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Latest revision as of 03:07, 2 May 2021

Trouble around the corner..
Date of Scene: 01 May 2021
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Wade kills vamps to the extreme. Buffy is worried. There are darts involved too!
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Deadpool

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's early evening and Buffy is just starting another shift at the Blue Lady, her other part time job that keeps her as busy as ever. But at least she's in her last year of college. Finally! It's a quiet night too, no major events. Actually it's a bit boring tonight as she does her usual security walk around the exterior of the building, heading back towards the club. Here she is known as 'Ice' and dressed in a black suit and tie with white shirt underneath. People may be surprised that she is a bouncer, but those that actually dare to test her limits are always surprised, and don't make the same mistake twice.

Deadpool has posed:
A small girl comes o the Blue Lady, though no-one seems to bother her. She was nominated amoungst her group as the person who would be most likely to deliver the message, and yet be able to walk out again. Buffy's vamp senses would be tingling from this little girl as she is just one of the night walkers taken from a corpse of a dead child though the demon inside was much older. She was unarmed and alone as she walked towards the bouncer.

It doesn't take long to locate Buffy, and though they do approach it is like a cornered animal, slowly and with hands infront of them. "Slayer... I come in peace a moment of your time, and I will again leave." she holds out a white cloth, and waves it a little. "Parley?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, sensing the vampire girl before she sees her, and she steps out of the front entrance, eyes narrowed warily on her. "Who are you, and how do you know who I am?" she tilts her head, arching a suspicious brow, "Depends, what's this about?"

Deadpool has posed:
The girls holds up her hands, "I am from a small group.. We know who you are because we have been told to avoid you at all cost." she looks around a bit nerviously. After a deep breath she says, "What have you done... You released something on us." she thinks about the best way to describe it. "There is a man, in red and black that is hunting us... all of us, We have already call him 'Red Death' he is crazy he just shows up.. asks us what is the password then kills everyone."

She shakes her head, "Look I got we are mortal enemies, but this one.. He will torture us for other locations.. Burn a building down just because we are in it... The whole time just saying... What is the password. Even those of us who do not follow the route of our more... demonic bretheren.. It doesn't matter if we don't know the word he kills us all!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, arms folded as she listens, blocking the entrance for everyone's safety. As far as she is concerned, even a child vampire, if there ever is such a thing, is a potential threat. "Oh..Really?" she arches a curious brow at the first bit, unsure of what she might be talking about..But the description of Deadpool is a dead giveaway.

"Ohhhhh...Him!" she chuckles a bit, "Waita minute, I'm missing the part where I....Wait, burning down buildings? Like, with innocents in them!?" okay...That's not good..

Deadpool has posed:
The vamp shakes his head, and though it might look like a child there were still no demon kids at least here so it was a full grown demon inhabiting it. "Look, just give me the password it is all I want we need it to survive it is getting kind of bad..." she is interupted with some static coming from her pocket. "One moment.. Frank.. Whats wrong I told you radio silence.... Frank.. Hello?" there is no answer for a long moment before a voice Buffy reconizes comes through. "Franks not home right now... Whats the password." and then crazy laughter as Deadpool's voice comes through.

The girl looks up at Buffy, "No.. he couldn't already.." then from the Radio his voce comes again, "Oh hey is that Buffy, do me a favor look at her and say headshot." the girl confused looks up at Buffy, "Headshot?" asking as what does that mean, before her head goes pop right there infront of the place turning to dust. He must of been using a silencer from a distance as the shot isn't even heard. The radio is dropped, and all can be heard from it is mad laughter.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a surprised brow. "Password? Uh..I don't know anything about a password..He's just messing with you.." then she hears the noise on the radio and her frown deepens. "Wait, what? Dammit..." okaaay, that shouldn't really bother her, them being vamps and all. But what comes next...Most positively freaks her. Her eyes widen in surprise, stepping back as the girl explodes into dust and scowls. "What the hell...Deadpool, show yourself!" she shouts out to the rapidly approaching darkness, knowing he must be around here somewhere..

Deadpool has posed:
From the radio she can hear his voice. "I seeee you.." though it sounds like his is moving, "From the way you acted before I figure your hopping and hollaring right now.." he sighs a bit though might just be him running. "I am on my way to you, but I can't hear you unless you press the button. Did you see that shot at least.. Pop! That was so awesome!" he just talks and talks only stopping for a breath here and there. If she waits he will come out of the alley on the other side of the street from where she is.

He is holding the radio up waving to her, while over it. "Okay looks like people didn't notice it too much." which was true the speed of which it happened unless you were looking would be hard to spot that there used to be a person there. "You ever notice how no-one believes this stuff even if you tell them. I mean superheros are fine, but vamps.. Bah your just crazy!" and laughs a bit looking over at her. She didn't look happy as he was so he began to wonder if he should go over there or if she would hit him like that other girl did just because he was trying to help her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes, grabbing the radio before it can turn to dust too. "This isn't funny, Wade.." she says steadily, pushing said button so he can hear her. "Come out and show yourself. Now. We need to talk.."

