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Latest revision as of 02:21, 19 March 2021

It's All In The Reps
Date of Scene: 18 March 2021
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Idle chatter while polishing the guns.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Storm, Cyclops, Archangel, Moonstar, Nightingale, Nightcrawler

Phoenix has posed:
Sunday morning. The school above is the expected hustle and bustle of kids waking up, rolling to breakfast late still in their pajamas, and otherwise taking over every television available given the day is looking to be on the cold and gray side. Below the venerated halls and even the earth, things are pretty peaceful. There's nothing teamwise going on, and the only real sounds outside of the normal hum of electronics is a bit of music coming from the gym speakers.

Summer may be a ways off yet, but it doesn't mean that Jean isn't getting in pool laps. It's no casual swim, though. She's got on a gold-piped black one piece closer to resembling a short sleeved and short-legged wetsuit. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail to keep it from getting in her way as she makes a quick underwater turn to begin swimming back in the opposing direction. The music is coming from the normal speakers as well as those sending sound out under the water.

Storm has posed:
That's my best friend! Ororo would say if she were that happy pippy type. As best friends do, they workout together, even though they weren't doing the same activities.

Ororo had her fill of the water, taking on a much needed respite with weight lifting, needing no spotter to get those arms tuned and eventually, waist snatched for either an upcoming date or wedding. Dealers choice.

"Meeting new people and dating -sucks-!" Ororo calls out to her friend, pushing up one hundred pounds upon the bench, her arms wavering a little as she keeps the weights above her head, then lowers it only to push it back up with a grunt. "Like, I understand the meaning of dating, eh? You meet people and give out your resume of your life and see if their qualifications match with yours and vice versa. I am wishing I had parents who put me up with an arranged marriage and I would not have to deal with all of this chatter."

Women talk, though yelled across the room. In other words, Ororo would rather get busy than to shake hands and share meals.

Cyclops has posed:
Heading into the gym is Scott Summers, who is currently peeling out of his snug white t-shirt. He finally freed up to catch up with Jean and Ororo at the pool. "Hey. Sorry I am late." He says as he pauses to shuck off his sweat pants to reveal a pair slim swim trunks beneath. Not quite a speedo! He has some pride after all.

"What is this about dating?" He asks curiously as he lifts his brows upwards and towards Ororo. As he wades into the water, he sinks down to let his body get used to the temperature. "Are you dating, Ro?"

He furrows his brows a bit. "Do I need to meet some of these men?" And do a background check.

Archangel has posed:
Workouts? Lifting weights? When your mutation pretty much means you have zero body fat there really isn't a need to do those things to keep yourself fit, so what does Warren come down to the gym for?

The sauna of course.

Shortly after Scott enters the winged playboy makes his way into the gym with a towel tosses casually over one shoulder, dressed appropriately in attire for his chosen activity...nothing but a pair of board shorts and if this wasn't a school with other people around who knows if he would even have those. He pauses as he enters, making note of the others as he raises a hand in the air in form of greeting. "Oh, hey. I didn't know this was a party. Did I hear 'Ro's dating?"

Phoenix has posed:
As Jean reaches the end of the pool closer to the gym, she props her elbows up on the edge and taps a stopwatch that was tracking her time. Puffing out some water and catching her breath, she passes Scott a bright grin as he makes his way in before looking over towards Ororo.

"Girl. See, that's the mistake. It's not a job interview or trying to breed up a line of prized racehorses. Well, maybe arranged marriages are, but that aside." She flaps her hand dismissively after stripping away some loose hair from her face. "You're just looking for someone that makes you happy. You don't need to check their credentials, you just need to be able to sit in a room with them and feel just as comfortable sharing the space in silence as you are having a three hour long phone conversation about sitcoms or something. You can't overthink it. You just have to feel it."

Easy for an empath to say. Cheater.

"G'morning, Warren!" Jean says to the next arrival. "And apparently so. She's just being Ro about it. Clearly she's going to need a club visit if all she's doing is meticulously studying people in Paneras." There's a perfectly serene smile sent to her best friend, clearly unconcerned that said friend shoots lightning and that she's in a large body of water.

Storm has posed:
"Trying, and no." 'Ro answers as she racks the weights upon the stand. She lets the feeling melt for a bit, taking in a deep breath, exhaling.. then slowly rising from the bench, pulling at the tape upon her hands to make them just a little bit tighter. "I can handle myself, everyone knows this." Apparently not, due to the offended tone that she had taken on, but thankfully, waters do not boil and the gym's air doesn't become thick and suffocating.

Warren's entrance gets an upnod, and soon she's back to scanning the rest of the gym. Standing to make her way over towards another set of handheld weights, she picks the thirty pounds and begins to lift simultaneously.

"Now.. listen.." Ro starts, pausing to get used to the feel of working her hands in tandem. "..if I -find- someone to make me happy? It will throw off the balance of the eco-system. I'll be wanting to do more good, like.. encourage eco-terrorist to create a more greener, finer world where plants can flourish. Do you want to see a happy Goddess of the Earth, or just a woman who is neutrally satisfied in her life choices that does not threaten all of mankind." She was joking. Sort of.

