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Latest revision as of 08:45, 10 May 2021

Somebunny's in Trouble
Date of Scene: 09 May 2021
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Bunnies came. Bunnies found Basosa. Bunnies left. Bunnies! It must be bunnies!
Cast of Characters: Havok, Moonstar, Nightingale, Nightcrawler, Rogue

Havok has posed:
    It's Mother's Day and the weather has been nothing short of gorgeous for the season. It's sunny and warm without being hot. The area around the lake is home to a smattering of picnics happening, students by themselves or students with parents to celebrate the day. No one's swimming, the water isn't quite warm enough for that.     A couple of kids are tossing a frisbee over there, a bold upper classmen couple is sucking face by the dock, some of the littlest students are playing a game of tag. It's just a nice, happy, fun day.    ...it's barely audible at first, just a soft 'thumpitythumpthump' in the distance. There's a rhythm to the sound, it's almost tribal?

Moonstar has posed:
And Dani? Dani's up a tree. Up the tree and quite hidden from sight by branches and the foliage below her. She's stretched out along a branch, her back to the trunk behind her. Reading a book, as it happens.

The book is non-descript with a brown leather cover and no decoration nor letters of any kind adorning it. Never the less, she's reading through it and about halfway through.

On Mothers' Day, and Fathers' Day for that matter, Dani tends to be staying away from celebrations in general. She usually goes to visit her parents' graves early in the day, and then hide from the general populace afterward.

Nightingale has posed:
     Most students were playing, or generally goofing off and enjoying the day. But a healer's work was never done. Dressed in black sneakers, dark blue jeans, and a black t-shirt with a bold rainbow tie-dye sunburst pattern all over, Shannon is just nearing the shore of the lake, spreading out her wings to take off for the opposite shore. She has what looks like a shopping bag on her arm, laden with potentially edible goodies. As always, she has her little brown leather bag tied to her belt, and there is little doubt that, somewhere on her person, she's got her collapsible bo staff.

     She paused by the shore, tilting her head and listening for a moment. Was there some sort of... drumming? Shaking her head, she just shrugs. Perhaps it was other students taking their drums out by the shore and enjoying the day that way. Who was to say for sure?

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a BAMF of sound, and tendrils of purple-black smoke that slither through the air. There's also the aroma of burning brimstone, and the appearance of the blue-furred and pointy-eared Kurt. His tail lightly swishes behind him, and he's wearing a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt. A fairly normal outfit for him, though he's added a hat simply because of the sun. He has a small tacklebox that he carries in his right hand, and there's a fishing pole resting lightly over his left shoulder which is held in his left hand. It's a beautiful day, and the notion of fishing is one that strikes his fancy. And so, that's what he's set off to accomplish, making his way amongst the trees and heading in the direction of the trees. One of his ears turns in the direction of the... what is that sound?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is part of the 'wanna be alone' club, but for a few more reasons on top of it being Mother's Day. She's taken to the skies to sort of burn off some energy, since Sundays are pretty much the laziest day for her anyhow, but she's not really feeling social. As she comes around one of the bends, where some of the taller grasses and foliage make way into the more wooded area, she doesn't necessarily hear the thumping as much as she sees movements in the grass and...something furry? Piqued, she shifts to fly a bit closer to the grasses, seeing if she can make out what's there among the strands of green.

Havok has posed:
     The sound continues and it's getting louder. It's getting louder because it's getting closer. Students and visiting parents alike are starting to take notice. They're stopping what they're doing and looking out over the grounds surrounding the lake. 'Thumpitythumpthumpthumpitythump', it's truly coming from all directions.
     It's just when Rogue is trying to puzzle out what he's seeing, probably maybe wondering if she's REALLY seeing it, that the thumping noise is drowned out by dozens and dozens of high pitched... war calls? It's an awful sound! It's nails down a chalkboard times about infinity awful.
    The thumping and thudding has lost its rhythm, now it's just running feet as dozens upon dozens of three foot tall ... rabbits come running out of the surrounding brush. That's right Rogue, rabbits! They're standing on their hind legs and each one has a weapon of some sort in their 'hands'. Those weapons range from slingshots to actual katanas. Brown bunnies, black bunnies, white bunnies... and they all have murder in their beady little eyes.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar finally seems to hear the sound. Thump thump... what? She blinks and looks up from the book, letting it close over her hand still resting on one of the pages. She looks down from her vantage point up the tree. Up here, she can see below perfectly fine.

