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Latest revision as of 12:58, 22 March 2021

New Student: Rosie McGowan
Date of Scene: 16 March 2021
Location: Library - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rosie's second day at Xavier's.
Cast of Characters: Antigravity, SpyderByte, Pixie, Nightingale

Antigravity has posed:
    She'd been at Xavier's for the better part of twentyish hours, and most of that has been sleep. Straw-blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, riding low against the back of her head and off-kilter as she looked over paperwork, a stack of school books and supplies, a bag of new clothes at her side as she looked, bewildered, at the login in front of her, and then at the paperwork again. She tilts her head back, taking a deep breath as she looked around the library and then out the windows in a nervously agitated fashion.

SpyderByte has posed:
The sound of chains jingle jangling is heard first before Jeremy can be seen. As he comes into view from around the desks, he is wearing a long leather trench coat, a pair of black bondage pants with blue straps that hold multiple chains, and a black shirt with a power logo set in the middle. His black hair is sprawled across his shoulders.

As he levels his gaze at the new girl, he reaches to his shoulder holster and takes off his phone, then slides it around his hands. His fingernails are painted in a shiny coat of black.

<< Hello. You must be Rosie McGowan. I can tell because you locked yourself out of your account by typing in the password incorrectly five times in a row. >>

As he stops next to her, he tilts his head over to look at her paperwork, then slowly gives a few blink of his eyes.

<< I have now reset your account and your password is happyduck123. All lowercase. It will prompt you to change your password when you log in. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "I... wh... yeah...?" Rosie asks a moment, the sophomore looking up at Jeremy a moment before she looks him up and down, and then she purses her lips, and types in the password.... and gets through!

    "Huh." the Southern Girl muses a moment, feeling particularly underdressed in her T-shirt and jeans.

    "So, you one a' the teachers then? Ah ain't that good at computers, yet. DIdn't have one at home." she states, typing her new password in, and getting into the school system. Class schedules for choosing electives come up.

SpyderByte has posed:
Shaking his head, Jeremy settles down into a seat nearby.

<< No, I'm not a teacher. I am a senior here at Xavier's. My mutant power is technopathy involving networked based machines. As in, I talk and speak with machines if they have a connection to a LAN or Internet signal. I told the computer to reset your account and password as I was walking up to you. I could hear every error you made. >>

There is a small twitch of his lips. It's faint, brief.

<< Are you settling in okay? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    The blonde in the tee gives a twitch of her lips a moment. "So you an talk to the whole network of Xavier's an' have somethin' spyin' in the kitchen while you're elsewhere waitin' for stuff to get done? Interestin'." she gives a puff of air, and leans back.

    "Welp. Ah'm in a room that's bigger than my whole house, wrapped in books an' books an' books, ain't nothing wrong with that. Don't think Ah've ever seent so many books in one place 'fore." she replies with honesty. "What's your name, kid?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I can speak with the kitchen, yes. I can hear all the machines all at once, or one at a time. >>

The Goth leans forward to prop his chin up in the palm of his hand as he settles an elbow on the table.

<< My name is Jeremy. Code named Spider Bite, but replace the i's with y's. Has the school gave you a new phone yet and transfered your number to it? If not, I can set that up for you. It has a particular level of security on it. The phones are the new iPhone 20's. You will really like them. >>

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn yawns and stretches as she steps into the library. Oh yayyy, her favorite place. Not! No really, she's not one of those brainy bookish types and would much prefer to be hitting a mall or the club or. Something..

Buuut y'know, homework and all. She pouts a bit as she steps in, checking the call number that the librarian at the desk gave her. "Okaaay, soo I guess I just gotta look for this book and maybe it'll help me find a good poem to write about..."

With a sigh she wanders through shelves of books, but pauses as she notices Jeremy and some other girl. Hmm, hopefully he's in a better mood today. Ooh, but is that a new student? She hasn't seen her before.

The ever nosy fairy's wings flutter as she steps closer to the two students.

Antigravity has posed:
    "That's gotta be handy." Rosie states with a small smile, and she then gives a soft 'eeeeh' sound, and digs through, holding up the iPhone, tucked safely into one of those military grade otter boxes.

    "Didn't have a number ta transfer. Never had a cell before." she explains, and then she pauses. And she leeeaaaaans over looks over at Megan.

    "Hold up -- y'all got fairies in this place?"

