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Latest revision as of 19:32, 14 May 2021

Trouble at Il Galletto
Date of Scene: 14 May 2021
Location: Jackroller Emporium, Bushwick, Brooklyn
Synopsis: So three... four mutants and a Iron Fist walk into a bar...
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball, Havok, Iron Fist, Rogue

Prismatic has posed:
    The Jackroller Emporium is a difinitive 'dive'. It has a couple ancient, glitchy arcade machines int he back (a fighting game and a Big Game Hunter game), a line of small booths and grimey green pleather on the barstools, low lighting and the ever present smell of slightly burning grease in the air.

    It's also a known hang out for some anti-mutant creeps who like to give the people of Bushwick a hard time.

    Alexis, her little self, walks in wearing a pair of matte red heels, jeans, and a dark leather jacket over a T-shirt announcing that The Who were playing a concert in the correct decade for The Who, and she pushes a pair of flight goggles up as she takes a breath.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit and he has his own goggles down around his neck, not expecting to need them for a while. He wears his jeans, and his brown shit kickers. His own shirt sporting a picture of a mountain scene on it. He walks behind Alexis looking about the place, getting the lay of the place more out of habit than anything else

Havok has posed:
    Where better to end up after storming out of Xavier's and tossing his suitcases in his apartment nearby. What more fitting place after the conflicts of the day. Alex has no idea Alexis and Sam are here, he's just hoping to blow off a little steam... on some anti-mutant, bigot asshats. He's wearing a pair of black and purple board shorts, a black 'beater' tank and a pair of black leather flips. He probably stands out like a sore thumb, but isn't that the point?
    He makes his way straight to the bar and says, "JD, neat." Maybe he's here to knock back a few too?

Prismatic has posed:
    The three of them fit right in this place. There's a couple of girls wearing 'going out' clothes. A couple of workers grabbing their post-shift beers, and in the back, beating up on a pinball machine, a quintet of guys all with red bandanas tied around their arms, like some sort of... gang symbol.

    "Sure thing. Opening a tab, handsome?" the bartender asks as she grabs a glass, and pours the whiskey before setting it up to Alex.

    Alexis then comes to the counter from where she had been standing.

    "Gin, neat please." she states, and she slides over her card. "The two blond gentlemen are on my tab." she states, sitting two down from Alex, giving him a brief nod.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit seeing Alex here, but he nods tot he other man. He looks over towards the bartender and says "Give me a mug of what ever is on tap." He orders a beer, and will move to have a seat, positioning himself so Alexis is between Alex and himself.

Havok has posed:
    Alex gives Alexis a wink and a little double thumbs up. His eyes are a little red around the edges already, either he's already halfway on his way to drunk or he's still feeling the events of last night. Could be both? He watches Sam and barks out a laugh. "Does he make sure to walk on the outside of the sidewalk when you're together too?"
    He waggles his finger in Sam's direction. "Don't underestimate her ability to kick YOUR ass, I've done that before... with someone else," the last bit is added quickly when he realizes that Sam might misunderstand.

Iron Fist has posed:
This definitely isn't the type of place Danny would normally hang out in as either Danny Rand, or the Iron Fist, but today is an exception. He's meeting an old friend who had a favor to ask and has a thing for cheap booze.

He enters, not dressed as his crime-fighting persona, or even dressed as what one would assume a billionare would dress like. No, he's got some loose fitting jeans that look like they've been through the wash a time or two, a plain green t-shirt and some shoes that look like they don't have all that many steps in them. His hair is also a bit of a mess, and his face shows a shadow from not shaving that day.

He scans the room a moment, walking past the table with the mutants to sit down by his friend, and older looking asian man that's only about one drink in at this point.

Prismatic has posed:
    The bartender just looks at the three of them with a little confusion, but shrugs. Alex gets his whiskey, Alexis gets her gin (with a lime garnish) and Sam gets the cheapest beer on tap. This bud's for you.

    The quintet of guys with the red bandanas around their arms get blown off by the other girls, and then begin making their way up to the Xavier trio.

    "Sam is a perfect gentleman and was actually my combat trainer when I first accepted the job. So we've had our share of mutual ass-kicking." she replies to Alex, looking him up and down -- and then with care inquires softly:

    "... are you going to be all right?"