And stares at what she sees. She lifts her hand from the book and it closes the rest of the way. She rubs her eyes and then looks again. Nope, definitely seeing rabbits. Three foot tall war rabbits? Buh?

And then Dani frowns, and concentrates on them, reaching into their minds to pull out their greatest fears. She takes that knowledge, and attempts to it into illusions that that seem to be entirely real, that both they, and those around them, can see.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon lets out a soft oath under her breath, turning right back towards the mansion. With a horde of hoppity-hop-hop's out of season, this could -not- be good.

     And not a single one of them had baskets full of candy, either! How rude!

     With wings flared to their full span, she begins to shepherd students and visitors alike back towards the mansion, uncertain of just what these bunnies' capabilities really were. But she wasn't about to wait around to find out!

Nightcrawler has posed:
The fact that the sound continues is enough to bring Kurt to stop, his curiosity getting the better of him. He tilts his head a little to one side, turning to look in the direction of things, his ears perked up a bit. Listening, at first. Because it seems to be a good idea. His glowing yellow eyes blink a little bit, and one of his eyebrows quirks up a touch. "Well... so much for fishing, it seems," he comments to himself. He sets the tacklebox down on the ground, then leans the fishing pole against it. He'll come back for it later, since it can be at least a sort of weapon.

But first -- first, there were innocent people that needed to be moved to somewhere else. To anywhere else, though preferrably to where there weren't homicidal rabbits. The thought seems strange even as it occurs to him! He takes a moment to assess things, and then he teleports to the group of little ones playing tag, crouching to one knee once he's there. "Come, little ones... let me get you to somewhere safe, ja?" he calls to them, making a 'come' gesture to try to get them to come over to him. If they come over to him, he'll let them clambor on him as they wish, simply in an effort to be able to get as many of them as possible to safety in one go.

Rogue has posed:
While the others begin to huddle kids and parents to the safety of the mansion, Rogue flies to the beginning of the bunny horde that she was flying into and lands in front of them. She's only one person, but she can take a beating and surely disarming rabbits isn't going to be that much of a task. "Come on... you really think you can take me on? Let's go!" She says this and then she waits, but as soon as any of the bunnies think it's safe to attack her...she's a formidable force!

Havok has posed:
    Dani's mind games may not go off exactly as planned. It works, on some of them, but there are around thirty or forty of the little buggers and they're extremely strong willed and determined. They're also not all afraid of the same things. That cute little brown one with the one lopped ear over there, seems its greatest fear is a giant three toed sloth looking thing that is in, no way, slow like the sloths of this world. Little loppy bunny is wielding a pair of matching scimitars so at least those two blades are now focused on something that isn't a student or a parent. That adorable little white bunny over there with the morningstar swinging above its head? Well, looks like that one's worst fear is a giant pink rolling ball of goo. White bunny doesn't even stand and fight, it just turns cottontail and RUNS. Looks like one fears losing its tail, that one over there looks like it fears butterflies... with razor sharp wings? Nothing that comes out of their nightmares is normal to anyone of this planet or dimension.
    Speaking of students and parents, most of them are being pretty easily ushered out of harm's way by Shannon, but there are stragglers that are just standing in shock at the sight of... war bunnies.
    Kurt's efforts to get the little straggling taggers to safety is mostly successful. He finds himself covered in terrified children, minus one tiny little dude. He's maybe five? Maybe! And he's a small five if he's five at all. Is he even a student or just the sibling of a student? That little tow-headed tyke isn't scared at ALL. He's ENAMORED with... "Bunnies!" he squeals with delight as he runs TOWARD the chaos.
     Rogue is tough, there's no doubt about it. Maybe they won't be abe to do much damage, but disarming these little bastards isn't all that easy. THEY ARE FAST and pretty damned strong for three foot tall rabbits. It's like someone fed rabbits super soldier laced carrots for dinner! They probably even score a few hits on the flying Belle.
     Some of the older, more trained students, are TRYING to stand and fight, but these cotton-tailed menaces really really are a force to be reckoned with, all Crouching Tiger Hidden Bunny and shit!
    Three of them, one that appears to be some sort of leader and two that seem like maybe their the leader's guards stop. The leader is a brown and white bunnie with both ears lopped and a short little nose pink nose. Seriously, it's ADORABLE. It demands, "Bogabal cudaka donmoalala... PARMINKLEFART!
    Anyone here speak War Bunny?

