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Perhaps a Demo
Date of Scene: 11 March 2021
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: An attempted infiltration of the Themysciran Embassy is thwarted.
Cast of Characters: Xiang Zhao, Wonder Woman, Nightingale

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao has a habit of wandering. At all times of day, wherever his feet, or curiousity, happens to take him. This day is no different than any other day. Save he'd come to this place at this time for a specific purpose. There'd been a advertisement he saw as he walked past another place at another time. Amazon Warrior Women Training and Combat Demo. The time had said noon on this day. So here he is. Not quite noon, he's about fourtyfive minutes early, but that will give him time to look around.

As he walks into the building, he pauses. The weather has gotten warm enough that Xiang Zhao carries his fan in hand much of the time during daylight hours. And that is where it happens to be. Unfolded and moving lazily in his right hand, creating a slight stir of air. It's almost an unconscios movement, like he's done it so many times in the past that it's habit when it's in hand and open.

The marble floors are something that doesn't really catch Xiang's attention, more than to note what he's walking on and how slippery it might be. No, his attention is drawn by the art he can see. and that's where he turns, feet taking him to look over the first piece of art he sees. An ancient vase with deep burgandy and crisp golden glaze. His right hand moves, the fan stirring air toward Xiang Zhao's face. It moves his hair only infintesimally, not being fast enough to cause much more than that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Wandering is assuredly not a bad thing to engage in. It can sometimes lead to interesting discoveries. The doors of the ball room have been opened and propped thus, even though it is early. There's a bit of a buzz in the air as things are prepared and made ready. Some of the office doors are open, and Diana's is one of them -- she's not within the office, currently. The Amazons who will be a part of the show are not in sight either, no doubt getting ready.

Save for Diana, a least. One might be led to think that she's looking forward to the demo that will be taking place in such a short period of time. And one might also be led to the belief that she will be taking part in it, given her current state of dress. It's not one of her costumes or armour that would depict her so clearly as Wonder Woman but is instead a set of training armour, complete with the sandals that lace up to her upper calf and a pair of bracers. No weapons, though. Her hair is drawn back, braided neatly. She wears it with familiarity.

Stepping out of one of the meeting rooms and leaving the door to the otherwise empty room open, she quietly crosses the floor to step up behind the man who admires the vase. "A beautiful piece, is it not?" she asks, a smile coming easily to her features. There are certain things she's noted about him, but none seem to give her any sense of pause.

Nightingale has posed:
     A day or two prior, a text message had reached Shannon while she was in the midst of enjoying a bit of tea, post medical duties. Training had done its job of teaching her the technical skills, but one's first time applying such matters in the flesh were always a touch nerve-wracking. So when the message from Diana had reached her regarding the event at the embassy, she had been only too delighted to accept.

     Transportation was, thankfully, not a problem, and with the weather fairly clear and calm, she made good time to the embassy. Backwinging to a graceful landing outside, she tucks her wings in behind her neatly with a little flick to settle them in place. She's in a dove-grey cable knit tunic sweater, loosely fitting blue jeans, soft but sturdy black boots, and a dove grey beanie cap. Embarrassingly enough, when she slid it off of her head....


     Her hair stuck out all over, as if she had just been touched by lightning. Looking up at her errant pale gold tresses, she almost goes cross-eyed in rather comical fashion. One lock of hair on the left side of her face is pale blue, and bears three small silver beads. It alone seems to be behaving, and staying in place as she made her way inside.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
That is very much the case where Xiang Zhao is concerned. He's had many interesting discoveries whilst wandering. Both here in New York City, and before he wound up here, in the wilderness surrounding his Clan's home and lands. For the moment, he has no eyes for anything but the art and historical relics on display. The ball room with its propped open doors hasn't even entered his radar just yet.

He doesn't look toward the woman emerging in the golden training armor, but there's a sense of awareness to him. Such so that Xiang doesn't so much as twitch when she steps up behind him and speaks. "It is," he agrees, his English clearly accented as somewhere in Asia. Probably China, given his features. "The colors remind me a bit of some of the Emperial pieces in China's history." The red is several shades too deep to be anything relating to marriage.

Within his grip, that fan continues to move lazily along with the motion of his hand. He still hasn't looked to see just who it is that had spoken to him, his attention too firmly fixed on that lovely vase, still taking in its details. Of which there are many. It's a well done piece, and the appreciation for fine art is obvious. He doesn't, at this point, notice Shannon's arrival. Or he might be staring at that glorious winter hat hair. But he's not. Nope. Xiang is still very pointedly staring at that vase.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Those who have the benefit of flight seldom have issues with transportation. It's a rather delightful sort of thing. Though her own ability for such is less openly visible than Shannon's, since she lacks the wings. The young woman is easily noticed when she enters, and Diana lifts her right hand to offer a wave of greeting that's paired to a smile. Her tongue flicks out to briefly damp her lips at the evident static, and she makes a mental note to have the moisture levels in the air checked and something done about the lack of said moisture. Something that ought be tended to more mindfully anyways, given the antiquities on display here.

Diana's attention slides easily back to the man admiring the vase on display. She tilts her head faintly to one side at his words, and then she gives a nod. "They are somewhat reminiscent of them, true. Though the red here is of a deeper shade than what is typically seen in China's pieces," she comments with a smile. "Sometimes it's quite surprising how well the details survive the test of time," she adds. "If you wish, I can tell you more about it later, after the demonstration. Is this your first time here?" she asks, curious.

She catches a whispered conversation amongst security folk who are across the room, and though one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch, she doesn't say anything. For one of the security cameras to be glitching when it's supposed to be monitoring and recording is... odd. But with the demonstration that will be happening, there is plenty of security present even if not immediately visible.

Nightingale has posed:
     With a sheepish smile, Shannon extends one wing by way of a wave to Diana, as both her hands are occupied in trying to tame the unbidden halo of gold that seems to have sprung up around her head. Thankfully, the problem does not take long to come to grips with, and is soon under control. If Diana's glancing her way, she might see one of the girl's brows lofting, and her momentary hesitation to step inside a bit further. Had she, too, heard something? From that moment, though, her head seemed to be on a swivel, with the girl glancing about her with a bit more of a critical eye, her stance relaxed--but ready, if need be.

     Even this, though, is softened by a light smile, as she moves to join Zhao and Diana over by the face, pausing a moment to bow to them both. "Hello again," she murmured, keeping her voice hushed in this place out of a sense of respect.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
The power of flight is something Xiang Zhao only has a touch of. If one counts being able to float and thus land safely rather than fall and splat. The state of moisture inside the building can be controlled. But it's not so easy when the lack of moisture is /outside/. "Mm." Diana might recognize that as being a non verbal sound of agreement. Shannon certainly will. "Much deeper shade of red. It is not a shade of red one sees often outside of clothing. My mother has a set of robes almost this dark a red."

Only now does Xiang finally turn to look at who he's been chatting with. "I would like that. I imagine it has some history. It looks like it, at least. From the pipes on the right to the pipa on the left." If the outfit surprises him, Xiang Zhao doesn't show it in his expression or manner. However, that being said, his eyes very carefully don't stray below the woman's chin. "This is my first time, yes. I am looking forward to the demonstration. I have never seen any combat techniques such as were described."

The whispered conversation amongst secruity folks is noticed, but what little is heard isn't really understood, so Xiang steps along to the next piece on display. This one is deep cobalt blue, almost black, and gold, and depicts another such scene from Greek type history. "I am loving the art. It is rare for me to see such lovely pieces away from my home."

It might be interesting to note, for those security folks, that as Xiang Zhao moves, that first glitching camera steadies, glitching only a little bit, and the next camera in the line closer to where he stepped has started glitching. Not that Xiang himself notices. Nope. Not one little bit. Unless the whispers grow more urgent and the body language gets more tense.

Upon hearing a familiar voice, Xiang's eyes turn from the second vase to alight on... That golden halo of hair. "Shannon, did you get attacked by a lightning ghost?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
There aren't a lot of things that manage to escape Diana's attention. The shift in Shannon's stance and body language is noticed, though she doesn't call it out. She can suspect the reason for it, given where the guards were located. There's a brief glance towards the security guards, who start to head towards the security office in order to confer with their peers. Though it's a curious thing, it's not one that Diana chooses to get involved in. Yet.

There's a smile given to Shannon as the young woman reaches them, and a nod. "Good morning, Shannon. I am glad that you were able to come," she says, an easy smile returning to her features. "How are you faring?" she asks, her head tilting a touch to one side.

Her attention shifts to the man then, and she gives a nod to him. "That is true. For many areas, it is dependant on what can be acquired in order to make the colour, on what is in the area itself for creating it. China has some beautiful pieces, that is true... I have had the honour of seeing some of them," she says. There's a smile then that easily returns with his mention of the instruments in the piece, and she watches him whilst she speaks. "The pipes are called 'aulos' or 'tibia'. The stringed instrument is a lyre. The musicians play for the Greek God Dionysus," she explains. "It pleases me that you have been enjoying it so much. If you wish, I can put together a collection of brochures that show other pieces not currently on display." There's a brief glance towards the ball room at his mention of the demonstration, and then her attention returns to him before she gives a nod. "I hope that you will find it enjoyable. All of the weapons used in the demonstration are real, as is all of the armour," Diana says, one of her hands moving to rest at the small of her back.

