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Latest revision as of 02:22, 19 March 2021

Bifrost 3: Everyone remember where we parked.
Date of Scene: 17 March 2021
Location: Garnet (Knowhere, Sector 17)
Synopsis: The Avengers head to Knowhere. Yay!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Hawkeye (Barton), Black Widow (Romanoff), Quicksilver, Slipstream

Thor has posed:
    Word had gone out, given by the God of Thunder to those at the mansion and through the miracle of what was known as the social medias. At least in the circle of the Avengers. The gathering was to be held in Kvalvika Harbor, New Asgard. Site of the new Bifrost still under construction but partially functional at the least. It would serve ideally.
    It was to be a simple trip, into the depths of space for a time then back the next day. Travelers were encouraged to dress in a fairly neutral fashion, perhaps no symbols or uniforms that might give signs of fealty in one direction or another. Gear was up to the traveler, whatever they felt they might need upon such a trip. And when the good crew would arrive they would see that even Thor took such an effort as well.
    For standing there upon the long dock that leads far out toward the distant Bifrost, standing tall and sentinel in its spherical building out in the bay, was the Mighty Thor. Though not in the armor of an Asgardian warrior, nor the clothes worn by those of Midgard. But instead he had travel leathers. Loose yet heavy boots, grey breeches, a brown leather tunic, a walking stick in hand. And a broad-rimmed leather hat of grey. A cloak of similar pale monochromatic color completed him even as he stood there at the ready.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Not one to step back at the call for Avengers, Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, willingly embarked on this adventure with his fellow avenging companions. Although it was recommended - heck, was it mandatory? - Clint didn't like the idea of trading his uniform - which is quite minimalist to start with - for something even less protective. So instead of discarding his suit, he simply added a dark brown dust coat over his usual outfit. The bow and arrows are easily councealed underneat the large coat.

"Right, let's start this show. You lead the parade, Goldie, and we cover. Is that the plan? Or did I miss a memo *sigh* again?"

Despite his attempt at humour, the way the archer keeps glancing around, all his senses in alert, indicates that he's ready for action. As always.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
This trip had been difficult from a planning perspective. After all, they were going into space. It wasn't something she had ever really wanted to do in her lifetime. While she wasn't afraid exactly, it simply was not something she had aspired to. No astronaut wannabe. No staring at the sky and wishing she was up there. She was content dealing with one planet. And then the biggest problem of all...

What did one wear to go into space? It couldn't be anything Avengers or SHIELD related. She finally opted simple was better. A pair of black leggings, looking much like what she wore as part of her shield uniform. A dark gray long-sleeved shirt. Over this a black, lightweight leather jacket. It allowed her to keep her favorite toys hidden within along with her wristbands in their proper place. Not that she was paranoid, but one never knew what might happen. Okay, she probably was paranoid too.

A quinjet was the fastest way over and she had piloted, allowing anyone that wanted to ride along with her to do so. Some might prefer to make their own way, of course.

She walked out on to the bridge to join the gathering. "Thor, New Asgard looks amazing. Changed a lot since my last visit."

Quicksilver has posed:
Was there ever a such thing as a 'simple trip' to anywhere? Pietro wasn't sure, but... his curiosity demanded a certain amount of sating in that regards. He wears a pair of good quality sneakers (very important for running!), a pair of blue jeans, and a charcoal grey long-sleeved shirt, and a jacket with an insulated lining to it. No symbols, no uniform. A satchel of possibly useful things slung over one of his shoulders. He slips past a couple of other people in a zip of speed, and then he stops, standing near to Thor before lifting his arms to fold them in front of himself. The thunder god is eyed for a moment, and he tries not to look impatient.

Then the dock is looked towards, studied for a brief moment, and he hrmphs softly. One of his eyebrows quirks a touch as he looks towards the others who are assembling as well. But for the moment, he's at least quiet, which is occassionally a blessing in disguise. Pietro does his best to simply -wait-, and to stand still. Or still enough, anyways. He promised his sister he would behave.

Slipstream has posed:
Heading out to the bridge to join the others is Drake. As requested, he is wearing a simple black hoodie with a pair of relaxed fit jeans and sneakers. No symbols or emblems upon his clothing. "Hey guys." He says as he starts to look around with wide eyes. "Wow." He says as he rubs the back of his neck. "How you guys doing?" He asks as he rubs at his arm a bit as he takes in the new sights around him. This is a first for the youngest Avenger.

Settling in next to Clint, he leans over to give the archer a bit of a shoulder bump, followed by a quick smile before he looks over to Thor for direction. "Thanks for inviting us on this. I'm really excited."

