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Latest revision as of 12:53, 29 April 2021

Gotham is a Walk in the Park
Date of Scene: 27 April 2021
Location: West Chelsea Park, West Chelsea Hill
Synopsis: Wandering alone in the dark, you can come across the darndest people...
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Lucifer

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    West Chelsea Park is Frightening in the Dark, all the hooligans might be running wild. People who have to cross through the park do so hurrying between the pools formed by streetlights, as if there was something in the dark that would reach out and grab them, and they would be lost in the bushes or end up in a police blotter in the morning, face down, downriver.

    Some, however, don't have that sense of fear, whether through some strange sense of needing justice, or maybe just a lack of self-preservation.

    Tonight she was wearing a gray WayneTech jacket and warm pants tonight as she walked along, seemingly lost in thought. Her hair was still in bantu knots, but she lacked the clubbing tack she had worn, and now looks like just about any other college student in a place they really shouldn't be. Her footsteps echo on the concrete pathway as she makes a left hand turn, and pauses to gaze out over the river.

Lucifer has posed:
When one could be considered a thing that goes bump in the night, or on the other hand, doesn't have to worry about some random hooligan grabbing them, that gives them leisure to walk as they wish. Watching as others rush by him going one way or the other as darkness falls and night reigns, Lucifer just smirks and keeps his stride casual, pace even.

It's the figure that stands still, watching the river, taking no issue with the time of day that gives him pause. He never forgets a face, even if they never officially met, he could pick her and her friend out of a crowd of people at any time. Still, he doesn't want to frighten her, so he steps up next to her, but about two steps away and gazes out over the river with her.

"Beautiful night." This offered in a silken voice, a gentle tug given to his tee shirt which is black and form fitting, worn with a pair of dark denim jeans.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Nevermind the fact that Lucifer might just be able to feel the 'Light' that comes from her, little whisps, the inverse of oil leaking out of a sunken battleship.

    Her lips purse a moment -- she doesn't startle, but his appearance in particular was unexpected.

    "It is." she agrees. Her voice is warm, maybe a little brassy. Someone who did a lot of talking at one point, comfortable with strangers.

    "You're the owner of Lux, aren't you?" she asks in curiosity, looking over to her unexpected companion, and Phoebe just favors him with a warm, full-lipped smile. "Small world."

Lucifer has posed:
"You're not worried about the things that could go bump within it?" Lucifer questions, glancing over to her, a smirk on his lips. He can surely feel the Light from her, and he could see it the other night in his club. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to meet her and see what her deal might be.

"I am, indeed. You were there the other night. I tend to never forget a face. We just did not have the fortune of meeting." There's a chuckle from him then before he reaches into his pocket. "Which is a shame, because until seeing you here now, it might have taken me an awful long time to return this..." He hands over a small wallet that has a couple credit cards and cash. "I believe this belonged to your female companion from that night."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... no, not really. The night's just the blanket the city pulls over itself so it can take off the mask it wears during the day." Phoebe states, and then embarrassedly gives a grin "... which sounded so much cooler in my head."

    And then she looks at the wallet and cards.

    "Oh! Marti's wallet -- thank you! I'll be able to get this to her in lecture tomorrow --" Phoebe states, accepting the wallet, and then she looks up to the club owner.

    "So you just randomly walk around with other people's possessions in your pocket?" she asks, "in hopes you'll come accross them?"

Lucifer has posed:
"The night is when any and every thing can come alive. Doesn't really matter if it's on the side of good or bad. To be oneself is truly freeing, no matter what that is." Lucifer says, and then he shrugs. "Sounded alright to me, though. And it's not like you're lying or glorifying a falsehood."

"Ah, good. I'm glad it will go back to it's rightful owner. Don't worry, I made sure there were no transactions attempted with those cards at Lux. I can't promise no cash was taken before I found it, but it is as I found it and not a dollar less." He says this further and then sort of chuckles at her last question. "Mmn...if I said this was neither random nor normal would you believe me?" Asking this as he gives her a cheeky bit of side eye for a moment.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Just odd terminology, given our mask-wearing population." Phoebe points out with a smile, and she gives Lucifer a side-on look.