Havok has posed:
    "I'm just peachy, dearheart," Alex replies with another thumbs up. He downs his drink and slams the empty down on the table. As the quintet of Red Bandanas approach he comments loudly, "Survivor auditions are down three blocks on the left. Or are you just wearing the buffs?" He's already pushing himself to his feet from the stool he'd settled on and he doesn't even KNOW if these guys are trouble or not. That's because tonight? He's the trouble, unless someone stops him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will nod taking the beer as it is brought to him. He looks over to Alexis, and says "Aint that Ah don't think she can take care of herself, was taught to respect ladies and if she does not have to kick someone's ass, it is normally a quieter night." He looks over to Havok as he speaks and starts to stand and sighs softly.

Iron Fist has posed:
There's a brief welcome between the two friends as Danny gets settled. A drink is slid over to him, but he doesn't touch it, for now. There's a continued, low tone, conversation and the asian man slides something covered up in a cloth about the size of one's fist. Danny rests a hand on it a moment and frowns at something that's said.

Even though he's in the conversation, he does catch the movement of a group out of the corner of his eye, tracking only a moment before he closes his eyes. His brow furrows and he casts a quick glance over to the table of mutants, then back to his companion as he pockets the item he was given.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Tosh, chap, but I appreciate your sense of adventure." Alexis gives a wry smile as she sips her cold gin, and watches the oncoming five. The bartender has withdrawn a little bit, reaching for a baseball bat beneath the counter as she eyeballs the situation, and her cheeks go a little paler.

    "Hey. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey. I know you!" one of the five states, coming forward. He's got a scar on his chin, it looks crooked. "You're that cute violinist who used to play in the park! I don't think I ever got that kiss for the dollar I dropped in your case, sweetcheeks!" the ringleader states, knocking his hand back against one of the others. "Whadaya say you ditch these two losers, an' me and the boys show you a good time? Not gonna take 'no' for an answer--" he grins, leering down at Alexis's top.

    The tallest one, with dark hair and a greasy expression, glares at Alex, giving him the stink eye -- but he's quiet. He's wearing a leather jacket -- one of the patches on it has a red X over a three-eyed skull, with ALL FREAKS across the top and MUST DIE across the bottom. Cheery lot.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie downs his beer, and will sigh a moment still holding the mug in hand "One chance, you apologize and leave now, or you get your ass beat, and then you pay for the repairs to the bar, before they load you in the ambulance." Sam will then turn to look at the men. "Was once told to be nice till it was time not to be nice, and your pushing that time real quick."

Havok has posed:
    If he hadn't had the day he today, hell the week he had, fuck it, the MONTH he's had, it might have taken Alex a little longer to resort to outright violence. But he has had that day, that week, that month and it's all led him right here to this moment. There's no warning, no dick waving machismo exchange of words. His hands press down on the bartop so he can use it to sort of swingvault himself around Alexis. No chances, he's not giving chances. He reaches out, lightning quick and grabs scarface by the throat. When he cocks back his other hand and lets it connect full force with that scarred chin? Well Alex's hand is glowing with energy begging to be released. He shoves the guy back and turns to face the others. Bring it... bring it... just a little wag of his fingers, beckoning, but still not a word.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny sighs softly, looking to his companion who's already spun around in his seat to see the commotion. He's probably one of many who take note

Danny, however, just sighs deeply and shakes his head. "You sure know how to pick wateringholes, Li." He looks over, seeing the energy building up. Oh boy. "Excuse me," he whispers to his friend and stands up, hands in his pockets as he eases a little closer just in time to notice the energy building up. "Hey, ah, Pretty sure this guy isn't worth all that, no matter how big a creep he is."

Prismatic has posed:
    Scarface gets a fist to the face as someone cries Havok and lets loose with a glow. He flies backwards, his head snaps backwards, and he stumbles, bleeding from his mouth where he's bit his lip -- well, more like had his teeth shoved through his lip as he spits to the side.

    "He's one 'a those muties! Get him!" he snarls, and Tall and greasy picks up a barstool and turns to try and knock Alex with it!

    Another goon with a red bandana, blonde with bad teeth turns to Danny and goes to shove him. "Stay outta it! We're gonna beat up these FREAKS and tell 'em they're not welcome!"

    Two decide to gang up on Sam, one with a Chipped tooth and the other who's in desperate need of a shower and deoderant go to try and flank Sam and hassle him while Alexis stands and ducks out of the way behind Alex.

    "Excusez moi~."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs softly, and brings the beer mug out to meet the one with the chipped tooth. Sam will do a side kick towards the one flanking as he calls out "Stool on ya 4 o'clock Alex, and do you really need more than hand to hand for these guys?" Yup Sam is trying to goad Alex into no powers, trying to be the semi responsible one.

