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Latest revision as of 00:35, 29 March 2021

A little Scooby Meeting
Date of Scene: 28 March 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: The Scoobies have a meeting and catch up on recent events.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Phantasm (Drago)

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is sitting at one of the big oak tables in the Magic Box, searching through books that talk about the Chumash shield that was stolen a about a month ago. Unfortunately, it had never been recovered, but she is growing increasingly worried about its absence, knowing that someone could find it and get hurt.

It had been a while since they'd had a Scooby meeting but with all three core members here together, it was about time they touched base, so she waits impatiently for the others to join them, occasionally snacking on a Tim of mixed nuts as she peers at volumes of dry literature.

"Phew, when did I get assigned research?" she grumbles.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh, I don't know," Willow says, finally coming in. "You usually ask me to." She takes up a seat and has a bag of day old croissants. "Help yourself!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is not a core member. For one he doesn't even live around here. But, it's been a few and there was that business card thing. Might as well drop it off. Maybe they'd have use for it. The door chimes open announcing Nick's arrival. "Hey guys." Glancing around, the knit capped rocker's gives a nod of greeting to the two ladies present. A glance is fixed over to Buffy, "You texted?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Will and shrugs, "Yeah, guess I figured I'd pick up the slack. I feel pretty bad that I wasn't able to cover for Kristy when she failed to lock up.I mean I was training in the basement before she left and Cheetah broke in.."

Her eyes widen at the sight of croissants, "Oooh, don't mind if I do..Thanks!" she's only too happy for a short break from reading, munching thoughtfully on the treat.

"Oh yeah, did you see Pho--Err Alex, recently?" Buffy knows he prefers to go by his mortal name, bad habit, "He was looking for you, said he'd be happy to help us out if that crazy He'll clown strikes again.."

She looks up,as the door rings, smiling and nodding to Nick, "Hey Nick, how you been? We have a bunch of stuff to catch up on. Want a croissant?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Hey Nick. Want a croissant?" Willow pushes the bag towards him. "I think there's a chocolate one in there." Maybe two!

She nods to Buffy very carefully. "Yes, he wanted to be certain I understood I could count on him." Actually he said she could summon him, which kinda freaked her out. And was one of the nicest things someone gifted her. It still boggled her that he was a god. Like a real god. (Even if she didn't necessarily believe in him.)

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the croissants, shaking his head. "Oh I'm fine with the food." He walks over. Resting his arms on the counter. "Not much beyond what we talked about since last. Keeping an eye out for that kid... Some occasional issues in the subway that get stamped out. Met a bit of an odd duck before mass last week. Seems he sells antique books. Got his card."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms and nods to Willow, "Right, I had a talk with Alex, I think we can trust him and he's agreed to help us if Hellequin attacks anyone again. He said he'd let you summon him or something?Thats pretty cool..Oh, and it seems he has some sort of divine weapon allowing him to harm supernatural creatures, including, hopefully, ghosts.." she sighs wistfully. "I could sure use a weapon like that."

To Nick she nods and frowns, "I haven't seen that kid around anywhere, but have you tried contacting the Xmen? Maybe they'd have more resources to help find a mutant.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh, so he had told her that. "I've got an idea how to summon him.." Still, Willow isn't sure she wants to summon a living, breathing man. Heck, doesn't he have a job?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick considers the suggestion. "While I have suspicions, I'm not exactly on their contact list nor are they on mine." He admits, giving a sigh, "One of the groups involved in the search have mutant ties so I assume they've been notified. But if I happen to run into one I'll ask."

Card fished out, he offers over Henri's card. "Antique guy said he had medieval books and weapons. Seemed something you guys might want to look at. Although... he's a bit of a jerk."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, "Well that's cool, I mean..Is it basically like summoning a genie? Because that wiyld be super cool!" she grins. to Nick, she nods and frowns, "Ah, right. I have contacts in the Xmen, just been busy lately. But you gave me the info so I'll try to get up there soon.."

As for the card, Buffy arches a brow, "Oh, so you've met him too, huh? He sold me a cool Jerusalem cross, and an antique mace which he hinted was used by Joan of Arc herself..I talked to Giles and we both think it's possible she could have very likely have been a Slayer too.."

She frowns at a thought, "Oh yeah, Giles noticed he had a lot of anti witch books, so better be careful, Wil."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was confused. "Why should I be careful because a man has books on the witch trials. People study it in university. I almost studied it, except I had a conflict with my Mathematics class." Really.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick lowers the card as Buffy mentions already meeting him. "Ah. Well, alright." He slides the card back into his pocket being that they don't need it. He glances over to Willow at the warning about anti-Witch books. "...I'm not surprised he'd have something on witches. Probably not the witch trials if he's focusing on medieval books. But they had witches in that time period too, right? Either way he kind of seems- old school. He got upset with me for using the kneeler."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow frowns. "Well anyone would be angry with you for using.. wait. Were they middling priced or very expensive? 'Cause there is a difference. And most of the old school antiques, unless he looked at you and figured you could pay, probably anything he would be angry about. Still.." It took all types.

"Me? He would walk me right back to the front door and politely urged me to never show my face again." She giggles. Little does she know!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a bit at Willow, "Talk to Giles, he said everything points to that man being a witch hunter and that I should warn you to stay away from there." she shrugs, "Could just be tons of books *only* on how to kill a witch, plus a love of tons of holy relics and weapons. Or maybe I just super paranoid because I deal with dangerous people on a daily basis."

Well either way, she's too tired to argue the point further. Nick is given a curious look. "Kneeler?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician frowns. "Willow. This wasn't at his store. This was at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Right before mass. The kneeler wasn't antique."

Nick looks over to Buffy, "Oh uh in Mass we have points where we kneel down. Most churches are equipped with a kneeling bench attached to the back of every pew for the purpose of kneeling. Also called kneelers. These weren't antique. If the church has them, you're supposed to use them in mass. But apparently that upset him. He wanted me to kneel in the center of the aisle so I could be in direct contact with the floor... And probably be a tripping hazard for anyone else coming in."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Talk to Giles. Exactly what Willow needed to do. She had some concerns about Hellequin that only he might have an answer to.
fUntil Nick mentions St. Patrick's Cathedral. "In the olden days there were no kneelers." And the poor sat outside.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, "I know what a kneeler is, for a sec I thought they were selling them at the antique store." she shrugs, "Hmm, wonder why he wanted you to kneel on the floor though? Weird.." Willow is given a slight frown, "Ouch, must have been painful. However.."

She takes another bite of her croissant, washing it down with some tea. "Hmm, so on other news, I've been checking out some antique stores, but no luck in finding that Chumash shield that was stolen about a month ago. However, I discovered that an antique store in Gotham was broken into recently, and a Native shield was recently stolen. Could be our shield..And that could be worrisome.."

Buffy sighs and stretches. "I'm still researching it but seems it was a sacred shield belonging to a native warrior. If the talismans are removed or the shield is broken, it would anger the Chumash spirits, and apparently they already hold a grudge against Sunnydale. we'll need to contact Spike, see if he found anything odd in Gotham.."