"Do not sleep on Panera, Jean. Their cheddar and brocoli soup is amazing." So what if she goes man watching! Its not like she could do it here.. well.. Warren is looking kind of.. but its not like she could do it here!

Cyclops has posed:
"Panera is over-priced Subway." Scott says as he dips himself down into the water before rising upwards. He runs his hands back through his hair to pull it away from his face, then looks over to Ororo. "But, you being happy is important for us. You know, Warren is single." Is that a joke from Scott Summers?

As he leans back on the rim of the pool, he spreads his arms out across it as he bobs up and down in the water. "But if you are seeing anyone seriously, I feel like that as a security measure we should at least take a good look at him. Jean can scan him to ensure he has no ulterior motives. I can pull in that favor at Shield as well." His lips give a small twitch upwards, just briefly.

"Hey Warren, didn't see you over there." He says cooly, brows lifting upwards. "How you doing?"

Archangel has posed:
"Trying? A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be trying to date, Ro. That just goes against the laws of nature you Goddess of the Earth you. I bet if you went to your Panera and snapped, you would have a plethora of guys kneeling around to worship you in a heartbeat," Warren comments with a laugh, looking over towards Scott.

"Panera is the place with the bread, right?" he questions, unsure.

Looking between Scott and Ororo at the line of him being single, Warren chuckles, "That I am, but somehow I don't think my life of corporate offices and business meetings is what Ororo has in mind in a partner, not to say I wouldn't take her out and show her a hell of a good time for the hell of it. What do you say, Ro? Feel like a night of dancing and debauchery in places you have to have six zero's in your bank account just to even think about entering?"

Warren tosses his towel onto one of the hooks on the outside of the sauna door before stretching out, letting his wings unfurl and stretch out to the sides as well, "I'm ok, Scott. At least I don't have you trying to babysit my dating life," he grins.

Phoenix has posed:
"I am the entirely wrong person to ask that." Jean blandly says in regards to the emotional upheavals of goddesses.

"But, all that I want is a happy Ororo. If that takes a king, a peasant, or a long weekend alone at an expensive spa resort then I'm content. I will never argue with saving money on lawn care, though. We have a lot of grass out there. And now I want soup. French onion is vastly underrated. Maybe dinner." A quick nod is given to Warren to confirm that Panera does do bread.

She draws her train of thought back from culinary musings at the talk of taking Ro out on the town. "You two would bring an entire club to its knees. It wouldn't even be fair, but probably entirely worth it. Get pictures."

She looks aside to her own fiance at his offers and she puts up a tone of mock offense, "Tsk, Scott, I wouldn't dreeeeaaam of interfering that much in Ororo's personal life to make sure that any suitors are actually worth her time and energy. That would just be rude and invasive and barely trouble at all for me to do without anyone actually knowing that I was."

Storm has posed:
"You get what you pay for, Slim." Ororo jokes. And then Scott jokes. And 'Ro is rolling her eyes as she continues to keep up with the tandem lifting. She was making good strides, even though she felt the burn, but she does shake her head towards Scott. "Whomever I'm dating wouldn't come here for a while. And I would not worry about SHIELD or any scan." While she doesn't bring up the name of a potential suitor, there were thoughts about it, briefly.

Warren's prompting does cause her to pause, and she turns around to casually drop the weights upon the ground which causes a large *BANG*. Hands upon her hips now, she sizes Warren up as if they were about to go toe to toe on American Ninja Warrior, or some random show that she happens to catch after hours.

"Pick a date, time, wardrobe. I will be there."

Game. Set. Match.

And she wasn't kidding. Jean's longing for soup stirrs Ororo's longing for the aformentioned treat from Panera, a wistful sigh drawing out though she does subconsciously touch along her sides. "Mm. Cheat day Saturday?" She asks her friend, then bends to pick up the weights again to return them to their rightful place.

"To be fair, I have not danced in a very long time." She tells the lot. "I suspect that is something a group of us ladies need to do.. -after- my supposed night of debauchery with Warren, of course." She grins, then picks up heavier weights, 75lbs to be exact. Her arms hang as she bounces a little, attempting to gain momentum before she starts her tandem curling.

"Do not peek, Jean Elaine Christina Heather Grey. Do. Not."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar comes fairly frequently to the gym. Typically on a daily basis. Usually, however, she's much earlier than this, at the crack of dawn. Maybe she slept in a little? She pauses as she seems to have walked in to a conversation about... relationship advice? Relationships for empaths can be both easy and hard, really. Because... you always know. The good and the bad.

The advice on soup, however, is noted. "Going to have to try that one of these days," she says. She glances to Scott. "Who cares if it's overpriced if it tastes good?" She makes absolutely no comments about who may or may not be single as she beelines for the weight machines. She's dressed for it, too. Tank top and shorts. She puts a considerable amount of weight on the machine she selects and sits down. Apparently, right now is about working the arms. "Dancing sounds fun," she says.

Nightingale has posed:
     How is it that, whenever cooking of any sort is involved, a familiar winged figure seems to be somewhere in the vicinity?