Havok has posed:
    Alex just snarls in response to Danny. He would be giving the man an earful about how much pain these types of people deserve, but he's done ENOUGH talking for the day. He turns just in time to see the barstool coming at him and spins off to the side. He catches part of the blow on the shoulder but at least it didn't bash his skull. He'll feel it tomorrow but for now, the room is red. He's literally seeing red and he's not feeling a damned thing. "No," he growls at Sam. "...but why should we hold back when they don't? When they're taking our kids, when they're harassing us in the streets for NOTHING, when they're putting us in collars like dogs, when they're using us as experiments..." There, now Danny can get the earful, it's just aimed at Sam. "I am DONE rolling over for these MOTHERFUCKERS!"
    ...this is where it should be noted, that this isn't Alex, not normally. Sure, Alex has always been a little angry and a little conflicted, but this... this is so much more than that, this is so much beyond THAT. It's all been there, boiling beneath the surface since he came back from vacation and now it's boiling over. All the while he's speaking, he's holding his glowing hand in the direction of Tall and Greasy. When he lets the blast loose, he does pull the punch just a little bit. He doesn't kill the guy, but he might make the asshat wish he was dead.

Iron Fist has posed:
On instinct, Danny reacts as Blonde And Bad goes to shove him, hands drawing down to simply slap the motion aside and then does a series of jabs with one finger to the man's collarbone, shoulder and one strike each on the elbow before ending with an open palm punch that doesn't seem to strike hard but manages to simply knock the guy into an empty chair.

That quick motion is enough to distract him from the apparent Rage Cannon that Havok has become, and is only realzing what's happening as the blast sends the guy flying. He gives Sam a quick glance, hoping to convey a wordless 'Can you get him under control'. His fist clenches a moment and actually seems to get a yellow glow to it as well, as Danny starts building up his chi, just in case its needed.

Prismatic has posed:
    Chip gets a glass mug to the face. The glass mug is pretty solid, and he goes down, surprised -- and the one to the side gets one of Sam's boots to his gut gives an 'oof!', but then pulls a knife and tries to stab at Sam's thigh -- dangerously close to the Import Items.

    Tall and Greasy gets hit with a burst of energy from Alex, and slams hard into the wall.

    "Oh, shit!" Blond and Bad states at the condition of his now wall-flower friend, and then turns and walks into Danny's blows against him -- he gives a surprised grunt, and then flops back to a chair, looking extremely surprsied as he does so.

    Tall and Greasy slides down the wall, his expression showing shock and dismay.

    And Scarface?

    Well, Scarface has decided that the object of his affection is now an object of affliction.

    There's the sound of a gunshot, deafening even against the din of the brawl. There's smoke and the acrid smell of gunpowder. Scarface is holding out a gun in his hand, blood dripping down his jaw as he holds his face in a snarl -- and Alexis looks genuinely surprised. There is a hole in her shirt.

    ... and a little bit of blood.

     -- and then the bullet drops down, out of her shirt, and strikes the ground.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will dodge the knife a bit, but not enough, he does get cut across the leg as the gunfire distracts him for a moment. His attention goes to Alexis for just a second, but then he nods to her "You got this." Is all he says to her. He turns back to knife boy, and through gritted teeth he will say "Because we are better than that." He says as he moves in to block the next knife slash, and drives his fist into the knife man's back, banking on Both Alex and Alexis to handle the ones behind him. "We are heroes, not miserable pieces of trash." He does accent this with a few maybe not needed lunches at Knife boy.

Havok has posed:
    He BRISTLES when Danny asks if he can be controlled but then Alex's head snaps toward the sound of gunfire. Better than that? He barks out a growling little laugh. "Yeah, we're better than that," he murmurs. His hands raise again, this time he seems perfectly willing to 'double barrell' it. It's not Sam's words that give him pause though, not that 'we're heroes' fairytale shit. It's the 'you got this'. His eyebrows raise in question. Do you? That's if Alexis even sees him. If it looks like, for one second, that she doesn't? Scarface is toast, literally.

Iron Fist has posed:
Guns. Danny's not a fan. He does a quick field check, determining a few of the goons are down. Instinct is to verify life, but the sound of the gun cuts him off.

It doesn't take but a second for him to reassess the situation. The one that was shot is bleeding but is bulletproof? That's good, though probably not for the gun wielder. Danny also saw what Havok could do, and now sees both arms lifted. "Man, I hate saving bad guys," he mutters under his breath. He then brings the fist down... right on the tabletop. He reined in his own power, but the strike is enough to cause a loud sound and shatter the table's surface.

Rogue has posed:
Word had gotten around that there was going to be a little celebration in honor of one Alexis Carr becoming a full fledged X-Man. Rogue hadn't expected to be here, not after the last couple days that have transpired. Yet when someone gets a text in a sort of anonymous fashion that 'blonde haired Summers boy is going apey'...well...one decides to step their foot into the cow pile.

