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Latest revision as of 01:51, 28 April 2021

Just another night..
Date of Scene: 27 April 2021
Location: Masonic Cemetery, Sunnydale (TBD)
Synopsis: Buffy meets Deadpool. Weirdness ensues.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Deadpool

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's a quiet night, Buffy actually wasn't expecting anything crazy to happen after patrolling the nearby park for an hour. Now, as she steps into the even quieter cemetary, she's really expecting it to be a quiet (read: boring) night..

There's a cool breeze tonight, making it not quite warm enough for her to ditch her leather jacket, and she didn't bother to arm herself heavily tonight as things were looking pretty uneventful. But of course she's got a few wooden stakes on hand.

There are also a couple of fresh open graves..Surely those will attract trouble?

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool had just finished his conferation with Willow, and the others a few days ago, but he had not forgotten what they had said about his curse. He sighed to himself, and just wondered tonight letting fate take him where it might. Of course he didn't notice if there were any escapies wondering through not paying any attention getting deeper, and deeper in. He looks up, and stops... "Dang it... where am I..." he glances around, and sees some stranger hiding behind one of the gravesites waiting to ambush someone else he didn't yet see.

To Buffy, a man dressed in Red, and Black head to toe even wearing gloves to hide his hands walks into view for a moment not seeing her, but over to one of the graves. He seems to be looking at something or someone that he had just walked up quietly behind. "Hey buddy... Whatcha doing. Looking kinda creepy there.." though he is interupted, at that point.

One very surprised Vampire that was meaning to jump the lady with the spikes instead is turning on DP. There are others of course, but this one seems though utterly surprised by the man walking up to him deciding he was the easier pray. He launches himself at DP, springing the 'trap' as DP only can say, "Hey buy me dinner first at least." falling backwards himself.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes, totally focused on the fresh graves. Fortunately, all her intense training as a master martial artist and weapons master hasn't been for nothing. She's got her senses peeled, and is about to launch herself on one of the vamps when a new comer steps into the frey, attacking one of the vamps.

Her first reaction is one of surprise, staring at the weird, costumed superhero and shaking her head. "Woah, another hellclown? Like I didn't have enough trouble with the first." with a sigh, she's about to step over and stake the vamp, but suddenly more graves are being disturbed as a total of six more vampires rise fresh from the grave and quite hungry too.

Eyes narrow as she turns on the closest, engaging in a little fun combat dance as two of them attempt to rush in for a pincer attack, ducking down at the last moment and footsweeping one of them off his feet.

"Alright, let's dance.." she grins.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool not sure what is going on is bitten by the Vampire, as he yells "Oooowww!" as he kicks and hits the thing trying to do damage like one would a normal person but it doesn't seem to be working. That is until the Vampire rears back spitting and clawing at his mouth where he had bitten the man. It yells or trys to "What arrre you!" as the blood he just drank seems toxic. The point where he was bit already healing, as Wade reaches back pulling a sword he chops off the head of the struggling vampire though not knowing what it is he sighs.. "Great... I am not going to get in trouble for this you bastard!" thinking he just killed someone again though the body seems to turn to dust.

Hacking and spitting he stands again ignoring the other vampires.. "Oh... I got some of him in my mouth!" though he was wearing a mask and is just covered in vamp dust.

He looks over at Buffy, and lifts an eyebrow.. "Okay two things." he adds steping to the side he bends tossing one of the Vampires trying to interupt him into one of the near gravesites hard enough to brake the stone with the things back. "What are you supposed to be... I mean your not even wearing a masks for goodness sake." he lifts his foot kicking on the back of the neck of the one that is down to slow then down a bit more. He draws his other blade now having two out he looks around at the other five glancing back at Buffy, "And where is this clown.. I hate clowns" he adds in a serious voice for he really really hated clowns.

He misunderstands what she says though, and shrugs. "Okay lady.. but I warn ya.. I am a horrible dance partner." he takes a few steps out to the open. Wade is a motion of silver as he walks forward normally towards her, he dips past one chopping off an arm as smothly as one would a cake. He continues walking forward and he dives, and dodges another two he comes up standing infront of the woman looking down. He holds out a hand.. "Hi.. My name is Deadpool though right now I think your the wierder thing here." and gives a grin though he can't stand there for long as two vampires jump on his back knocking him down into a mess as another one jumps on the pile right infront of her.

Under the pile can be heard "That is cheating... hey stop it.." as the rest are now moving towards Buffy the wierd one under the mass of bodies is 'taken care of' though they still seem to be fighting.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is pretty busy with her own flock of vamps to really pay attention to the exchange between the costumed weirdo and the vamp who doesn't seem to care much for his blood. She's busy ducking and dodging more blows by the two vamps before swiftly staking them with expert ease, then turns to face the remaining vamps, a slightly excited smirk on her face.

"Who am I? Who are you?" she talks between an exchange of blows with the next vamp, as if she does this all the time. "Oh yeah, I'm the slayer. Don't tell me you haven't heard of The Slayer?" you know, most people in the supernatural sphere have at least heard of her at least.

