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Latest revision as of 23:59, 11 April 2021

Lucifer makes an offer to Andrea and Alice
Date of Scene: 11 April 2021
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Andrea goes dancing on a night out at Club Lux and bumps into Alice planning her birthday party. Lucifer suggests his club for the event.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Red, Lucifer

Rage has posed:
It's after midnight at Club Lux and the party is going this weekend. The weather is crisp and a bit warm, and the dance floor is packed. Out amongst the crowd is one Andrea Jackson. Tonight she is wearing a snug silver dress that hits at the knees that sparkles beneath the flickering lights. She moves to the rumbling bass of the upbeat energetic music, arms upwards and crossed at the wrists at times before they drop down to swing. She moves like liquid due to the thousands of hours of choregraphy she has put into her body.

It's not a challenge for her to find a partner here and there out on the floor, though some do keep their distance as the whispers and murmurs ripple through the crowd. Mutant. Yes, she is one. No, her powers are not public. But just having the 'M' word attached does give some people caution and concern, despite her Disney background and record breaking success on the charts.

Red has posed:
Getting *into* a club is esy if your above 18. But finding the right one to party in when you go 21, that's a good reason to drive a few hours. Alice has done so to check out the Lux.

Slipping into the nightclub, she drops off her jacket at the entry, her slight heeled boots going to about the mid thigh without any sign of laces or zipper but hugging her legs. A short jeans skirt leaving a strategic one inch band of skin and a red blouse complete the outfit as she throws herself onto the dance floor. She's not a public mutant, not even obvious, but she does pick up the odd vibe on the floor, working her way through it, feeling for where it might originate.

Rage has posed:
The popstar may be nineteen, but Club Lux has never been one to stick to the rules when it comes to A-List, or even B-List celebrities. Andrea has even had a few drinks in her by the time she hit the floor. She's even barefoot, having left her flats behind with her purse and bodyguard, James, who is waiting patiently at a VIP table and watching from afar. She continues to dance and spin, having snagged the hand of a handsome man with dark hair and a few days along his cheeks of growth.

She made it clear to him when he leaned in to whisper against her ear that she's not interested in anything more than a twirl and that she was taken. So far, he's behaving, and most likely almost thirty years old. She uses her body like a weapon on the dance floor, wild and untamed like the wolf that roars from within her. The music is electric and her heart has been aching for a good release.

Red has posed:
Alice could pick a man to have a spin with, twisting her body with the music, but more than a short few moves here and there she doesn't stay. On and on over the floor, she closes in through the crowd, getting closer and closer to the wild Andrea and her current partner. Taller, more slender, she's almost a model compared to the sportive look of Andrea, though the latter wears the more fashionable choice.

Rage has posed:
The dress that Andrea wears most likely cost more than most people's rent in New York City. It's an Italian designer. Mutant of course. The material shimmers in a prismatic effect as she moves. When the song finally ends, so does the dance as she peels away from the man with an amused smile on her face. She's leaving him panting and out of breath. Not many can keep up with her pace. As she starts through the crowd, still moving with sways of her hips, she catches sight of Alice, a familiar sight. Her brows lift upwards as she heads towards her. "Hey." She calls over the loud rumble of music. "What brought you here?"

Red has posed:
Alice follows the hey, joining in on the dance with Andrea, though much less vigorous. She needs to conserve energy and can't use the endless reserves Andrea has. "Hey back!" she tries over the music with a smile, offering a short moment to bump hands in the flow of music.

"I'm looking for a spot to party on the 15th. Any you? Making the stage unsafe?"

Rage has posed:
"I'm just bored and my man is working. So, I figured I'd be a terrible person and work off some steam." Andrea says as she continues to move, though she has toned it way down so that she can talk properly. "Why don't you haver your party at Evo? Sam would love the business. That and it's mutant friendly. Also, what party?"

The P word is always one thing to get her attention, even on a dance floor.

Red has posed:
"Just scouting places because you can only paty the 21st once." Alice answers back with a chuckle, brushing through her red mane without stoping the dancing with the other. "Evo, isn't that down in New York?"

