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The Notorious VIP
Date of Scene: 25 April 2021
Location: Club Lux's VIP
Synopsis: Two men and a woman hang out in the VIP section of Club Lux. The conversation is heavy and soon the three part ways.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister, Rage

Lucifer has posed:
"The crowd loved it, and it was absolutely the cherry on top to revealing something like a casino. I am deeply honored." Lucifer offers, giving a smile and an incline of his head as Jay makes an exit stage left to go talk to Mommy Dearest. He tilts his head and then looks between Andrea and Sinister. Did /he/ know of the magic fingers a bit ago? It's possible. Maybe not entirely, but you don't perform something weird and mystical in his club and get away with him not knowing.

"Now now, Andrea, dear. I'm sure Mister Essex is simply offering his pleasentries like anyone else in this club would kill to do. He just happens to be a....special guest of mine." There's a flicker of something in his eyes. Is it fire? Like actual flame? Hard to say. "I have an idea. Why don't we head upstairs... a nice private location for some good drinks and nice conversation."

Sinister has posed:
Being undressed with the eyes takes a whole new meaning when Sinister does it. It's not so much that the way he gazes sometimes is penetrating, so much as to some, there's connotations that he's taking off more than just clothing and looking right underneath. Skin deep, indeed. "You should be very proud," Sinister continues in that purr of his. She's surrounded by English in stereo. "And you do your species credit," he smiles as he's labelled a special guest, inclining his head to Lucifer with perfected etiquette, tucking one hand in the small of his back as he turns at a right angle, for the Host to lead the way, cognac cradled elegantly t'wixt fingers.

"I am sure your beau will be able to find you by direction of bouncers. I genuinely would love to hear about your work with the disadvantaged, miss Andrea. Can I call you Andrea? Or is there another name you would prefer?"

Rage has posed:
"Andrea is fine. Miss Jackson is my mother's name." Andrea says cooly to Sinister as she stares at him with a slightly half lidded look. It's as if Lucifer just disappeared from the room for the moment. She takes in a deep breath, then offers up an easy smile to him. "Well, lead on." She speaks up.

She finally gives a glance to Lucifer again, then clears her throat a bit. "So how do you two know each other?" As she waits for him to lead the trio, she'll follow after, giving a glance over her shoulder to see where Jay had wandered off. Most likely a bouncer will tell him where she went.

Lucifer has posed:
"We're actually recently acquainted, but we're of similar minds." Lucifer says, and then he sort of runs his tongue around the inside of his mouth. Good. No iron flavor. It must be the truth. Lies never taste good in his mouth. Still... "Please, follow me." And he leads them both into a little hallway around from the bar, hitting the call button for the elevator which opens and allows the three to step in.

A punched code into the elevator's inner panel later and the doors shut for the short ride up to the penthouse. As they open, he sweeps a hand forward. "Ladies first. Welcome to Chateau de Morningstar." The floorplan is an open one, dark natural stained wood makes up the floor. Shelves of books line the walls. A grand piano is in the back corner where floor to ceiling windows show a view of New York proper. "Shall I get you a refill yet, Doctor Essex? Andrea, would you care for a drink as well?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister opens his mouth to speak, as their Host escorts them to the private VIP area, aka: his lovely penthouse in the sky. He is happily quite oblivious of the taste of lies. Quipping though, is so very english, but he refrains with a clearing of his throat. Taking eyes to the roost, he smiles a small smile of approval, moving toward the grand piano, in order to tickle the ivories in a minor key, fleetingly. "I do apologise. ONe should never tickle another man's instrument without permission," he states, without the slightest hesitation, turning eyes to the vista beyond the windows.

"I should not be surprised..." said with a very soft chuckle, he looks back to Andrea. "I'm afraid you likely have a very poor opinion of me, Andrea. I suppose some of it is deserved, but I am not entirely without my merits. I genuinely do want to hear about your good works about the place," he lifts his glass to Lucifer with a smile, at the offer. "Although I shall take whatever you deem appropriate. Cognac seems passe as of this precise moment."

Rage has posed:
As she takes a seat, Andrea glances over to Lucifer and says, "My usual please. Blackberry martini. Beer for Jay if he ends up joining us." She says as he leans back into the cushions of the booth. She places her phone to the right of her, face down on the table, close enough to the edge for an easy scoop.

As she listens to Sinister talk about tickling a man's instrument, she can't help but find her lips twitching upwards for a moment. Nervous she may be, that was hilarious and she can enjoy a crude joke. When he speaks to her, she feels a chill up her spine. It's like two wolves circling each other in the woods, waiting to see who will take the first nip.

"My charity, Starlight, is dedicated to ensuring that mutants find resources available to them such as counseling or hostels for those who are forced on the streets either by their parents or unemployment. I find that mental health amongst mutants is important as they are classified as a high suicide rate group." She folds her hands in front of her. "I also helped finance and build a free health clinic in Mutant Town for mutants to get proper healthcare by qualified and certified physicians who are also mutants, therefore eliminating the risk of bigotry or receiving less than adequate care."