Thor has posed:
    Standing there as the waters of the bay wash across the supports of the bridge, Thor seems almost grim as he watches the approach of the others. That stern beard and severe strapless eyepatch casts him in an almost sinister frame, augmented by that wide-brimmed hat. Only for his old comrades and their approach to cause a smile to destroy that whole serious facade.
    "Barton. Natasha. And Pietro. It has been some time." He takes up the walking stick and tucks it under his arm as he approaches, smiling the while. "And aye, such is the plan. Perhaps with a little bit added here or there." He offers his arm to Clint in greeting and a companionable warrior's clasp. Before he laughs and turns to Natasha.
    "You are kind, Widow." He rests a hand upon her shoulder, "Tis good to see you." Before his attention slips to Pietro and Drake, "Winters, excellent. Ah and where is your fine sister, Maximoff? The twins together would be a formidable combination. Yet you shall surely be a great aid."
    That said he nods approvingly at their choice in garb and gear, then steps back. "Come, walk with me. I shall inform you of my plan."
    And as he says such he puts words to motion, turning around and striding down the rainbow bridge. Not as brilliant as it once was, not as bright with power, yet flickers of energy can be seen flashing up and down the mystic walkway. His stride even as he moves, Thor speaks sidelong over his shoulder. "It is thus. We worthies shall take the Bifrost to a distant land, a trading post and port of ne'er do wells. There we shall charter a ship and return to where Asgard once was in search of what we can find. I seek the shield of my grandfather, Bor. Yet I know not what we will find."
    A few more strides before he also imparts, "The Bifrost will only be able to function for a small window each day. Ideally this will take no longer than one. Two at the most. We gain what we can, return, and then celebrate our assured victory."
    It's at that point that he reaches the large spheroid building, lifting a hand even as the large silver and gold doors begin to open to reveal the interior of the great mechanism. "Any questions?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Hawkeye grins at Drake as he shoulder bumps him. Ah, rookies. It's nice to see the excitement in a rookie, reminds him of the good ol' days. Hopefully, everything will be fine. Go there, take something, return. Check.

Keeping his eyes on the surroundings, the archer follows his godly companion. Most of what Thor mentioned passed by like a cool wind to the archer's ears, until the mention of /victory/.

"So, yeah, care to tell us who we're gonna fight? Y'know, just curious to know who's going to try to kill us while you retrieve your family trinkets?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That leads to a biting of her tongue as Natasha considers a hive of scum and villainy. But that was long ago, not just in a galaxy far away. "So, basically keep a low profile. Go there, keep her heads down, hire a ship and go to where Asgard was?"

The may be more difficult on Thor than he realizes but she's sure he thought about it as well. No reason to dwell on it.

"Having never been to space, I'm guessing their currency differs from here on Earth?"

Slipstream has posed:
"We're going to fight someone?" Drake asks as he follows after after the group, staring down at the rainbow bridge below his feet. "Last time I was on one of these was like.. Mario Kart fifteen. That map is still incredibly hard." He mutters to himself.

"What are we going to be fighting? Ice Beasts .. um.. is that what you called them? Giants? Orcs?" There isn't too much worry in his tone as he covers it up with faux bravado, but he is the squishiest team member. "Probably nothing we can't handle, right?" He says, giving a big grin, though he casts a slightly worried glance to Clint. ".. Right?"

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a quirked eyebrow when his name is mentioned, and he shifts his weight a touch from one foot to the other before giving a nod to the thunder god. "It has been," he affirms. "Wanda is sleeping off a migraine. She sends her regrets," Pietro explains. Of -course- his sister's absence would be noticed and asked after. "I will do my best to be what help I can be," he adds. Though he keeps his arms folded in front of him, there is an effort made on his part to not brood over things. Yet.

When they're bid to walk with Thor, he shifts his weight a touch and then settles for walking at the sedate pace chosen, out onto the rainbow bridge. There's a quirk of an eyebrow that happens at the mention of a 'distant land', and his gaze flicks along the energy that flashes along the bridge. He rolls one of his shoulders slightly, weighing an option or three. "And hold a little hope that it has not already been pirated and looted to naught but bare bones," he says quietly, half under his breath. "How small of a small window?" Pietro asks, tilting his head faintly to one side. Then he looks to Clint, eyes narrowing a touch as he gives a nod. "And that. That would be good information to have," he comments, flashing a brief smile to the other man. Then he looks towards Natasha, considering her words. "The almighty US dollar can not buy everything, after all," he agrees with her.