     It was perhaps one of life's--or at least the mansion's--myriad mysteries, and one that would not at this moment bear closer inspection, dear reader. Shannon slips into the gym, dressed for it in black shorts and tank top with gold piping around the edges, black sneakers, and her hair pinned up in a bun at the back of her head. Usually at this hour, the gym was devoid of people, but today seemed to be quite different. Eyebrows loft, and her lips quirk upwards in a smile as she offers a nod of greeting to each in turn, finding a corner of her own to start stretching out and warming up in.

     "What's this I hear about broccoli and cheddar soup?" she asks. "And ummmm... okay, if there's debauchery, I don't wanna know about it!" The last is spoken with an impish grin--and her eyes squinted shut in a definite TMI expression.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Sometimes, there are unexpected things that happen. Or at least, things that are unexpected from certain people's perspective. Simply because they are planned by others and not spoken of. It's been a while since he's been to the gym. Though that might have something to do with having stitches in the back of his left shoulder! He might have agreed to behave with them. Might have. There's a BAMF, and Kurt appears (wearing swimming trunks), some six feet or so above the pool. He tucks himself into cannonball position and lets gravity do what it will! There's a splash as he hits the water, and he stays under for a moment before rising to the surface and peeking around. "Oh, guten tag!" he says lightly in greeting.

Cyclops has posed:
"You only tell yourself it tastes good to justify the ludicrous amount of money you spent on a sandwich, Miss Moonstar." Scott says as he pulls himself out of the water, plodding over to grab a towel and wipe down his chest with it. It's rare that he is shirtless around the students, but his body has a story full of scars along his back and chest from years of combat since he was younger than most of them. It's one of the many reasons why he has changed the way he looks at X-Men membership over the years.

As Warren asks Ororo out and she appears to accept, he glances back and forth between them, then lets out a small noise in his throat. Amused. Once he finishes wiping himself down, he runs his hands back through his hair to remove it from the front of his wrap around red visor.

"Hello, Kurt." He calls over to his life long friend with a smile. "Miss Lance."

Archangel has posed:
"OH, now that sounds like a challenge, Ro. Challenge accepted," smiles Warren as he looks over the weather goddess. "Week from today, 7pm, comfortable but fashionable. Something elegant, but also something you can dance in. Or at least bring a secondary outfit and comfortable shoes. I figure we head to dinner first, then go dancing at one of the Manhattan hotspots. Whichever that flavor of the week is, I'll make some calls. OR I can have you over to the penthouse and cook dinner before we go out for the evening. You don't have to get all fancied up for a restaurant if you choose that route. It's your choice."

Warren glances at Dani, and Scott with a smirk, "You think Panera soup is overpriced? My lord man, do you know what they charge for a cup of soup at some of the places I frequent? Let alone what they charge for caviar. It's fish eggs. Fish. Eggs. Why is it so damn expensive!?"

The winged mutant leans against the wall of the sauna, folding his arms over his chest. "I'll admit it. The rich are just weird. The things we pay for..."

Warren looks between Ro and Jean, an amused grin on his face. "If she is peaking, she isn't going to tell you, Ro. I'm sure she has looked in my head once or twice over the years, and has probably regretted it almost instantly."

About then is where Kurt makes his entrance, causing Warren to laugh as he cannonballs the pool and the people around it. "Houston, we have splashdown..."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is still at the edge of the pool with her arms over the edge from where she'd been doing laps. It puts her right in range of Kurt's arrival, the sound of which gives her just enough warning to realize what's coming. At least she was already wet, but the added wave has her wiping off her face and laughing. "Hi Kurt." She greets before looking back to the conversation and new faces arriving.

"It's a date, Ro. You can fill me in on all of the crazy rich person trouble you two get up to while I stay here complaining about possible mortgage costs and compiling another inventory order. At least I can do all of that in my pajamas. Just, yeah... skip the fish eggs. If I'm spending that much money than I'd rather drop it on a steak."

"I haven't seen the gym this busy in awhile." She adds as she leverages herself out of the pool to sit on the edge to start drying off. Given that she looks to be wearing a short wetsuit, it'll probably happen fast enough. "Things that crazy upstairs? Last I heard, a gaggle of students was threatening a karaoke contest. It's entirely too early to overhear that."

Storm has posed:
Ororo sucks her teeth as she stops lifting, turning just a little in Warren's direction. "You're the one who wanted to show me a good time. You pick, and I will arrive in fashion." Fair enough, right?

As more people join the gym-wise festivities, Ro racks her weights again, this time drawing her arms up into the air to reach for the ceiling and stretch. Kurt's splash gets a little chuckle, as 'Ro adds, "Told you Slim, you get what you pay for." All about that Panera. Jean started something terrible on the pockets.

"-If- she is peeking, Warren, she'll swear it to the death to not tell." Because that's what best friends do!

Finishing with the weights now, she heads right to the ropes, unfurling them as she tests the swing a little, and begins with a light jump routine. "Instead of Panera and daincing, Jean, we should take a flight out to Rhode Island. There's a viking-esque buffet I would like to try. The ancestors call for this."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar doesn't comment about debauchery. She's so not going there. As Kurt makes his appearance, she glances over to him. Watches the cannonball maneuver, and then settles to start with the weight training. One arm each on a bar, and squeeze said bars inward. "Heya Kurt." She snorts a laugh at Scott. "Oh no, I don't. Where I grew up, you didn't waste money on things that weren't actually worth the money, Mister Summers," she says, a small smile on her face and amusement in her tone.

