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The Slayer and the Hellequin are on the hunt
Date of Scene: 11 May 2021
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Buffy and Henri get to plan on investigating some strange events
Cast of Characters: Hellequin, Buffy Summers

Hellequin has posed:
It's early in the morning, and on a weekday, this part of Central Park is usually very quiet. Especially close to the edge of the water, where some kids obviously built - against all regulations - a makeshift bridge made of barely nailed planks and ropes.

From a distance on the bank, Henri de Fontainebleau observes the hazardous structure, shaking his head in dismay. No matter the century, kids will be kids. For now there are no kids on it, and it is a good thing, because chances are it would collapse under any amount of weight. If he had this thing called a /cell phone/, the antiquarian would call the authorities and mention this dangerous structure.

Buffy Summers has posed:
After the epic battle with an army of vampires who had invaded Manhattan a week or two ago. She had returned briefly to Bludhaven to check in with the others, but it seems it's been hard to catch up with the Scoobies lately.

So here she is, on her own, checking out the park again. And how peaceful and quiet it is today. As she strides along, Buffy doesn't yet notice the kids building a potentially dangerous makeshift bridge. She's frowning down at her phone which has been malfunctioning lately, as she had a number of important messages to get through..

Hellequin has posed:
For some reason, Henri remains to a good distance from the edge of the water, his eyes looking at it pensively. If he could, he would dismantle the makeshift brige, the making of some kids. Anyone trying to walk on it would most likely fall into the water, risking drowning. Drowning, indeed, isn't a nice experience; one Henri surely has in mind as he stares at the water.

He's not so focused on the bridge and water that he can't notice the Slayer approaching. For a moment, the Frenchman looks at her, a strange look in his eyes, a rather puzzled look, as if wondering why he always cross path with Buffy. Is there a secret, mysterious, reason why he's always faced with her or her friends?

"Bon matin," Henri says as Buffy comes into hearing distance, "I doubt you will find any /work/ here at this time of day." Indeed, vampires don't stroll in the park at this time of day.

Buffy Summers has posed:
BLEEP! BLORP! goes her phone and she mutters a few profanities, stuffing it back in her pocket. Probably spending too much around Harry, that's probably what did it. But looks like she'll have to contact Dawn the old fashionned way, since she's in town..

Her steps eventually take her to the water's edge, and she peers up in time to notice first the makeshift bridge with a slight frown, and then Henri with another slight frown. She's still uncertain about him. "Oh..Henri, hey. How's it going?"

She shrugs and nods. "Yeah, unlesss there's another freakish eclipse. That was crazy. What you up to in Manhattan? You here for the same reason as me?"

Hellequin has posed:
The mention of eclipse meets with a raised eyebrow. Of course, it would allow the vampires and creatures of the night to move out of their hiding places during day time! Which, strangely, never impacts on the Hellequin's own daily, centuries old, routine. Interesting.

"I could not say if I am here for the same reason," he says, almost smiling, as if about to make... a joke! "I would have to know your reason, before I can say it's the same. Which is...?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "Well, aside from an eclipse bringing out the creatures of the night, the sheer number of vampires attacking a city that is not normally known for residing on a hellmouth was highly unusual. I've been having trouble contacting Giles or finding anything in the books though. I mean, there's gotta be a connection between a rare solar eclipse and a mass gathering of vampires, who seemed to be searching for some key people, right?"

Hellequin has posed:
Although he's far from being an expert in the doings of vampires - all he cares about them is for them to die for good - Henri seems intrigued by what the Slayer is saying.

"Mass gathering," he repeats, thinking for a moment, "Yes, I have noticed an increased presence of all devilish things around lately. It keeps me quite busy at nights. Do you suspect that something worse is coming? Monsieur Giles would probably know about it."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and sighs. "Oh, I suppose it's not totally unusual for vampires and other demons to be found just about anywhere, but not on such a scale..So I figured I'd gather reinforcements and come back to do somse regular patrols."

She arches a thoughtful brow at him, still not entirely convinced he's not gonna turn against one of her many vampire allies. "But y'know, I could always use the help." Buffy shrugs and smirks, "I hate to be pessimistic, but I doubt we've seen the last of those vamps. Just..Not sure where to even start searching for where these vamps are hiding during the day..."