    "So it's purposeful and... weird?" she asks back of him, her nose wrinkling a little as she regards him.

    "I don't think I caught your name last night, I apologize -- how rude of me."

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah, well, this is true..." Lucifer offers this taking a breath and letting it out slowly. "Mmn, well, it's purposeful, and weird... in the sense of, I wasn't carrying it around with me. I just happened to know where I placed it in the club and - since I've ran into you - I pulled it from the club to here." He explains, and then inclines his head. "I never got your first, I don't think, so the error is on my end." He offers a hand. "Lucifer Morningstar. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "So you pulled my friend's wallet out of Lux, in Bludhaven, and transported it magically to your pocket here, in Gotham, since you happened to run into me?" Phoebe asks, her dark eyes looking Lucifer up and down before she brings her hand up to shake his. "Phoebe Beacon. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Morningstar... and if you'll forgive me a little nerdy curiosity...."

    She leans forward just slightly "Does /anyone/ quote 'The Mysterious Stranger' when you introduce yourself?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Aye. We can blame it on magic, sure." Lucifer chuckles as he says that. "But I did do it because I ran into you here, and I remember that the wallet belonged to your friend." This as he lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "Ah. So is it Miss, Mrs., or Phoebe? That you would prefer I call you..." A curious tilt of his head given before he looks back out to the water once more. "The Mysterious Stranger. Mark Twain. Published in 1916... unfortunately it was published after he died. However, to answer your question, no. What would be a good quote from that book when I introduce myself?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Sorely unfortunate name for an Angel comes to mind." Phoebe states, looking back out to the water as she tucks the wallet into a pocket inside her jacket.

    "Of course, that'd imply a whole lot of supposition on my part and assumption about you... and... just Phoebe, is fine, Mr. Morningstar." Phoebe cracks a small smile, and then she frowns. "No... I stand corrected, I apologize. Got my fictions messed up -- the angel in the story was just called --" she pauses, and then she blows out a breath of air over the river.

    "Nevermind. Should have known that trying to be clever would just end up with me embarrassed." she shakes her head.

    "And here I am babbling--"

Lucifer has posed:
"He called himself Satan. The child replied that's an unfortunate name, because it's the name of a Fallen. The angel replied that the Fallen was his uncle. The only of their family who had Fallen. Who had sinned..." Lucifer speaks, still looking over the waters of the river. "So many names. Satan. Belzebub. Serpent. Lucifer." He chuckles. "And I do not have family in the context that I am the only one who fell." A scoff then. "Many fell with me...and I brought the dawn of man. Gave you all wisdom beyond the understanding and subjectivity *he* wanted you to have..." A pause then, and he clears his throat before giving a chuckle. "Also. Please. Just call me Lucifer. Mr. Morningstar is so..." A hand waves through the air. "Formal."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe is quiet for a moment. She listens to Lucifer, she raises an eyebrow with her cheeks and ears darkened in embarrassment and mutters a 'yeah, which is not how you introduced yourse-' -- but Lucier continues talking. There was a sense of the hair on the back of her neck rising up as she takes a deep breath.

    "... so you mean to tell me that you, right here, are /The/ actual article?" she asked in mixed disbelief.

    Her right palm itches. HEr muscles tense. There's a quiet movement of her foot pressing down against the pavement, as if she was waiting for an attack.

Lucifer has posed:
"Are you telling me that you, Miss Phoebe Beacon, actually believe me?" Lucifer turns to face her then, a smirk teasing his lips for a moment. The air thickens and his hackles seem to raise a bit until...

...Nothing. He just shrugs and gives a laugh. "I've studied all forms of religion. Bearing the name can be fun sometimes." He said the truth, but he can also spin it just as well. "I mean, yes, I am the genuine article...but no one ever really believes me. Or they believe that I believe it. It's a fine line I dance daily."