Lucifer has posed:
If Lucifer had known, precisely, what Sinister's intentions were when he started playing with those magic fingers, he likely would have intervened. Still, no harm in the moment, but if any harm does come to Andrea or Jay - Lucifer is surely going to be displeased. At the very least. There have been several wolves walking through his domain lately, and lines have been drawn with a few, but not with all. Circling is sometimes a thing.

Here, in his home, he's surely the Master, however.

None the less, he smiles, taking Sinister's glass and walks to the bar just there against the wall. Letting Andrea talk shop while he makes her the requested blackberry martini and refills Sinister's glass with brandy. He'll also fix himself a whiskey and somehow manage to carry all three - sans tray - to the booth where Andrea has chosen to sit. Drinks set before their respective requestors and then he...perches.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks up at Lucifer's return, smiling a genuine appreciation for the drink, bowing his head with studious politesse. It may never come back to haunt the archangel what occured here, given that ninety nine out of a hundred times, it never does. But we -all- make mistakes don't we? He looks back to Andrea, raising the glass to her with another genuine bow of the head.

"Please, if you are genuine about your intentions to help, allow me to help you. The causes you are championing are worthy-- I can supply medical supplies and some of the higher end equipment for mutants in need and would gladly proffer considerable donations to your on-the-street works. Mutant rights are human rights, no?" And no matter how keen one's hearing is, or how finely attuned one is to a lie, those words ring genuine.

Rage has posed:
Taking the drink from Lucifier, Andrea brings it up to her lips and takes a sip. "No. Mutant rights are not human rights." She says adamantly. "Humans sent large purple robots to murder us in the streets of our own city and our government did fuck all to care about it. They have made laws to register mutants in databases. They have the longest response time for crimes reported in Mutant Town." As she inspects the glass in her hand, she casually glances from Lucifer, before looking to Sinister.

"Michael Jackson had a song once called They Don't Care About Us. I feel like it strongly applies to us." She drums her fingers against the table lightly to the beat of the song. Ta-tatt-tat! "I thank you for your offer, but I'm set up pretty well. We have great equipment and we like to keep it humble."

Lucifer has posed:
"Not everything is comparable to a human...and now that the universe has decided to open it's maw and show humans just how. Much. Exists... cause this started with mutants, but one could argue it could be for so much more." Lucifer speaks, thoughtfully, and then takes a sip of his whiskey. "Andrea's right though. Human rights are human rights...and even humans are getting that wrong. Every other species or meta-type suffers because the fall of man is that they are, in fact, constantly at war."

He shrugs then, and maybe went off the railings a bit with that one but nothing that he said was any more or less true than what Andrea mentioned. He just expanded it to include what humans never will. Fickle creatures. A smirk and sip later, he looks to Sinister pointedly. "Remind me what it is you do again, Doctor Essex?"

Sinister has posed:
"Isn't that my point, that you both make rather bleakly for me?" Sinister replies, looking slowly at both individuals, with just a slight hint of challenge. "Just because it is not as it ought to be, does not detract from the fact that that is what it -should- be," he waves a hand dismissively, looking like he's sucking a sherbert lemon that someone forgot to add the sugar to and gazes that unblinking gaze at Andrea, though he replies to Lucifer.

"I am a genetic engineer, first and foremost. I have catalogued the genomes of a myriad of creatures, humans being my main focus, in specific Homo Mutens. And I would point out, that I have helped a /great/ many mutants that would otherwise have had a very, very difficult time of their existence. I have even... assisted Xavier's poster children."

Rage has posed:
"I would not use the word assisted. More like traumatized." Andrea mutters under her breath as she stirs the drink about with a small straw, then takes a sip from it. "Either way, I'm here tonight on a job and for pleasure, not to talk about your past scrapes with my prior faculty or your clear lack of ethics in the medical fields."

There is a slight glance towards Lucifer for a moment, giving him a dip of the head. "Are you excited about your casino opening? Are you looking to entertain people or just take their money?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I believe we can agree to put away the talk about politics of all fashions for a little bit. Honestly, the topic bores me anyway." Lucifer offers and then he sets his drink on the table and shifts to slip into the booth. It's a fluid motion, and he settles near Andrea, a space of a person between them. "You are both company of mine, and I would like things to remain as civil as possible."

He looks to Andrea directly then and offers her a smile. "Well that does all depend. I mean the main draw of a casino, from a business perspective, is to make sure the house wins... more times than not.." A chuckle then. "And there's usually plenty of entertainment going on outside of it... it's just another place for people to relax. Take a load off. Blow a bit of money. Everything else is just...details." A pause. "How's your drink?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's eyebrow arches just so over one black eye, but he does not argue. Sometimes, there's just no point! He relaxes in his spot, with more than a person between himself and the next person, as he settles in a chair -outside- of the booth, draping himself like a borgoise. He sniffs the brandy, then sips it with care, swirling the liquid upwards in the glass and fleetingly up into the air, so that he might regard the colour outside of the glass itself. It suspends, then drops obediently back into the tumbler.