Moonstar has posed:
Working some is better than working not at all, right? At first, Dani concentrates on those bunnies closest. The cute little brown one gets a three-toed sloth tossed at it, the thing fast as a whip and giving no quarter to its target. The moment the white bunny runs from the giant pink rolling ball of goo, she releases that illusion, but the razor winged butterflies continue swarming toward the one it fears. They're harassing that bunny around its head.

Then Dani sees what has to be the leader with its guards. She reaches into the leader's mind to pull its fear to life.

And then the leader is speaking. And Dani blinks. She listens even as she concentrates. Her brow furrows just a touch. It sounds like gobbeldy gook. "Chì avemu arrubatu da voi, per pude esse restituitu?"

Nightingale has posed:
     With the rest of the students and guests mostly herded back towards the mansion, Shannon turns about to survey the current situation. Not a bad job. Now, about those damn bunnies....


     Oh, crap. Her head snaps around, and she takes to the air, heading straight for the little tow-headed five year old boy, swooping down and scooping him up in her arms. "Nope, not nice bunnies at all! Come on, let's get you inside!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Hey, wait, they're not safe bunnies!" Kurt calls out to the little boy that escapes him. "Bumpy ride, maybe, so hold on tight," he says to those kids that hold onto him. He shifts one of the kids to his hip and takes a couple of quick steps towards the wayward one but spies Shannon heading for him so gives a small nod to her. He snakes his tail around one of the kids that he's holding, trying to make sure that they're more secure there. "They're bad bunnies," Kurt says, a touch sternly. Burdened with the children, he teleports, there one second and gone the next, reappearing at a safer spot some significant distance away. There, he unburdens himself of the children before giving a small nod. "Stay safe, and avoid any bunnies if they come this far, ja?" he instructs them. "Be good, and watch out for each other," he adds, giving a small nod. Then he teleports back.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is taking hits for the team, because she can, and while some of the bunnies do get past her, some of them are also running the other direction because they see...well she's not sure why one is running from a sloth. The other from a pink ball of stuff, but hey! If it works! She's also not indestructible. She's got a limit to being vulnerable. Blades still slice, and after a few hits here and there she'll suffer a few cuts, but they won't bring her down. She'll simply try to disarm a few of the bunnies and then lets out a "Soolak mooilk ramma lamma dongding!" Cause if they can speak babble..she can too! Only she then hears a voice behind and she looks back to Dani. "You can speak their language? What do they want?" Asking this before she gets knocked in the head by...was that a rainbow? Only something goes boom...apparently...and Rogue is ground zero for the blast....

Havok has posed:
    When their leader speaks, the others halt their attack, for the moment, but not before poor Rogue...OUCH. They stand in a semi-circle around the brown and white lop-eared bunny and stomp from foot to foot in that same rhythmic pattern as before. Harder and harder they stomp, the ground is actually shaking a bit, little clouds of dust and dirt kicking up under those stomping feet. Ooga-chaka-ooga-chaka, ooga-chaka... really the rhythm sort of sounds familiar.
    The leader listens to Dani and responds, "Lobdohako, bogabal... MINKLE!" There's something there, something more than just outrage. Is it fear? Grief?
    The little tyke Shannon scoops up bursts into tears. TEARS! HEARTBROKEN SOBS. He just wanted to pet the bunnies!
    At least one of the kidlets being 'sterned at' by Kurt will definitely be afraid of the Easter Bunny next year. Bad bunnies! Bunnies are bad! But at least none of those little ones will lose their lives to the cotton-tailed enemy today!
    That little metallic rainbow ball from the slingshot does explode on impact. It explodes pretty big too, at least m-80 levels of big. That might leave a mark.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar doesn't take her eyes off the bunnies, but she calls out an answer to Rogue. "I can! It's a Valkyrie thing!" She focuses on the chief bunny again. She winces at the rainbow blast thing, but keeps up what she's doing. Her brow furrows as she listens to the chief bunny.

And she can read more than fears. She can read emotions. When the emotions are strong enough, she can read images. She leaps nimbly down from the tree at that point, releasing the illusions she'd been holding. She paces toward the Bunny Chief. "Pudete sente induve he u vostru Chjucu? Vi aiuteremu à truva u vostru zitellu." She glances to Rogue. "Rogue, you okay? Someone has stolen her child."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Shhh, it's okay. We'll find some nice bunnies to pet another day, m'kay? It's gonna be alright there, kiddo." Shannon really is doing her level best to comfort the little tyke as she airlifts him back to the mansion, where he rejoins his family. A few tears were worth it, if it meant the little one would live to pet bunnies another day!

     ooga-chaka ooga-chaka OOGA-CHAKA OOGA-CHAKA!!!

