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The Devil's Dues
Date of Scene: 18 April 2021
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Sinister pays Club Lux a visit to speak business with Lucifer. They're joined by Andrea and Jay for a little bit.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Rage, Lucifer, Icarus

Sinister has posed:
It is early in the evening, on a brisk april day, given of shafts of heavenly glow and pissing it down, depending on what its current mood is. Speaking of moods, the quiet early evening lull of Lux is punctuated by the tall figure of Sinister in an Armani suit stepping through the red cord barricade into the swish confines of a Bygone age. His hair is a little long, tied back very neatly in a ponytail and he carries also a golden fob watch, clicked open to check the time and shut in a matter of a moment. Tick-tock Nathaniel, time waits for no man.

He strides with casual purpose to one of the seating areas, with a good view of where performances occur, whether practice runs for the night's festivities or 'afternoon players' tickling the ivories with mellow easy listening. A martini is ordered, dirty.

Rage has posed:
Out on the dance floor is Andrea Jackson. She's not twenty-one yet, but that doesn't seem to stop an A-Lister from enjoying herself at one of the hottest clubs. She didn't even stand in line. Lines are for losers. Tonight the popstar is dressed in a snug black dress that hits at the knees and a pair of velvet boots that travel half up her thigh. Her hair and make-up is on point. She's currently reveling in the dark and moody-techno music that rumbles through the speakers.

She doesn't seem to lack a partner as she swaps them in and out through the songs. She brings them to the edge, then drops them off it and wanting more. She is as talented performer and even though this may not be her stage, she commands it as if it is.

Throughout the club, there has been a murmur about her presence. Mutant. Celebrity. Is she dangerous? But this type of crowd tends to draw the dangerous types, so there is more curiousity than alarm.

Lucifer has posed:
A waitress swoops by Sinister's table, delivering the dirty martini shortly after it's ordered. Just as fast as she walks by, she's gone again, moving along to other tables and orders. The DJ is having a blast playing that moody-techno which is appealing to the crowd for the moment, letting them dance and drop as they see fit.

Somewhere on the second floor, beyond the seated area and the bar, and adjacent to the little hallway where the elevator to the penthouse lies, is a roped off section. A few signs are attached to a velveteen curtain that read 'Stay Out' and 'Under Construction'. But no one ever seems to go into or come from that curtain. Ever. So it's a mystery what could be behind it.

Then, the man of the night arrives, stepping out from this elevator and turning to move to his perch. A spot where he can see the dance floor but can also keep note of who is at the bar. If anyone requires his attention, or perhaps his services. Which sort of leaves dear Lucifer with a bit of a conundrum. Does he approach the man...or the woman?

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze lifts to the waitress, a slight incline of the head all that is given for prompt service. After all, there are expectations! He settles then to a casual sidelong lean in his seat, legs tucked to the side and one elbow on the back of the plush chair, that he might watch the sea of humanity and their moth-like reponses to the danger magnets.

The lights catch the red diamond in his forehead, set it to glinting in the shift of the programmed settings, blood red eyes glowing as he gazes out. There's no effort at all to disguise who he is, or that he's not remotely human, but there is also no sensation of overt malice of forethought to his presence here.

Whatever drew him to the club is a mystery; but Andrea is remarked, as his martini is lifted, the olive within it removed on its little stick and twirled idly like a tiny wand. And then upwards, to the Prince in his roost, gaze remaining there as if in a dare.

Rage has posed:
As she moves, Andrea's body is a weapon of it's own. As she rocks side to side, her arms raise up and over her head, crossing her wrists in an 'X'. She falls deep into the pulse and beat of the music, giving her partner for the moment a taste of thousands of hours of choreography. The one before her is a gentleman, not making small talk and just dancing.

But, there is always that one guy in a club that has let his drinks give him more cougarag than smarts. Another man, dressed in a smart suit slips up behind her, sliding his arms around her from behind and giving her a firm tug from behind. He drops his mouth down to her ear to speak to her. Whatever it is that he says causes Andrea's face to scrunch up and tug away. She gives him an incredulous look. As she looks to walk away, she feels her hand snagged, followed by another tug as she stumbles back from the yank to her shoulder.