As she talks, Buffy is slowly moving from the front door towards the alleyway, not wanting to attract too much attention with an exploding vamp..Who knows what else he has planned. When he arrives, she clenches her fists, frowning softly. "What's this I hear about you setting fire to a building? And I'd better not hear there were innocents involved."

Deadpool has posed:
See's her coming over to him instead and waves with a grin, but that turns and frowns as she comes over yelling at him. He holds his hands up, "Oh don't worry it was just a nursery no-one was developed yet." seeing her reaction to this he laughs a bit, "Whoa kid what kind of monster you think I am here. These are bad guys, they don't get no time outs.. That family those monsters were hiding under were feeding them.. I did them a favor burning down that mess."

He turns looking defensive.. "Ask yourself do good guys burn innocents?" he points a single finger at her, "Listen your young you haven't seen all the crazy shit that is out there so I am going to give you a pass here. The worlds is full of monsters kid they aint all blood thirsty. So I did what I need to do to help you out against this threat." he sighs with a shrug, "No-one died or was even hurt that was innocent, but those who are willing to live by the sword should know what is coming to them."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at the nursery' bit..And in the next moment she's a blur of movement, reaching out to grab him by the neck, shoving him against the wall..She's not as ruthless as Faith, but Buffy is known to have a temper, and hurting innocents..Killing newborns if she understood correctly, is *not* okay.

"Look, I don't know what kind of game you think we're playing here, but this is no joke. We do NOT kill innocents..Ever, you hear me?!"

Deadpool has posed:
In a flash while pressed up a wall Deadpool has a gun in his hands, and spins it up and around. Though he doesn't aim it at you he aims it and, pulls the trigger on himself. There is a loud pop, and you can see the bullet going through him. The whole time he keeps total eye contact on her is a very serious stare.. "Kid... You have nothing to threaten me with." he says very slowly pulling the gun away to put it back into a pocket. If let go he would stumble a little back, but he hopes she gets the point. "It is all a joke, demons that have to come back to drink blood, superheros that try to stop them. Keyboard warriors out there saving the world day after day." he laughs to himself and sits on the ground. "I haven't hurt anyone that didn't have it coming... That is the point.. the punch line." he looks at her the hole already healed.

He looks at her in the eyes and sighs again, "Fine kid.. don't believe me. No-one ever does. I told ya they were not innocint, no-one in that fire was.. I wouldn't do that I haven't done that." he steps back moving away from her. "Do I enjoy it.. sure. It is all the same really, Good, or Bad they all die the same.. Don't you get it.." he waves a hand stops and turns to face her. He drops his guns, and looks at her with a tired expression.. "If that is beyond what you can accept.." he drops the guns this time, and gives her a wave. "Come kid hit me make yourself feel better about it the same way."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at his display and sighs, letting go. He's right of course. She has a dangerous time bomb on her hands and she's not really sure how to deal with him. She's not used to things she can't kill, can't even hurt. And that is positively frightening.

"I..Really hope you're telling me the truth.." she sighs, shaking her head tiredly. She should talk to Logan about this. Maybe he has some ideas.."Look, I was hoping you might do some good by fighting vamps..And you probably did. The vamps are scared of you and that's a good thing, I just don't want things to get out of control..."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sighs, "Comon kid think of this rationally.. You have vamps yanking people out of the park for goodness sake. I am not asking you to go Evil Buffy here, just... look over my unothadox ways." and picks up his guns again putting them away. He is glad she hasn't talked to Logan, as he would of hit him there which did hurt, but he would of hid it as usual. He looks at her again with a bit of a pitty look. "Your still bright eyed and bushy tailed... I remember when I was like that." he holds up his hands, "I don't mean to say you can't handle yourself, or haven't been through anything.. But after a while you realize." he shrugs a bit at that.

He looks back at the bar, and waves at the people waving over at them as there is no bouncer now. "Sooner or later you will realize it is okay to enjoy yourself.. To play the game that is fate and ride it around like a wave other then trying to force your own ways on it." he looks up to the sky, "They are right to fear me, so are you in a sense.. Though that you haven't realized why I am doing this... I do find sad." he looks at her with a smile. "And no... Your too young for me." with another laugh. "Besides aren't you dating someone... Oh for shame!" and waves a finger at her in his now imagined route. No that was not the reason for him helping, but what was... best to let them think random chance he guessed.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, trying to process his words, his reasoning. And she just sighs. "Okaaay...Let's start at the beginning. You're name is Wade, and you lost your memories..You're some kinda nigh unkillable mutant with abilities similar to Logan, and you have some sort of badass killer moves, like you're some kinda trained expert assassin or something...Anything else I should know?"

