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Latest revision as of 03:59, 25 March 2021

Gargoylin' the Foyer
Date of Scene: 24 March 2021
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rosie is settling in, got a flying lesson, and will someday, maybe stop addressing Shannon as Miss Shannon. No one bangs a u-ie in this case.
Cast of Characters: Antigravity, Cannonball, Nightingale

Antigravity has posed:
    What job isn't complete without having to deal with flying, moody teenagers with superpowers? No job, really, honetly, truly.

    And so, after making it through classes, the blonde-haired, hazel-eyed Rosie was sitting on top of one of the pillars in the foyer, watching a bit as other students mill about on 'after school' duties, some heading towards the dining room, others running back up to their rooms.

    Dimunitive Rosie just sat up on one of the ridges, tucked in by the pillar's head and watches quietly, her bag at her side.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does something not a lot of people do when walking about. He looks bot just ahead but up as well. A habit of being a flyer you keep track of more than just the horizontal axis. When he notices Rowan a brow will raise, and he walks over and with just the brief blasting, he launches himself up to set near her "Hey, what's up kiddo?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "Whoa! -- oh there's another person up there!" One student exclaims as Sam blasts off, and then Rosie pauses, and looks to Sam. She gives a sidelong smile to him, and gives a shrug.

    "Jus' people-watchin'. Wonderin' if these kids know how lucky they have it." she remarks quietly, and she gives a small smile to Sam.

    "Ah'm tryin ta be good. Ain't had another... y'know. Issue. ... is miss Shannon doin' all right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, she was healed up before she went to bed." He reassures the young lady. And yea some of the do, some have to learn it, and yea some never do. Ah am from a small town myself, pretty much most of the towns worked in the mines. You will make some interesting friends here, I ended up with friends from all around the world when I came here.

Antigravity has posed:
    "... you ever feel outta place movin' from Kentucky up here, Sam?" Rosie asks, drawing her knees up and setting her chin on them. She takes a breath, and looks back over the foyer as it empties out. "Even' havin' friends from all over the world jes'... bein different?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and nods a bit "Yea, at times, there were times, Ah wondered if Ah deserved to be here." He admits. to her. "Luckily I as I said, I made friends, and seems you have a few willing to be your friends already. We try to show each other the good parts of where we are from. I ended up taking most of the others in like they were families. Where I met the guy I consider my best friend to this day." He looks over to her and says "So what was the best thing about home to you?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "... I..." she pauses. "School. 'Cause mah teachers? They said Ah was *bright*. Ah was so psyched to be takin' chemistry, but they hafta charge you extra for materials. A couple of the teachers--" she blushes, embarrassed "... they paid for me. An' Ah aced it, even though I had ta keep my notes open over the dishwashin' sink at Tommy's." he replies, conspiritally, as if it was a big secret that she was so smart. "Ah could be myself at school, 'cause they weren't 'bout to switch me or hit me with nothin'. The teachers, I mean. Students.... eeeeeeh."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well we have a lot of good teachers here, if your a fan of science classes, you will be a big fan of Dr. McCoy. He has degrees in about a dozen different fields, and is always fun to be around. I was more a math geek myself, but you will be able to get in pretty much any college you want to when you finish here. And no one if going to hit you here, well no one outside self defense class, and an occasionally fight between students, but those are rare and we try to keep them from happening, and find out why and fix it when it happens

Antigravity has posed:
    "Yeah, Ah noticed ain't no lockers to shove people inta. An' I don't wanna break any walls. Any more." she trails off a moment, and rubs the back of her neck. "So that's Dr. Henry McCoy, right? An' this fella Scott teaches an optional motor tinkerin' and cars class?" she questions. "Y'all got some oddball classes. Mortary tinkerin'. Advanced Chemistry. Ballet."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "And I am offering drivers ed as well as flying 101." He offers with a smile over to her "Don't feel to bad about the walls." He points towards a couple of ways. "Ah have flown through that one, that one and that one." He will grin over at her "Anything in particular your wanting to learn that you aint seen someone teaching?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "--hold the phone -- they let /you/ teach flyin' and you've crashed inta all those walls?!" she asks, and she looks Sam over critically, and she purses her lips.