Dani grins at Warren. "Because fish eggs... You know. I don't know. I don't like them, so never bothered to find out."

At the mention of karaoke, Dani glances to Jean and shudders. "No longer threatening. The karaoke contest has begun." From the shudder and Dani's expression, the singing.. really isn't all that fantastic. But it's karaoke. The only time that tends to sound good is when one had drunk enough alcohol they no longer care how it sounds. From her expression, the viking-esque buffet also sounds interesting.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Mr. Summers," Shannon replies, dipping her head in greeting to the esteemed field leader. She'd never seen the myriad of scars he bore from his time in the field, and her brows furrow. She nods in understanding, the unspoken message quite clear to her. At least it looked like whatever wounds had caused them, had been well tended to. That was one of the jobs she was preparing to undertake.

     The BAMF above the swimming pool had her head on a swivel almost immediately, the lines between her brows deepening a bit further. "Herr Wagner! Achtung! Sie werden Ihre Stiche ziehen!" Too late. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1....


     Shannon shakes her head, rolling her eyes and muttering as she spreads her wings and heads for the catwalks. "As long as they're not singing my song... not sure I'm quite ready for that!" Though is there at least a little bit of a smile starting to tug the corners of her mouth upwards...? Surely it must be a trick of the light. Her smile widens a bit further as she listens to talk of the rich, famous, dating and... fish eggs? That elicits a soft giggle from her, and she calls down to Dani. "You wouldn't like one of the opening scenes in Auntie Mame, then, because it involves caviar. Or as the kid in the scene calls it... 'fishberry jam'."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a grin at Scott, and he lifts one of his hands to give a little wave. The past has marked all of them, in ways that are both visible and not. For Kurt, well... at least he has that fuzzy blue fur that does well to hide the physical scars both intentional and otherwise. His tail swishes through the water behind him, and he swims over to the edge before pulling himself up and turning, to sit on the edge of the pool.

"It probably has something to do with the fish they come from, how many are in them, and how they're harvested," Kurt comments, lifting his right shoulder in a bit of a shrug as he grins at Warren. Then he lifts his right hand to tussle his fingers through his hair before giving a nod. "Splashdown is the best way of getting in the pool. You get wet all at once instead of little bit by little bit, ja?" he suggests.

Then he looks to Jean and grins at her. "I would say sorry, but... it would totally be not true," he comments with significant amusement. "Steak is much better than fish eggs, ja," he adds. "Sometimes karaoke is fun... the threat may still be going around," he comments, giving a chuckle. He's not about to divulge if he knows who started that one!

Depending on how close one were to look, the stitches in the back of his left shoulder may or may not be visible. The colour of them blends pretty well into his fur and skin colour, though they do give a slight glint in the right (or wrong, depending on one's perspective!) light. And the edges of the healing wound are the more visible part.

There's a glance towards Ororo, and he raises an eyebrow a touch before his glowing gaze flicks to Dani, and there's a wave in both of their direction. Then his attention turns towards Shannon, his ears perking for a moment as her German words prior to his splashdown are hashed through his brain, and he half ducks his chin a bit, his ears sheepishly lowering a touch. "Oops?" What else is one supposed to say after doing something that's perhaps not the best idea?

Archangel has posed:
"I never said I like caviar, just that it is expensive. I don't get it myself, it's just like little balls of salt," Warren says with a shrug that causes his wings to shift and flutter, feathers ruffling down the length like dominos falling. "I'd be happy with just a bacon blue cheese burger myself. Just because I can afford things, doesn't mean I don't enjoy the 'simple life'."

He turns to Ro and nods, "Ok, I did promise the 'high life' didn't I? So elegant formalwear it is, but bring an extra change of clothes for more physical fun after. I'll pick you up at 7." He grins, "This should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. To be honest, I'm surprised we haven't done this before, Ororo. Why is that?"

Warren watches Shannon fly up tot he rafters, a slight chuckle escaping his lips as she quips about her song being sung for karaoke. "Careful there one-hit-wonder, if they are singing it up there take the accolades while you can. Fame is fleeting and you don't know how long things last...ask Ali or Andrea and I am sure they would say the same."

Phoenix has posed:
Scars around, but not on Jean. She definitely had them before she 'died', but when she came home? Nothing. Clean slate. Abnormal.

"As to peeking, Warren, how long have I known you now?" Jean looks to the winged man with a placid grin. "I am confident there's nothing I could find in your head that would surprise me. But no. I don't make it any kind of a habit to go snooping around in the heads of my friends and family. It's more fun to just hound you relentlessly until you tell me."

"And, who am I to argue with the ancestors? Viking buffet it is. Just let me know when and I'll make sure my schedule is clear. Is this one of those shows where you eat with your hands and watch men swing axes at one another, or is this more a historically accurate food venture thing?" Because one of those probably has more abs, suggests her tone of voice, and is thusly higher on the vacation fun index. Food is good too, though.

"At least I know I have a valid excuse to not go sit in my office for the afternoon. I'll never get anything accomplished with the noise. I guess I'll need to go out and actually get some fresh air for a change. Mm, speaking of paperwork, I saw that we have a new face around?"