The crowd is a buzz of electricity by now as her first partner steps up to say something, but is rewarded by a fist to the mouth by the aggressive drunk. As the music rumbles louder and the beat climbs higher, the young woman can feel the heat of rage explode within her chest as she turns her eyes upon him, flashing her teeth. "Back. Off."

"Come on, baby. You know you want it. I know the owner. I'll give you the VIP treatment."

"Seriously, back off." She wrestles her hand away from him.

Lucifer has posed:
Well, Sinister would have gotten the answer to his dare, until someone decided to be a dickweed on the dance floor. Lucifer watches, or at the very least catches some of that last bit of interaction between dipshit and Andrea, and his eyes flash for a brief moment with flickering hellfire. He would try to stay out of things, but someone had to get punchy, which means he's got more than a overzealous drunk on his hands now.

It's a breath. A blink. And where he once stood is empty, almost as if he were never there, and then he's behind the man who's trying to toy with Andrea. A tilt of his head just before he grabs the arm of the hand that Andrea wrestles free and eyes look to the aggressive drunk. "If you truly knew me, you would have never laid hands on her after the first time she told you to back up. Soon as the lady showed she wasn't interested. That was mistake number one." He briefly shifts his gaze to the man on the second floor who likely has a decent view of what's going on and then looks back to the drunk. "Using me as a way to try to get into someone's pants is just undignified. That, was mistake number two. Lucky you, I usually give three strikes, but you're on thin ice."

He then turns to Andrea, reaching to set a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright, my dear? Why don't we take a break from the dance floor?"

A motion to the punched one. "Your next drink is on the house." Then his attention goes back to Andrea, waiting for her to make a decision.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze tracked down, an instant before Lucifer vanished from above, to the spot where he materialized, watching the interaction with those calm tworls of the olive on its stick. Idly, it's then dipped into the martini, to become a stir for the dirty. There is a cluck of the tongue, the dimmest of glows to the crystal on his forehead and after having been so curtailed by the host of Lux, the man who dared finds himself oddly steering toward the exit, looking more than a little dumbstruck and confused. More so when he walks twice into the wall before making it to the actual exit.

Sinister smiles faintly to himself, looks to his martini and sips, glancing up only afterwards, to review the situation of popstrel and prince of hell. His foot bounces idly to the beat, until he stares fleetingly at it, as if in scolding.

Rage has posed:
"Come on, girl. You've been fucking my eyes all night." As the tipsy parton takes another step towards her, his grin crooked and sloppy, he looks as if he was about to reach for her again, but it is Lucifer's voice that causes him to stiffen as if ice just ran down his back. He swallows tightly as he turns around to face him.

"M.. Mister Morningstar. Eeh.. heh. We're just having some fun.. that's all. My bad. I didn't mean any harm."

As Andrea gives the man another look, she feels her 'hackles' lowering as she straightens up. She didn't realize that both of her fists were balled up, her stance taking on a defensive ground to sky. As she blows out some hair to exhale, she gives a nod to the owner, then brushes some hair away from her eyes. "Yes, I think I'm done with dancing for now. I could use a drink."

She gives a quick glance to the man that was punched and offers him a smile. "Thank you." For getting punched for her?

With that, she starts for the bar, striding confidently through the crowd before the DJ turns it up once more and gets them moving again.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just scoffs and moves around the drunk to reach Andrea's side where he'll place a hand on the small of her back and walk with her to the bar. "Well, that's a hell of a way to find you. Are you alright?" This asked of her before he motions to the bar and smirks. "First drink is on me, as always." Waiting, perhaps, for her to answer and then he'll bow his head. "I need to make a round. I'll be back."

Once that's said and done, he'll turn his gaze until eyes land on Sinister. A smirk rides the corners of his lips as he shifts to walk over to the other man's table. "Everything going alright for you, sir?"

Sinister has posed:
"Oh, very much so," Highly educated, as English as Lucifer is, the voice from Sinister is deep and refined, nuanced with a hint of amusement as he raises his glass to the Lord of Hell, a toast to interferences or the angel himself; meaning is often up to interpretation. After all, that's why there's a thousand misunderstandings in the world. "Lucifer Morningstar, I believe? A pleasure to at least briefly say hello," Nathaniel offers a smile, faint and entirely proper, he gestures with the martini to the bar. "You left the lady hanging though, which I am sure is a crime in some circles." He sips of his drink, looking beyond the Host to Andrea, at whom his eyes flash fleetingly brighter. I see you darling.

