is the back cinch. Note how they're hooked together in the middle. That's to keep the back cinch from going back and getting in the horse's flanks. That can cause them to buck if it gets in the wrong place." Girth is to the front, and back cinch to the back. And there is indeed a small strap hooking the two straps to each other. She makes sure they're hanging and not tangled. "Always make sure the two straps hang smooth and aren't twisted. They won't fit right if they're twisted and will cause irritation for your horse."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs and nods, following Dani's instructions as best as she can. it's fairly straight forward although a bit tricky at first to line it up just right with the blanket and pad. "Sooo I wonder if you need more secure stirrups when you're flying? I mean if you fall off in the air, it's pretty much game over isn't it?"

Oh sure, Megan can fly but cannDani? "So how'd you come across a Pegasus in the first place even? I mean that's not common, I didn't even think they even existed!" she chuckles.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar moves around Luna, behind her this time rather than under her neck. "You might notice how I often have one hand on Luna when I'm walking around her. This is so she knows where I am. Horses have some interesting blind spots behind them, but can predominently see where you are everywhere else. But the contact also makes him a bit more at ease." She shakes her head. "I don't use any extra straps. I did when I was training, a bit, but in sticky situations, it's best to have freedom of movement. Sometimes, falling off is the best choice out of a host of bad choices."

On the left side of the horse, she lowers a shorter strap toward the back of the saddle, that matches the location of the back cinch. Then she partially lowers a front strap. "These are your latigo straps. They secure your girths. Front and back, just like on the other side." One bit remains up top, a set of thinner straps attached to the front of the saddle on the right side of Luna.

"You attach the front one like so." She demonstrates, looping it twice and then tucking it back into itself in what is almost like a man's tie configuration. None of it is tight yet. She takes a moment to pull the front one tight until it's nice and snug around Luna's barrel. "I found Brightwind in Asgard. Pure coincidence. He was bound up in a net, about to be stolen by hunters. I still don't know if they meant to eat him or break him."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn chuckles a bit, "I mean, I guess you'd have to be super skilled to even consider riding a Pegasus, right? But still..Wow...What were you doing in Asgard! How do you even get there, Imean, I know Thor has some like, access to a rainbow bridge, but..."

She just shrugs, trying to figure that one out, working and nodding and following Dani's directions as she talks. "Right, I guess that makes sense. Dont Wanna get kicked at."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a BAMF, though it might come a bit muffled given that Kurt appears in the feed room for the horses. His tail swishes a little bit behind him, and he steps forward to head out of the room and into the aisle of the stables. There's a plastic bag held in his right hand, and it has an assortment of chopped up carrots and apples held inside of it. There aren't usually other people here when he comes to give the treats, but today -- there's people! Blue ears perk up, and he quickly ducks the bag behind himself. Classes are finished for the day, and he's dressed more casually -- a pair of blue jeans, and a dark grey t-shirt that does nothing to hide the bandage around his left upper arm and everything to hide the stitches on the back of that shoulder. "Guten tag, meine damen," he offers in greeting to them, a smile coming to his features. His tail lightly swishes behind him, and for the moment, he doesn't get too close, just in case the horses get a whiff of the brimstone he'd passed through to get here.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar lifts a shoulder. "It's like anything else. Practice makes perfect. And it helps that Brightwind and I have an empathic bond. I know what he's going to do before he does it, and he knows what I'm going to do before I do it." She finishes snugging the girth, and then buckles the back one. The back one is tight enough to be touching Luna's belly, but not any snugger than that. It's easy to slip the whole hand under. "It was a mission with the X-Men. It was.. interesting. And dangerous." Once she has the two cinches secured, she takes down those straps still on top. "This is the breast plate. It goes around the front to keep the saddle in place going uphill or when going quickly." Pause. "Or flying. The back cinch keeps the back of the saddle from bouncing up and down." She secures the breast plate straps. One to the left front of the saddle. One down between the mare's front legs to a loop on the girth.