Moonstar has posed:
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Shannon. Your song is what they were singing when I passed by on my way here." Dani Moonstar grins at the winged woman. "I don't mind /seeing/ fish eggs. I just don't like eating them." Much like the others, she's marked in ways by her past. Though the physical scars are few and far between, there are a few. Dani is far enough away from the pool to avoid the splashes, at least. She finishes her weight set and puts the weights away before considering what she wants to do next. "I agree. Steak is better than fish eggs."

Dani glances over to Warren and sighs. "More talk about food. You guys are all making me hungry. A bacon burger sounds fantastic." She glances over to Jean and grins. "Fresh air is good for you," she points out. Then looks curiously at the woman. "We do? What new face? Who'd I miss?" Maybe she was distracted!

Finally decided, Dani turns to a bicycle machine and climbs aboard. After setting a few controls, she starts to pedal away.

Storm has posed:
"Warren, you had your eyes elsewhere." Ro assumes. It was all joking, of course. Once she finishes her tandem lifting, she places the weights down carefully to not cause such a racket.

"Its a date. There is no show, only feasting. Hands are optional, but I plan to be my lesser dignified self with a bib. Everyones invited." Someone had to fly, and it definitely wasn't going to be Ororo. The news about the kareoke happening within the school gets a little wrinkle of her nose, and a slight shrug. There may be talent in that some day, but she wasn't going to find out. Auto-tune, sucks.

Which prompts her upon her next mission.

"I am leaving." Ororo announces, and heads straight towards the showers.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh gawd..." Shannon rolls her eyes, at Dani, her face going bright red. "Welp. Guess I'd better get used to it." Peering down from the rafters at Warren, she rolls her eyes a second time. "Yeah, yeah, I know. One-hit-wonder. It might not last and who knows, I might not manage to bottle lightning twice, but then again, you never know. By the way, I might bug you for some ideas on how best to invest what comes to me out of that song, so at least I can cover med school when the time finally comes, if that's okay?"

     Her look at Kurt is mock-serious, and she just shakes her head. "Did one of the docs at least check that beforehand, Herr Wagner?" Her voice bears more concern than irritation, as she uses the catwalks like aerial balance beams, freeing up the ones below for those who wanted to use them. She's making a point of keeping her wings tucked in tightly, eschewing the use of her gifts in favor of relying solely on balance and agility instead.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a grin in Warren's direction, and he gives a nod of agreement. "Ja, weird little balls of salt that go 'pop' in your mouth. I would definitely rather have steak. Or any number of any other things," comments Kurt, giving a chuckle. He lifts his right hand, tussling his hair a bit more before lowering it to rest it on the edge of the pool.

Kurt tilts his head a touch to one side, looking towards Jean, and he chuckles softly. "You are welcome to try to hound anything out of me," he comments with a grin. Try being the operative word, perhaps, and he does tend to be a bit on the stubborn side. He can't help it, he's German. "Ja, I'm not sure that I would recommend being upstairs just yet. At least, not when I left. There was talk of finding more speakers on stands," he shares, giving a soft snicker. "I haven't seen anyone new, yet?" he adds, one of his eyebrows quirking up slightly.

Kurt's attention is distracted towards Ororo, and he watches as she heads out after the announcement of doing so. Then he looks up and towards Shannon. "It is a sign of the popularity of it," he says with a smile. His head tilts a bit to one side, and he lifts his right hand to rub his nose a little, attempting to look innocent and likely utterly failing. "Ah... nein, mein dame. I did not have it checked. This would likely have been a good idea," he comments, a touch sheepishly.

Archangel has posed:
"I never said it was a habit," Warren corrects with a grin, "Just that I can't stand here and honestly believe you haven't done it at least once, back when we were kids...and no, I don't suspect anything in this noggin of mine you would find all that shocking. Embarrassing maybe, but not shocking. Christ, Jean, you know how bad I had it for you back then? Obviously the better man won out, but I gave it my best!" He shrugs again, the other shoulder this time, the wing ruffling like the last.

Warren chuckles as he watches Ororo head towards the women's locker room, calling out after her, "You're probably right. I may have been with Candy then."

At Dani's confession Warren playfully winces, "Oh man. Karaoke is the worst unless you are just to drunk to care. I think I am glad I am down here, and sure Shannon. I can have my guy call you, or take it to him myself. My suggestion would be to play it safe with a majority of it though and just stick it into a high-yield account, not gamble it on stocks or anything."

Warren turns to Kurt, "Please tell me you are not seeping into the pool, Kurt? At least the chlorine would help...it doesn't sting does it?" He cocks his head to the side, "What happened, anyway? What did I miss?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Oh I did often enough as a kid." Jean admits with a quiet chuckle as she leverages herself out of the pool to sit on the edge and start drying off. "Until I learned better manners. Also, you were not the only one." She adds to Warren on matters of interest. The only girl on a team of teenage boys? Pretty much a given. "But see, it works out! Now you get to go enjoy wanton debaunchery with Ororo." She laughs as she gives her best friend a wave as she heads out, probably to save herself from more advice.