There's a soft chuckle from her at the mention of a 'lightning ghost', a touch of amusement rising to her eyes. "Though lightning is a form of static, thankfully static itself is not so dangerous."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well enough, though perhaps my hair is protesting the last of winter's fury." Wry amusement colors Shannon's tone as she takes in both Diana and Zhao with one greeting, dipping her head towards them both. "The invitation was very kind, thank you. I'm glad witnessing such skill will be here, and not in earnest in the field." Because if it were ever the latter, it would be safe to say that the fertilizer had hit the bladed air cooling device.

     Talk of mythology brought a marked smile to Shannon's face, and she peered a bit more closely at the piece. Sure enough, on one side, there was a ship with vines and bears upon it, and men leaping into the sea to become dolphins. "I recognize this tale," she says, after peering at the imagery on the vase. "Dionysus was taken on board a pirate ship to be sold for ransom, and the only one who was kind to him was the helmsman, Acoetes. He was the only one who suggested they treat Dionysus kindly, and recognized him for a god. But the captain and crew wouldn't listen, and set sail. Vines grew, wine flowed, and Dionysus transformed into a lion. By then, the crew had a change of heart but it was too late. They and the captain jumped into the sea and became dolphins. The helmsman nearly joined them, but Dionysus stopped him, for his earlier kindness."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao glances only very briefly at the guards. He can't clearly hear them and so doesn't know what might be going on. This doesn't change his stance in the slightest. He's almost always at least somewhat aware of what's going on in his surroundings, even if he doesn't always seem like he is. His eyes go to Shannon for a moment. "Are you here for the demonstration as well?"

As talk returns to the piece, he nods. "Ah. I am not overly familiar with pipes. Flutes, yes, but not pipes." Which would make sense, given the flute tucked into the sash at his waist. "I have never properly learned pipa, or lyre, which I believe is similar, yes? I can play a guqin reasonably well, though." He inclines his head. "I would never decline knowledge offered freely."

Only now does he turn from the second vase to have a look at the open doors of the ball room, then back to the bearmored woman. "I am certain I will." He glances between the two women, and shakes his head a bit. "A lightning ghost is a type of creature that uses lightning as a form of attack and defense," he explains. "Not a..." He pauses, and his expression is thoughtful for a moment. "Not a spirit that forms static." The explanation is likely from Xiang Zhao realizing his words had been misinterpreted.

Xiang has to nod his agreement with Shannon. Much better to get to see such demonstrations as practice or a display rather than on the battlefield. Much fighting would be had if it was the battlefield. And danger. Perhaps injuries. He listens curiously to Shannon's explaining of more of the mythology. "That is an interesting tale. And not far afield from what you would hear in ancient China of humans being less than pleasant to gods or immortals. Such beings do not suffer wrongs lightly."

Xiang takes another look at the second vase, and then moves on to a tapestry piece of a stag hunt. This one is not strictly PG 13, as there are parts visible on the two men in the hunt. This does not seem to bother the Chinaman at all. But the glitching surveillance cameras seem to follow him. Glitching the worst wherever he happens to be standing at the time.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"You are most welcome, Shannon," says the Amazonian, a smile readily coming to her features. There's a glance towards the ball room, and then her attention returns as she gives a light laugh. "I think most would tend to agree with you, that this is the better way of witnessing our ways of battle," she comments, inclining her head towards the younger woman.

"The Tyrrhenian pirates believed him to be a prince and worth a hefty sum. They attempted to shackle him, but the shackles slid time and again from his wrists whilst he sat and smiled at them," Diana says, one of her eyebrows quirking up as she studies Shannon for a lingering moment. "There were strong winds, and yet the ship moved not at all, as though frozen in the water. Wreaths crowned the thole pins where the oars rested, and there were other things that happened as well," she says with a smile. Myth to some is history to others. "You know the story well," she adds, giving a nod of what seems approval, a smile coming to her features.

There is a glance given towards the flute that Zhao carries, and Diana gives a nod. "The lyre is similar to the pipa, yes. There are many instruments which bear similarities to one another, from different cultures," she says with a smile. Then she tilts her head a touch to one side, studying him for a moment before giving a nod. "I am willing to share what knowledge I have," she says with a smile.

"My apologies, on the misunderstanding," she says, inclining her head towards him. "I have heard of a great many things before, but not a lightning ghost," she adds, tilting her head a touch to one side. "There are many, even humans, who do not suffer wrongs lightly," she comments. She walks with him, towards the next piece, and she's quiet for a long moment whilst he looks to it. And a moment beyond that, as well. "Are you carrying something upon you that would affect the security cameras?" she asks in a softer tone, one of her eyebrows quirking up. She knows that she isn't doing it, and she's fairly sure it's not the winged woman as there were no issues in the coffee shop the other day (save the would be thieves, that is), and so he has become a common denominator.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles warmly, and nods, her cheeks lightly flushed. "Tales like that were bedtime stories to me as a child. My mother still creates art from the old legends." Her eyes fairly danced with amusement, and she chuckles softly. "Oh, there's often a grain of truth to the tales, alright." But what truth that is, and which tale? Well, that, she leaves unspoken. For now. Only for now.

     Indeed, her curiosity about the cameras is piqued, and she remains silent to observe. It did seem that Zhao was a focus for the difficulties with them, but in of himself did not appear to actively be the cause. "Speaking of instruments, I need to return yours to you, Zhao."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao smiles and nods, his expression a warm one. "Only so many designs that work how they should to get the sound desired," he says. He waves the fan a bit toward the Amazon and shakes his head. "No apology necessary. I could have been a bit more clear." He pauses at the question, eyes moving from the tapestry to the armored woman. "Security cameras?" This seems to be something Xiang is not familiar with. "What are security cameras? I have.." He pauses and glances around, eyes resting on Shannon for a moment before moving back to the other, especially as there doesn't appear to be any others near them. "It is probably my spiritual energy. Modern technology and my energy do not always get along so well," he says, voice low enough that the two are the only ones who can hear him. "Am I causing issues?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"That is an interesting choice of bedtime story. I would be curious to see some of the art that your mother has created, if you happen to be of a mind for or are able to share it," Diana says, a smile coming to her features. She's curious, and naturally so. The subject is one that interests her, after all, and not just because it is concerned myth and legend by many. She raises an eyebrow slightly before giving a soft chuckle and a nod. "Indeed, there is often a grain of truth to such tales," she agrees. And sometimes more than just a grain, not that she'll say such.

The Amazonian returns her attention back to the Chinaman, and she inclines her head towards him. "You were quite clear, though, with what you said," she says, a smile coming to her features. "You shíhòu, youxie dongxi zài fanyì shí huì diushi, bùshì ma?" she suggests, tilting her head a touch to one side.

Her attention shifts back to the tapestry, her gaze wandering the length of it despite having seen it hundreds of times now. And then she gives a nod. "Mmm. Security cameras," she says softly. She lifts her right hand to gesture towards the initial one that he had glitched, then the next and the current one. "They send a visual of what is here to another location for things to be watched, just in case. Think of it, perhaps, as a way of having the space protected and watched without it being so obvious or full of people," she says softly, her tone thoughtful. One of her eyebrows quirks up at his last question, and she chuckles softly before giving a small shake of her head. "Ah, that would explain it. The issues are not permanent ones. It would seem that once you pass a certain distance, the cameras stabilize and function again. It was curious," she says, a smile coming to her features.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles wider, and she dips her head. "I remember asking her when I was small... perhaps oh, about four years old... why we had seasons, and I was told the tale of Demeter and Persephone. It's one of my favorites. When I visit my family next, I'd be happy to let my mother know you were curious about her artwork." Indeed, there was often more than a grain of truth to the old tales, evidenced by a flicker of understanding in the depths of her pale, glacier-blue eyes.

     That understanding, however, seems to have reached its limits when the switch to Mandarin was made, leaving the poor teen looking mildly cross-eyed and bewildered. With the dilemma of the security cameras explained, her body language becomes decidedly more relaxed, and her smile, more readily apparent.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao listens to the myths and legends being disucssed, but gives no real input on them. He's not, afterall, familiar with them. He does nod agreement about the grains of truth. The women are right. He tilts his head as the woman speaks in a language he understands intimately. A smile spreads across his mouth, and he nods again. There is a brief glance to Shannon as the cross-eyed and bewildered look comes to her features. "She said, sometimes things get lost in the translation." He pauses to glance to the Amazon again. "Shì de. Feicháng feicháng. Tèbié shì dang zhutí yin wénhuà ér you suo bùtóng shí," he says. Then, to Shannon, "Yes. Very much so. Especially when the topic is one viewed differently by culture."

As the topic moves back to security cameras, Xiang's head turns to follow where the Amazon gestures. To the first of the cameras, then the second, and finally the third. "The.. black half spheres?" He... does not seem to be entirely certain that he's got it right. "I understand. I think. Sort of a sentry, of sorts?" He nods about the issues. "Correct. The effect is temporary, unless the technology in question fries itself in the process of being affected."