    "... I s'pose that's a class I'm gonna hafta take. Flyin'. I mean, it'd be good 'cause I hit the broadside of a barn this one time and it weren't mine."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well when Ah first started flying, Ah had a bit of an issue with turning. Ah could fly fast and straight, but stopping and turning took me a bit of work. He offers her with a grin "Luckily for me, when Ah am blasting, Ah can't be hurt, so Ah have flown through a few walls, trees, a few buildings."

Antigravity has posed:
    "Yeeeaaaah, Ah don't have that kinda protection." the girl states with a wry smile, and pulls her shirt a bit to show off her shoulder, and she looks. There are a bunch of old scars there, lineal and criss-crossed, and one gnarly one. "See that one? Had a cold and sneezed mahself backwards and into a combiner unit. Got scolded for playin 'round farm equipment."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie winces a bit and nods his head to that and says "Well that is part of what we will work on, getting you to the point you only activate your powers when you want to. " He hmms and says "Want to head outside, and show me how your flying works?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "Oh, I was flyin'. Then I sneezed and my forward momentumn turned 'round an' my brakes weren't goin' yet." she states embarrassedly, and then Rosie pauses a moment.

    "... y'all are okay with kids flyin' round? Durin' *daylight*?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, the school here id all mutants, just stay about twenty yards or so from the property line and walls, unless your going somewhere in particular. We try not to publicize we have mutants here, but some are a bit harder to hide, unless you use the inducers.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Luckily Ah don't have any sorta definin' marks." Rosie replies -- never mind those scars that she just showed to Sam.

    "So, outside?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and will hop down from their spots, and motions for her to follow him, and out towards the back yard area.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie had to grab just *one* thing. A long scarf that she'd plucked out of a bargain bin and asked very nicely if she could have it as part of the school wardrobe. Because New York was cold. So she had it around her neck and shoulders, buttoning up her plaid overshirt as she gives a nod to Sam.

    "So, best Ah can figure is that either Ah am jes' innately flyin' about or there's somethin' wrong with all those lil' bones an' fluid in your head that tells you which ways up, 'cause Ah can't get that vertigo thing when I affect other folks -- still sorry 'bout putting you through the tree." she states .

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well as Ah said, it does not hurt me while I am flying so all good there." He hmms and says "Out of curiosity have you ever had any issues with vertigo or motion sickness from anything else?

Antigravity has posed:
    "... not... that Ah can recall." she pauses a moment. "No car sickness, nothin'. Had a stomach bug that gave me a run for my money, but that's about it?" she answers back.

    "And Ah know it didn' hurt ya, Sam, but I'm a decent person! Gotta apologize -- aan' gonna hafta apologize to Mr. Remy, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Well, no worries with me, we all have issues at times. " He offers her a smile and says "Lets see how you can do with flying, want to do a lap around the garden area?

Antigravity has posed:
    "All right... jus... feels weird. Havin' someone watch." she tates as she takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes.

    Her hair lifts up floating up as if she were under water a moment before the ret of her catches up, and shes able to hover about three feet off the ground.

    The young blonde draws herself a little higher up, and then carefully picks her way around the card, maybe taking it at walking speed, leaning into turns as she goes out over the yard, and then returns to Sam, hovering in the air.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ok, now try a bit faster, Ah want to see how ya handle turns at speed, since that was one of my issues. See if your up for being the pace car at Daytona." He jokes a bit

Antigravity has posed:
    "Faster? Gonna have to give me more room --" Rosie states, and then she look up and around, and then she takes a deep breath -- and she is off like a shot! She might not have the same speed (or handling!) that Sam has, but she can get to a pretty fair clip, the scarf flying out behind her like a banner.