     As she listens, Dani's voice somehow cutting through the insistent, relentless, pounding of rabbit's feet on the ground, Shannon frowns somewhat. "Oh god. That would explain a lot. What can she tell us about it? When did her child go missing?"

     Apparently, bears weren't the only thing who would go postal if one interfered with their young--and, as tough as Rogue was, the winged teen was not keen on seeing her harmed any more than she already was!

Nightcrawler has posed:
Dani isn't the only one that's worried about Rogue after that blast. Kurt is, too, though he'd not seen the full of it on account of having been in the midst of teleporting. He looks over towards Dani, more than a little bit confused, though that's generally on account of not understanding what she -- and the bunnies -- are saying. Until Dani mentions that last bit that's in English. He teleports over to Rogue, reaching out a hand to touch her shoulder and keeping close to her with the intent to protect her. "Maybe she will call off attacking if we agree to help her find her child?" he suggests, looking towards Dani.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue knocked back as she was when the little pebble went off, Rogue ends up flat on her back looking up at the sky for a moment before sitting up and shaking it off some. "M'fine! Jus' a little..." She stops talking and then grunts as she stands up and looks to the bunnies before glancing back to Dani. "Kid? Well what's the kid look like? Maybe we can find it and give it back. We ain't gonna let someone keep another's kid...they prolly just thought it was a stray bunny." Yes, Shannon and Kurt said kinda the same things - but she was dealing with a blast to the face in the moment and didn't quite hear anything. She still can't really hear anything, ringing in her ears and all. Her face is covered with soot, but for the most part...a little explosive to the head isn't going to take Rogue down. She will need to see Hank about getting bandaged up though.

Havok has posed:
    The bunnies begin to close ranks around their leader when Dani approaches. They never break their stomping rhythm as they move though. "Ooga-chaka, ooga-chaka, ooga-chaka." Now they're actually chanting the words. These guys HAVE to know Quill?
    Suddenly they all stop, no more chanting, no more stomping, they all stop and turn to point to mansion proper in PERFECT unison. Village of the Damned War Bunnies? Nothing odd or creepy about that at all.
    "But I wanted to hug them and squeeze them and call them George like the OTHER bunny!" the distraught little boy calls out after Shannon. "It's not fair, mommy!" he laments when he's back with his parents.
    ...the bunny that hit Rogue with that little BOOM ball, breaks 'Bunny Village of the Damned' ranks to look at the Southern Belle and snicker.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar honestly can't blame the bunny for being pissed her child is missing. Not at all. If she were in the bunny's fuzzy feet? She'd be pissed too. She nods to Kurt's suggestion. "I already offered our help in finding her child," she says. "I know she can sense the child here. But I am not sure she can sense exactly where."

She turns her eyes back to the bunny and asks a question. Or what sounds like a question, from the inflection of her words. "Quandu he statu pigliatu u to figliolu?" Dani glances to Rogue. "The child is all white except for a circle of black around its right eye."

Despite that all three of the others had said the same thing... well. It bears repeating! As the bunnies all turn to point to the mansion, Dani's brow furrows. She turns to look at the mansion. Then she looks at the kid talking about the other bunny. "What other bunny?" she asks, voice stern. "Is it all white except a black circle around the right eye?" Oh dear. She is clearly suspecting something here.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon is just about to turn back towards the others when she stops dead in her tracks. "Wait. What other bunny?" she asks, turning around to face the little tyke she'd rescued from the horde of hares. She kneels down in front of him, reaching out to rest her hands on his shoulders, and looking at the little one right in his eyes. "This is very important. What other bunny? What do they look like, and where are they now?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a frown to his features even as he watches Rogue get back up to her feet. "That seems... likely, depending on the size of what the child of one of these would be," Kurt says, his brow furrowing a bit. He'll stick closer to her, to be support for her, and his tail lightly loops around her waist as just an extra bit of support. "You okay?" he asks softly, worried. Then his gaze turns towards the bunnies, and he tilts his head a bit to one side. Perhaps hasenpfeffer ought to be taken off of the menu in a more permanent sort of manner. One of his eyebrows quirks up a bit, and he looks over to Dani and nods. He should have expected she'd already offered to help. "How big is her child?" he asks, curious. "Do any of the students have a pet rabbit?" He isn't sure, so he asks!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sways a little, and then wraps an arm around Kurt's shoulders as his tail wraps around her waist. "Yeah... totally fine..." Then she looks to Kurt and gives him a little lopsided smile. "Hey...why are there two of you?" Physically she may seem fine, except for where her cuts are, but it's very likely that explosion to the face was fine - Rogue is known to take a beating. But consistent damage and a rattling of her brainpan? She's not made of adamantium or anything. "...I think I need to lie down tho..."