With the incoming BAMF, muffled though it is, Brightwind's ears perk and his head turns unerringly toward the feed room. He knickers. "Ah. We have company," she says. "Someone with apples and carrots, according to Brightwind's nose." She can't help a chuckle. Dani pats Luna and moves to tack up Brightwind with swift efficiency. "Go ahead and have a good look over how everything is attached on the saddle. When we're done riding, I'll show you how to take it all off, then you get to put it all back on again. Hello Kurt. How are you?" Brightwind doesn't seem to care about any brimstone, but the mare he's standing next to might have different ideas.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't initially hear Kurt's entrance and is currently focused on watching Dani, and the horse and Pegasus. "Oh right, you mentioned the front buckle before...Makes sense, wouldn't want the saddle to slide off."

She sighs wistfully on talk of dangerous adventures and nods. "Wow, that sounds...I mean, I wish I could go on exciting adventures like that. Of course, the nevernever was pretty fun..I hope I can go back there again sometime..."

She smiles and nods to Kurt as he makes an appearance, "Hii Kurt! Whatcha hiding behind your back?" no doubt Luna and Brightwing will take notice sooner or later,

Nightcrawler has posed:
One of his eyebrows quirks up just a touch at the part of the conversation that he overhears. Kurt looks from Dani to Megan and back again, and he softly clears his throat. He lifts his free hand, tussling his hair a bit. He blinks a bit at Dani, then ducks his chin a bit sheepishly as he brings out the 'hidden' bag full of horse treats. "Ja, his nose is right. I have apples and carrots," he says with a smile. He lifts his free hand, to gesture towards the horses in the stalls. "I bring them treats sometimes," he adds. 'Sometimes' happens to be about every other day. "I'm doing well, danke, Dani. And how are both of you doing? I hope that I'm not intruding at all," he says, a touch hopefully. He looks to Megan, and then he grins, his pointed teeth showing. "You will have chances for dangerous and exciting adventures, I'm sure. The time will come, ja? Ah, umm... apples and carrots for the horses. They seem to like them," he says. His tail swishes behind him, and he's careful of where it goes.

Moonstar has posed:
"Right. Exactly. 'cause when the saddle slides off, the straps wind up in the flanks and can cause bucking and falling off. Or worse." Dani glances over to her student and shakes her head. "I haven't ever been to the nevernever. What is that? Sounds like we've both been interesting places." She finishes saddling up Brightwind, and takes his halter off to put his hackamore on. Then she leaves him stand. Despite being a stallion, she knows he's intelligent enough to behave.

"Time for the bridle. I'll show you how it works too. First, she gently lowers the right stirrup down so its where it's supposed to be. Then she frees the bridle from the front of the saddle and holds it up just so. "This part goes over the ears. This part in the mouth. Or in Brightwind's case, around his nose because he doesn't use a bit. This part under the throat." The throat part is unbuckled. She takes the halter off the mare, and slips the bridle on with a practiced move. "Like so." She buckles the throat latch and lifts the reins up and over the mare's neck, so they're looped there. It's one continuous piece, so there's nothing to fall off if the reins get dropped.

"Don't be sheepish, Kurt. They like the treats. How's your back feeling? I'm doing fine. You aren't intruding. I'm just giving a riding lesson to Megan here." Dani turns to look at said person. "Ready to get on?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles a bit at Kurt and nods, "Oooh they must really love apples and carrots. Sounds healthy! And yeah, I hope so too! Come to think of it, we never finished our sword fighting sessions in the danger room! Yknow with the pirate ship and all? I hope we can continue again sometime!"

