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Revision as of 03:39, 17 April 2021

Welcome to the club!
Date of Scene: 17 April 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Faith meets Buff at the Box to ask fir help in finding a demon. *gasp!*
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been a few weeks since Buffy had invited Faith to check out the private training room in the back of the Magic Box. Perhaps it was a gesture of good faith on her part, trying to smooth out the tension that tended to rear its ugly head between them from time to time.

Or maybe she was desperate to keep her in line before she lost her way and wrecked havok on the citizens of Bludhaven without a proper outlet. Orr maybe she just wants to test her, boss her around, beat her to a bloody pulp. Let's face it, there are many reasons why she could have extended an invitation to her, and really, their relationship has always been complicated.

Whatever the case, Buffy never expected her to actually take her up on the offer, but all the same she is down in the training room, practicing a kata with her eyes closed, listening to relaxing music as one of their new part time staff upstairs waits out the last hour of watching the store before closing up for the night.

With any luck it'll be a quiet night.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith pretty much wasn't interested in the training. But a chance to face off against Buffy? That was always amusing. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure she'd have the time for it tonight.

There was the little jingle of noise upstairs, probably lost on the Slayer due to the music playing in the back room. Faith gave a nod to the help and walked right past. Seemed she was expected because she wasn't stopped. Probably good for the help. Or maybe they just realized trying to stop this particular woman might be bad for their health. Either way.

She slipped into the back room and frowned. A look around in the hopes of finding the suspect responsible for that awful music!

"What the hell, Buffy? This music is like something you'd hear playing at a wake. Did someone die? Am I gonna be mad I wasn't there?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers opens one eye, sensing a shift in the air, the subtle movement of someone just outside the door before she enters. She smirks, relaxing from her stance and shrugs. She was almost finished anyway.

"Faith, hey, how you been? Causing trouble as usual?" she smirks as she says that, though it's often difficult to tell if she's teasing or chastising her. "It's been a while, didn't think you'd ever show up here.."

As she speaks, Buffy moves to turn off the radio before grabbing a towel. She's dressed in workout clothes, black leggings, a light pink sports bra and matching headband keeping sweat off her face, hair tied up in a high ponytail.

"Just some ambient music, helps me focus when I'm practicing or meditating.."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"You know me," Faith said, unapologetic and owning who she was. "If there is trouble to be had, sign me up."

She strolled into the room. Unlike Buffy, she was not dressed for a workout. Jeans, black tank top, her denim jacket over it. Heavy black boots. She walked heavier than she needed to, so the boots clumped loudly on the floor with each step. She didn't always walk like that thus it was being done on purpose for some reason.

"Can't say I've got the time to play today. Which is too bad. Got a tip on a Juru Demon that has set up shop down in the warehouse district in Bludhaven. Wanted to see if you wanted to come along? You probably could use the practice."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a slightly wary brow at the clunking boots as Faith ventures close to the training mat, which she has kept clean and boot free thus far; of note, she is herself standing barefoot. Siiigh..

"Well, yeah, you got that right. You're just a little trouble magnet, aren't you?" another smirk. Only way to deal with her, really. The mention of a Juru demon causes her smile to fade just a bit. Honestly she has enough on her plate right now, but on the other hand, Buffy was trying to encourage Faith to be more of a team player.

"Juru demon huh? Tell me more..Don't think I've met one of those before.."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith clumps closer then right at the edge of the mats she stops. She glances down at the blue material then up at Buffy. That hint of a smirk is seen and she lifts a foot--then turns and goes back the opposite direction. Giles or her previous Watcher apparently at least taught her to respect the mats.

"Juru. Big. Green skin. Crazy strong. You can stab and cut all you want but it just gets better. The only way to kill them is feed them an appleseed. So thought hey, I bet B would have fun helping shove a 'pill' down the maw of a Rottweiler the size of a Buick!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow. "Appleseed, huh? Sounds like you've done your homework." she smirks, and chuckles even at the whole 'needing practice' bit. "Me. Needing practice, huh? That's kinda ironic. And here I thought I was the senior Slayer."

Still, she's all smiles, even if there's a faint edge of tension to her voice. The respect for the mat is noticed though, with an approving nod. "Soo we just feed him..Appleseeds and he's no longer wigging out on us? Sounds a bit too easy but sure, count me in. When do you wanna go down there?"

Of course if she has time, Buffy will likely do her own research, if only to make sure Faith didn't miss anything.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Senior just means you're older and slower. Definitely need the practice," Faith says with a laugh as she starts toward that door she entered. "I need to go check with a couple of contacts, confirm where he's going to be and when. Hopefully tomorrow night. If you guys can dig up any other options, I'd be all for it. Pretty sure getting him to be a goodest-boy and take his appleseed isn't going to be a walk in the park so advantages would be welcome."

Translation: Faith just asked for help. Might be a good idea to write this somewhere in a journal as /that/ day.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "Seriously? I'm not much older than you and you know it. But I am more experienced than you. However, maybe you could use the practice! hmm?" she nods slowly, watching Faith's hasty retreat and smiles, "Sure sounds good. You know where to find me. And, uh, Faith? Thanks for coming to me about this.." hey, this is good right? Maybe it means she's opening up more, starting to trust Buffy more. That's gotta be a good sign, right?