Havok has posed:
    WAAAAAAHHHHHH! That little tow-headed boy just SOBS. He's hysterical, shoulder's hitching, can't catch his breath, scared he's in so much trouble bawling his little eyes out. What IS his name, Billy... Bobby... Bradley? No... Jack, his name is Jack. And what can Jack do? Well, he calls it blipping and really no one's ever been able to figure out where he goes when he disappears one place and blinks back a few seconds later in another just a few feet away, it doesn't happen often and he's always back in a beat. It's always been assumed it's just some sort of short distance phasing power. The kid does have a WILD imagination though! Always making up stories about going to other worlds and seeing talking animals...
    The leader wags her finger admonishingly at Dani, then at points at Shannon and does the same. "Udopoo, poo... bakaloba poinmana Nerft!" She tilts her bunny head to one side and then the other and that pink nose wiggles as if she smells something. "Ubichoomoo comanonomaa, buttutoo momanamn damrititimos snerft vert mogcoolboo, Basosa."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar turns away from the bunnies and walks over to Jack. She concentrates on him, and sends a wave of soothing emotion from herself to him. "It's okay, Jack. You're not in trouble," she says. She glances back at the rabbit and nods. "Un vulia micca fa lu pienghje. Sera be. Pensu ch'ellu sa induve he u vostru Basosa."

Dani turns back to Jack. "It's okay Jack. I promise. Can you take us to Basosa? The white bunny with the black circle around its eye?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon looks at Jack, then at Dani, then the lead rabbit, and back at Jack. As gently as she can, as softly as she can, she asks the young one, "Where is the bunny?" There are times when you just -know-. "Please, take us to him?"

     Miss Grey said there'd be days like this--and she didn't listen....

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Mmm... totally not fine," Kurt says, tilting his head slightly to look to Rogue. "You're okay, I've got you. Be thankful that there's still only one of me, ja?" he suggests, giving a wry chuckle. "Though you probably have a concussion, so I'll be on duty to keep waking you up all the time. I'll get you back, to the medbay," he says, a touch of worry to his voice. He turns his gaze towards the little boy, towards Jack, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. Jack the Blipper. Except what if all those stories he has to tell aren't stories? What if they're the truth? Did people believe him the first time he popped into the Brimstone Dimension? Although that was a bit different, admittedly! He looks over to Dani, studying her for a moment. "I'm going to take Rogue back and get her checked out," he says, giving a small nod. "I'll come back after." And he'll wait a moment before he teleports with her, directly to the medbay.

Havok has posed:
    Jack sniiiiiiiiffffles and snufffs. He's a snot nosed mess from all the crying really. His mother prompts, "Tell her honey." ...and that's when the little imp strips off his Paw Patrol backpack and opens it up to reveal a tiny little bunny, just about the size of a full grown dwarf it were an actual 'of this Earth' bunny. To his credit, Jack has done a fine job of making sure Basosa is comfy and warm in there by lining the bag with soft strips of a blanket he must have cut up. There's also some of those little petite carrots in there. "But his name is George," he snuffles out between a hiccup and a sigh.
    RIGHT THERE, the entire time the source of all this trouble was RIGHT THERE.
    "Basosa!" Cries the Bunny Leader when that little white bunny with the black ring around an eye peeks out from the bag. "Miman!" the little itty bitty bunny... SQUEAKS!
    That's all they wanted, their Queen's little one back. When the baby hoppity hops its way to momma and the family is reunited... all the rabbits make just turn and retreat to disappear back into the surrounding foliage and, presumably, back from where they came.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar watches as Jack produces the bunny. All the while, she's sending waves of reassurance at him, to reinforce what she's saying, and what Shannon and his mother are saying.

Then the bunny is out and going back to its momma. Dani lets out a breath, and watches the bunnies retreat back to where they came from. The foliage. She turns to Jack. "Hey Jack? From now on, please show me any pets you bring back, okay? Just in case." She reaches out a hand to ruffle his hair.