The whole young thing gets her rolling her eyes at him, shaking her head slowly. "Riiight. Dont even go there.." she says simply, not really caring to go into her complicated love life.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool laughs, and holds his hands up. "I was just saying it is not that.. But you are right I won't go there." and surrenders that very quickly as it was not information he even wanted to know. He tilts his head at her, and smiles. "Kid there is so much more, but if I told you then I am not sure you can handle it." he leans in a bit, "I am not quite right.. or so they say as it all makes sense to me obviously, but I don't act like others want, or need I am the hero no-one asks for." he thinks about that.. Maybe he should get that on a shirt then focuses.

"You party like a kid, you date like a kid and that is what you should be doing.. But you fight like it is a job, that desperate feeling to end it as fast as possible." he looks at her with a sigh, "Maybe I am just here to show you there is another way.. a funner way. I am sure those stiffs shown you how to fight, but have you ever thrown a chair without looking to stab a vamp of a rebound?" he nods to her. "This is all a game in a way... If you can embrace it then fate will find a way." he holds his hands out like this is the most sense he has made, but sighs, "I can't describe it any better kid.. Maybe when you hear your first voice it will be clearer." and grins at her a bit.. is he kidding, or not is unclear.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at the term 'kid', shaking her head slowly. "First of all, not a 'kid'. Secondly, there's very little I 'can't handle'" she smirks even, slightly bemused by that. "Do you even know what a Slayer is? I didn't ask to be a heroine, I just wanted to be your average girl, popular, cheerleading, dating, shopping..But it was all taken away the day the last Slayer was killed..And I woke up to my new destiny. It's not fun, knowing that you were 'created' by some ancient magic, or that your dreams are haunted by the lives and deaths of a thousands Slayers that lived before you..Or that you supposedly possess the heart of a demon if the books are to be believed."

She sighs, holding out her hands to stress her point. "I honestly don't know your history, where you're coming from, but it's not like it's your destiny to kill vampires you know? Not that I dont mind the help, just..Don't act like I'm just a kid, like this is just a game to me!"

Deadpool has posed:
Dadpool listens, but sighs again as he just is not getting through to her. He holds up his hands and rubs the bridge of his nose.. "No.. wait wait.. This is all wrong. Maybe I shouldn't of used kid." he turns thinking about it or a moment glancing over at her as he mumbles to himself. "Okay... You are not a kid kid... It is more young adult kid, and I don't mean it like that.." he turns again, nods and mumbles a bit more. "Yea but I mean... How.." he glances over at her then down again. "No.. that is just too crazy."

He grins a bit, turning he moves forward slowly.. "Heeey... They said I could show you but only for a little bit." he moves a little closer holding his hands up. "You remind me of someone I want to understand, and if I can have you understand it might mean.." step.. "That should could."

When he stands about at arms length he pushes a button on a device on his belt and a dart comes out sticking Buffy. For a moment the world spins around her, though nothing moves... Deadpool can be heard in the distance though his voice a haze.. Then comes the other voices, thousands of them.. All talking about differnt things planning out different things. You hear names you know like superman, or Batman. Some ya might, though none of it makes sense all sounding like <Wah Wah Wah> more then anything.

Standing across from you Deadpool smiles like this is normal for him, like this is just what he goes through. Then as fast as it starts just when the voices seem to reach a level that would drive someone mad... It stops. And you are standing there sweating, maybe because of the thing you were injected with, but normal. Deadpool stands infront of you holding a shoulder.. he whispers, "did you hear them.. Did you see... It is all just a bad joke.. crazy, sane.. it is all just part of the game."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is normally very quick and can catch such things more easily. But this time, it's dark and she's too close and maybe his aim is just that good. She gasps, stumbling to her knees and clutching her head as the world gets blurry and dizzy.

"Ugh...What are you...?" she squeezes her eyes shut, trying to regain focus, hearing voices, seeing images in her mind maybe..Is this what it's like being psychic? Although it's a bit familiar too, when she delves into the memories of a hundred Slayers before her.

And then it's over as she stumbles back to her feet, reaching for the wall for support. "The hell...What was that!?"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade holds her shoulder, "Holy shit it worked.." he laughs and claps a bit as she moved to the wall. "It did didn't it you heard them.. Oh they are sooo pissed at you." he laughs again looking at her. "I had been thinking how do you explain the unexplainable so I made this." he grins at her looking at her a bit more. "Oooh.. I would suggest drinking some water though it should be already over that after glow is a pain isn't it," he smiles a bit turning again, "Wow I can't believe it.."