    She banks a corner really widely, and nearly tumbles out of her flightpath and into a tree -- but he straightens out, banks, and sails along the back windows of the first floor of the mansion!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit as he watches her. He is ready to blast up and catch Rosie if she looses control, but he is nodding approvingly. "Your doing very good." He offers her in approval.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie gives a breath out, and she speeds up. She banks over the pool and comes down low until her foot catches against the board. She gives a yelp, tumbling upwards and spinning out of control at a good seventy miles per hour towards the sky, her scarf and one sneaker falling down behind her as she goes!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie Will jet up to catch her, grabbing her scarf and shoe as he goes up after her. Once he comes even with her, he will reach for her hand and says over the roar of his blast "Your going to be ok, concentrate on righting yourself, if you can't you can take my hand , I am here for you."

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie has the following classic line:


    Luckily, the roar of Sam's blast disturbs her from her current litany of dismay, and she's able to reach out against her tumbling skyward, and grab onto his hand.

    That is the precise moment that she also decides to not be using her powers to affect gravity and mass, so that she does *not* make Sam airsick. She's pretty sure there's no 'curtesy bags' on this flight!

    And she clings to his arm with her hazel eyes wide in surprise.

    "That's why I don't go fast a lot!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and will nod, he pulls her in and says "Wrap your arms around my neck, and legs around me like your going to have a piggy back ride. He offers her, as he lifts her up letting her get a decent hold on him with her legs before he lets go of her hand.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Ah have the feelin' you've done this more than once." Rosie replies back to Sam at his grin, wiping at her eyes, before she wraps her arms over his shoulders, her eyes wide.

    "Ah've never been up this high 'fore."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will level off, and says "It can be a lovely place, sometimes you just want to get up in the sky and fly loose yourself ot it and nothing else.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Yeah, until some bonehead shootin' skeet decides ta take ya down." Rosie points out dourly, holding to Sam a moment as she looks out. "... never flown higher than a couple yards. OUt here's... not too bad, but makes my eyes water goin' so fast!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and reaches into a pocket and offers her his loaner goggles "Here this should help. Want to see something neat?" He asks, heading towards an old quarry that has some overhangs around it of rock. He does circle making sure no one is about.

Antigravity has posed:
    "You jus' *happen* ta keep a pair, huh?" Rosie laughs, and she takes a breath, keeping one arm around Sam as she lop-sidedly puts the goggles on, and then watches as Sam circles the old quarry, looking at the overhangs that she is pretty sure she would SPLAT against if she lost control here!

    "Neat! Betcha this place is great for swimmin' in the summer!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well it is handy to keep them in case someone needs them, I have considered carrying ruby quartz ones he admits. " He hmms and says "Ok, Ah am going to fly us through that ledge over there, it does not look to stable so cutting it back should be a good thing.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Ruby quartz? Does yer girlfriend really like pink?" Rosie asks -- and then it registers.


    She grasps tighter, hazel eyes going wide. "Mr. Sam why are you gonna fly us through rock?!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit and says "So, you know you'll be ok with me if ever need to do this for some reason." He heads towards the rock, and through it shattering it and they are both totally ok "And na, the ruby quartz is more for a backup for a friend.

Antigravity has posed:
    The little Southern farm girl squeezes tightly, her eyes going wide as she watches the rock approach quickly, and she gives a small cry as the pair burst through it! There's shattered rock falling down into the quarry below.

    And they're OK! They're not smashed to smithereens, they're not torn to bits, and Rosie just looks back at the falling rock as it tumbles.

    "-- Lord Above!" she curses "You jus' go through *anything* like that?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Pretty much, first time, my power kicked in, Ah blasted out of mine and through half a mountain. He will head back towards the mansion, landing so Rosie can get back on solid ground.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie breathes out as they come back, and as they approach, she releases her hold on Sam, dropping back a little bit and then flying along on her own.

    Still missing a shoe and that rainbow scarf, but up one pair of flight goggles!

Nightingale has posed:
     Sam and Rosie may be getting back onto solid ground, but the opposite is true for the mansion's resident healer-in-training. Dressed in a sleeveless turquoise ombre silk tunic shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of turquoise flats, she is just now tying her hair back in a ponytail to keep it out of her face, and spreading her wings out to their full span. The damage from the glass the other day seems to have long since healed, with not a single mark upon her arms, nor her wings.