He seems to realize something, and snaps the fan closed with a soft, but crisp at the same time, sound. Xiang folds his hands together before him, toward Diana, and half bows to her. "I am Xiang Zhao. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I think that question, as well as why the sky is blue, is likely one of the most answered questions, by parents," Diana says, a smile coming to her features. "I have always had a fondness for the tale of Demeter and Persephone as well. Thank you, Shannon, I would appreciate that very much," she says warmly, sounding pleased as she inclines her head towards the winged woman. "My apologies for switching languages so unexpectedly. It was a touch rude of me," she offers by way of explanation to Shannon, sounding a touch sheepish. It was a touch rude to have done, after all, and she is sincere about being sorry.

There's a warm smile that comes to her features as her attention turns to the Chinaman, giving a nod to his words. "Yes, that is very true. And each culture has its own way of viewing many things," she says. She tilts her head a touch to one side as he looks to the cameras, and she gives a nod to him. "Yes, those. Behind the black glass there is a camera," she explains with a smile. She was once as he is, unknowing of such technological things. "A remote sentry, if you will, yes. So far, none of them have fried themselves as you have passed from one to the next. They simply start working again. If any do end up frying themselves, well... I have a feeling that I will know within short order of it happening," she comments with a small measure of amusement. She'll likely smell it and hear the kerfuffle from the security guards that would happen because of it.

Diana's blue gaze flicks to the fan when it's snapped closed, and one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch. There's a smile that comes to her features as he introduces himself and, in the way of his culture, she folds her hands before herself to bow to him in turn. "It is an honour to greet you, Xiang Zhao," she says. "And a pleasure to meet you. I am Diana Prince," she offers with a smile. "To my Sisters here, Diana of Themyscira," she adds.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon laughed softly, bobbing her head in agreement. "Oh, I asked that one, too. Also, why there are constellations and where they came from, as well as why the bark on trees is brown." Amusement at the eternal inquisitiveness of childhood brings a twinkle to her eyes, her wings ruffling and flaring out slightly behind her. "May we never stop asking questions, for that is when learning ends. And there's no need to apologize. It just shows I have more to learn."

     She stays back and at a respectful distance as greetings are exchanged, taking a few moments to smooth out her feathers before settling her wings in back of her once more.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"Why is water wet, and why is snow cold, are two that are popular where I am from," says Xiang Zhao, mouth curving up into a smile. "I am not a parent, but it is one of the duties of older disciples to watch over younger. The questions are numerous and are encouraged, as an inquisitive mind learns more and better." His eyes move back to that tapestry, and he studies it as the other two speak. To Diana, he doesn't look but he does answer. "And within each culture, every individual person has a tendency to view things differently, even if only slightly." His eyes move back to the cameras, and he looks thoughtful. "Remote sentries.. Truly a marvel," he says in a quiet, almost breathless sort of tone. To him, this is a marvel of modern technology. Even if his spiritual energy messes them up!

Xiang looks a bit troubled at the thought of causing issues for the Amazon, and looks back to her, "Is there anywhere to stand that I will not be the cause of troubles? If there is not, I will leave. I do not wish to be the cause of trouble for anyone." The words are utterly sincere. Despite his desire to see the demonstration, he won't cause anybody trouble over it if he can prevent that from happening.

As the names are exchanged, Xiang straightens and lowers his hands. The fan opens again with a softer swish of sound, the crisper snap absent. That must have been the hard pieces of the fan coming together, a sound that doesn't occur when parting. The fan starts waving with languid movements of his hand again. "Which would you prefer? Diana Prince, or Diana of Themyscira?" The question is asked with no seeming preference on Xiang's part. Either seems fine to him. It seems to be all whatever Diana would wish.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a sparkle that comes to Diana's eyes as she gives a nod to Shannon, a smile easily coming to her features. "I asked it, as well. Among a great many other questions. There were no limits to the questions that I would ask," she says. There's a brief glance towards the wings when they're shifted about, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. "My apologies in advance for a somewhat personal question, and I mean no offense," Diana begins, curiosity in her tone, "are they very heavy or uncomfortable?" Curiosity! "I would definitely need to agree. May questions never stop being asked, and learning never end. There is always more to learn," she agrees, giving a small nod.

"I can see how those would be popular, as well. I am not a parent, though similarly, the older would teach the younger," she comments with a nod. One of her eyebrows quirks up as she glances towards the security camera at his mention, and she gives a soft chuckle before nodding. "Modern technology has created a great many marvels. Smartphones, the internet, wireless things of all manner. I think they both make life easier as well as making it more complicated at the same time," she muses, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Diana tilts her head a touch to one side, and then she shakes her head. "You are not causing troubles, I assure you. Not for me, and not for anyone else. All are welcome here, and there is no need or want for you to leave, Zhao," she says, inclining her head towards him. It would seem she doesn't hold his technology hiccup against him at all -- nothing is being damaged, and everything is still well watched through the other cameras! Then there's a warm smile at the question of her preference, regarding her name. "Please, call me Diana. I prefer the less formal," she answers. Had she preferred formal, she would likely have introduced herself differently.

Things, meanwhile, have been getting prepared for the demonstration, and there's been some music that was playing softly in the background. The music suddenly stops. At the same time, the lights are all suddenly off. Everything electrical whirrs down and things turn quite quiet. For a split second, at least, until there's the loud sound of metal barred grates lowering over doorways and hallways alike.

Nightingale has posed:
     "No, not really. I missed them the most when they were gone. Most times I don't even notice the weight of them, any more than my arms or legs." Shannon smiles somewhat, tilting her head. "I mentioned the mess with the Cure to you, when we were in the coffee shop. A friend of mine did have a brilliant idea which proved helpful. He had me wear a weighted backpack so I would retain the sense of balance I have -with- wings, for when the antidote was administered. It made the transition back to normal much easier in the end. That's about the only time I really understood just how much they do weigh. But no, not heavy or uncomfortable." She grins a bit sheepishly. "At least until I molt. Then they itch like mad, with new feathers coming in." To satisfy Diana's curiosity further, she turns a bit towards her, extending one wing in her general direction--and well within reach of Zhao, too, if he wishes to see.

     It's the loss of music that hits her first, for one so attuned to the art of the Muses. Both wings flare now, held tense, as if shielding both Diana and Zhao. "That... does not sound good. Is that security, or something to do with the demonstration?"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao nods his agreement. "Mm. I asked many questions myself." The question of Shannon's wings draws Xiang's attention and he glances to the owner of them. Now he's curious too. He nods, as the answer makes sense to him. "When you molt, come find me. I know how to remove the pin sheaths when they are ready." Which can, of course, relieve the itching. He steps closer to look over the extended wing, but he does not touch. Look, yes, but without express permission, he won't touch. Another nod of agreement to Diana! "Mm!" That seems to be heartfelt agreement. "Our Leader, my grandfather, always says, 'The day you stop learning is the day you die'. I didn't understand what he meant when I was younger, but I do now. I learn new things every day." Of course, he's also in a place he hadn't ever been before, so learning new things every day is probably going to be a thing for him for awhile!

Xiang tilts his head curiously at the list of modern technological marvels. "The internet I have heard of. There is one computer in the valley where I grew up on the mountain. But, what is this.. wireless?" That is a very foreign word. As he's told he's not causing troubles, the small amount of tension can be seen leaving the set of his shoulders. He'd been holding himself pretty stiff, the fan had even gone still for a few moments there! Now it starts moving again. It seems to almost be a good gauge of the state of Xiang's mind. It's moving languidly, he's relaxed. Swishsnick, the fan closes with a soft snap again, and his hands come up, cupped, as he half bows to Diana. "Xiexie ni," he says, tone soft, but full of the gratitude he feels with Diana's words to stay. He straightens again, and the fan opens with a quiet swish, and goes back to slowly fanning him. "Diana it is, then. I will answer to whatever combination of Xiang and Zhao you wish to use."

As everything goes silent, and dark, Xiang's fan goes still again, a thing that is audible in the sudden stillness. The sound had been very quiet, but there. And then wasn't. There's that swishsnick sound of it being snapped closed. There is the sound of silken fabric moving, and then a small ball of flame about the size of a large marble, normal flame colored, appears over Xiang's right hand, the fan now held in his left. The sudden light illuminates Xiang, Diana, and Shannon, and a small distance beyond them, but beyond that, the light fades into darkness. "I think this is not normal," he says. "If it was the demonstration, the music would have either changed, or stopped for an announcement to be made. There has been no announcement." He looks around, on the alert, but calm with it. Collected and composed. Ready, but not in a way that those who are afraid would show.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a nod that comes to Shannon's words about her wings. "I can only imagine how much they would have been missed, when they were gone. Yes, I recall your mention of that situation, and I am glad that it was able to be reversed. For you, and for the others that it affected," Diana says softly, a gentle tone to her voice. One of her eyebrows quirks up at the idea shared, and she smiles. "What a perfect idea! I had not considered the effect it would have to the sense of balance, but... it would make things different, and quite so," she says in a thoughtful tone of voice. Lifting her right hand, she very lightly runs her fingers over the feathers, both curious and intrigued. "Most interesting. Thank you, Shannon," she says warmly, truly grateful. Her touch doesn't linger for longer than would be polite before she lowers her hand to her side.

Her attention turns to Zhao, and she gives a nod to him as he shares his grandfather's words. "Sometimes, things that do not make sense to us as children simply need time in order for them to make sense," she says, giving a small nod to him. "There are things that have wires to connect them to other things. There are technologies that exist that have developed versions of them that do not have the wires but that work just as well," she explains. "Thank you," she says with a smile, then adds, "I believe that I will use Zhao, as Xiang is your family name."