She nods to Dani, paying careful attention to the bridle with seems a bit more complicated than the saddle. "Ahh...Soo what's the bit for, isn't it uncomfortable for them?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's curiosity to his features as his glowing yellow gaze follows Dani's motions towards getting the horse ready. He lifts a hand, gesturing slightly towards the bridle for Brightwind. "It is like a rope halter, ja? Without the bit, that is," he says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He has some passing familiarity with the equipment that's used, no doubt from the years spent in the circus. Kurt grins, his pointed teeth showing, and then he gives a nod to her. "They do like the treats. Some of them like just the carrots, and some just the apples, and some of them like both. They get the same number of pieces, but I try to remember which ones like which things," he says. He considers the question about his back, and he lifts his right shoulder in a slight shrug. "There is some ache beneath the stitches, but I was expecting that," he says in a thoughtful tone. There's probably bruising, though at least his dark skin and fur cover that. He chuckles softly as his attention turns to Megan, and he gives a nod. "They like sugar cubes, too, but today is healthy snack day. The sugar cubes are a not very often treat," he admits. "I'll have to check if the program is still there or recreate it, if not. We will either continue it or start a new one, ja," he affirms, giving a nod to her.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar blinks. "Pirate ship sword fighting sessions? That sounds... interesting and fun. Why didn't anybody invite me?" She sounds amused with no hint of resentment at all. "The bit can be uncomfortable if it isn't adjusted right. It's for control. Brightwind doesn't need one. He's as intelligent as I am and we can feel each other so we know what needs to be done without a bit. A bit is basically communication. Some horses are fine with a hackamore. Some need a bit more. This is a very gentle bit. You want to always make sure it's neither too tight nor too loose. Too loose and it will hit the front teeth. Too loose and it will rub sores."

Brightwind's hackamore is little more than a leather halter that's not quite as heavy as most halters. It has reins, similar to Luna's. A single loop that rests over his neck. "Bit like, yeah. Mostly it's not much different from any halter. Some hackamores are more complicated than others. Some put pressure on the bridge of the nose. Some on the under side of the jaw. Brightwind's doesn't do either." Brightwind has turned his head and extended his neck toward Kurt and those treats. He likes both. The mare just likes apples. Brightwind, though he's obviously begging, doesn't move more than his head and neck.

Dani nods to Kurt. "Some ache is to be expected. If it starts hurting more than it does now, you need to have it looked at because it could be getting infected. Is it hot at all, or just achy?" She nods firmly about the sugar cubes. "Sugar cubes, not often. They're bad for the teeth. But not as bad as for humans. Horses' teeth never stop growing and they don't tend to get things like cavaties because of it. And because of their diet."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as Kurt mentions injuries and stitches, "Oh no, what happened to your back?" she seems a bit concerned now, "I guess it's no rush if you're still healing up, although I do wanna take my training seriously. Maybe then, Mr Summers will be more willing to put me in more..Dangerous missions.."

Her eyes sparkle at that, clearly determined to be taken as seriously as the core Xmen. Or maybe she's just foolhardy and eager for some real action. Hey, she's still young.

"Heh, I'm sure you could join too, the more the merrier, right?" she smiles and nods, "Right..Does Brightwind talk too or he's just really smart? I mean, I've never met a Pegasus before, don't really know what they're about. Does he have special powers? How fast can she fly?" oh, she has Soo many questions!

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I've not held one in a while. I enjoy them," Kurt says with a nod to Dani. Of course, being able to wield three swords at a time helps! "I'll make sure to let you know before I do another one, and you're always invited to come," he adds with a smile. "Because of the bond that you and he have, it doesn't need to do very much," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He steps a bit closer to Brightwind, lifting his left hand to hold it out empty for the pegasus. Kurt looks to Dani, and he raises an eyebrow a touch. "May I give him a treat before your ride, or would you prefer it be after?" he asks. She's there, so... he's not just going to feed Brightwind without asking! Then his glowing yellow gaze turns to the pegasus, and he chuckles softly. "I know, you like both apples and carrots," he says softly, a smile coming to his features. He looks over to Dani, studying her for a moment, and then he gives a nod. "Ja, I will be sure to have it checked if it hurts worse. It doesn't seem to be warmer than the rest of me, but if you wish to check it then I'll not stop you," he offers. "The sugar cubes are only once a month or so. I don't want them to get too used to getting them," he adds, giving a nod.