Nightingale has posed:
     It seemed the library was the place to be that particular day. Through the doorway, a familiar figure made their way, pausing to offer a smile and a murmured greeting to the librarian. She was dressed in a wine-colored turtleneck shirt, dark blue jeans, soft caramel suede boots, and bore a brown leather pouch bedecked with runes tied to her belt. Her arms were wrapped around some books, and she carried a laptop bag slung over her left shoulder. Her long, pale blonde hair was left loose, but for a single ice blue braid dangling on the left side of her face, bedecked with three little silver beads.

     As she glanced about the library, Shannon gave a little flick of her large, snowy white, angel-like wings, settling them a bit more snugly against her back. It seemed a quiet study session was not to be--but, upon seeing an unfamiliar face, her lips quirked upwards in a smile, pale blue eyes twinkling. Slowly, she made her way over to the group, quiet, remembering all too well her own early days at the school, and not wishing to intimidate the new girl.

SpyderByte has posed:
Reaching out to take the phone from her, Jeremy glances down at it, then taps the power button to fire it up.

<< No worries, I will set this up for you and tie it to the Xavier account. You won't have to worry about the bill. All the plans are unlimited data. >>

As the set up screen lights up, the phone starts to cycle through menus soon as he connects it to the WiFi and taps in the very long complicated password. He connects her student account, mail and calandar as well with a slow blink of his eyes.

<< No, we do not have fairies. That is Megan. She is a mutant also who is born with fairy like wings. She also is able to excrete hallucinogenic dust from her wings, much like a butterfly. It causes her targets to have distorted visions. Much like an acid trip. >>

He offers a smile over towards the graduate before he gives a glance over towards Shannon's approach. He blows some bangs away from his face.

<< That's Shannon. She has healing and flight based powers. >>

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles cheerfully at Rosie and waves. "Hi! I'm Megan! And I'm actually a mutant..Well, somewhat. I guess I'm kinda a faerie too..The lines are pretty blurred.."

She steps closer, peering at her curiously, thoughtfully, "Sooo what's your name? Are you new around here?" Jeremy is also given a friendly smile and nod as she sees him typing on his phone.

"Heh, Jeremy, how you been?" she does seem mildly concerned about him, if only because he seemed a bit down the other day, but he's hard to read, especially when he doesn't use his real voice. Much anyway.

And then there's Shannon and she giggles, "Heey, Shan! How's it going? Did you bring snacks?" cuz she can always be counted on to bring yummy food that she baked. And megs is alway hungry.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Ah, Rosemary McGowan, but folks jus' call me Rosie." the blonde replies, and she tilts her head back and to the side a moment, looking to shannon as her eyes go wide open, and she gives a huff of breath out.

    "All right, sos we got not-fairies, not-angels, an' a member of Technogoth... all right... Mr. Sam did say y'all were a varied sort." she states, rubbing the back of her neck a moment, and then reaches up to rub at her forehead, where a deep gash had been cleaned up and is butterflied in place.

    "Mr. Sam and Miss Ororo brought me in last night. Kinda still overwhelmed at everythin'."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles warmly, dipping her head. "Miss Munroe was there my first day here, too. She's a real classy lady, real sweetheart. And Sam's kind of like a big brother to me." She chuckles softly, brushing an errant wisp of pale gold away from her eyes. "Almost two years here and it still never ceases to amaze me just how varied everyone is here. Sam wasn't kidding ther...."

     Sure enough, her healing instincts were kicking in, brows furrowing as she glanced at Rosie's forehead. "What happened?" she asks, her voice soft. She sets down her books and her laptop bag on the nearest desk. Glancing over at Megan, she just shakes her head. "Not this time. I was going to bake some cookies later tonight. Could make some extra if you wanted." Her attention, for the moment, remained more on Rosie, eyes glistening with concern.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am fine. >>

Is Jeremy's answer to Megan at the question. When Rosie starts to get doted over, he slides the phone back towards her once he finishes setting it up, then wraps his arms around himself as he sinks back into his chair.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs and nods to Rosie. "Yup! That's us! A bunch of paradoxes, but hey, at least we do everything we do with style!" she strikes a pose as she says that. Because she's weird that way.

Jeremy's response does cause her to frown again, eyeing him as he hugs himself and just shakes her head slowly. "One of these days, I'm totally gonna drag you out somewhere fun.."