Rage has posed:
Once she reaches the bar, Andrea places an order for her margarita on the rocks. Blackberry. The tender doesn't even blink or card her. If she's in, she's /in/. There are no narcs in Club Lux. She gives Lucifer a smile. "Enjoy your rounds."

As she settles in to sip at her drink, she turns around to face the club so not to have it at her back. She leans back, one leg folding over the other in her recling. As her eyes sweep through the area, she bobs her head to the music. As she feels the eyes of Essex upon her, she glances over and settles her gaze into his. She instantly recognizes him, and for a moment her face may betray her, but just as Hollwood has trained her, she smooths it out and keeps her eyes moving. Don't linger. Not too long.

Lucifer has posed:
"The one and only.." Well perhaps not the one and only but Lucifer was THE one and only that had any further claim to the name and what it represents than just the name itself. "Are you not staying for long? Was there something in particular I could help you with?" Asking this before Sinister is pointing out a possible flaw in how Lucifer left Andrea alone. He takes a brief moment to look back at the popstar and then brings his attention back to Sinister. "Perhaps in some circles, but this..." He motions to the club. "Is my circle and as such, I have done nothing wrong. She can handle herself." The only reason why he even went to 'help' is because someone had gotten punched. And maybe he didn't appreciate Mister Handsy who was trading on 'knowing the owner'...does that even still work?

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's fob watch comes out once again, clicked open and set on the table where his martini coaster resides. Tick tock, Tick tock, the hands spin around the face, a brass tableau of westminster and the iconic Big Ben complete with hackney carriage and cobblestones of Westminster bridge, are depicted. It looks like an old timepiece. "I had no great plans to run away, but one must always be cognisant of the fact one might not have as much time as one might like," Essex replies, proffering a hand in greeting to the owner of Lux. "Doctor Nathaniel Essex. I have held off on meeting you for far too long, I feel. Perhaps there is something you might help me with, in the nature of esoterica. But perhaps that is for later in the evening, hmm?" He can smile charmingly sometimes, does so now, with a purposeful glance back toward Andrea.

"She most certainly can handle herself. I do hope she doesn't get odd ideas in her lovely head though. We are all allowed social engagements after all, are we not?" And as if to punctuate it, he gives a little fingerwave at the pop-star at the bar. He might be having far too much fun with that.

Rage has posed:
Taking another sip of her drink, Andrea slips her phone out from her purse once it is handed to her by the bartender. She taps along the glass, paying the device her full attention as she listens to the music. The conversation that the pair are having is too far away and doesn't rise over the rumble of speakers, so she can't eavesdrop.

Not that she would. It's none of her business. She hums to herself, twirling some hair around in her free hand to let it curl, then bounce against her shoulder.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smirks a little more, extending his hand out to shake Sinister's own with a firm grip. "Well, Doctor Essex, it's nice meeting you." Whether that remains true or not could be anyone's guess at this point. "Time is a fleeting thing, this is true, however I have nothing but...regardless of how one looks at it." That whole damned for eternity thing. "If it can wait until a bit later in the evening, that would be best. If it's a very important need to know or discuss now...well...there are a few ways we could go about that."

Still, his attention goes back to Andrea for a brief moment, just to make sure she's still alright. That no one is trying to gain her attention or her *attentions* in any way, shape, or form. Finally, perhaps satisfied for the moment, he shifts and sits across from Sinister without asking if he could. A waitress stops by and delivers a whiskey before walking off again. "So...how can I help?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister doesn't seem to mind in the slightest that his table is joined. Far from it, it eases him into a more relaxed posture, comfortable in the seat and his skin both. He looks over at Andrea again, this time as if weighing. "She may be texting warnings out, Lord Morningstar. Or she may be simply observing. Or, I may be being entirely egotistical and believing that my infamy creates conditions that do not exist. It's -quite- the quandary. Maybe she would care to join us?" -- the answer to that is probably a huge no, but it never hurts to ask!