The door to the bar opens just as soon as the gunshot goes off, and she looks around to catch Alexis, Sam, and Alex - all her familiar faces - in the midst of a fight with...people. Great. Just fucking great. This is the type of shit that gets on the news, this is what causes people like Hank and Jeremy and Scott and Jean to have to do more clean up work than anyone else is likely privy to. Until tonight.

Until Hank let Rogue in on a few secrets.

It's hard to say how much older the twenty-four year old southern belle from Mississippi is to the others, but when she comes into the sights before her she sucks in a breath and in as loud a southern tone as she can make it she yells out "ENOUGH!"

Prismatic has posed:
    No, Alexis has it well in hand.

    she snaps her leg out, sweeping Scarface so quickly off his feet that his legs fly up into the air.

    And then with a flick of her wrists there is a baton in each arm, coming out, swinging hard --

    And there is a sickening SNAP as Scarface screams, blood from his bleeding tongue and lip coming up in spittle against a table and part of the wall as Alexis snaps his leg at the knee, the leg folding halfway up the wrong direction before she lets him fall.

    -- then Rogue enters in. And Alexis looks up, and collapses her batons, slippinig them back into her jacket.

    "Yeah, that is enough." she murmurs.

    Scarface is crawling along the ground to the back. THere's broken barstools and a broken table. The bartender is hiding behind the bar, holding a baseball bat and terrified. Blonde and Bad is still looking dazed. BO is injured and curled up against the bar, Tall and Greasy is slumped to the side. Chip shakily stands, but seems to realize he's out of his depth, and retreats backwards towards the bathrooms and *AWAY* from the very angry Southern lady!!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will calmly squat down to ruffle through the pockets of the ones who are in no shape to fight back, he pulls their cash out and tosses their wallets back down onto them. He puts the money on the bar and says "Hopefully, that covers the damages." He grabs a few napkins and passes half to Alexis pressing the rest onto his leg,

Havok has posed:
    The crash bang of Danny's table destruction causes him to reflexively flinch, but his attention remains entirely on Scarface and Alexis. There's a little glimmer of absolute GLEE in Alex's pretty blue eyes when that leg snaps so audibly. Every inch of him really wants to just end every single one of these bastards right now. The look he turns on Rogue is nothing short of MurderLook(tm), but it does stop him... from separating all those racist bastards from their mortal coil. He huffs out a breath and then sucks another in throw his nose, nostrils flaring. He finally lowers his hands and then? Well, then he strolls to the bar and settles back on his stool. He rolls his shoulder, the one that took the earlier blow and quietly says, "Another and run a tab," to the frightened bar tender.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny, too, glances to Rogue as she becomes a (very loud) voice of reason. He looks to the others, verifying that aside from a rather violent and possibly unncessary snapping of a leg, the group seems to stand down. He was not looking forward to having to try to stop them.

Danny angles his head lightly and lightly shakes his arm, letting go of the built up energy and his own hand stops glowing. He takes a moment to nod to his friend, Li, who had taken cover and they both briefly check to make sure that the Bad Guys are at least still breathing, and only when satisified there, he too drops a wad of money on the bar, "For the table," he says, then, "Call an ambulance." He moves toward the door, but doesn't quite leave just yet as he's not sure if its completely safe to do so.

Rogue has posed:
"Sam. Alexis. You two alright?" Rogue asks as she steps in and over to them, then she gives a glance to the 'bad guys' who are suffering their own wounds. "I have my car outside. I would consider it a kindness if you two helped yourselves to it when you have a moment after you get yourselves together." It's all she tells them, and then her gaze goes over to Alex. Something is written on her face, but she's trying very hard to hide it and she walks over to sit at the stool next to Alex.

"Maybe we don't believe in the fairytale. That doesn't mean come to a bar and start a fight with the next asshole that looks at you wrong." Before Alex can protest, she's holding up a hand. "I've listened to you for the last two days. Now you listen to me." She motions. "You're going to sit there and spew all that shit about fairytales, and taking action and doing something...and just skim over the fact that Henry, Jeremy, *and* Jean were there to save you yesterday. To bring you back. And *this* is the thanks they get?" She stands then. "Drown your pain if you want. But if you can so easily ditch family because you got yer boxers in a knot...don't include the others. You wanna fix it, you fix it with us as your family, or without us on your own."