His attention turns to Megan and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "I had a bit of a tussle with a Neyaphem in the Brimstone Dimension. One of the claws on its wing caught me and made a gash across the back of my shoulder. It has been cleaned and stitched, it will be fine, mein dame," he says softly, a reassuring tone to his voice. "Training is important, ja, and there will be more sword lessons to come, I promise," he says with a smile.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar does not answer the question about Kurt's back. She leaves that for him to answer. The question about Brightwind, however, that she does answer. "Well, he talks to me after a fashion. It's not speech, but impressions and emotions. An impression of a scent, an actual emotion, a glimpse of an image. That's how I knew Kurt had apples and carrots with him." She reaches over and pats Luna's saddle. "Hop on, Megan. That way I can make sure your stirrups are adjusted right and we can go for a ride. Kurt, are you going to saddle up a horse and join us?"

Dani nods to the invitation to join in sparring time. "Please, and thank you. I spar against the system more than against other people. It's hard to find a sparring partner who can keep up that isn't a program." She nods to his statement about the bond she and Brightwind share. "Yup. And you can give him a treat now. You can give on to Luna as well."

For his part, Brightwind snuffles at Kurt's hand, and he lips at that hand, with utter gentleness. There's a quiet whicker at the statement about liking both. He does indeed. Dani shakes her head. "Nah. If you say it isn't warmer than it should be, I'll believe you. I trust you." She pauses. "Especially since you know if it gets infected, it's going to be a lot worse." Kurt would have noticed with the sugar cubes, that it's like the carrots and apples. Not all the horses like them. Brightwind likes them sometimes and sometimes disdains them.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Kurt in wide eyed surprise. "Woah wait what? A Neyaphem?Whats that?" she frowns a little, "Sooo what's this brimstone dimension? Do t think I've ever explored that one before.." but the mischievous glint in her eye suggests she might just try and explore it sooon..

Shes only slightly distracted, nodding to Dani as she steps up to Luna and steadies one hand on the horse's pommel, another resting on the middle of the saddle as she slips a foot in the nearest stirrup, vaulting up a bit and swinging her other leg over to slip into the other stirrup.

She settles down into the saddle which seems well adjusted for her height on the horse, which isn't super tall. "Feels good, I think?"

Talk of sugar cubes causes Megan to lick her lips, "Hmm well I hope Luna doesn't stubbornly stick around for more treats before the ride.."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Looking to the pegasus, Kurt gives a soft chuckle. "You told on me, that I had treats," he says softly, amusement in his voice. "You will still get your share of them, I promise," he adds, giving a small nod. He doesn't really mind that he was 'told on', so to speak. He looks over to Dani and raises an eyebrow slightly before giving a nod. "Ja, I'll get one of them out and come along," he agrees with a warm smile. Then he looks to the pegasus. He retrieves a piece of apple from within the bag to offer to Brightwind, waiting patiently for it to be taken before he'll do the same for Luna. "The rest of the treats will be later," he says with a grin that shows his pointed teeth. "I'll put these in the food room and dole them out after we get back," he adds. "Ja, I know an infection would be bad. I think you and Shannon would both be angry with me if such happened, so... I will do my best to prevent it," he says, nodding to her.

Kurt looks to Megan and he raises an eyebrow slightly. "Please, meine dame, if you ever find yourself within the Brimstone Dimension then do not explore it. Leave it. It is not safe," he says softly, a serious note to his voice as his glowing gaze studies her. And yet, he travels through it every time he teleports. There's more than one reason that it isn't safe. He lifts his left hand, to make a slight gesture, and his tail gives a mild flick behind him. "Most would call the Neyaphem demons," he says quietly. It's not a wrong name, not a wrong term. He steps back from the horses to head for the food room from whence he'd come, in order to tuck the bag of treats in there for safe keeping.