Rage has posed:
"Ah. Happy twenty-first coming up then. I got two more years." Andrea says as she sways side to side. "Evo is in Bushwick. Mutant Town. It's Sam's club that he owns and runs. I perform there all the time. You should ask Mister Guthrie to set you up. Maybe get Shannon to sing for you. She just had a single come out through my label and it's good."

Red has posed:
Alice raises an eyebrow at the remark of shannon and a single, giving Andrea a little push to the shoulder. "You made her sing and I can't get her to wear a Mercy cosplay? Tell me your secret!" Alice answers with a little chuckle, keeping up the dancing. "M-Town's where I grew up."

Rage has posed:
"Money. Money is my secret." Andrea says with an amused smile as she stops dancing so that she can give a stretch of her body to pop her spine. "But she wanted a taste of the limelight. I have no clue what a Mercy is in though." She says as she brushes her dark hair back behind one ear.

Red has posed:
Alice searches the pocket of her skirt for her phone, pulling it out as her movements wind down shortly after Andrea's. And a few moments later she shows a picture of Angela Ziegler - Mercy - from that Overwatch game. "That. She totally would rock that. Could make her wear that for the next single?"

Rage has posed:
"I'm pretty sure they have copyright issues. We're also not trying to showcase her as a mutant, but as a legitimate singer without the gimmicks." Andrea says with an amused grin on her face. "But maybe you can have her wear it for Halloween. It's a cute costume. I'm just not familiar at all."

Red has posed:
"They love cosplayers, and with *that* costume nobody'd be the wiser." Alice notes, keeping the voice down now that that topic came up. "How's your plans for your next tour coming along? Dragging Dazzler around again?"

Rage has posed:
"Cosplayers at a nerd convention is different than wearing something on an official single, merchandise, promotions. We'd have to pay a licensing fee to whoever owns that to be able to put it on anything that Shannon would promote for herself." She gives a rub of one of her bare shoulders that has some heavy scarring upon it. "Plans right now is get through this semester of college, then the Blue Pirates and I are going to do a few shows on the west coast. But Dazzler is doing her own thing now. She is jump started back into touring so I'm really happy for her."

Red has posed:
Alice nods, slowly gesturing to the edge of the dance floor. "Let's get to where we don't need to scream?" she asks, eying over the scars, wincing a moment. "What happened there? I mean, that looks painful and you didn't have that on the tour with D."

Rage has posed:
"I have had these scars for years. I just wear long sleeves when on stage, or I show them off." Andrea says as she makes her way off the dance floor, heading to her VIP table as she motions her to follow. They are let through the ropes, heading up the stairs. "I have scars along my stomach as well and the back of my head under my hair. The school was attacked by something called war wolves. Adamantium monsters. I ripped one's jaws in half with my bare hands, but it gored me in the process. I almost died on the operating table. Foley was able to piece me back togetehr."

Red has posed:
"Oh, well... I didn't notice then. I mean, you did cover them up..." Alice sighs a moment as she follows, pondering what was told a little. "But you must have been looking badass ripping apart one of those. And isn't adamantium like, that indestructile stuff Dr. Howlett uses?"

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, it's indestructible. Kinda puts a statement on the whole.. don't fuck with me vibe, huh?" Andrea says with a wolfish grin upon her face as she slides down into her booth, then reaches for her colorful fruity drink as she takes a long sip. "I did look badass, I was also terrified and running on pure instinct that night. There was a lot of little children that could have got hurt. I had to hold it off while waiting for the X-Men to show up. It was either take one for the team, or watch a bunch of kids get murdered."

Red has posed:
A long, slow nod is the Answer of Alice. "I couldn't do that. I mean, not that I wouldn't try, but I just ain't a fighter that way and much less in a shape to do that. You surely deserved to live after that, but maybe not the scars." She smiles dryly, her eyes scanning over the scarring. "Though with the right work, you could put them on display like a badass veteran. Which I totally ain't. I only manage to make thugs search for their underwear while crying."