"Seems like there's a new student that is on the way. I guess I'll divert to my office enough to check in on that before I head out. Sounds like you had an adventure too, Kurt?" She asks of the elfin mutant as talk turns to his injury.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar lifts her right hand from the front of the bicycle machine and waves to Ororo as she prepares to, and does, leave. "Later," she says. Her hand comes to rest on the front of the bicycle again. A grin is aimed at Shannon and she nods firmly. "That's what happens when your music becomes popular. Besides. It's a good song with a catchy tune to it. Plus, a good message."

"Bubble tea tastes better, if you want something to go 'pop' in your mouth," she says, deadpan. Then a grimace. "Goodness. More speakers? Maybe I'll take Brightwind out for a ride after I'm done in here. Anyone who wants to join is welcome." She shakes her head at Kurt. "It'll be a shame if Shannon has to redo those stitches," she says, tone mock serious. But her sparkling eyes show her to not be entirely serious.

"Right. And I'm not drunk enough that I can ignore it or join in with it. Not that fond of karaoke to begin with. Oh well." As for the question! That she can answer. "He thought it would be a good idea to hunt a demon. Solo." Kurt earns a single fixed glower from Dani with that. It doesn't last long, though. She nods to Jean about the new student. "Always interesting to see what the new ones are like."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh... do you mean Rosie McGowan, miss Grey?" Shannon peers down from the rafters, paused with her arms out for balance. "Mhm, I think she said miss Munroe and Sam brought her in a couple nights ago. She seems nice enough, but kind of skittish about her gifts. I'm not sure of her full story. Think maybe I'll make a little welcome basket for her, with some cookies, tea, coffee, and a couple other things."

     Spreading her wings, she glides down from the rafters, backwinging her way to land next to the pool. "I could check those stitches later for you if you wanted, Herr Wagner, but again, I still would really feel better if you had another staff member check. It was one thing for me to stitch you up in a pinch, but I'd rather get the okay from higher up before continuing to look after things. Bitte."

     Warren is offered a smile of gratitude, and she nods. "That'd be great. I'd as soon learn from you while I've got the chance here, and not run myself into trouble later. If I play it smart, this could set me up quite nicely." Shannon reaches offers her hand to Warren, smiling. "Thank you, really. I appreciate any help."

     As for karaoke? Wrinkling her nose, Shannon just shrugs, and laughs a little bit. "Guess I'd better just own it and join in the karaoke chaos."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a raised eyebrow as Kurt turns his attention towards Warren, and he lifts his right shoulder in a bit of a shrug. "I don't know? It doesn't feel like it's seeping, anyways," he comments, turning his head to the left to sort of try to peer at the wound. Not that it works very well at all, given the location of the wound, even with his flexibility. He gives his head a small shake. "It was nothing," he says. Which is a terrible lie because nothing doesn't cause the need for stitches! There's a brief glance to Jean, and he ducks his chin slightly, his cheeks colouring.

He looks over to Dani and then gives a little shake of his head. "I think the stitches themselves are okay. I don't think that I hurt them," he says in a thoughtful tone. And he's quiet for a long few moments, his attention turning towards the waters of the pool. And he gives a grunt at Dani for spilling what had happened that had caused the injury. He didn't want it said! He shoots her a mildly accusing glance, then gives a wordless grumble before saying quietly, "Not a demon. Neyaphem." Not that the two aren't probably essentially the same thing, but he makes a distinction.

His glowing yellow gaze lifts to Shannon as she glides down to land near, and then he gives a nod. "Ja, if you wish to check them then I'll not argue to it being done. I understand your preference, and if you'd rather not then I'll have another check them instead," he says softly, inclining his head towards her.

Archangel has posed:
Warren chuckles at Jean, "Yeah well, it didn't help that you are also a hot redhead. I'm sure Scott, Hank, Bobby and I all had the same ideas..."

He moves his gaze over to Dani as she mentions a demon, then his eyes shift to Kurt. "Really? That's your excuse? It was a Neyaphem not a demon so that makes it all ok?," he says with a smirk, "I'm just glad you're ok. Could have been worse, for sure. At least Shannon was able to sew you up."

He looks to Shannon now, "Yeah, sure. Just set up a time for me to look over your records. You have the number right? I'll let them know you will be calling and why."

Phoenix has posed:
"Yes, Rosie." Jean confirms as she gets up to her feet and walks over to grab one of the towels off the cart next to the pool. She gingerly pulls the hair tie out to free the ponytail she had in and starts to loosen the damp locks. "I usually give kids a few days to settle in and get comfortable before I talk to them. They generally have enough on their plate right away."

Kurt's demon-hunting is given a raise of one red brow and a slow, lopsided grin. "Come on Kurt, you know better than to keep the adventures to yourself. At least you came home in one piece."