Diana tilts her head a touch to one side at the question, her gaze flicking briefly around the room. "It is neither," she says softly. Then there's a glance to Zhao and a raised eyebrow, a flicker of surprise at the fire that he's summoned up. "It is as you say. The music stops, there is an announcement, and when the music returns it is the battle music instead," she says. She's quiet a moment. There's regular people here in the room as well, about half a dozen of them or so. "They need a safer place to be. Here will not be safe for much longer," she adds. She starts to head for a display that has a sword and shield, and she seems rather calm in the face of what's happening.

No backup generator kicks in, though the embassy no doubt has one. Everything remains without power. There's the sound of something mechanical -- perhaps a cutter of some kind, working at the bars from the outside in order to allow the force outside to enter.

Nightingale has posed:
     A few choice words in languages that no doubt at least Diana would understand might be heard muttered in Shannon's general direction. "Where's the most sheltered part of the embassy? I could start directing people there if need be." This time, she purses her lips, looking down at her right sleeve. "Let's hope my staff isn't needed. Best way to become a target, is to draw a weapon."

     Glancing between Zhao and Diana, she nods, snapping her wings shut to present a smaller target should it come down to it. "This is your home away from home. We'll trust your call."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao had, thankfully, greatly missed the whole mutation cure thing. Who knows how, or even if, that would have affected him. He nods to Diana. "Some things take experience in order for us to make sense of them," he agrees. Despite the darkness, his tone is still just as calm as it had been before everything went dark. It's like he's used to living without electricity. And with strange happenings around. Or has experienced strange things before. He nods thoughtfully about the wireless explanation, but doesn't speak further on it, for the moment. "Correct. Xiang is my family name. Zhao is what we call my courtesy name."

Zhao nods about the people. "Where do you suggest? The room where the demo was to occur? Or is there perhaps a hidden room where they will be safe?" As Diana moves for the generator, Xiang tucks the fan beneath his sash. He transfers the little ball of flame to his left palm and concentrates, moving his right hand in the air like he's drawing or writing something. The little ball of flame floats up and hangs up above his head. He then takes a moment to pull a sheathed dao sword from beneath his robes with his right hand. For now, it remains sheathed.

He turns as the sound of something mechanical comes from outside at the back. His brow furrows ever so slightly, and he considers the options at his disposal. "There is no magic I have at my disposal that can prevent anyone from coming through for more than a few minutes." Despite it being a different sound than he's probably heard before, Xiang knows the sounds of someone trying to get through a barrier. Much like Diana, Xiang is perfectly calm. Alert, but calm. Ready for whatever happens or must be done, but calm even as he's alert and ready.

He tilts his head, expression almost thoughtful. "It sounds like they are trying to get through two places." He starts to move toward where he's hearing the sounds coming from, but pauses before either of the women winds up out of the light. Xiang glances toward Diana. "Is there a place to bottleneck anyone coming in? I can perhaps hold them in that place so the other people in here can be gotten to a safe location." His eyes go to Shannon and he nods about how to best become a target. Clearly, he doesn't mind becoming a target.

The sounds from the back of the building grow in intensity. The sound of metal griding on metal is clearly audible. Then it stops, and a loud pounding comes, like someone using a sledge hammer to try to get the bars blocking them out of the way. From the sound, the people trying to enter are not having the best of luck. Then there's another sound, from above. The sound is of a door being hit with something heavy and solid. "How many ways are there to get into this building?" Xiang's looking toward the ceiling. His expression is calm, but with the habitual good humor and amusement gone, there's something almost grim to his features.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When it comes to languages, there's very little in the way of 'might' as far as understanding goes. Diana understands all of the words that Shannon says, and there's a quirk of a brow and a flash of a glance in the younger woman's direction. She had, in truth, no doubt been thinking many of the very same words. She reaches then to unhook the shield from the display, taking it easily and familiarly in hand. She's used a shield a great many times over her lifetime. "The gates bar many ways, many rooms. The most sheltered space that is also accessible from here is likely my office, in the corner. It is the only one without a gate," Diana comments. "If you close the door after they are within then perhaps the infiltrators will not think to look too closely there since it has been kept closed for some weeks now," she adds. It's a chance that's worth taking to keep the people safe. If there had been a gate installed to it then it would be getting replaced far too often, no doubt. "Draw your weapon if you have need of it. There is more than one way to become a target, and it is better to be able to defend yourself if there is a need," Diana says, giving a nod to the winged woman.

There's a nod to Zhao in regards to his name, for she's familiar with the culture, but she says no more on the matter. She lifts a hand to give a slight gesture towards the ballroom, which is gated off from where they are. "I can lift the gate, but it is open space within. The safety is likely not much greater than remaining here," she comments, her brow furrowing. The hidden rooms are likely beyond their reach due to the gates or a combination of that and them being armouries for the Amazons, and so to that she simply shakes her head. There's a brief glance give to the sheathed sword that Zhao brings out, and she gives a nod. If he has the weapon then he knows how to use it, or so she reasons. "Do not put yourself in danger that you do not feel is necessary," she says. "Do what you feel comfortable in doing, Zhao. You know best your abilities," she adds, a smile touching the corners of her lips.

There's a look of consideration given in the direction of the back doors that are in the process of being breached. It's a Sunday, personnel are minimal, and her sisters are in the rooms they use for getting ready. Trapped there, at least for the time being. It's not an ideal situation. But whomever is behind this has chosen their timing well. "Two entrances at the back. Evacuation points for if there is a fire. It makes sense, tactically. Less visible from outside, less likely to draw attention," she comments. Then her gaze strays towards the ceiling, and she raises an eyebrow. "At a time like this, too many. Three seems to be the number that they are focused on. Two fire exits at the back, and one of the rooftop fire exits," she explains. She's quiet a moment then, listening. "The ones from the roof will have to come down the stairs. There are more people beyond the fire exits here on the main floor. The hallway is the closest quarters, as they walk up it to reach this room," she offers. Then she starts to head for one of the sets of double doors with an 'exit' sign on the wall above them.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just nods, straightening her right arm just a tiny bit more. There's a soft -click-, the sound of a spring-loaded device attached to her lower right arm delivering its payload into her hand. What looks like a small metal rod becomes, with the flick of a button on the side, a bo staff in her hands. Nodding to Diana and Zhao, she hurries off to usher anybody she can find in the immediate area to Diana's office. "Quickly... in here. Hide, and stay silent."

     When she had cleared the immediate area and closed the office door, she pauses, thinking for a moment. Reaching to her left wrist, she taps something attached there. In the blink of an eye, her wings vanish from sight, allowing her to look like any normal human. There's a small smile given to Diana and Zhao. "They won't expect one of us to be able to fly now."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
For Xiang Zhao.. he, alas, didn't understand most of what Shannon had said, unless those words happened to be in English, Chinese, or Tibetan. Outside of those languages, he really doesn't know any others. As Diana leaves the sword and only gets a shield, Xiang considers for a moment, then nods as though to himself. He takes a moment to tuck his sword away again and brings the fan, closed for the moment, back to his right hand. If he keeps the sword out, he might actually have to use it. Then again, he might have to use the fan, too. Xiang glances toward the indicated office in the corner, and nods. "Worth a shot, at least. If these were ghosts or spirits, I would put a repel talisman on the door, but I have a feeling these are neither. The talisman.. well. It /might/ serve to make them unconsciously shy away from the room." Xiang considers this, and then nods.

That in mind, Xiang reaches into his robes to pull out a thin stack of already prepared talismans. People breaking in like this? There is no doubt that they have no good intentions in mind, so perhaps that counts as evil and is worth a shot. "I will place one on the doors after the people are inside. If it will buy us even a little time, it is worth the cost." Xiang takes a moment, sword tucked under his arm, to flip through the various talismans in the thin stack, and pulls one out. It's a lower level talisman, already with hanzi, Chinese letters or words, drawn on it. One chosen, the rest of the stack gets put back where it had been.

To the idea of not putting himself in danger, Xiang Zhao shakes his head. "Putting myself in danger to protect those who cannot protect myselves is my duty, both as mage and as martial artist." So no. Xiang is definitely not going to sit this out, whatever it is. As the non combatants are all ushered into the office and the doors closed, Xiang steps up to now closed doors. He takes the talisman and sticks it against the door. he concentrates for several minutes, imbuing it with his spiritual energy, enough so that the hanzi upon it glow with golden light for a moment. When the light fades, Xiang takes his hand away and the talisman stays sticking where it is. For any who are evil, there is now a light aura that says that this room is dangerous, they should not dare to enter here lest they meet death.

Though, Xiang does nod. Diana is right about one thing. He knows his abilities best. He glances over at Shannon as she hides her wings. "That is a good ability to have. I cannot fly, but I can jump and float. That may be of use at some point as well." As the Amazon heads for one of the sets of double doors, Xiang turns to walk with her. He walks far enough to the side to not be an impediment to shield for her, or fan for himself. "Where does this lead?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Even though she's not paying direct attention to what Shannon is doing, Diana is aware of what's being done. She can hear the people being gathered into a group and being taken to her office. It sets her a bit more at ease. They'll be safer there from whatever ill is to come. Safer than being in the open, and they may even manage to be overlooked there. Most of the people had, at least, already grouped together when the metal barriers had remained in place rather than lifting, so at least it made Shannon's task easier.