Prismatic has posed:
    "... actually, I came out tonight specifically to find these fellows. Alex being here is a boon." Alexis states gently, dabbing at her stomach a little. "This is going to bruise horribly." she murmurs quietly, and she knocks Alex on the back a moment, and makes an exit. She's leaving her card with the bar.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow will raise a brow at Alexis having not expected they were looking for a fight. He sighs, and moves to follow Alexis "You could have gave me a bit of warning," He tells her as they go

Havok has posed:
    He offers Alexis a toothy grin and that same thumbs up. "You two don't do anything I wouldn't do..." he offers to both her and Sam. That probably leaves a lot of wiggle room as far as things to do.
    Alex downs his next round and taps the bar top to say, 'hit me again'. Without looking at Rogue, he stands up and walks over to Tall and Greasy. He leans down and RIPS that patch off the man's leathers. He leans against the bar, sideways, facing Rogue and slams the patch down in front of her, it has a red X over a three-eyed skull, with ALL FREAKS across the top and MUST DIE across the bottom. He taps it twice with his index finger and says, "...AND they were harassing Alexis. But they're only human right, so they get a pass?" A beat and he adds, "I would never have been IN that situation, if I felt free to defend myself. If I hadn't been *arrested* at that rest stop for putting a beating on some bastards harassing a teenage girl. None of us," he makes an all encompassing gesture with one hand to indicate Sam, Alexis, Rogue and himself, "...should ever have to be rescued because we're afraid to defend ourselves in the first place."
     He turns around and stares down at his empty glass as if willing it to refill itself. Alex's voice lowers to barely a whisper. "If being family means I have to live at the mansion and keep ... rolling over, then I guess we're not family like I thought we were."

Rogue has posed:
That's it. Rogue has had it. People don't seem to understand that she can see all sides because she's been on all sides. Alex put together an amazing argument, but then he ditched family...for one argument...and Rogue's about HAD it with people not really listening to her. So, she makes a snap decision to grab Alex by the arm, haul him off the stool and strongarms him all the way outside of the bar, down a ways until she can push him against a wall.

"Now you listen to me Alex Summers. I get it. They were assholes. Racist assholes. If you were defending Alexis then fine. But what I saw in there wasn't someone helping another from a sexist creep. What I saw was a mutant getting ready to lay waste. In front of other humans." She pauses. "Do I believe in the fairytale? No. I don't. You wanna know why? Because in the last month and a half, I've done more than go out on missions with Scott. I've killed people, I've maimed others. Not *everything* we do is laid out like we let the humans roll us over. But there are strategies, and there are things going on from all angles, some of which we aren't actually privy to see. You wanna give the finger to your brother. Fine. Give the finger to your brother. You find out someone needs saving. Don't fucking include Scott. Tell me. Tell Storm. Tell Jean. Tell Hank. Tell whoever the fuck you want... I don't care. But this..." She motions again. "Is just as much what family does as what happened this morning, yesterday, tonight, and it'll happen again tomorrow. YOU just need to pull your stubborn fucking head out of your ass and LISTEN to the people around you. You have...no idea...what sticking up to your brother this morning meant to me. Not a fucking clue. But I at least have the decency to not turn my back on him again and again for the hell of it."

Havok has posed:
    By the time she has him outside, Alex is LIVID. Not so much over anything she's said, but just the idea that she forced him outside. He was already pissed off six ways to Sunday and now this is just fuel to the fire. "Not. Everything. In. This. Fucking. Universe. Is. About. Scott. Summers." He spits every word out from between clenched teeth. His voice drops to a dangerous snarl. "If you think all this is about is giving my perfect big brother the finger, then you do not know me AT ALL." He spins on his heel and stalks off toward his jeep. He calls out without looking back. "Don't follow me!"

Rogue has posed:
"Nah. You'd rather go kiss Erik's ass until he's done using you. Hey, maybe I could give you Mystique's number and you can go hit her up too!" Rogue calls back to him. "The fact that you ONLY heard your brother's name, after all the shit I told you speaks fucking volumes, Havok."

Havok has posed:
    As he's getting into the jeep, he calls back, "I don't kiss ANYONE's ass, that's the problem." Just a beat and Alex adds, "If I'd wanted to lay waste, this place would be GONE!" he really was listening. As he's pulling out of the lot, he stops the jeep nearby Rogue and says, "Next time you walk into a situation, don't fucking assume that it's MY fault, yeah?" Sure, he threw the first punch, but there was no way THAT situation was ever going to de-escalate. "I don't fight for no reason. I don't maim or kill for no reason, but I am DONE sitting on my hands and biting my tongue and not fighting back when someone GIVES me a reason, Rogue. I'm fucking done. And that's what Scott wants from me, from ALL of us."