Thor has posed:
    The doors continue to open slooooowly, until they fully extend revealing the interior of the Bifrost. Inside there is a criss-cross myriad of multi-colored lines and crystalline structures interlaced along the walls and throughout the multiple panels in the otherwise gold and silver construct. Distantly across the way is a large window that seems to depict an opening to space, brilliant with the gleam of stars and existing in all defiance of normalcy. The silver dais stands in the center of the room, an altar of some height glowing with what can only be stored energy.
    And beside that dais stands a dark-skinned Asgardian, tall and powerfully built with a calm expression. His armor is elaborate though marred with the passing of time. The same, however, cannot be said for the bright two-handed sword that hangs from his back.
    "My King, all is in readiness." Heimdall's voice echoes eerily within the chamber, even as those irisless eyes seem to focus on none of those there. He does, however, take two steps up the dais. The great sword drawn with a resonant ring of metal sliding across metal.
    Thor gives a nod, "Excellent, Heimdall. Bide but a moment." As he says that he turns to the others.
    "Ideally," A look is given to Drake and Clint as they ask about potential conflict, "We shall cross blades with no one. We travel, we gain passage, and we do what we need to do and return. Yet I know my limitations. You and the other Avenger are here to aid in the finding of what we can learn, and making sure this passage goes as smoothly as possible."
    Natasha gets a nod as he informs her, "I bring with me some goods that should trade well, but it is difficult knowing what will be on the rise for the market on Knowhere."
    As Thor seems about to answer Pietro, however, Heimdall brings the sword around, slamming it hard into the altar and giving a sharp twist that causes a brilliant cacophony of sound as well as color to emerge from the gateway on the other side of the room.
    "You will have seventeen minutes each day when the star paths are aligned. No more. No less." Then the other Asgardian addresses Thor solemnly. "I shall be at my watch, my liege. I wish you good luck."
    "Thank you, Heimdall." The vortex-like gateway continues to surge as Thor turns to the others, "Then let us be off!"
    And with that he takes the three strides needed into the path, walking into the Bifrost's surging maw and is abruptly wisked away, seemingly blasted into a million particulates as he's accelerated instantly out of sight.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
There's nothing like the first missions. Anticipation, stress, the need to prove your skills to your teammates, that you rightly deserve your place on the roster. Clint is fully aware of the position Drake might be in at the moment. Which, secretly, is also adding to the archer's concern, as he'd hate to see anything bad happening to the young guy. Hopefully, nothing of it shows as he grins at Drake.

"We can handle anything, Sprinty," he reassures the young man, "Trust me. All will be fine. Stay focused."

Well, that's what the archer was saying as the door opened, then Heimdal did his little bowing speech. They do things so... grandiosely in here. Nothing to impress the archer until... Now, Thor just went poof. And expect /them/ to follow him in that portal?

"Sprinty?" he glances at Drake. "Did ya sign your insurrances policy yet?"

Then Clint grins, looking at Natasha while gesturing towards the portal. "Ladies first."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As they enter the gateway with Heimdall, Natasha takes a moment to look around. Admittedly, it was impressive. She'd seen Heimdall a few times, during the recovering on the Asgardians' ship a few years back. But they had never been introduced.

Then Thor is disintegrated.

That makes the pretty room not so impressive as she stares at the spot where he was evaporated. At least, that's what it looked like. At Clint's words, she glanced over at him then couldn't help smirking. "What's the matter, Clint? Afraid you won't be put back together the right way?"

Not like Thor would lead them into dange--she can't even finish the thought. He would. But he wouldn't have walked in there unless it was safe.

Squaring her shoulders, she walks into the light and disappears!

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I signed it. I'm pretty sure Tony put like five million on me because he thinks I'll bite it first. Which, I don't think he's wrong, you know what I mean? I've already resigned the fact I'd be a closed casket kinda funeral." Drake watches Thor just 'fwip' away through the portal, eyes widening before he gives a glance over towards Heimdell. He gives an awkward smile, followed by a thumbs up before he starts forward as well.

"Twenty bucks Budget Green Arrow pukes first." He says to the Archer in purple with a wink before follows after Natasha next.

"Yeet!" Fwip! He steps through and flickers out, holding his breath as he does.

Quicksilver has posed:
The details of the room are taken in and considered, but Pietro easily turns his attention to the dark-skinned Asgardian at the altar. At least for a moment, before his attention slides on back to Thor. And he blinks. Seventeen minutes. Per day! Seventeen whole blessed minutes! Pietro hrmphs and lifts a hand to pull his fingers through his hair, mildly agitated. A lot can happen in seventeen minutes. If it weren't for the promise made to Wanda then there might be certain words, but... Pietro keeps them to himself!