Looking back at the archangel, he smiles almost self-depreciatingly. "I find that in my life I have had exemplary vision, but also at times am blinkered and blinded by a course of destiny that I am forever drawn back to, a frustrating moebius loop. It struck me just the other evening, when confronted with a demon, that there is a good deal more betwixt heaven and earth than is dreamt of in /any/ philosophy. You could say I'm having a minor crisis."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer actually lets out a laugh before giving a shake of his head, lifting his glass to swirl the amber liquid around gently before taking a sip. "I doubt she's texting out warnings of any sort..." He muses, and considers that lest Andrea wishes to not make a killing this weekend when she performs, warning people would be the last thing she would do.

None the less, his attention is on Sinister, and the crisis that he lays upon the table. "There has always been more between heaven and earth, or even hell and earth, or heaven and hell...than some pantheons would want you to believe. God, in all his infinite wisdom and infallicy, is above all else *jealous* and would rather one believes that it is only him and none other... when, in fact, all else exists..." He speaks and then he shrugs, sipping from his glass again. "So what loop has you within a crisis so much that you think someone as lesser as I am could possibly begin to fathom an assist with?"

Speaking of texting, a message appears on Andrea's mobile after a few moments. If Lucifer was playing with a phone, he's done it subtly - but only one hand is needed for drinking surely. << Planning on staying at the bar alone? My lap could use some company.. ~L.M. >>

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks over at the bar, watching again for a fleeting moment -- text ring out, DINGDING you've got mail -- But he can't hear that, only feel intentions and there's a lot of that in the room. Better to reign it all back in or he'll give himself a headache, or worse, will get distracted by the sheer volumes of desire. Looking over Lucifer's face, he reaches to the stem of his martini, finger tracing along the glass, a slow lift, circle and down with the tip of a fingernail, chin dropped that his gaze is hooded. "Norse thundergods, tricksters, ancient aliens -- oh yes, it's rather hard to deny the eyes there. Mind, I'm not completely sold on the Asgardian divinity. THey strike me as far more xenobiological. But I digress..."

He leans forward just a little, creating more intimacy in the lounge nook. "Once a long time ago, I made the proverbial deal with /a/ devil and it has plagued me. This however, is old hat. I wonder if a brave new world changes my design at all. I am vexed. Should I diversify my portfolio, or remain stuck in a rutt."

Lucifer has posed:
"They're more a nusiance than they are actually anything substantial. Loki's got a good brain but he uses it stupidly. Thor's just an asshole." Lucifer speaks and then lifts a single shoulder in a shrug. Both his hands fold together on the table as he regards Sinister for a lingering moment. As the man speaks about having made a deal with /a/ devil, because he certainly didn't make a deal with THE devil, a smirk curls Lucifer's lips.

"I suppose it all depends on the devil you made the deal with. Do they still exist? Have they reached out to you at all?" He leans back in his seat then, lifting his glass to take another sip of his whiskey. "Do you want me to see if I can buy your deal if it still lingers somewhere?"

Rage has posed:
As she taps along the phone, Andrea gives a glance down at her Apple Watch at times as if to check the time. She glances down at the text and scrunches her face up, then sends back one to Lucifer.

<< I'm sure you won't have any issue finding someone to fill your lap. Maybe that blonde who has been eyeing you all night? >>

Her lips quirk upwards a bit as she scrolls her finger idly along the glass, reaching out for another glass to sip from.

Sinister has posed:
"Unfortunately, yes." Sinister does a figure of eight with his finger in the air. "Hence moebius loop," he glances over the seething masses, his chin lifting with a certain kind of stubbon pride. "And periodically, yes. The trouble is, all things told, I rather -like- this world. It's not ideal and there are a lot of rooms that need improving, but I don't much fancy enslaved masses, destroyed nations, cataclysm and strife as being the recipe for tomorrow. We've been there and done that and it's unsavoury. Have you ever heard of En Sabbah Nur?" There is a distinct pause here, as something kind of clicks with Sinister's thought process.

"He was big around egypt at about the time He," pointing up at the sky "...got all interested in Moses and others. Older than that, actually, but you may have encountered."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer seems to think on things a moment and then shrugs his shoulders. "Heard of, yes. Had the pleasure? Unfortunately, not really." Not that he can remember, anyway, and he's generally good at remembering things. One hand slips under the table again, not that there's anything he needs to hide - but it's been his schtick for the night so why change it. A little smirk teases at his lips and he sighs as much physically as he does soundily.