The men on the roof have broken through the doorway there, leaving it in a shattered shambles. The four men are making their way down the stairs and towards the main level now.

Diana glances towards Shannon and gives the young woman a nod, apparently agreeing with the notion of the disguised wings. It's a good idea! Her attention turns to Zhao then, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. The talismans are noted, but those are a thing to ask about later. She adjusts the shield's straps that go around her forearm, adjusting it minutely. Once she's to the doors, she looks over to Zhao and quirks a smile. "It leads to one of the sets of bars that they seek to breach. They want to pick a fight on grounds of their choosing. I would rather not give them the chance to choose, so... I will go to them. Perhaps they can be reasoned with, shown the error of their ways," she explains. She reaches out with her free arm in order to push the door open and step through, and then she starts to jog along the length of the hallway. It's perhaps twenty feet in length before angling and going another twenty feet or so. The doors at the end are propped open, and there are men at the gate of bars working on cutting through. When Diana reaches the corner where the hallway angles, she stops and looks towards the end of it. "Gentlemen," she calls out, keeping the shield in front of her, "You do not want this fight. You are making a mistake greater than what you realize. There is still time to do what is right. To give this up and to leave. No one needs to be hurt here today." An effort to resolve the situation diplomatically is at least required, and so Diana tries.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon held her breath, as she listened to the exchange between Diana and the first of the intruders. Would they see reason, or was it perhaps a foolish hope? Briefly, she thought, too, of a common point between Diana and one of her greatest heroes--both chose a shield over other weapons. She allowed herself a small smile at that. Whatever else happened, if reason could not be seen, then a fine example at least would be.

     Nodding towards Zhao, Shannon smiles, bowing briefly by way of silent gratitude. With any luck, the talisman's power would not be needed. But, if it was, at least it would buy them some time.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
They may well manage to be overlooked in that office, especially with the repel evil talisman on the door. If the men are at all evil, perhaps it will have an effect. Afterall, evil in the heart is all it takes to step on the path to becoming a ghost. Or a demon. Xiang inclines his head to Shannon's brief bow. Anything that will help he's willing to at least try. Upon hearing the door upstairs being broken through, Xiang Zhao's gaze goes up toward the ceiling and that curving staircase. "That is not good." Xiang nods to Diana's words. "Ground of our choosing is the better option. High ground is better than low, as well." Which, she likely knows, but Xiang doesn't know whether she does or not.

Xiang doesn't follow Diana, but instead goes up the stairs toward the roof. High ground would be good. Stopping the intruders would be better. He jogs up the stairs, robes flowing around him, revealing the sword in glimpses at his side with the movements.

He comes up to a stop at the flat area at the foot of the stairs where the guys coming from the roof are likely to emerge. Xiang listens to the Amazon try to reason with some of the guys at the back, though he doesn't think they're going to give it up so easily. He says nothing. Only waits at the bottom of the stairs going to the third floor. He's back enough so that those coming out won't have the high ground advantage over him, but close enough to bottleneck them there and prevent them, hopefully, from going any further down.

Wonder Woman has posed:
People who are intent on a particular course of action, be it wrong or be it right, often remain intent on seeing it through. Especially if there is a certain conviction of belief behind what's being done. The response to reason turns out to be gunfire which echoes down the hallway. There's also the sound of bullets ricochetting off of the shield that Diana holds. It's not an entirely unpredictable result, unfortunately. The unpredictable part, on the infiltrators side of things, is that Diana doesn't seem to be bothered by the hail of bullets. She keeps her shield up, and she holds still for a moment before taking a pair of steps back and then starting to run towards the end where the weakened grate is. The shield will impact it, with her strength behind it. It's not neat and it's not quiet by any stretch of the imagination. Once she's through it, the men who are gathered there are surprised but she's not. One of the unlucky men gets bashed with the shield, and he tumbles to the ground, dazed and more than a little out of breath. The other men out there will take a moment to realize just what the heck happened before they actually start to take actions.

There's a group of four men armed with semi-automatic rifles who come through the door near where Xiang is waiting. They emerge two in front and two behind, so only the front two are able to fire off a volley of shots at Xiang.

The other entrance being breached is still being worked on but the men there aren't far from being through. Just a few more cuts and they'll have it breached!

Nightingale has posed:
     Oh, lovely. Gunfire. By the sound of things, Shannon could infer that, if she were able to get a hold of a second shield, she would at least have some protection against a hail of bullets. It might be a better option than a bo staff in this case--which, in essence, might as well be a flyswatter in a gun battle. With the flick of a button, she collapses her staff and slides it back into its holder in her sleeve, scanning the room. Please, please let there be a second shield, or this was going to get very messy, very quickly.


     Just a few feet away, on the wall, was another shield. Shannon made a quick lunge for the shield and lifted it off the wall, settling it on her arm. Training with shields was nothing she'd ever done. This was definitely baptism by fire.

     No time like the present.

     Settling the shield upon her arm, she actually smiled a little bit at just how natural it felt there. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad choice in the end after all.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Semi-automatic rifles are something Xiang Zhao might not be fully prepared for, but he's seen enough of them being used in those moving picture boxes, televisions, if at a distance, that he at least understands what they are on sight. As the guns raise, Xiang writes in the air with his left hand, putting spiritual energy behind the writing, and golden hanzi appear floating there. As soon as they're written, he sweeps his hand toward the gunmen. That first volley of bullets is caught, stopped, and dropped to the ground with a rain of quiet clinks from them landing.

This gives Xiang time to step forward and into their midst, close enough to make use of the guns impractical. That fan sweeps out and, still fully closed, whacks down atop the head of the man closest to Xiang. The smack is a solid one and it sounds like metal hitting flesh. The man goes down in a heap. Seeing the 'leader' go down without even a groan like that? Gives the other three men a good reason to pause and, perhaps, to re-evaluate just why they're here in this building right now. Xiang doesn't hesitate, however, and spins toward the next one, staying somewhat between all three of those remaining upright. Can't risk firing or they'll hit their comrades. That fan aims for a second one, still closed. Aimed, once again, to land a solid hit to the head.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Sometimes, this is what ends up happening. The men don't seem to be interested in listening or in finding a peaceful resolution. The man that Diana bashed with the shield starts to make movements like he's going to get up, and she moves one of her feet to place it and press it on his chest. "Do yourself a favour and stay down," she says. She glances briefly to the groaning man, then moves her shield enough to catch a couple of bursts of gunfire that are aimed her way. She steps forward and reaches out to grab the rifle that one of the men is holding, then gives a sharp pull. He stumbles forward, ends up smacking his head on the shield and tumbling to the ground. She makes no attempt to stop his fall, instead stepping aside to thwack another of their number with her shield, catchng this one in the shoulder. The rest of the men seem persistently stubborn enough to keep attacking, and so Diana wades further into the fray. Today was supposed to turn out differently!

With a clang, the second fire exit is breached. There's a clatter of sound as the remnants of the barred gate are pushed aside, and then a rush of bootfalls as the men outside seek to make their way inside and down the hall to head for the main room, weapons held at the ready. It'll take them a minute to get down the hallway and to the doors that lead into the main room.

The other three men facing Xiang seem to not be impacted too terribly by the fall of one of their number. They press on, and there's another burst of gunfire aimed at him! They have a cause, a reason, a belief, and that can make anyone more stubborn to achieve their goals.

Nightingale has posed:
     It looked as if Zhao had a good command of the situation in his area. Now Shannon just had to keep things from going pear-shaped in hers. Right now, there were a lot of innocents depending on her being their shield--in this case, quite literally. With the hope that Zhao's wards on the door would buy a little bit of time, she digs in with as solid a stance as she can, bringing the shield to bear with as much coverage as she can. "I get through this, and I'll be back for that training," she mutters to herself.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Well. Today /was/ supposed to be a demonstration day, so there is that. Sadly, Xiang Zhao is missing the entire demonstration and giving one of his own in the process. Of course, it's not as... spectacular as Diana's, but there you have it! Though he hears the clang of that second door being breached, Xiang doesn't turn his attention away from the three remaining men. That second one he'd aimed at, the fan hits him squarely on the forehead with that steel fan. And then two are down. As the guns come up, Xiang spins out of the way and around them so that he winds up behind them.

That fan swings expertly again. To the back of the head of one of the ones firing. At that point, there is only one left standing of the four he initially confronted. That fan flashes out again with no hesitation at all and impacts the back of the last one's skull. Even as the body is falling, Xiang is turning to run back toward the spiral stairs. And down them, two at a time but with fully controlled grace. Shannon is alone down there, for the moment, and he doesn't know how many had just gotten through on the hall that isn't presently being protected.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The shield is moved to block another flurry of bullets that's aimed in Diana's direction. Not all of the bullets get blocked, and some of them will make it past since the shield doesn't cover her full self. If any of them cause her pain, she simply ignores it. Some of the bullets are deflected away from herself with the bracer on her free arm. She's quick and she's agile. She wields the shield practically as though it's a weapon in and of itself, for in her hands, with even part of her strength behind it, it might as well be. She bashes the man to her left with her shield, hitting him full in the chest with it. She doesn't aim to kill, but instead to incapacitate them. She steps to the left, half turning before kicking a man in the belly and thwacking him over the head with her shield. Another of the men steps up closer to her, and as she walks past him, she reaches out to snag the rifle and jerk it down in order to pull him off his feet.