She draped the towel around her shoulders as she heads for the door, "Alright, I'm going to get some work done. Behave yourselves."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar listens curiously to the topic of the new student. "A welcome basket is a good idea. Thanks, Shannon." She finishes her time on the bicycle machine and resets it to base levels before she dismounts. She grins. "At least we know your singing is good, without alcohol. Either way, have fun, yeah?" She turns and starts toward the showers herself, now. "I'm out. See you all later." She pauses to glance back toward Kurt. "Same difference," she says with a grin. "Just... next time, I get to come have fun too." She nods to everyone once, and then slips out of the main gym and into the showers. "Behaving is overrated," comes her voice from the other side of the doorway before she's gone.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just grins a bit sheepishly at Dani and nods. "Hey, I wouldn't know about that yet, I can't drink!" Waving at her and miss Grey on their way out, she calls out, "Please, miss Grey, you know better than to ask something like that! That's like waving a red flag in front of a bull!"

     Giggling a little bit to herself, she shakes her head, and glances back at Kurt. "Well... I guess since miss Grey didn't say anything -against- it, I'll be glad to check those stitches later, but it would probably still help me in training to have someone double-check my work, too. Bitte."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a flick of his tail behind him, and then it settles into a steadier slow swishing from one side to the other. Kurt looks over to Warren, and he tilts his head slightly to one side. "Ja, it could have been worse," he says honestly, giving a small nod. "And I didn't say it made it okay," he adds. He just hadn't intended to provide the details! "I will be fine, it is healing, thank you," he says, a smile coming to his feature as he inclines his head towards Warren. He does appreciate the concern.

Kurt's gaze turns to Jean at her words, and he ducks his chin slightly before quirking a grin. "It was only sort of intentional...? I didn't find the one I was looking for, and the Brimstone Dimension is what it is," he admits, looking to her a bit sheepishly. "That is always the goal, ja? To come home in one piece," he adds, giving a nod. Behaving might be close to impossible for him, but he does try! Sometimes. Most times. Maybe. "Ja, ja, everybody wants to have fun in the place that is dangerous," he comments, giving a wry chuckle. Then his attention turns to Shannon, and he gives a nod to her. "Ja, later will be fine. I have no arguement to someone else being present to check them as well, to check your work. It has felt well and good," he adds.

Nightingale has posed:
     "That is, if we can get someone to be there. If not, would you at least be willing to have it checked a second time? Somehow this will work out." Shannon shivers a little bit, but smiles. "It usually does, one way or the other."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Ja, I'm willing to have it checked whenever you wish, by whomever you wish, mein dame," Kurt says with a smile to Shannon, inclining his head towards her. He appreciates her skill and is grateful for it. Lifting his right hand, he lightly pulls his fingers through his hair, tussling it a bit, then lightly passes his hand over the top of his left shoulder. He looks over the water of the pool for a moment, then moves his left shoulder a bit as though testing it slightly. "I suppose it would be better if I didn't swim much, ja?" he suggests, lifting his gaze towards Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Or at least seeing if there is some sort of water resistant dressing they can put on in the Wellness Office before you go in the water." Shannon turns a bit red, shrugging. "I don't know if there's anything like that but it can't hurt to ask." Crouching down by the pool, she smiles a little bit. "I'll go wash up a bit and get a little cocoa, and if you like... you're the teacher here, I'm still just a student, so it needs to be more as -you- like it... then I could check on that." Pause. "As for swimming, one thing I'm reasonably sure of is that it'd be nice, gentle exercise to work that shoulder back in when it's fully healed."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Ja, that would have been a good idea as well. I didn't think of it, before," Kurt comments, giving a soft chuckle. "I'm equally unknowing as to the various assortment of such things that might be available," he says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He lightly bounces his heels against the wall of the pool, still sitting at the edge of it with his lower legs in the water, and his glowing gaze follows her movement as she crouches near. "Cocoa would be welcome, if you wouldn't mind making another mug of it?" he suggests, his ears perking up some. "You are the medical person, and I am the patient, so... it is a different dynamic, ja?" he suggests, quirking a smile at her. Then he gives a soft chuckle before nodding to her. "Ja, the key there being the when it's fully healed part, which it's not yet," he adds, grinning.

Nightingale has posed:
     "I'm not fully trained and qualified yet, though. So... yeah, I guess you're right, it's kind of a different dynamic, isn't it?" Shannon smiles and chuckles somewhat, shaking her head. "It felt just as strange the first time I was out with Mr. Summers in the field. I'm so used to being formal with him and Miss Grey that I fouled up and forgot to use call signs instead. It felt pretty surreal at the time. But in a good way, I think." She smiles a little bit more. "It's one of those things that's kind of hard to explain."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Ja, I know you aren't. Your training exceeds mine own," Kurt says, a smile easily returning to his features. He chuckles softly, watching her, and then he gives a bit of a nod. "It's a thing that takes some getting used to. Not to worry, it happens with all of us, I think. Here, we're friends and family, ja? We fall into habits, and sometimes those habits easily bleed over into missions," Kurt says in a thoughtful tone. He eyes the pool a touch wistfully for a moment, his tail swishing behind him lightly, and he chuckles softly. "It was worth a dunk, at least. And hopefully that will not have harmed the stitches or the wound in any way," he comments, sounding a trifle amused.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon takes a quick glance at Kurt's left shoulder, leaning in to check the condition of the area. "Doesn't look bad right now, but I'll make that cocoa a little later and get a better look at it then. You're not in any pain or anything, are you?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
As she examines the stitches and the wound, Kurt watches her, his tail slipping around his right side so that it's out of the way, and the end of his tail settles in his lap. "It doesn't feel too bad. A bit itchy. It's not particularly painful or anything, nein... it's been feeling fairly good. Sometimes I end up sleeping on it and it'll be painful and aching and wake me up, but that's no fault of it," he comments, his tone thoughtful. That's more his own fault for ending up on it while asleep.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hmmmm. Maybe an extra soft pillow behind you when you sleep for a few days? I know when my wings were growing back in after taking the antidote, they were itching and aching like mad, and worse when I wound up sleeping on my back with them like that. Sometimes it helped to have a very soft pillow behind me." At that, Shannon breathes a sigh of relief, and actually smiles. "Good, the itching means it's healing, long as it's not too bad."