<< Ah. And so I am denied once again. Seriously though, are you holding up alright? Need anything? >>

His attention goes back to Doctor Essex after that lingering moment. "So, you like this world, but you don't like that your attachment to this world is based upon a deal with an Egyptian devil..." He muses. "...What would you like me to do about it?"

Icarus has posed:
That had been an adventure. There was the usual line at the door of people wanting to gett into the club. So when Jay had moved to the front of that line, to the doorman, and explained he was just here to pick up Andrea. Yes, that Andrea. No, he wasn't a stalker or a crazy person. No, he hadn't waited in line because he was just to pick her up and didn't have hours to stand. Yes, he seriously was not a stalker.

It only ended when a handful of ladies in line screamed and suddenly were out of line to gett selfies and autographs. Because he had been seen on tv after all, for New Years. And he was in the tabloid pictues with Andrea quite often. Then the doorman believed him and let him in. After he paid the cover chargetd.

Now Jay entered, pausing on the upper level to get the lay of the land then starting down the stairs. He had his wings tucked tight to his body and an imaget inducer on so they wouldn't be visible. Otherwise he wore baggy jeans and a tank top, leaving his arms bare since he left his jacket at the check once he was inside.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's attention drops to the table, tapping his fingernail on the glass of martini with his lips quirking a very slight amusement at the schtick. "Quite simply, I would like to be free of that shackle. One way or another -- I swear I sound like a broken record, even in my own ears. It's deplorable." And maybe the devil with his own agenda and a divinity you don't really believe in, is a better alternative to Apocalyptic nightmares? Then there is a sigh, a glance toward the door just before the screaming starts outside - spikes of super excited rattling the brain.

So it is that he's watching the arrival of Jay Guthrie as the young man enters, looking back at Lucifer and smiling more fully, as if thoughts had gone to wicked places. "I believe I am going to like this club." He muses.

Rage has posed:
There's a smirk upon Andrea's face as she glances at the phone. She rolls her eyes upwards.

<< You are very handsome and charming Lucifer, but the guy's lap that I plan on sitting on just walked in the door. That's my lead singer, Jay, and my boyfriend. The red haired guy with the guns for arms. >>

She rises upwards from her seat, tucking her phone back into her purse as she makes her way over towards the red haired boy, lifting her hand upwards to get his attention. Once she reaches him, her arms wrap around his neck and she leans in and presses her lips to his for a firm kiss. He can taste the blackberry on her lips, her favorite margarita.

"Hey babe. I want you to meet the owner, Lucifer Morningstar." She says as her hand slips into his, leading him towards the table. "He's the one who signed us for a gig coming up."

Lucifer has posed:
"So we're back to you wanting me to perchance get you rid of this shackle, but you also don't wish for the shackle removal to rip you from this reality." Lucifer sums up, in a statement that also holds a question to perhaps ensure he got it right. He does look to the message he received on his phone and a brow raises but he doesn't respond. Instead, he finishes his whiskey and sets the glass on the edge of the table.

Icarus has posed:
Jay's smile is bright as Andrea meets him. She gets a quick hug and kiss. He glances around at the so popular club. "This place is great." Then the addition of wanting him to meet the host. "Oh sure. If it's a good time. I figure he's a busy man the way this place is lit."

He catches her hand in his and motions for her to lead the way since he is clueless where the owner might be in the crowd. The hand is both because he likes that touch but also so he doesn't get lost in the crowd as they work their way through.

Sinister has posed:
"Correct, Lord Morningstar. I would rather like to continue existing. Hence, the entire quandary and the expanding of my perceptions. Of course, you don't have to say anything about it now, I'm in no hurry. I have eternity, as far as I know," Sinister muses this, FINALLY finishing of his martini with a look to the archangel. "Business all out of the way, I believe I may remain simply for the pleasure of it."

That said, his face shimmers, shifts, flows, as do his clothes, becoming another face in the crowd. A handsome face, that could quite easily get itself attached to anything it feels like having, no doubt.