The doorway of the hallway is pulled open and eight of the twelve men come out of it, rifles raised and at the ready. Over by Diana's office, Shannon is lucky enough to not be spotted by many of them. Though one of them does aim a burst of gunfire in her direction. Across the room as they are, it may end up going a bit wide.

Zhao's remaining trio are easily enough dispatched into unconsciousness, some of them half tumbled down the stairs in what's likely uncomfortable positions. None of the men seem to be wearing any sort of body armour and it's possible that they underestimated what kind of resistance could be met here.

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, most of the gunfire -does- go wide, and largely misses Shannon. However, not quite all of it does. And for that, thankfully, she's got the shield in hand. It's only a stray few bullets pinging off the front of the shield, but that's enough to let Diana and Zhao that all is not quite well inside. How long could she hold out? Stay tuned, dear reader....

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao reaches the bottom of the stairs about the same time as the men open that doorway to the hallway. As he sees those guns rise up in preparation of firing, as such things have a tendency to do, Xiang's left hand lifts and then drops with a shake of his head. He's not quite quick enough to stop the incoming fire. And he's coming at them from the side, so he goes in without hesitation on the heels of that volley. The fan snicks open with that sound of silk sliding on silk.

Xiang whirls into the first rank, the curved edge of the fan sliding across forearms holding guns at ready. Wherever it slides, it leaves a trail of blood in its wake, and two of the men drop their guns with pain filled shouts as Xiang spins past them and further into the group. He doesn't stay still to get shot at, but moves continuously. The curved edge of that fan aims for more arms as he slides past men armed with guns. Keeping moving is really the only thing he can do to avoid getting shot. And even that may not be enough. He's just a man, afterall. A man blessed with knowledge and power, maybe, but still a man.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The sound of the bullets ricochetting off of the shield that Shannon had found is enough to secure Diana's attention. She doesn't know what's going on, or that the shield is actually in use, but... it's enough to give her a moment of pause. She stops mid-stride to look back in the direction of the main room beyond the hallway and she mutters a curse in her native Themysciran. One of the remaining men takes aim at her with a net gun, and as he pulls the trigger on it, Diana does a backwards flip. The movement means she avoids the net easily, and once she comes back to her feet, she takes off the shield and hurls it at him like a frisbee. She steps forward, grabs the rifle of one of them, kicks his knee then pulls the rifle over his head. Then she uses the rifle much in the way one would a club, smacking one of the other men across the face with the flat of the butt end. Diana breaks the rifle in half, throws the pieces aside, and steps forward to use her foot to tilt the shield up so that she can take hold of it again from where it landed after hitting the man. And with the shield in hand, she turns and heads for the hallway to start to make her way back towards the main room.

There's another burst of gunfire that's aimed in Shannon's direction, this time from two of the gunmen as another realizes that she's there. Maybe a shield can make a person just as much of a target as a weapon can but it's a lot safer to have it than not! It blocks bullets, at least, and it does a very good job of it!

The other four of the six gunmen are ones that Zhao disables with his fan in such a neat and tidy manner. One of the four that had remained in the hallway moves out into the main room and uses the net gun to take a shot at Zhao since a clear path seems to have opened up for it to be done.

Nightingale has posed:
     In between bursts of gunfire, a few unfamiliar words, spoken with a fair amount of venom, somehow managed to make their way to Shannon's ears. While she couldn't quite understand them, given the circumstances--and who was saying them--she could guess they were very likely of the more 'conversational' variety. She filed them away in her mind to ask about later, and of course, to tease the living hell out of Diana for.

     Unfortunately, with the repeated metallic report of bullets bouncing off of her shield, it unfortunately let other gunmen making their way into the room know that yes, there was someone else in here, and no, she wasn't going down without a fight. What started as a few isolated shots heading her way became an increasingly nasty volley of gunfire--at least temporarily. But soon enough, even those were beginning to decrease, with cries of pain, and the flowing, deadly movements of a fan across exposed limbs.

     Sometimes there could be miracles. She was holding out--for now.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Even keeping moving is unlikely to allow Xiang to get out of this situation entirely unscathed. But for the moment, he seems to be whole and healthy. But with the amount he's moving, if he's wounded, it'll show fairly quickly. Probably. He continues moving, now toward the remaining two gunmen who are firing at Shannon. He's taking aim at one of them right as the man with the net gun appears and takes a shot at him. Too bad for Xiang that his back is to the man right when he fires that thing. Too bad for the net guy that Xiang complets his latest aim, the forearm of one of the two guys doing the shooting, and spins for his next target, the other one.

The effect is pretty comical. Xiang spins out of the way just in time for the net to pass him and catch the he'd just sliced instead. It's almost like Xiang did it on purpose.

The cursing, though he can hear it, he doesn't understand it and so ignores it, not even filing it away for later thought. He manages a glance toward Shannon, to gauge how she's doing and if she's still holding her own.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Amazonian Princess is just a smidge protective when it comes to others that she considers to be friends. It's a thing that some enemies have used against her before, and it'll likely be used against her again in the future. It's perhaps predictable. From her side of the hallway, the doors should be pulled to be opened. Diana doesn't take the time for that. She's already running down the hall, so she simply adjusts her shield and then... keeps running. Through the door, with a screeching shrieking sound of metal shearing as the door comes off its hinges and gives way. The door -- or more accurately, a part of the door -- goes skidding across the floor.

Once through the doorway herself, Diana stops and takes a quick glance around the main room to get the lay of things. The shield is let to fall, the edge caught by her fingers. "Zhao, Kàn ni zìji!" And then she lets the shield fly towards the man who had just fired the netgun. It hits him in the torso, and he goes tumbling down with an 'oof' of breath and a grunt.

The remaining uninjured gunman near Xiang Zhao turns to fire at him. The remaining net gunman seems to rethink his life's choices and edges towards the fire exit hallway that he'd come through. The two remaining riflemen with the net gunman fire as well -- one of them at Zhao, and one of them at Diana.

Nightingale has posed:
     Oh, this was NOT good! The gunmen had, by and large, been taken down by Xiang in his cold, fan-bladed fury, ending the hail of gunfire that had been aimed at Shannon. However, that left her friends in harm's way.

     This was unacceptable.

     Taking a cue from the Amazonian princess, Shannon slid her shield off her arm, shifted her grip, and uttered a soft prayer. "Let my aim be true."

     Winding up, she takes aim and hurls her shield like a discus, aiming for the kneecaps of the rifleman that was next to Zhao, hitting the decks as she let go to present less of a target. Peering up from her spot on the floor, she all but holds her breath, hoping and praying the shield hits its mark....

Xiang Zhao has posed:
The sound of screeching, shrieking metal getting torn into pieces is, perhaps, something Xiang Zhao hasn't ever heard before. At least, not on that sort of a level. Little pieces? Sure. He's a mage. He's probably fired off his magic at a fair number of things in practice. But that sound? That gives him pause, and distracts him perhaps when it shouldn't. His eyes move away from the enemy and toward the sound and the incoming Diana just as she shouts to him. He slides to the side so the shield goes past him.

But there are two men now firing at him. One with a pistol. One with a rifle. And he has no shield to protect him. His left hand comes up to make that writing gesture in the air, and a faintly shimmering pale gold hanzi appears in the air where he'd been writing. He slashes it toward the two men, a visible wave of faintly glowing light moving toward them. They're more or less in the same direction. The spell combined with Shannon's shield does the trick for the rifleman. The gun goes off, the shield hits his kneecaps. The rifle comes up, the bullets wind up tracking toward the ceiling...

And are all caught by that wave of light. As the light dissipates with the impact, the bullets drop to the floor in a soft clattering of metal.

The man with the pistol was just a hair faster than Xiang, and a lot closer to him than the rifleman. The light doesn't catch his bullets. With Xiang still in partial moment, the first one goes past him to embed itself in the wall. The second seems to have been caught in the long left sleeve of the Chinaman's robes. The third winds up in the wall a few inches from the first. Xiang completes his spin, placing him on the other side of the pistol wielding man. The fan slashes. Again to an arm.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a sound that the shield makes when it's removed from an arm, and a sound of a grip being shifted. They might be lost in the sounds of the fray to many others, but to Diana's keen hearing, they're not. She hears those sounds, as well as that soft prayer of words that Shannon offers up. There's a flick of a glance in the winged woman's direction, and perhaps oddly there's a glance given towards a statuette that's on display as she says quietly, "Ártemis, kathodigíste ton stócho tis." With bullets incoming, she lifts her right hand in order to deflect them from the bracer worn on that wrist. If she's surprised at all by what Shannon does, it doesn't show in the moment, though she is aware of it. Whether or not the invoked powers chose to aid the young woman's aim or not, the shield does take the man in the knees and the man ends up on the floor.

The gunman with the netgun turns and bolts down the hallway. He did, it would seem, come to a decision and act on that decision. The netgun is dropped somewhere along the way, no doubt to unburden him further, and he makes a run for it.