Then he turns back to face the river. "I'm not going to hurt you. Or anyone. Not unless they genuinely deserve it. You, Miss Beacon, do not...I've no quarel with you. We can be civil, can we not?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Well. That's good to know. It'd be kind of upsetting for you to give me Marti's wallet and then me not be able to get it to her... but I live in Gotham. I deal with having to check my phone for any manner of odd activity with clowns, or plants... giant sharks..." she trails off a moment, and just relaxes as she looks out over the water again.

    "... besides, I've got no reason to doubt what you say. You show up out of nowhere on a walk I take to clear my head with my friend's wallet, and I try not to beleive in bare coincidence."

Lucifer has posed:
"That train of thought begs me to wonder why I would even have bothered to give you your friend's wallet if my intentions were to harm you to begin with." Lucifer offers. "Despite what people are led to believe, I'm not really as evil as most tend to make me out to be. It's a common misunderstanding..." He chuckles. "Also, the meeting, I assure you, was coincidental and by chance. I didn't come out here searching for either of you. I simply...happened upon you. And was able to give you back your friends wallet. Which saves you a trip in the end, yes?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Which is why I beleive you that your intentions were at least honorable and true." she gives a raised eyebrow to Lucifer, "which saves me time and travel to get this back, since Marti has decided that all the boys in Gotham and Bludhaven are awful and boring."

    The young woman gives a smile. "So, thank you, Lucifer."

TPhoebe pauses a moment, and reaches back to pull a hood over her hair as she looks out over the water again.

    "Do you make your way out to Gotham often? There's a positively awesome Thai place I can recommend if you're a night owl like me. They deliver until eight AM, just in case you have a hankering for pad thai for breakfast."

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah, well that's a shame. That your friend has decided such. I can assure you there are nights where the men of Bludhaven that come to Club Lux are /far/ from boring." Lucifer offers and then smirks. "You are welcome, Phoebe. It is my pleasure." He watches her pull that hood up and then smiles once more. "Not as often as I would like. I usually spend most of my time around Bludhaven...but every once in a while. Gotham. New York. Metropolis. I like to keep my fingers in the goings on around me..." Just in case, he thinks. "Anyway, I'm sure I've taken up a lot more of your time than you intended to spend staring at the river. I might look up this thai place anyway if it's as good as you say it is."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Psh. I could stare at the river in the dark all night, but you are right -- can't hang out here too long. I'm more likely to be in it the longer I'm here." she takes a breath, and she turns her dark gaze to Lucifer. Her lips purse.

    THere's a cold wind that comes off the river, and Phoebe regards Lucifer with a quiet, contemplative look.

    She narrows her eyes, as if in concentration, and then she tilts her head.

    "I usually get hard tofu, but I know vegetarianism isn't for anyone. Their chicken and beef is good, but if you get the shrimp pad thai it seems to be fifty-fifty." she states.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well, perhaps I will give them a try..." Lucifer offers, and then he dares to take one step closer to her. Reaching into a pocket of his pants, he pulls out a card and offers it over. "Listen. I would love for you and your friend to give Club Lux another try. Show that card to the bouncer and they'll let you in without having to wait in line. You'll be my personal guests. It will be the VIP treatment the entire night." He offers in that silk smooth sultry voice he tends to have, topped with that ever so delicate British accent.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe accepts the card, and she flips it over a moment before she looks back to Lucifer, and gives a slight smile.

    "Thank you again, Lucifer. Next time I feel like going out, maybe I'll make my way to Lux."

    She tucks this card into a different pocket. She adjusts the hood on the WayneTech branded jacket, and she gives a smile.

    "And maybe next time you step into Gotham, we'll cross paths again. You seem like a decent guy." Phoebe smiles, and then turns, hops a divider, and walks to disappear into the darkness.