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Latest revision as of 08:44, 12 May 2021

Surprise Gift
Date of Scene: 10 May 2021
Location: Uptown, St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Cameron Phillips and John Connor take in a little culture.
Cast of Characters: John Connor, Cameron

John Connor has posed:
John Connor is the future leader of the human resistance. He is the one that everything and everyone seems to revolve around. But none of that has happened yet. And today, he is just a young man, still a teenager, living the closest thing to an ordinary life that he can. It's not easy, especially with his mother and uncle, but he tries.

And he's proven himself to be highly observant. And so, based on his observations, he engineered a little surprise. He was driving the truck, with Cameron in tow. He wouldn't tell her what he had planned, except to suggest that she dress nice. Crossing beneath the Long Island Sound, they drove through the Copeland Tunnel that connected New Troy to St. Martin's Island, arriving in Uptown. For his part, John wore his nicest black jacket, black pants, and a white t-shirt. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best approximation of a tuxedo he could muster from what he had.

Cameron has posed:
Cameron was sitting in the passenger seat of the truck. She was looking around as they drove, just a stranger in a new area checking out the sites. To any observers at least.

In reality, her HUD was picking out information and details endlessly, feeding the data to her and analyzing. She wouldn't be much of a protector if she wasn't paying attention to what was around them.

As requested, she was dressed appropriately. The dress was an halter style, the straps at the back of her neck, leaving her upper back bare. Then falling down to a narrow waist, tailored properly, before flaring out to a more flowing skirt which fell to just below her knees. She had heels on her feet. All in black.

She didn't ask questions. Didn't badger with 'are we there yet' queries. She just waited and observed.

John Connor has posed:
They drove through the streets, until the truck pulled into an underground parking garage. There were so many. It wasn't immediately clear where they were heading, but given their dress, their GPS location, and Cameron's study of current events, she likely would have guessed that they were heading towards the Metropolis Opera House, which was hosting the Australian Ballet tonight, the second best ballet troupe in the world, and the best one that toured internationally. Only the Paris Opera Ballet were considered to be better, and even that was arguable.

As they got out and walked the final distance, John offered his arm, since that's what the other patrons who were similarly dressed were doing, and to help blend in. "Have you figured it out yet?" He asked, expecting her to have, but secretly hoping that she hadn't.

Cameron has posed:
The garage was examined with the same curiosity as the streets outside. When he offered his arm, Cameron automatically slipped hers through his, taking that posture that several others heading through the garage were doing. She examined the building, able to read on the sign outside what it was since she didn't have access to computers or the like to research. Outside getting to use his laptop from time to time. She had been created, as most of her kind, with no want to access the internet or even Skynet without being there in person. It was harder to compromise the Terminators since they were not accessible by such means. Skynet had learned early on they could be hacked. The only way a Terminator could have their programming accessed was physically through their chip.

"Opera?" she asked since that was the name but then she spotted the sign up by the door. "Australian Ballet company." She then smiled. It was the proper sort of response since they were in a public setting where she needed to be more human like. Or perhaps it was just because she was pleased they were going to the ballet. So hard to tell with her since she seemed to have emotions at times.

"They are the second best in the world, though the Paris company is considered superior. Although I do not really agree with that. I believe they are equal in their skills and musicality."

John Connor has posed:
He had seen her doing ballet in her room, just walking by an ajar room, that sort of thing. He had never asked her about it, since to him, she was a person, and deserved to have her free time, respect, and even some secrets, but he had filed it away, that she seemed to like the ballet, so when he heard about this, was able to get tickets, he decided to take her. Her smile was hard to read. She could fake one so well. He never knew when she was being truthful, and when she was acting. Though he was convinced that she could smile of her own volition. He had seen her smile at things that could be amusing, but weren't really the kind of thing you would expect to be part of a mission parameter.

"Oh, really, that's cool. Should be a good performance then." As they approached, he handed in his tickets, with the stubs being removed, and the rest given back to him, with directions of where to go. Their tickets weren't the best, but they were the best he could afford.

Cameron has posed:
As they were working their way to their seats, a bit far in the back and not on the second level where height would improve their view of the stage, Cameron was glancing around. "How did you afford this? Does your mother know?" THe fateful four words there. If he was spending money frivolously without her knowledge, his mother probably wouldn't be pleased. They both knew it.

She had been trying to gather information for the family a while back and ended up taking ballet lessons. Since that time, she would sometimes dance in her room. It was a private thing. Something she didn't share. But it wasn't a huge secret since she didn't usually secure her bedroom door. She didn't think it odd that she did it, unlike some of the humans around her.

As they settled in their seats, she smoothed the back of her skirt down at she sat so it wouldn't end up all wrinkled. Then she picked up the program she had been handed by an usher on the way into the auditorium.

"I did not know you liked ballet."

John Connor has posed:
"I've been doing some IT work." He was quite the computer wizard, and the look on his face at the second part suggested that she did not, "not exactly. She thinks I'm at the movies, seeing the latest Michael Bay film." Yeah, like he'd want anything to do with a Michael Bay film. His mother probably suspected something, but was willing to let it slide. Can't be a hardass all the time, just like ninety-nine percent of the time.

"Don't, well, don't know, never been, but I thought you might like it." Yes, he had arranged this for her. Here was the future leader of the human resistance taking his robot out to the ballet in the hopes that she would enjoy it. His was a strange life when he thought about it. He would take his seat, not doing anything to smooth out his clothes, since they mostly smoothed themselves. He had pickpocketed two pairs of glasses, and offered one to her, not that she needed it, but for appearances sake. "Do you know much about the ballet?"

Cameron has posed:
"I learned some during my time in taking classes," Cameron says. Perhaps a bit obviously considering that was the point of taking a class, was to learn more about the subject matter.