Hellequin has posed:
Henri nods at that. While he's not scared of any vampire - nor is the Slayer even - he cares that they do not create more trouble before he can /deal/ with them.

"I would love to help you," he says, sounding sincere - just like a hunter agreeing to hunt!, "But as you noticed... my /help/ is rather useless by daytime. Of course, I could ask around." He pauses, then smiles! "I have... some contacts with the local catholic priests. Maybe they could know something? What do you say?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles. "I'd appreciate it..Thanks, Henri." She's probably terribly mispronouncing his name. French was never her strong point in school afterall!

"Well, vampires usually only come out at night anyways..Even other demons who don't fear the sun tend to prefer to hunt under cover of darkness. Hopefully these guys weren't teamed up with stronger demons. Although even as vampires, they were fairly stronger than your average vamp. Armed and pretty skilled fighters too."

She tilts her head thoughtfully towards him. "Hmm, that would be helpful, yes..This problem of course, is that a lot of people don't even believe in vampires. So they don't protect themselves properly or take the threat seriously. I'm pretty sure the police shrugged it off as a one time gang attack or something."

Hellequin has posed:
Henri listens attentively, nodding. "I too, like the night," comes the low, amused voice. "For... some reason." Which by now, the Slayer knows very well. Maybe not completely, but enough to understand.

"You would be surprised," he says, "How many priests - catholic, of course - know about the Devil's plans. The exorcists, for ones, can gather information from those inhabited by the Malin. And, well, I tend to keep in touch with the exorcist corps." Is it true, or not? Maybe when dealing with the evildoers himself, the Hellequin can obtain important information.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles and shrugs, leaning over the railing a bit to peer out at the water. "Yeah, but your reasons are..Well so far, they seem to be more noble.." she sighs "Although lately, it's getting harder for me to distinguish good from evil. I mean, afterall, half my friends are vampires or witches or werewolves, or heck, even a zombie. Go figure.."

She gives him another nod. "Right, I suppose there are some who might help, but I wonder if they know of your secret? I'm sure if they did, many of them would consider *you* a demon yourself, don't you think?"

Hellequin has posed:
The Slayer has a good question here, indeed. One that makes Henri tilt his head, lost in thoughts for a moment. A demon? For obeying God's orders?

"I did not meet all of your /friends/," Henri states, "You mentioned some of them, including... hrm, Angel. If you are allowed to have such friends, then it has been allowed." By whom? Knowing the man, he's propably certain that this has been allowed by God.

"Some knew of my nature, over the years. They went to meet their Maker, in due time, in peace." He pauses, looking at Buffy with intent, "Some men and women, without any special traits, do know, at times. And they do know who is my Master, which is theirs as well, and none would ever consider me of a demonic nature. Strict, yes, but not demonic."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and hmmms. "True, although.." she just chuckles and shakes her head. "Can't say I've ever been but in authority figures really. I just do my own thing."

Of course , they're talking about The Big Guy Upstairs, and Buff would honestly rather not get on his bad side if possible.

"I guess we do what we can, maybe that's enough.." another shrug as she peers at him thoughtfully some more.

"I guess it takes some open minded people to believe things that are not in line with the status quo. I mean, didn't a lot of super religious and God fearing priests and stuff crucify Jesus Christ even?" but this discussion is getting a bit too religion heavy and philosophical for her

Hellequin has posed:
Indeed, and while Henri does work on a special mission from the Big Guy, he's not the most lectured in theology and the like. Life is simple for him, of the simplicity known in the Middle Age, where all things were either good, or evil.

"This is another yet interesting question," he agrees, and not visibly eager to discuss. "As for the matter at hand, the actual surge of demons, I will see what I can learn. And will join you, in any capacity - preferably at night - to look around and eradicate the devil's spawns." So this is a deal. Sport or hunting for him, and Slayer's work for her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods. "Sounds good!" she actually smiles, perhaps learning to trust him a bit more. "Oh, hold on...Here's my number.." she scribbles something on a piece of scrap paper, handing it to him. "If anything comes up, let me know, and i'll do the same. I need to run, but I'm sure we'll cross paths again." she smiles and waves to him before hurrying off.