Lucifer has posed:
There's another floor to the club, a floor that no one has access to aside from a small handful. It can only be gotten to by an elevator that's locked with an access code. The elevator dings and Lucifer steps out, adjusting his tie as he comes around and paces the upstairs of his bar. Pausing to talk to this client or that patron before he finds his 'perch' so to speak where he can see both the bar and the dance floor below. As he spots a slightly familiar face, his lips curl into a smirk and he moves. If one knew he was there, he was gone in a split second, and in some sudden way, has come up behind Andrea. "Well, well. If it isn't one of my favorite performers..." This as he offers both Andrea and her companion, Alice, freshly made Mai Tais. "Ladies."

Rage has posed:
"My mother is a marine. She's the real hero and a real fighter. I just did what I had to do in the moment. Being a celebrity and a mutant, I've had my share of situations go wrong. I've been shot in the chest with a sniper rifle." Andrea touches her chest. "I got shot in the back of the head." She taps behind her ear. "I've been run through my stomach by a sword. All from people who just hate me for being born. Being a celebrity doesn't protect me from predjudice. I would rather have had a more peaceful life where I only had to worry about Internet trolls."

At the sound of the voice behind her, Andrea shifts herself in the chair and glances over to him. She gives him a smile, reaching for the fresh drink. "Good evening, Mister Morningstar. Seems tonight is popping off. How are you doing?"

Red has posed:
Alice looks up at the approaching male, smiling as she takes the glass from him, but waiting with drinking from it till after Andrea had a sip. "Mister Morningstar... I take you are a friend of Andrea?" she asks, herself clearly not the one in the know in the club.

"Don't make yourself down. You are way more an X-man than I ever will be. Protecting the school and surviving all that. The best I ever did was run into a burning building with a rather low risk and... well, doing unspeakables to some people's undies."

Finally taking a sip from the glass, she smiles at first, then sputters as she tastes the alcohol, inhaling sharply as her face twists some. "Gosh, that's sharp!" she notes, shaking herself some. "Is that the mint?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer lets out a laugh while being all smiles. "Mister Morningstar sounds so.." He waves fingers in the air and then lands on, "formal." This before he's sliding into a seat at their table without invitation, sort of seated sideways and ensuring he can look at them both. "Loosely. She's played at my club. It's good to see you swing by, which means perhaps you're wanting to perhaps grace the stage with your presence again soon?"

If charming had a name, Lucifer would be it, with his picture in the dictionary right beside the definition. That charm spills from the lips that remain curved in a smirk before his eyes shift over to Alice and he gives a slight inquisical tilt of his head. "Perhaps the mint, or the alcohol itself. Do you not like it? I can surely get something else made for you if you prefer."

Rage has posed:
As she sips her drink, Andrea watches Lucifer join them at the table with an amused smile upon her face. "Yes, I would love to perform again. If you have my manager's number, you can contact him and discuss the details. I have most of my weekends free. I can do my normal set list or I can do various covers. Whatever you prefer."

She leans back a bit in her seat, stirring the straw about the ice as the colorful booze swirls. "This is Alice. Friend of mine from back home in New York. She's looking to have a twenty-first birthday bash somewhere." Her brows lift towards him.

Red has posed:
Alice grasps for air a few moments more before putting the drink down with a little flush. "Alcohol? I hadn't... I mean, neither of us should..." she swallows, shaking her head a moment to stop herself, the introduction from Andrea followed by a nod. "Yes, That's true. I mean, it's in a few days, but so I'm still looking for a good club. Affordable preferably."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sets his gaze on Andrea for a lingering moment and then he slowly nods his head. "I will have my people call your people and we will work something out." His words are smooth, slightly lilted, and carry a promise even if unspoken. As Andrea mentions the want for a place to have a birthday bash, his ears almost seem to perk and his eyes light up a bit more - if that's even possible.

Though he addresses a concern first. "I know. Technically you're under age. But I assure you, there is none here that is going to bust you for drinking underage." Another string of words wrapped in a promise, wrapped in something that could almost be *tangible* as to being true and comforting. "Are you looking to rent a place out? Hold a little private gathering for you and your friends? I'm open to possibly discussing such things. Especially for a friend of Andrea's." His smile comes again, easy. Like sliding partly melted butter over freshly popped toast. Smooth.