And then... well, then Thor is whisked away and disintegrating, to all outward appearances. Grand and glorious. "That should have been the first thing signed after agreeing to join up," he comments, giving a brief glance to Clint, then Drake. And he wonders, for just a moment, if running into it would make it all happen faster. How bad can it be, if Thor went through it and if he expents the rest of them to follow? He watches Natasha head in that direction, grunts softly, then lifts one of his shoulders in a bit of a shrug before following after her and heading for his own turn at disintegration!

Thor has posed:
    The Bifrost is a bright streaming corridor of light, the worlds rushing by stones assaulted by a waterfall, brilliant blazes of cosmic power slashing past in a myriad of colors. The sensation of speed at first may be a terrifying thing, but it can easily shift into a wildness and an overload of the senses that could well be amazing. It lasts for seemingly so little time, yet it is an experience that burns itself into the memory...
    And when it ends the abrupt cessation of movement can be disorienting as the giant beam /slashes/ into the surface of Knowhere on the further 'dark' side of the gigantic Celestial skull. The power of the Bifrost burns the sigil of Asgard into the metallic surface of the ground, creating a clear marked for their point of transition as it deposits the travelers there in an entirely alien landscape with worlds unknown all about them.
    The barren land offers little hint of civilization at first, though a glance in the distance will see buildings set above a large cavitation in the surface of the planet. Multi-colored smoke seems to pour from a myriad of tall chimneys coming out of those buildings. Yet even further beyond them seems to be a skyline of a city, the lights flickering against the backdrop of night.
    Only when the Bifrost ceases its burn does Thor turn and offer congratulations to each who made it through, stepping forward and amongst them. "Well done. Excellent indeed." He lightly claps Natasha on the back, even as he steps through to thump-thump Drake's shoulder in approval.
    "No matter what others may say of Midgard, you lack not courage." Though he grins at Pietro and points at the man, as if expecting him to take umbrage but hoping his smile might steal away some of the sting. Only for him to catch Clint at the last and give him a thumbs up for his bravery.
    But what do others say of Midgard? Those jerks.
    He sets his walking stick down, the tip clicking against the metal surface. "Come, it is perhaps an hour's journey to the central marketplace. There we shall gather our bearings, secure lodgings, then head out to find what we can and hire a ship for our purposes."
    With that said, Thor starts out on the path leading toward the mining facility nearby. A grand first step on the journey. But many more lie before them.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Ah, he had a nice reply ready for Natasha, but off she went, as did the others. And what was Drake saying about puking? AH! This might be a fun trip after all. Well, last but not least, Hawkeye finally follows the others. "Fuck, I hate this shit," can be heard as he comes out of the portal.

Once on the other /side/ - of whatever this is, Asgard, right? - the archer again quickly assesses the surroundings while discreetly making sure that all his important parts followed, and in the right order.

And here they go again, walking. Gods don't have any vehicles? Quickly, Hawkeye joins the guys, walking along.

"No puke, Sprinty, but what's that smell? Did ya step on dog-gold or somethin'?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I dunno, Clint, it may be your upperlip you're smelling." Drake quips him back immediately with the zinger. He's spent a lifetime of shit talking kids in video game championships. Busting balls with the archer is easy peasy.

Taking a few moments for his eyes to adjust after the burning blaze of light, he lifts a hand to rub at his face, then gives a stagger as he feels Thor's heavy hand thump him on the shoulder. He looks out towards the buildings in the distance, then sucks in a deep breath. "Wow." He says again. "This is pretty crazy. So, all of your people are now living out there?" He asks as he starts to follow the Avenger of Thunder, sliding his hands into his pockets of his hoodie after tugging the hood over the top of his head.

Quicksilver has posed:
The sensation of speed is not an alien one, or at least not for Pietro. He has the ability to run -fast-. The scenery, if one might call it that, is different. The colours, the brightness, the wild sense of it. Some things aren't worth experimenting with, especially when other lives are in the balance, and so Pietro had only walked into the bifrost. Once the landing is made, there's a brief look down and then he looks around the area. Buildings, smoke, and other signs of civilization. Interesting.