As for the other comment, she just chuckles, shaking her head as she casually drives yet another stake through the third vamp's heart. "Who needs a tacky costume when normal clothes work just as well? Glad to hear you're not a clown, cuz one Hellequin's enough.."

Though she's still trying to figure out his costume. When he so casually dispatches - or at least maims the vamps rushing at him and offers his hand, she just arches a brow at him. "Wait, are you serious? In the middle of a battle? Oohhhh waaait, you're THAT Deadpool!" She doesn't shake the offered hand, but as she's suddenly tackled by another vamp, Buffy rolls to the ground, bringing it with her, and hurling it at a nearby tombstone, before tossing her stake at its heart, causing another one to poof in a cloud of dust.

Deadpool has posed:
There is a struggle, but then there is a yell from one of the Vamps in the pile then another as they try to kill their target the dust of the ground gets thrown up and it is hard to see. The fight looks to be going badly for whoever is down here, and they keep fighting as from a tree near the squabble she would hear. "As far as I can tell.." though the others haven't realized it yet. In the mess of the fight Dp got lose, and snuck out of the fight and they were fighting each other now as he had just tossed his extra shirt in there so they could see the pattern now and then.

He glances around at the vamps walking out into the open again, "The Slayer... Like the band?" and grins at her. The vamps that were struggling starting to realize he isn't there looking or him. He looks at the three.. "I guess she doesn't believe me.. come on I need to show her." one of the vamps coming up hit him though he doesn't block it at all. His head is hit to the point where it spins around facing the other way. The vampire laughs and looks at the other two with a smug look of he had just killed this foe. What he doesn't see is though DP falls to a knee he reaches up and reverses his head back to facing the right way with a cracking noise. He holds it there for a minute, as the two desperatly point at the smug vamp to turn back around.

Of course it is too late by the time the wide eyed Vamp turns to look at Wade as his head is already severed and falling off.

Deadpool lets go holding his head with one hand as it had already healed back again. "Happy now kid.. one of those things no-one believes till they see it." and laughs again moving to the other two vamps. If they can feel fear now might be a good time as the one they been trying to kill they just succeded, and it didn't work. They couldn't drink from him, so as he took a step toward the two they stepped away from him.

He just smiled at them, "So you big stuff huh... Well Miss Slayer how bout we wrap this up, and you can tell me what exactly is going on here. It seems I can't even walk though a dark spooky cemetery alone these days!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has of course heard that very line, like a hundred times. And it always gets old like a hundred times over. She groans and shakes her head rapidly.

"No! That's just..I mean..Would I be..Ugh, nevermind!" she watches the confusing mess of vampires in the wake of Deadpool's dramatic entrance and singles one out, rushing at him as he disentangles himself from the others, taking her time to beat him to a bloody pulp as she talks.

"Let me rephrase that, since you clearly have not heard of me. Hi, I'm Buffy the Vampire slayer." she slams the stake into vamp no. 4, leaving what, maybe one or two vamps left by now?

Shes about to add another snarky comment, but pauses to watch deadpool in total surprise as his head whips around. Like way too far around to be for real. And did he just heal his hand? And yet somehow he's still..Alive?!

"Woah wait what? Are you saying you're another Wolverine?" She laughs, "Well isn't that just great. A Wolverine wannabe with a terrible sense of humour that dresses like a clown. Or something."

Deadpool has posed:
He chuckles, and listens to her the last two infront of him as he moves forward chopping with laughter at the whole thing in general. He stops sword to neck to one of the vamps it looking at him. He looks at the vamp, and sighs.. "I don't even think the lady will want you." as he slices the head off. He speaks of lady death since they are abominations to death itself she wouldn't mind him wiping them out a bit for nothing. He glances over at her as the dust cloud shoots up. "You know Wolvie... good guy.. doesn't like hugs." and laughs as he remembers. The last vamp is running for it, as he glances over.. "Toss me one of those wooden things.." he holds a hand open for it.

If she does he will throw it impaling the last Vampire with a whistle... "Wow that really does work.. So wierd it has to be wood."

He turns and faces her again, "I am better then that old man. He can kind of heal.. I can really heal." and winks like there is a difference though he holds up a hand. "Well Miss Buffy, I come in peace. Though if you call me a clown again we might have some issues." he finishes pointing a finger at her in a scolding manner. He tilts his head, then reaches under pulling his mask off. His face is bad, like scarred pot marked, cancerous bad.. He just adds, "Boo!" and laughs before he pulls it back over again, "Now you want to keep calling me a clown?" as he tucks in the bottom of his mask to make sure skin is all hidden.

He looks around at the dust, and grins to himself, "Though not bad at all you killed a bunch of em.. and it looks like ya are bearly even winded." he glances back at her, "I think your alright despite what people may say about you." he laughs maniacly looking into some of the graves now to make sure nothing else is moving. He is quiet a moment before he whispers, "yes.. yes I am sure.. Look they are all gone." to no-one just seeming to talk to himself a bit about the state of the vampires. He stops and turns, "Oh... they say it looks clear for now.. Though I should prob get rid of you so there are no witnesses." he smiles at her, "Don't worry they want to kill everyone I meet at first.. it isn't anything personal."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs softly, shaking her head some more. "I don't believe it..She wanted me to help this cl--guy.." oops, she almost called him a clown again. Can you really fault her? His outfit does remind her a bit of the Hellequin afterall.