He is so surprised he gets off track before turning, "That was it, that is what I was trying to explain to you this whole time.. I hear them everyday all day,.. Yap yap yap... It is all there you just have to listen.. To hear it.." he poits to his head as he says to hear it. He leans against the wall with a smile, "I am sorry ki... Buffy, but you had to see.. I had to show you. How far did you get.. Did you see the people. Hear them talking." he asks excitly but then stops.. "Sorry... Sorry I forgot for others it is a bit much.. I am kind of used to it by now."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, rubbing her eyes, trying to sober up or..Whatever it is. "Okayy..Firstly. Dont ever do that again. Secondly..What the heck? Are you a telepath or..." or more likely. "Oh...Schitzophrenic? Maybe?" it might actually make some sort of crazy sense.

Buffy shrugs, straightening up from the wall. "Yeah, a water would help. And really, not that big of a shock, when you get nightmares all the time, relive the lives and deaths of hundreds of Slayers that came before you.."

Deadpool has posed:
he looks at his belt.. "Wow.. telepath if you think that maybe it worked too well. I can't do any mind stuff it is just ment to open your eyes.. Oh... ooooooh" he looks up to her then back, "wow umm... You Slayers are made out of some stern stuff.. That was like tripple the dose. Are you sure your feeling okay." and grins a bit. Wow he got a little lucky as that might of actually hurt a normal human then forgets about it with a shrug. "Those weren't slayers. Or at least what I can tell. I can't remember who they are and they won't tell me."

He gives her some water from a back-back he had laying on the ground a little bit away, it held the silencer and everything he used earlier. He tosses it to her.. "That explains it though, your lucky then.. you can turn it off. I mean unless they are talking to you Now... now now now..." he repeats it like an echo, though he is just kind of messing with her with a small grin there were no further effects just DP being DP. "So you only saw what a hundred of them? Did they say anything to you? Anything about me or what happends?" he does seem to be a little more serious about it as he asks. "If they told you anything you should tell me." he gives her a nod.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shakes her head. "Nothing that made any sense..Too many voices, all talking at once. Couldn't make anything out, other than, Batman and Superman's names..Are you familiar with the Justice League maybe?" another shrug is given. "Hmm, well I guess I'm lucky, I don't hear their voices all the time, only occasionally when I sleep..More like memories than anything else."

Though there is now compassion in her eyes as she regards him thoughtfully. "Geez, you hear those voices all the time? That's crazy..I'm sorry..Is there anything that can silence it, even for a little while? I mean, have you talked to a doctor, maybe get some medication for it?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool leans back and thinks actually in silence.. "Humm.. Maybe I should visit them next see what is going on. Could be a random... Humm what does it mean." he shakes his head and looks at her with a nod. "I don't know... it is always different there is no logic behind it, maybe they will be a target for something.. Could be anything sorry Buffy." and shrugs a bit as he pushes himself a wall.

As she asks about the medicine his tone softens a little bit, "Hey. Hey don't worry about me.. I heard stories about once how I tried the med route.. See there is another voice one I am glad you didn't hear. He is always looking to get out.. I am afraid he did for a little bit before we met. He killed everyone, anyone he could innocint, guilty, everyone.. I can't do meds.. I can't." he shakes his head for a moment a bit paniced before he pulls himself back with a deep breath. "No.. there is nothing but crazy waiting for me.. For ever, and ever." he gives a weak smile to Buffy, "So it isn't so bad being a Slayer is it? But comon this is a happy day... I am not alone anymore you heard them you know!" he gets excited again. Then stops, "But you can't tell no-one.. I mean not even Willow or that vamp friend.. They can't know it is too big for their brain.. I just showed you, and I prob shouldn't of, but because you remind me of someone... Someone I can't remember but she is very important to me I know that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and shakes her head. "Okay, if it means that much to you but..How'd you even do that, anyway? Actually, no, never mind..I need a drink, you probably need a drink. Think you can relax for a bit and try not to kill...Anything more tonight?" okay, so she's on duty so she can just have water..And Buffy's not sure how Deadpool will operate if he's too drunk but one or two weak drinks might get him to relax maybe?

Deadpool has posed:
He looks at the bar, then at Buffy. "Not tonight kid" he slips back into it not thinking. "I will not kill anything else tonight, but I have to return home. There are people waiting and if I don't get back they will worry." he waves his hands, "No not for me, they will worry what I am up to." and gives a small grin as it was just how it was. He glances at the club then at her, "Raincheck though.. I think it might be nice to just sit down, and drink with a friend.. I did that once.. long ago." he talks as if trying to remember.

After a bit he just sighs, as the memories are still gone, and picks up his back-pack. Giving her a wave, he heads out again into the night. What chaos may come at least Buffy knows for tonight she had just saved lives. Maybe those lives weren't the best lives, but she had saved them as he was not going to kill anymore.. for tonight at least.