Rage has posed:
"Psh, Alice, I've been drinking since I was thirteen." Andrea says as she takes another long sip from her drink. "A single Mai Thai isn't going to knock you off your feet." She give a lazy smile towards her, then glances back towards Lucifer and that velvety voice of his. She knows that tone he uses. Those bedroom husky eyes.

"This club is more Fifty Shades of Gray and less Chucky Cheese, Alice, as a head's up. Just take that in mind before you make a deal with Mister Morningstar. I don't think this is the type of place that would be okay with high school kids within the establishment."

Propping her chin up in the palm of her hand, she gives Lucifer an amused grin. "Am I right?"

Red has posed:
Alice grows big eyes at Andrea's claim, smiling insecurely as she turns the glass in the hand. "Fifty shades of 125 minute Less-than-50-Metascore softcore porn that attempt to turn a horrible book about an abusive relation into an R-Rated movie with appeal?"

Ever the Movie nerd, Alice brushes through her hair again. "Mister Summers would tear my sorry ass if I would put that sort of movie out, and I bet that miss Grey might consider reconsidering the reservations about torture for taking students here."

Though smiling a little forced, she does try the drink again, stomaching it much better as she is prepared now.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer places a hand over his heart and actually *looks* genuinely offended. "Why would you lump my wonderful club in with some dire trash like that never-should-have-existed book and movie combo?" He asks, sounding wounded, but not by much. "And would you believe someone actually claims they sold their soul to me to have that rubbish out there? The nerve! No honor among the liars it seems." He scoffs and then smirks once more before looking back to Alice.

"My dear. If you wish to have your party in a safe place, free from those who would try to tear you and your friends down for being what you all are...then I offer my club to you. I'll close it off to anyone else for the entire night and my staff here will serve you drinks, food, and music for as long as you all can stay up and party your asses off." He grins. "So it will be no Fifty Shades of Pathetic Kink Shaming, and more...whatever your beautiful heart desires it to be." That grin remains, those words are still as smooth as silk and wrap around with that ever-present promise of safe security. "What do you say?"

Rage has posed:
"You know what I mean, Lucifer. This is definitely an R rated club." Andrea says with a soft laugh as she keeps her chin propped, taking another sip of her drink. "But if you're willing to make this a safe experience for Alice and her friends, I'd be willing to cover the bill." She says to the owner as she gives him a lazy smile in return.

"Perhaps a trade. I'll do the event here at the club in exchange to cover the party. Anything over I'll slide it on my credit card. Sound fair?"

Red has posed:
Alice flushes a tad at the sweettalk of the club owner and prince of hell, almost stammering for a few moments till Andrea offers to even foot the bill. "Thats awfully sweet of you, Andrea, but I wanted to take a look at that other club you mentioned too... I mean, it's pretty much home." Which meant Mutant-town.

"i can't agree on a whim... I mean, I only got the one evening, but it's a great offer. May I sleep over it? Maybe call you tomorrow?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks between the two and he nods his head. This time, he has listened to them both before letting his smile overtake his features once more. "Of course. The two of you should surely discuss things, feel things out. Just know that if you need, you can have this place." He offers this much and then looks to Andrea. "And we'll determine costs and such later. I still would love to see you perform on a weekend soon." Then, he stands, pushing his chair in. "Once again, a pleasure as always to see you, Miss Andrea." Leaning over, he'll press a kiss to Andrea's cheek, but more near her ear than not. A glance to Alice then, "And a pleasure meeting you. I do hope you won't be a stranger. If either of you wish another drink before you leave, it is on me. I wish you both a good evening."

Rage has posed:
"Thank you, Lucifer for the generous offer." Andrea says with a smile at the kiss along her cheek. She can feel her arms goosebump ever so slightly at the touch. She glances over to Alice, lifting her glass up to take a sip from it again. "I'll text Sam later and let him know you're going to ping him." She says as she finishes the drink, then gives a lick of her lips. "I should get going myself. It's late and James has to drive me home before he goes on to his next job. That and I want Jay to see me in this dress." She says as she takes her flats and slips her feet into them, then rises upwards. "You can text me later when you figure out what you wanna do, Alice."