She did add to it. "I did borrow a couple of books on the subject." Presumably from her class. Though actually it was from her friend who worked at the library.

"It originated in the 15th century and has become far more techical as time has progressed. Ballet is a French word which had its origin in Italian balletto, a diminutive of ballo (dance) which comes from Latin ballo, ballare, meaning "to dance", which in turn comes from a Greek word which meant 'to dance, to jump about'. Which is fitting."

John Connor has posed:
John listened, soaking it up. He was a good listener, and enjoyed helping Cameron to better integrate with humans. She was, strange as it may seem, his best friend in this world, and the only one not related to him that he spent significant time with.

"Do you think you could teach me to dance," he asked, "not this, but, normal dancing," he corrected after a thought. She was probably an expert at dancing, or could quickly become one by watching videos. Dancing wasn't exactly high on the skill prioritiy list, not like field stripping an AK-47, but maybe it was a sly way to live something closer to a normal life. It's not like he was going to parties much.

Cameron has posed:
That draws her attention. Cameron looks up from the program which was already committed to memory after that brief scan. Her dark eyes settle on his and her brow tightens a little in the center as she emulates a confused human so well. "Why?"

It's a simple question but it does have a lot to it. "It doesn't fit with the skills you will need." Which isn't a not but more a should he really be focusing on that particular thing. "Although if you would enjoy it, you are lacking hobbies."

John Connor has posed:
He wanted to spend some quality time with Cameron. Really, future John should have sent a protector who looked like Uncle Bob, or any guy for that matter, if he didn't expect past John to get a little gushy about his protector. "It seems like fun, good cardio, good for hand eye coordination, and really, it seems like fun." He was still a young man, he was entitled to a bit of fun before the world went to shit, didn't he? "I guess, any hobbies you can suggest?" Meanwhile, the performance had started, so they dropped their voices to a whisper, still speaking, just a little more careful about bothering anyone nearby.

Cameron has posed:
"Dancing can be enjoyable." Which may be a hint there is more to it for the machine that looks like a person. But that can't be. She's metal. No way she can have emotions on that level.

As the performance begins, as is often the norm it is an ensemble cast to give people a feel for the world and setting. Partway through the 'stars' would be introduced but not in the first few minutes.

She kept her voice very low. Thankfully this far back and being the day of the week they'd attended, it wasn't as crowded as it might have been. Somehow it didn't sell out, probably because it was a late performance and many people had to work the next day. So they had a little bubble of space around them as long as they whispered low, so as not to disturb anyone.

"Dance would be good for your health. I am not sure what others to suggest." Because she couldn't guide his choices although she knew what future John used to like doing for hobbies. Or so he'd told her when they'd talked about his life before the Resistance.

John Connor has posed:
"Then will you teach me?" He asked, looking forward to the idea of learning to dance like her. It wasn't really the sort of thing he'd like to talk to his mother about. So perhaps they might have to find a place to practice, just would need a room, four walls, maybe a mobile phone with some music. Not hard to do.

It was nice that they had a bubble. He was watching the performance, but kept looking towards Cameron. At least during the early parts, she had more of his attention than the show. "Maybe we could take an art class together," he thought, it almost sounded as if he were searching for something, anything that wasn't doom and gloom, bullets and bodyarmor, just something that a normal 16 year old might want to do.

"Cooking class? Although mom would probably prefer if we just stayed in, watched movies, which... could be educational." There was so much of the human condition she could witness and grow to understand through movies and television shows.

Cameron has posed:
"I will attempt to but I am uncertain I am the best instructor. I can teach you steps and movements but it is something that differs from person to person how that is interpreted. Perhaps we should find you a ...different teacher." She almost said human but stopped herself. Cameron wasn't the only one with sensitive hearing so it was better to err on the side of caution in these types of surroundings.

As he went through other options, she was still watching the dance on stage. Now the leading characters had been introduced and they moved into the next number. She was carefully monitoring their every move and committing it to her memory.

"Cooking would be helpful if you like cooking. I do not." Because she doesn't have to eat even if she can and does at times. "You like art? What type? Painting, sculpture?"

John Connor has posed:
"I'm certain. You're the only I want to learn from, learn with," he said, sounding as nonchalant as he could. He wanted to learn to dance, but it was also an opportunity to do something with her. He didn't really understand his feelings, how far they went, or what would happen, but she was at a minimum, his friend. He liked spending time with her.

"Cooking is a pretty essential part of the human experience. If we don't eat, we die. So it'd be nice to learn how to make it taste better," plus they'd likely have to live off some strange foods in the coming years. "Uh, I don't know, could try them both? Would you take a class with me?" He asked, as if she'd say no.

Cameron has posed:
If she said no, she would be leaving him unprotected amongst strangers. The likelihood of that was nil. She didn't even like letting him go to classes she wasn't in at school. Not that she had a choice if they wished to maintain their cover as siblings instead of human and protective cybernetic bodyguard.

Cameron spares a glance for him. "Certainly. Whatever class you would like to take, sign me up as well." She had the feeling his mother wasn't going to like this. She wanted him to spend less time with Cameron, not more. Not that he was not above standing up to his mother. He'd done it on Cameron's behalf more than once.

"Art. Cooking. You choose. And I will teach you dance."

John Connor has posed:
It was hard to get through to her that she was his protector, but she didn't have to be around him 24/7. It was just a good thing that he actually liked being around her, most of the time. They did have some amusing conversations about boundaries early on, but that was long past. "All right then." His mother was going to hate it. But it was worth it in John's eyes. As the stars started to emerge, John took a bit more interest in it, asking questions about them, what they were doing, but mostly, just trying to soak it up.