     As she looks up, she spots Sam and Rosie approaching the property, but still in the air. A smile curls the corners of her lips upwards; with a couple strong downstrokes of her wings, she takes to the air, ascending to join them. "Hello, you two!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will offer Rosie her scarf and shoe as he caught them as he went up to catch her. He looks over to Shannon "Hey Shannon how you doing? He looks over to Rosie, "See told you she would be fully healed up." He offers.

Antigravity has posed:
    Rosie stays hovering a moment, and then accepts her shoeand scarf back, a little nervous as Shannon approaches.

    "Hello MIss Shannon, an' Mr. Sam's correct, you healed up whole." she states, and then embarrassedly goes to rub the ba ck of her neck -- hitting herself in the head with her shoe in the process -- and then states:

    "I owe you an apology for bein' so cold towards you. You've been nothin' but nice since I've come."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hey, it's okay. We were all new here once. Everyone fowls up sometimes." Shannon hovers in the air near Sam and Rosie, close enough to be heard, but hopefully far enough away where she won't spook Rosie. "Please, though, it's just Shannon. I'm just a student, like you."

     Her smile is gentle, and she tucks a stray wisp of hair that escaped her ponytail away behind one ear. "I was scared when I got here, too. You haven't been cold at all. Just adjusting to a new place, new people, new everything all at once."

     She grins at Sam now and lifts her chin. "Doing okay. Got a million and one song ideas running around my head, wondering if I can get any of them to stick. Maybe even run a couple by Andrea and see if she thinks they could make it, maybe run with them for another single."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Well I am sure you will find one you like, if you want to you can try them out at the club just let me know when you want to.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Yer older than me, is all. Everyone older -- or more well off, Ah suppose, is either Miss or Mister or Missus. Jus' the way a' the world, I heard." she states, and she puts her shoe back on, still floating, drifting off to the left slightly as she goes.

Nightingale has posed:
     "By what, one year?" Shannon shrugs, and smiles. "I guess if it makes you more comfortable to call me that, but it really is okay if you just use my name. I promise it won't get me mad." Watching her flying for a few moments, she thinks back to her own early attempts a few years prior, and smiles a little more. "You're doing pretty well there. And you've got someone real good teaching you. Though he's pretty lousy at taking compliments." The last is spoken with a wink at Sam.

     "Thanks for that, big bro," she says to Sam, grinning. "I'll tap you on the shoulder when I've got one ready to go."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Hey Ah just pass on the lessons taught to me by others and things Ah have learned, Ah still need to teach Rosie the quick u turn as well.

Antigravity has posed:
    "Doesn' matter! You're an upperclassman an' I'm just some sophomore trash!" the blonde replies to Shannon, and she arches her back slightly, stretching her arms. "A quick U turn?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just grins at the mention of the quick U-turn, dropping the matter of rank, titles, and ages for now. Well, mostly dropping it. "You're -not- trash, okay?" Some days, it was just better to pick your battles, and save your energy for the -real- ones. "Mhm. The quick U-turn. He could be zipping along in the air, and just as quick as you please, WHOOSH! He does a U-ie."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Rosie and says "Well it is a bit of using the environment to your advantage. It works best with a flag pole or something along those lines. You grab it and hold on enough to use your momentum to spin you around and then let go so you can head into the direction you came from.

Antigravity has posed:
    "... Ah'm not sure I need it --" Rosie drawls a moment as she sits in the air. "Since I adjust my own mass and gravitational attraction 'tween objects in order to fly not via actual flight but by tellin' Gravity ta screw off a bit, pretty sure the sudden stop would cause me some issues unless I alter mah own mass that inertia doesn't have as much a grip on me..." she rattles off, rubbing the back of her neck again, sans hitting herself in the face with a shoe.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Whew. I just about got some of that science talk. You met Dr. McCoy yet?" Shannon grins wide. "You two would be like two peas in a pod. The man's completely brilliant. He and miss Munroe were the ones to welcome me here when I arrived."

     Shrugging, she continues. "Guess you'll just have to practice and figure out how to work with your gifts, and learn your own ways to make the quick U-ies."