Pietro turns his gaze to Thor, and one of his eyebrows quirks up at the comment. And perhaps surprisingly, he quirks a bit of a grin. "Well, you know what they say about courage, right? Courage is doing what you are afraid to do," he comments, lifting one of his shoulders in a bit of a shrug. It seems he'll accept the words at their face value rather than brood over what others might say of Midgardians. Time enough to ponder the latter later. Then he lifts a hand to pull his fingers through his white hair before he casts a glance towards Clint. "Which shit are we hating on now?" he asks, curious. Then he starts walking along with the others. Walking. So. Slow.

Thor has posed:
    Above them a plasmic nebula sloooowly twists in the depths of night above. The universe reaches out around them, seemingly with no atmosphere to obscure the view yet they seem able to breathe. The landscape is a curious mix of metallic with something almost techno-organic. No flora nor fauna, though there is activity distantly at the mine.
    The path Thor chooses will take them around that mine, however. "I'm afraid not, Drake." The tall Asgardian continues to walk. "Most of the survivors live in New Asgard. Though assuredly there are Asgardians throughout the universe. We are a well-traveled people. This is Knowhere, a central place where many races do commerce with each other. It is..."
    That said he pauses as he frowns, "Like the War of Stars." He shakes his head, hand open when he gestures to the side. Then shrugs.
    But his smile is given to Pietro, "Bear with us, Pietro. We seek not to draw the curious eye. I am sure you will be able to 'cut loose' sometime soon."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The scenery is something, alright. He's seen lots of strange places, and will see stranger ones, for sure. As he walks along the group - purposedly ignoring Drake's verbal jab - Clint wonders.

"Hey, Goldie," he says, "Since Asgard was destroyed, does it mean that there isn't a Hell anymore?"

The question might be totally coming from out of the blue, and it is, tho it seems that the archer asked it with some kind of guenine interest.

Slipstream has posed:
"Wait, what? What is this about Hell? Like, the Hell, Hell? Jesus Christ Hell? Is there multiple hells?" Drake asks as he continues to trot along with them, giving Clint a small smile as he doesn't retort back to him. "So, we're currently on a floating head of a long dead alien, right? That much I remember from my time with the Legion. So, Asgard is now living here .. you take a rainbow road to it.. which is cool .. but Hell was connected to Asgard?"

There is a curious look upon his face as he glances from Clint, to Thor. "So, if that's true, is like .. Christian Hell based upon .. um.. Asgard hell? Are all hells based upon the hell here, or was here?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
For her part, Natasha is busy trying to not look like she's staring. This is far beyond her imaginings. Her eyes keep straynig out to the nebula surrounding this place. It's a bit of overload, after the insanity of the Bifrost itself.

Others are covering the questions well so she simply does one of the things she does best: Listens. She's also watching the area, picking up details. Then Thor makes that reference and she has to giggle.

"That's what I was wondering. Star Wars. And we are heading to the hive of scum and villainy?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro snorts softly, then gives a brief chuckle and a nod. "I am trying," he says, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. And he is! But walking is so slow! He could run there and back umpteen times in the time it will take to walk. Sigh. "I had hoped it was not so terribly obvious," he adds, his chin ducking slightly. Damn it. Patience is a hard thing for him to have. "When it is safe, I will. But not before then," he comments, giving a small nod to Thor. He doesn't want to put anyone else at risk.

"I do not think that it works that way," he comments, about the matter of Hell. He's pretty sure it exists. He's pretty sure it will always exist. And then there's Drake, whom he looks over to and raises an eyebrow. And he quietly groans. What -is- the obsession with hell? "We are not the droids they are looking for," he comments.

Thor has posed:
    Tilting his head, "Hell?" Thor asks sidelong towards Clint. "For us there is still a Niflheim?" For those who fall but not in battle. The Strongest Avenger scritches a nail along the stubbled line of his jaw and chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. "Still a Valhall."
    He walks along, good eye distanced as he seems to consider matters before he tilts his head back in Clint's direction. "The Asgard I grew up with perhaps has fallen, the land sundered. But Asgard is her people." He stops for a moment to kneel and pull up a small plate of metal that was twisted and fractured. Sliding it into the pocket of his tunic, he continues on. "And so we endure."
    Yet Natasha's words, they serve to draw him back from his brief reverie. His gaze slips to her and he looks a little confused as he answers her... "Yes?"
    Though clearly not getting it.
    Instead he answers Drake casually, "No, young Drake. New Asgard, the place we departed from on Midgard is where my people live. We are simply paying a visit to this port of call to gain a ship to where Asgard once was. Hell..." He turns his head toward Clint, "Is another thing entire. Unrelated."
    That said he picks up the pace and strides toward their destination.