Rage has posed:
Often times, Andrea gives a casual glance outwards as if waiting for Jay to walk in through the door. Knowing him, he got derailed by the phone call and dragged into mischief by his friends in the band. On one hand she is happy the boys are getting time to relax, on the other, she wishes he was here next to her. "My drink is perfect as always. I hope you don't fleece your customers too hard Lucifer. You do want them to come back with more money to spend."

As she half lids her eyes for a moment to think, she lets out a slight noise under her breath as she gives another side glance towards Sinister. There is so many things going through her head right now. "What about you? How's your brandy?"

Lucifer has posed:
"The sheep will survive..." Lucifer comments, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "Doesn't seem like anything I do keeps them from coming back, which is always good for the bottom line." A smirk and a chuckle from him then before he looks between Andrea and Sinister. Then, because he's getting antsy and the air is getting a bit...thick...he leans over to brush lips over Andrea's ear and then slides from the booth, picks up his whiskey and heads towards the piano. "Anyone for a bit of music? Any...requests perhaps?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister glances from his brandy to Andrea, watching her for a few beats of a human heart -- how much it's racing! He then smiles at the brandy itself even as Lucifer gets up to go to the piano, to tickle those ivories as he'd naughtily done earlier. "It is quite nostalgic actually; I had one such as this, on a very cold night in April, over a century ago. I dined at the captain's table. This room reminds me of it also; the hue of wood, the quality of light, the company... It takes me down memory lane. Occasionally, that is all that we have, to remind us-- Music would be lovely. I have a hankering for a string quartet, but perhaps you can play something with un peut de je ne sais quoi, mon Ami? And having said that, Scott Joplin would lighten the mood."

He hasn't made a single aggressive move all night, other than beeing creepy as all get out and does not do so now, rising instead with a fluid roll of limb to glide to the view, looking out over new york city. "Temptation waits, Lucifer. A clever man need do very little, to part a fool with his money, but they glean enjoyment from it. An escape."

Rage has posed:
As her phone pings, Andrea's eyes shoot towards it and she plucks it up quickly. She gives a glance at it and smiles, then rises upwards to slip her phone into her pocket. "Jay is wanting me to dance with him, so I am going to oblige." She says with a smile at the kiss along her ear, watching Lucifer head to the piano. "You're welcome to join us after a few songs if you want, Lucifer." She says with an amused grin as she starts for the door.

With a glance over towards the elder mutant, her eyes glance once more over to the other. "Scott Joplin by the way is a favorite of mine." She nudges the door open, heading out into the dark hallway as she looks to loosen herself up a bit and shake off some nerves.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer watches as Andrea makes a quick exit, stage right, and then takes a breath after a moment. His gaze shifts to Sinister and he waves a hand in the air. "I think you were beginning to upset her, Mister Sinister." He offers and then moves to the piano, sitting upon the bench and opening to reveal the keys. He begins to play as requested, something light in a sense and since Scott Joplin was requested, his fingers dance over the keys to the tune of Weeping Willow.

"Contrary to what you may think in that amazing mind of yours, I do not believe there are many who you find will...necessarily agree with you. I have no qualms...but as this is a space open to most..." He smiles as he speaks, keeping his fingers light on the keys as one does in most ragtime scores, but his words hold a tinge of...promie? Threat perhaps? One can only guess when dealing with our dear Lucifer.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister angles his gaze up to the sky, closing his eyes at the riffles of music. Mayhap it hath powers to sooth. "I have that effect on people. It is as it is," he muses, silence following as he listens to both the sound of the keys being struck and the words from Lucifer. "That's rather regressing in the conversation and I did not think we were returning to such topics. I stand corrected," he muses, glancing at the elevator doors with a press of lips.

"Ah well," said eventually. "I am accustomed to be alone in most things."

Lucifer has posed:
"I don't see it as regressing. I made an observation, and then built upon it." Lucifer says this as the song comes to an end and then he just continues to faff around on the piano, sort of making it up as he goes along. "Not the most pleasant way to exist, is it? Alone and lonely. I'm not sure getting or being used to it is really a thing. You can forget it's there, fill the space with whatever pleasures you for a time...but it always comes back." Funny to be talking about such a drab subject over the sounds of freestyled ragtime, but such as it goes sometimes when Lucifer gets in a mood.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks at Lucifer at that, perhaps attempting to gauge. He then shrugs lightly to himself and walks to the large windows, setting his glass on the nearest surface, the brandy mostly un-drunk. "I will leave you to your own solitudes for the time being then, Lucifer. Perhaps we will meet again, but perhaps not all things considered. Loneliness, it seems, is contagious." His own observation made of the oddness of mood, he evaporates into a silvery mist and slides through the cracks in the masonry, tiny though they might be. Upon the other side, a raven with red eyes and a diamond in its forehead coallesces and wings off into the dark