There's a slight quirk of a brow at the wave of light that catches the bullets, stopping them, and her blue gaze tracks towards Zhao with a flicker of curiosity. That's intriguing! But there's no time to consider that further in the moment since the danger isn't passed! There's a flicker of temper in her blue eyes as she strides towards the nearest man attacking Zhao. Andonce near, she reaches out to grab the pistol, twist it out of his hand, crush it and toss it aside as though it were a wad of paper.

The five men who have slashed forearms fire a bit wildly as they start to retreat back towards the hallway themselves. What good is a cause if you don't live to fight for it again? The netman who had taken the shield to the stomach barely stirs and groans, one of the previously wounded men starting to head for him to help him.

Nightingale has posed:
     It seems the powers that be did indeed aid Shannon's aim, as her throw was decidedly less than practiced. It did, however, do the job, while Diana's advance and Zhao's whirling dervish maneuver and magic did the rest.

     The battle, it appeared, was over, with the trio still standing, and their attackers either fleeing the scene, or down on the ground, injured. She glances towards Diana and Zhao, then around the room, just to make sure the worst had passed, still holding her post near the door to Diana's office.

     "You two okay?" she finally called out.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
If the curiousity about his magic is noticed, Xiang doesn't act on it. Not right now, at least. For now, he stands at the ready, watching those men. As it becomes obvious they're going to flee, his stance relaxes, and that fan starts waving languidly again. Still held in his right hand. "I am fine," he says. "Are you okay, Shannon? Diana?"

It seems to be the truth, too. He acts fine. His left hand once again takes up station at the small of his back. He seems entirely unconcerned. Entirely calm. Though his movements through the fight had been swift, they'd also been precise, without a motion wasted. And, most importantly of all, entirely, utterly calm.

Xiang's dark eyes move to look to Diana. "Does this happen often here?" He doesn't sound worried. He sounds curious.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Distracted by the heat of the battle, by the fighting, it may have gone unnoticed until now that the four men on the second floor landing are no longer there. Where they've gone and how they were taken there is a thing to which there are no signs. The likely presumption is that their comrades retrieved them, revived them from their stupors enough to help them retreat, and got them out from whence they had entered. The other attackers are making a hasty retreat as well. The attack was repelled, and hopefully no one was hurt, though there will be some repairs in need of being done.

Diana glances towards the last of the attackers who leaves by the fire exit hallway, and she exhales a breath before her attention turns to Xiang Zhao. Then she gives a single nod to him, a brief smile finding the corners of her lips as she gives a glance and another nod to Shannon. "Yes, thank you, I am fine," she says. Probably more than slightly peevish that her home away from home has been attacked, but physically fine. The couple of slight wounds that bullets were able to make are nothing of significance to her and she doesn't feel them.

"It is not a thing that happens often. Sometimes it does. There are artifacts here and sometimes they are the target. Other times it is other reasons. That there were net guns leads me to the belief that they wished to capture someone," Diana says, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "They had... interesting timing," she adds, taking a moment to look about the room before looking between Zhao and Shannon. Then she tilts her head a touch to one side, her gaze settling on the latter. "That was a good throw, with the shield," she says, a smile finding her features anew.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just blushes a bit, a sheepish smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards. "That was a first," she admits. "Nothing I ever counted on trying in this lifetime." As she moves to retrieve the shield, however, she happens to glance over at Diana, and pauses, mid-reach. Her smile fades almost instantly, her brows furrowing. Slowly, she straightens up, the shield forgotten for the moment.

     "Doesn't look as if you escaped unscathed... do you want me to look at that?" she asks, nodding towards the wound on Diana's arm. "And were you hit anywhere else?"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao doesn't seem to be too worried about the men who are starting to make their escape. At any rate, he makes no move to stop any of them. His eyes shift about until he sees the doors that Diana had mangled in her bid to get here. He gestures with the fan toward those doors. "Your door seems to be a bit.. broken." Was that a joke? It's hard to tell. Xiang's expression is the same as before, the words calm. Then his mouth curls up at the corners as amusement comes to his expression.

The smile and amusement both fade as the Amazon speaks on the net guns. His dark eyes turn back toward the fleeing bad guys, and stay on the doors they disappear through, even though he can't see them anymore. "I am not so certain. More likely, they were sent to assassinate. The net guns were probably on the off chance that they could capture someone useful. Else, why would they open fire the moment someone not them was seen?" Thoughtfulness enters his expression, joining the calm that was already there.

He is distracted from that thought by Diana's complement to Shannon. "It was a good throw," he agrees, looking to Shannon. "I am not certain what would have happened had more than one hit me." Only now does he look to Diana, as Shannon notes, and comments on, the fact that she has been wounded. Xiang looks toward the Amazon. "I can accelerate healing, if that would help." He even goes so far as to step toward the two women, his left hand coming to rest at his side.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a quirk of a smile that comes to her lips at Shannon's words, and she inclines her head towards the younger woman. "Sometimes a bit of beginner's luck can go a long way," Diana says, a thoughtful tone to her voice. And perhaps a bit of divine guidance along the way. "Perhaps shield training will be added to the list," she comments, a flicker of amusement to her voice.

One of her eyebrows quirks up a touch when the wounds are mentioned, and she follows the winged woman's gaze to the wound at her arm. Then she gives a small shake of her head. "Entirely unscathed, perhaps not. The wound is naught that gives me concern, and it will heal on its own," Diana says, a smile coming to her features. She lifts her right hand, catching a stray bit of her hair that had escaped her braid, tucking it away behind one of her ears. She doesn't mention other wounds, but... she has a high resistance to pain and is easily able to ignore it.

There's a glance towards Zhao before she looks over to the broken door, a soft chuckle coming from her as she gives a nod. "It was in the way," she comments, giving him a sidelong look. And it had been. Until it wasn't anymore. It was faster than stopping and pulling it open and going through the doorway would have been! She considers his words about the attacker, and finds herself giving a nod of agreement. "That is also true. It is speculation, at this point. Whether assassination or capture was their goal, it still raises similar questions. Who the target was," Diana says. There are no answers available, alas.

Something in Zhao's words draws her attention a touch closer upon him, and she raises an eyebrow slightly. Then she tilts her head slightly to one side. "Da liao bùzhi yigè? Ni shì shuo ni shòushangle ma?" she asks, a soft note to her voice. She looks then from him to Shannon and back again before giving a soft chuckle. "They are likely already healed and naught but blood streaks, by this point. I heal quickly, though I appreciate the concern that you both show," she says sincerely, a warm smile coming to her features.

Nightingale has posed:
     "The wounds would be gone on me by tomorrow," Shannon replies. However, she dips her head in respect for Diana's wishes. Furrowed brows, pursed lips, and an almost pleading note to her voice, though, make it amply clear her dislike of the decision.

     Turning her attention to Zhao, her expression does not change. She'd seen that pale, almost transluscent pallor to his skin before. While in his case, she says nothing outwardly, she does inch a little bit closer, ready to catch if need be.

     A healer's work was never done.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"Shield training seems a good idea. There is already a knack for it there, as we both witnessed," says Xiang as he stops beside the two women. He glances over the wounds on Diana's arm,a nd then up to her face as she says they are of no concern. He inclines his head and goes to looking around, trusting the woman at her word. That ball of fire still hovers above his head. It's small, so at least isn't much of a power drain. Though, "Can one of you provide light? I will not be able to hold the flame for much longer at present."

Xiang nods about the door. "I noticed." He nods agreement as to the question of the target. "It has to have been someone who is here very regularly." It cannot possibly have been Xiang. This was his first time ever being here. His eyes shift back to Diana, and he replies back to her. "Yes. One of them hit me," he says, in English so Shannon can understand too. Though, there seems to be no evidense of that which he's speaking of. It really doesn't look like he's been injured.

As the healer inches closer to him, he turns his head far enough to glance at her sidelong. "Is something the matter?" He draws in a breath and holds his hand out before him, palm up. The little ball of fire hovering above his head floats down to center over his palm. "My apologies. I cannot safely hold it any longer." With those words, the ball of fire gets smaller, and smaller, and then disappears entirely, leaving them once again in darkness.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a flicker of amusement that shows in Diana's blue eyes as she looks to Shannon, and she inclines her head slightly towars the winged woman. "I believe you," she says, a gentle tone to her voice. "There is naught that is in need of healing. The wound has already healed itself," she adds. She lifts her left hand to her upper right arm, where the blood from the wound happens to be, and she brushes her fingers over it to wipe the blood away. Beneath the blood, there is no sign of the wound that had drawn the blood in the first place. She heals fast. A healer's work might never be done, but Diana won't be taxing the healer's strength today.

Diana's attention turns to Zhao, and she gives a nod of agreement to his words. "It would seem so, yes. Shields can serve many purposes," she says, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. One of her eyebrows quirks up and her attention shifts to the ball of fire at his words about it. And she gives a small nod, understanding about limitations. "I have no means of giving light, alas, but it should not be much longer," Diana says. Much longer until what, she doesn't say. Though she also doesn't need to say, as within moments after her words, there's a flickering of the lights and everything else that runs on electricity, and then the lights come on as they had been before the infiltration had begun. There are a number of beeps and other assorted sounds as things start to power up. And there's the sound of the barred gates rolling themselves up and out of the way from all of the doorways and the like.