Nightcrawler has posed:
The fuzzy blue elf seems to give the suggestion of the pillow a bit of consideration, his brow drawing down a touch before he finds himself giving a nod. "I'll have to give that a try. At the very least, the pillow might keep me from rolling to that side to start with," he comments, giving a soft chuckle. He usually sleeps flopped out on his belly. Then he grins at her, when she seems relieved, and he lifts his hand nearest to lightly touch her knee, briefly. "It does, ja. And I have been trying to leave it be and not itch it, so that it will continue to heal."

Archangel has posed:
After slipping into the sauna Warren wanders back out of the hot, steamy room back into the gym proper, grabbing his towel on the hook by the door and starting to wipe down the sheen of sweat that glistens from his form. "I don't know what it is about sitting in a hot and humid room that it relaxing, but something about it works. It's going to take hours for the feathers to dry though. I need like a full body hair dryer."

Warren looks over at Shannon and Kurt, "Oh...you're still here. Uh....hi."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon chuckles a little bit, shaking her head. "I don't envy you drying your feathers out. Thank heavens mine don't get waterlogged." For a moment, she looks about to say something else but stops herself, settling for a knowing smile. She doesn't seem in the least embarrassed, taking the re-appearance of Warren in stride. "Don't know if I'd like a sauna much. Can't remember ever trying one. Don't you worry about getting dehydrated or overheating in there?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
A glance is given towards the sauna door when it opens anew, and he lifts a hand to offer a wave in Warren's direction. "Ja, still here," Kurt affirms, giving a soft chuckle. "The combination of heat and humidity is quite relaxing. I think it has to do with endorphins, and that it's quiet in there," he muses, his tone thoughtful. His attention turns to Shannon, watching her for a moment, and he gives a nod to her words. "So long as you're not in it for too long then it's not an issue. About fifteen to twenty minutes, if I remember right."

Archangel has posed:
Warren nods to Kurt, "That, and drink a lot of water before, and then again after to rehydrate."

That being said, Warren bends down and grabs his thermos, taking a healthy guzzle from it before returning it to it's resting place. Warren places the towel on the hook, and then takes two strides before diving headlong into the pool, surfacing a moment later and pushing water away from his face with his hand. "So, other than fighting demons, how have you been Kurt? Haven't seen you in...I don't remember the last time I saw you, it has been that long."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Mmhmm, both of those things help a lot as well. Most seem to sweat around a pint or so while in a sauna for that period of time. There's a lot of benefits from using one, just... don't fall asleep in there and don't overstay inside it," Kurt comments, his tail lightly swishing back and forth behind him. One of his eyebrows quirks up at the question, and he chuckles softly as he lifts his right shoulder in a bit of a shrug as he grins. "I've been doing well. Well, other than fighting a Neyaphem in the Brimstone Dimension," he comments, pausing briefly, "And getting grazed by a bullet while dodging a Cure dart during the rescue of mutant prisoners from DAMT. Otherwise, ja... doing well. It's been a while, ja, but mostly keeping out of trouble," he says. If that can be believed at all. "How've you been doing?"

Archangel has posed:
"About the same, really, instead of fighting Neyaphem in the Brimestone Dimension I fight layers and bankers in a boardroom. I think you have it easier. You can use a sword," grins Warren as he lazily backstrokes along the surface of the pool. "Glad that there is at least a cure for the 'CURE'. I was afraid Shannon was going to loose her wings, and we know how well that turned out for me. She seemed much more stable about it though, but glad it was reversible."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a chuckle from the fuzzy blue elf, and he lifts his right hand to tussle his hair a bit. "Ja, I think I have it easier as well. I have a feeling that lawyers and bankers would not be liking having swords pointed at them," he comments, quirking a grin. "I did have a sword, at least. For the Neyaphem," he adds, watching Warren swim. "I'm also glad that there's a cure for the Cure. And also that Shannon didn't lose her wings. People shouldn't be forced into having themselves changed, by being given a 'Cure' that they didn't want or ask for or need."

Archangel has posed:
Warren nods, "Or having your wings amputated by a mutant hating best friend, but that was a long time ago," chuckles Warren as he makes his way out of the pool, heading back over towards his towel to start to dry off. "And you would be right, most lawyers and bankers frown at being threatened with sharp instruments. I think it angers them, and there isn't much worse than an angry lawyer."

Warren dries himself off with the towel most the way, and starts to head for the exit with a wave, "I need to head out and head back to the city, have a meeting in a little bit. It was good to see you, Kurt. You should come by sometime, have lunch."