"Welj, I guess you just gotta get on his good side. I was able to sneak a hug it two from him before." she smirks but shrugs, tossing him the stake. "You sure you know how to u--Oh.." ok, maybe she underestimated him. Clearly this guy has just as much training and combat knowledge as Wolverine. But wow, totally different personality.

When he pulls off his mask though, her eyes widen in surprise, taking a step back. "..Woah! What happened?!" of course he probably gets that reaction a lot too. Maybe that's why he wears a mask.

When he jokingly threatens to kill her, Buffy isn't taking any chances, tending slightly, ready for..Whatever. "Yeah, I don't think it's necessary. They're only vampires. Not like anyone's gonna miss em, seeing as they're technically dead already. And no, I dunno what's up with the whole stake thingie either."

Deadpool has posed:
He just smiles at the reaction as he was used to it by now, and there was a reason he wore this mask all the time. Though he does look up a bit surprised, "Oh.. sorry that prob sounded like a threat." he waves his hand a bit. "Don't worry about 'them'" he does the finger quotes as he stands up looking down at the grave. "If I did what they asked I would be too busy doing nothing else.. It is.. well complicated." and grins at her with that one if anyone should understand that leave it to the young adults.

He ponders for a bit.. "Hey.. I am a good guy now don't look at me like that... comon.. We killed some vamps, had some fun! You want to go kill some more I can find us some bad people? Or do they need no pulse before you go super..." he stops looking at her.. "Super Cheer... that is what I will call it.. Yes!" and nods to himself.

He doesn't answer what happened or anything about his history though, he thinks about how to answer so stalls wth other answers. Finally he stops and moves towards her slowly arms up, and he reaches, again slowly like he has a cornered animal, and pulls out a card. On the card it says 'Hi my name is Wade I have lost my memories. If lost do not call us.' and holds it out to her. The card has seen better days, burnt, bent with red flakes on it that is prob old blood. He grins at her, "Look.. I don't want to appear weak infront of a lady such as yourself, but if you know Wolvie then I guess you should know." as obviously he means the card itself

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to stare at him, though the shock has worn off now, mellowed out into half parts unamused, half parts wary. "Oh, I wasn't scared or anything. Gonna take more than a little threat to scare me.."

She shrugs, "Actually, Willow did mention you, said you might need help with your memories. I'm no doctor or anything but I suppose the least I can do is keep you out of trouble.."

Buffy continues to peer at him warily, uncertain of how to deal with this..But when he talks of killing 'bad' people, she frowns and folds her arms, staring at the card but not taking it.

"Okaay..." she sighs, "Rule number one. We don't kill people, even bad people. I am a vampire slayer. That means I'm only interested in slaying vampires. Oh and demons, zombies, and other supernatural monsters who are hostile and mean us harm. There are exceptions of course. There are a *lot* of exceptions. I have a friend or two that are werewolves. I'm dating a vampire..Well, an Incubus. I also have two other vampire friends. Well, not sure what Spike and I even are but that's another story."

As for Wolverine, Buffy just shrugs. "Since you at least know him, wouldn't it be more beneficial to be hanging around with him? I'm not a mutant hater, in fact I have a few mutant friends. But if you're a mutant, maybe they can help you better. Aren't some of them psychics?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool smiles at the scare comment and nods, "Good to hear kid, I might be a little off but it is good to know there are people who can see this and not freak out." he turns looking up at the clouds. "Even the crazies know that people don't want to be around them. You and that Willow lady aren't bad apples at least in my book." he gives a shrug though, "At least once ya stop calling people clowns that is." and turns with a small grin before looking back where he was looking.

"Miss Buffy, I wish I could follow your standards, but out of all those monsters the worst is just normal people who are so twisted they can only be stopped by a bullet. I won't ask ya about that anymore just know I do, because someone has to. If no-one does they just keep getting away with it." his hand makes a fist as he talks about it apperently it is important to him that these people get theirs but then he stops releasing the fist, "If you have friends, tell them if they see my blade coming to just say.. 'Buffy hugs Wolverines' and I will stop. It will be our code word so we are not accidently fighting each other.. I would hate to powder your boy friend as I bet that would get one pissed slayer after me." and laughs again at that.

Finally he seems to hear something, and start moving away.. "Look kid I got to go.. I you want to know why I am here and not there. It is because if I don't go out here and help the TV will never stop giving me hidden messages." he gives a wave over his back as he walks away. "If I am out here doing what I am supposed to do they keep their mouth shut for a while and let me rest." he turns suddenly as he walks backwards away.. "They will drive ya crazy after a while.. If I let them. This isn't to get my memory back." and laughs maniacly as he walks away again.