"Come and sit, please. Where have you been hit?" Diana asks, curiosity in her voice. She lifts her right hand to gesture slightly towards an office that has just become accessible, one that had been vacant when everything began. She doesn't comment further about the potential target that the men had however Zhao's idea that it had to have been someone who's regularly here is a fairly sound notion.

Nightingale has posed:
     Quiet for the moment, Shannon just nods, allowing herself a light smile. When Zhao mentions having been hit, she glances at him, but it seems Diana's already moving in to assist. Good. It was likely she was better trained to assist, so she steps back and lets what will be, be. After the office door is opened, and the innocents who had been sheltered within, shepherded out of the area, she glanzes back at Zhao, her brows furrowing. She knew him to be a proud man, however much she wanted to help, and so waited to see what would happen next....

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao nods. "Mm. Defense as well as offense. Swords can as well. But to draw a sword means you must be willing to take anothers' life. This is why I prefer my fan." Though, as they'd both seen, it can be nearly as deadly as a sword happens to be, if he uses it right. Once the fire is out, and there is darkness, it seems all the darker for there having been light moments before. And then there's light again. Xiang looks up toward those lights, and shakes his head. "I am never going to get used to that," he says, wonder in his expression.

"Mm?" Xiang's attention is drawn from the lights and back to the Amazon warrioress. "Oh. It is nothing. I will be fine with some meditation and rest." He waves the fan in a gesture of dismissal. Then it goes back to languidly fanning as it had been before this all had started.

"Your people were trapped here. You should care for them first." It really is as though Xiang holds the fact that he's wounded, having admitted such himself, to be nothing of importance. Nothing to worry about. It's less that he's proud, though he is that, and more that he sees the wound as inconsequential. However, he does still move toward the office indicated. "Somewhere quiet where I can meditate safely, I will not turn down." He glances toward Shannon. "I would not turn down having the wound bound, either. That will aid my healing process if I am not bleeding while trying to meditate." Was that him asking for help?

Wonder Woman has posed:
Shannon is watched for a moment, but Diana's attention easily turns back to Zhao, a flicker of concern showing to her eyes. "Yes, shields are good for defense as well as offense. That is often how my Sisters and I use them. The ones that we have are rather durable," she comments, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. Then she gives a nod, to his words about swords. He's not wrong, and she well enough knows it. It's one of the reasons that she took only the shield from the display rather than both sword and shield. Perhaps the attackers will note it as well, but it is unlikely.

"Electricity is a marvellous thing for all of what it does," Diana says, quirking a smile and giving a soft chuckle. Then she tilts her head a touch to one side, studying him a bit closer. Then she nods. "You are welcome to spend what time you need here. The office here is not in use today, so if you wish then you can turn out the light and close the door and have peace and quiet in which to meditate. You will be safe and protected, I assure you," she promises, inclining her head slightly towards him. Her attention turns to Shannon. "There is a first aid kit in the room, hanging on the wall. If you could help him with the wound, then I will check my Sisters and the others?" she requests. She should check on those who had been trapped, her fellow Amazons and the others, though that isn't likely to take long. For her, at least.

Nightingale has posed:
     Already, Shannon is going for the little brown leather pouch she keeps ever at her side; it seems perhaps she carries some supplies of her own. First to come out of the bag is a pair of gloves, which she slips on. There are a couple gauze pads for dabbing away the blood, an alcohol pad for cleaning the area, and a pair of tweezers in case debris needs to be removed. With a light smile at Zhao, she dips her head. "Please, we can see to this in the office. I'll need to actually see the wound to tend to it."

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao nods thoughtfully. "My magic does not seem to affect this electricity and light like it does your... what did you call them? Cameras?" He then inclines his head as he's told he's welcome to use the office. "Thank you, Diana." He turns then to walk into the room. He glances to Shannon as he walks, and kind of gives a sort of curious side-eye at the stuff she's getting out. He doesn't seem overly familiar with most of what she's got in hand, there.

He doesn't stop, though, and continues into the office. There, he pauses briefly to consider the room. Rolling chair. Plastic nubby mat sitting under the chair and the desk the chair seems to belong to. A filing cabinet. A bookshelf with books on it. A first aid kit on the wall not far from the desk. And a carpeted floor. Xiang looks over the stuff, eyes the chair with a slightly wary expression, and then...? Then he goes and sinks down in the middle of the floor, ignoring the chair entirely. He settles cross-legged and takes a breath.

Xiang Zhao nods to Shannon at her words. Then blinks. The expression is, briefly, 'wait. What?' The he huffs out a quiet sigh and lays his fan on his lap before loosening the sash at his waist. He shifts the top of the outer blue robe off entirely, exposing the pale grey inner robe and shirt beneath. The pale grey of the shirt is stained red with blood on his left shoulder and upper torso. He shifts it and the white linnen shirt beneath aside to bare his shoulder and upper chest. It might be noted that nothing that would be considered indecent is exposed. He looks.. resigned. But once the wound is exposed, he closes his eyes and lays his arms over his knees. Soon, he's fallen into meditation. Soon after, any cameras in the room or running programmable electronics start to go haywire, as a pale almost pearly translucent mist rises up around him. His magic made manifest.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a smile to Shannon and a nod as she notices the various assortment of things being brought out for the medical treatment to occur on Zhao. Then her attention turns to Zhao, and she gives a small nod to him. "Yes. The security cameras. I fear I have no guess as to why that may be," Diana says in a thoughtful tone. "You are welcome, Zhao. Please, stay for as long as you need, and I will return in but a few minutes," she adds, giving a small nod to him.

With that, Diana steps back before turning and heading towards the ballroom first. There are other exits from the ballroom that she can use to get to other places within the embassy, but she'll be true to what she had said and check the various and assorted workers and Amazons alike that had been present.

Nightingale has posed:
     When Zhao is comfortably meditating, the first thing Shannon does is clean up the area around the wound to get a better look at it. It didn't seem a very large one, or very deep, but still, perhaps a better look was in order. One glove comes off, her bare palm resting just on the outside edge of the wound. Closing her eyes, she extends her gift, partially, reaching out to see what she can see.

     And there it is. A small bullet, lodged within the wound. It wasn't deep, thank all that was holy, but the bullet had to come out.

     Reaching for the pair of tweezers, she takes a deep breath to steady her hand. It takes a small bit of fishing about, with her holding the edges of the wound open, but soon enough, she manages to extract the bullet. It, the tweezers, and both gloves are set aside.

     And this time, both hands are laid upon the wound, with Shannon closing her eyes.

     Her breathing becomes slow and even as she draws upon her gift, but only for a moment. A soft hiss, and the tensing of her body betray the first hints of pain, as she begins to take Zhao's wound onto herself. The most he might feel is a little gentle warmth, a light tingling as flesh knits itself back together, and bleeding ceases. Unfortunately, this leaves the young healer in training with the wound to dress--but at least now, it would be on herself, and Zhao could meditate in peace.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
It doesn't take long for Xiang Zhao to sink into his meditation. There is no reaction to Shannon cleaning around the wound. No reaction to her bare palm resting beside it. No reaction at all. Not even when Shannon digs the bullet out of his shoulder with those tweezers. In fact, the only reaction at all is the mist around Xiang. Instead of swirling about in an almost tranquil state, it moves faster, almost chaotically. Restlessly. So, it appears that Xiang is feeling what is happening.

As the pain ceases and that tingling warmth can be felt, Xiang knows what is happening. "Silly girl," he murmurs. "You did not have to do that. I can heal twice as fast as most people when I am meditating." The words are soft, and there's no accusation within them. There is gratitude to his tone, though. The mist gradually steadies, and goes back to its tranquil swirling. "Thank you," he says, a short time later. After that, Xiang speaks not at all.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Themysciran embassy is of a fair size. After checking on the few people who had been within the ballroom, Diana moves on to one of the hallways beyond. The Amazons who had been getting ready in the rooms beyond the ballroom are already out in the hallways. They also start to move from room to room in order to check on everybody. It's a very organized sort of thing. This likely isn't the first time that the barred gates have come down, and so it's practiced habit by this point.

After a little while, Diana makes her way back towards the main entry room where the majority of the infiltration had happened. Some of the Amazons take up stations near to the entry itself, additional guards for it. The security guards have also come out of their office and started to circulate again. The people from Diana's office have already been released and have left the embassy. All other visitors to the embassy have been ushered out as well, with apologies being given for the situation. It's after the healing has been done, and likely a few minutes beyond, when Diana returns to the main room herself.

Nightingale has posed:
     "And I can heal still faster than that," Shannon murmurs in soft reply. "You would heal, if meditating, in about a week, yes? Me, it will be roughly a day and a half, give or take." A light, if slightly pained smile, tugs her lips upwards, and she dips her head. "Bù kèqì. It is not silly, if it helps you."

     By the time Diana returns, Shannon's removed her grey tunic sweater to reveal a plain white t-shirt beneath, the left shoulder stained with her blood. There had been no sign of damage to her sweater, leaving one to wonder just what had happened. She is dressing her own wound, which looks like a bullet wound--oddly corresponding to where Zhao himself had been injured. "Everyone else is alright, then?" she asks, keeping her voice soft out of deference to Zhao's meditation.