But she's drawn towards Rosie as well, frowning, "Yeah, what happened? You okay?"

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie blinks, and then touches her forehead again, blushing so hard that her freckles melt a little into the reddness of her cheeks.

    "Uh... I spilled out tryin' ta outrun Sam on my dirtbike an' then slammin' him through a tree." she mutters quietly. "... good sport 'bout it all told." she admits, and she waves it off. "It's fine, I heal up quicker now that I'm gonna be, y'know. In a good situation."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods once, listening to the tale of how Rosie came to be injured. One corner of her mouth twitches vaguely upwards in a partial smile. "He's pretty fast. You're lucky that's all that happened." She, too, glances at Jeremy with a mixture of concern at his response, just shaking her head slightly, before turning back to Rosie.

     "There's a few options. One, we could just leave the cut alone. Two, I could at least get a fresh bandage and some antibiotic ointment on there. Three, if you wanted, I'd be willing to heal it entirely. It's a pretty minimal cut, and it'd be gone on me likely before morning. It's up to you."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I'm having fun right now. >>

Jeremy's SIRI voice says from the phone on his shoulder holster as he sits in the chair in a slumped manner. See, life of the party here. He's just listening to the three girls talk and get to know each other. His arms slide down away from himself, tapping his fingers together a few times, then reaches for his phone so that he can fiddle with it as he stares at his screen.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn just eyes Jeremy and shrugs. "Sure, if you say so..By the way, thanks for the help on getting some books the other time we were in the library. I got some good research done!" Megan offers him a cheerful smile but decides not to bug him too much though, focusing on Rosie and Shannon, "Ooh yeah, Shannon is like our resident healer, she's really talented. I dunno what I'd do without her, honestly. I think she's probably saved my life a dozen times or more.."

She peers thoughtfully at Rosie. "sooo, how about you, got any special abilities?" her wings spread out a bit, fluttering eagerly, because Megs is a pretty curious sort.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rose backs up a bit, her ears and cheeks still red "Well. Uh." she states quietly. "... being stubburn an' puttin' guys through trees?" she offers, as if she was unsure on how to explain her powers.

Nightingale has posed:
     Seeing Rosie backing up, Shannon takes a couple steps back herself, one arm out slightly in Megan's direction to perhaps suggest a similar course. "It's all good. I'm sorry if any of this was a little much." One hand rests briefly on Jeremy's shoulder, her voice low. "You sure you're okay?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You're welcome. >>

Is Jeremy's response to Megan in regards to the research paper he helped her out on. He glances over towards Rosie as she backs up, blowing some more hair away from his face. He tilts his head slightly to the side.

<< If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. We're a normal school with super powers. You can talk about anything else if you want. >>

When Shannon approaches him and touches his shoulder, his entire body grows rigid as he nearly recoils from the touch. He slips out of his seat and lets out a heavy breath, squeezing his phone tighter in his palm.

<< I am fine. I have work to do. Bye guys. >>

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bliiiinks slowly at Rosie and smirks. "Ooh, that's a nice power, I'm sure it'd come in handy sometime." she giggles, but that merriment fades at Jeremy's reaction.

"Um...You sure dont seem okay Jeremy.." Megan sighs, "Take care, okay? And if you ever need to talk..' well, she's sure he wouldn't talk to her of all people but..

"Soooo Shan, how about a cooking lesson one of these days?"

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie gets a ping to her phone, and she awkwardly grasps it, turning it over, and then she tucks her phone into her bag.

    "Looks like Jer an' me have a thing in common." she remarks quietly in her drawl, and she looks between the both of them, Megan and Shannon, and tilts her head back.

    "Ah affect mass n' gravity. Kin crush cars when I get my mind to a state. Broke our offensive tackle's shoulder. Y'know. Nothin' too major."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just nods, quiet, and listens. "Could be an interesting gift. Can definitely imagine why you'd be kind of gun-shy about it, though. Pretty potent stuff to be messing with." She cants her head slightly to one side. "I think there's one other person here who has something similar, working with gravity. Kitora, her name is. Maybe that's someone you could keep an eye out for."

     Her eyebrow lofts, and she glances between Jeremy and Rosie. "What's that you've got in common?" And, to Megan, "Sure, if you like, though I'm not that great a teacher."

     A soft sigh escapes her, and she bows her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. Her wings droop slightly. "Take care, Jer... please, be safe?"