Rage has posed:
"As a warning, he's really flirty and he can charm the pants off .. anyone. You're also hot, so .. I hope to God he makes you blush. It's so cute when you do." Andrea teases against his ear with a giggle before she squeezes his hand tighter. "Isn't this place awesome? Check out the GoGo dancers? The DJ is over there." She motions.

As they make their way to the table, she clears her throat. "Lucifer, pardom my interruption, I wanted you to meet Jay Guthrie before we headed off in a bit. He's my lead singer." Her eyes trail back to Sinister for a moment, still smiling, but in that Hollywood manner. Her eyes meet his, then glances up slightly towards that red jewel on his head. She gives Jay another tight squeeze.

Lucifer has posed:
"Please. If you're going to be at all formal, at least just use the name Lucifer. I'm no Lord of Cardiff or something like that, and any link to..." Lucifer motions upwards and then shakes his head. "Anyway. I can see what I can find out.. this is not a yes or a no, or anything definite. I will get back with you when I know more."

His attention is then gained by Andrea and company. Standing, he offers a smile and offers a hand to Jay. "Mister Guthrie, a pleasure it is to finally meet you. Andrea has nothing but wonderful words in your favor." He offers, that silken voice holding just a touch of...something. Then he looks to Andrea and nods. "Thank you for doing so. I am glad to meet him...and I look forward to you both being on stage this weekend. Thank you for agreeing to perform in my...humble palace..." Yeah. That's putting it *lightly*.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's red diamond is the last to disappear behind the facade of normal human being. Young. Not pale. Dressed for the club. He smiles at Andrea, winking even. There is a nod to Lucifer though, "When you know something or have a notion, just think loudly in my direction. I'll find you." He notes, then slips free of the table, disappearing into the crowd with the same little fingerwave he gave Andrea before. No doubt as soon as he's gotten out of sight, he's shapeshifted once again to be altogether invisible. Even crusty old doctors need to feel alive sometimes and one never knows who one might find in a nightclub run by the Devil himself.

It could be interesting.

Rage has posed:
Once Jay shakes Lucifer's hand and introduces himself, Andrea gives a bright smile as she leans in to the winged mutant's shoulder, even if they can't see it due to Xavier technology. The young popstar watches Sinister head off, her eyes tracking him for a moment before giving a 'sniff' at the air a few times as if to record something to memory.

"We are on our way home, but we wanted to thank you again for being a gracious host, as well as tending to that small issue earlier. I really appreciated it." She says.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer watches as Sinister-not-Sinister disappears into the crowd, and then he furrows his brows a bit. He has a feeling he's going to need to keep a close eye on that one. Then his attention is all on Andrea and Jay. He's back to smiling even. "Of course. No one comes into my club and does anything that that wanker did. I was happy to help, even if I knew you didn't really need my help..." He offers. "I was more hoping to keep the peace since one other person did get punched in that whole process." A breath then. "Well. I won't hold you up, and I should go see about some other business any how. If you don't come back by, I will see you Saturday night. Have a wonderful evening."

Rage has posed:
"I didn't need the help, but I appreciate it none the less. I can't .. um.. do stuff in public. Photos. You know.. cameras. So, I just suck it up and take it. Smile through the bullshit." Andrea says as she gives another glance to Jay who looks at her worriedly.

"We'll talk about it in the car, don't worry. Just some doofus with too much liquid courage. That's all." She knows he will worry, but she's good at cooling him off. As much as she loves watching him be alpha male and protective, she knows it's not worth the trouble. But it'd be 'hot'.

"But, yes, we will see you on Saturday. Thank you again for hiring us. I hope my manager was able to work with you. I made sure to tell him not to charge you the usual rate. I'm doing this on the cheap because I love the place and Lux has always been good to me."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles and nods, leaning in after a moment, he presses a kiss to Andrea's cheek just below her ear as he usually does. "You're welcome. I was happy to help." He offers this and then looks out to the dance floor a moment. "Don't think he's done much more for the night, likely because he knows I'm lurking."

This, and then Lucifer grins. "Anyway. I truly am away for now. Your manager was a pleasure, but you'll never know what I paid to have you Saturday.." His eyes sparkle at that before he inclines his head. "Goodnight." Shifting to turn and walk away from them, blending into the crowd a bit as he goes.