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Latest revision as of 13:48, 22 May 2021

After action Deadpool puzzle.
Date of Scene: 18 May 2021
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: A nice talk, and no-one injured. Yes it happends.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Buffy Summers

Deadpool has posed:
Welcome to Wade's home away from home, it is shortly after the action of the Kraken, and DP is in litteral pieces. His head was attached, and strangly he seemed conscious again talking though only a little bit in a coarse voice. His place is an abandoned warehouse which from the outside looks like just a normal place the key-pad outside being the only difference from all the others. As Wade is able to tell ya the password 80085, and chuckles a bit, once could open up the door to see the splender.

Inside it looks like someone is starting world war three.. There are guns yes, a lot of guns enough to arm an army of people if needed. But there is explosives, mines, artilliary, and many many other things aligned against the walls. There is a simple table that looks to have rolled up maps on it though if checked there would be lines and circles on it marking where he had been hunting.

The first thing that is usually noticed, though before all this is a giant Hulk right on the other side of the door looking out. Once looked at it seems to be inflatable, but it stares down at the door made to scare off intruders.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had done her best to reattach bits of DP, but she was a bit concerned for his well-being. Oh sure, he has some incredible healing factor, she had seen it firsthand for herself. But is even he capable of, well, pulling himself together, both figuratively and literally? She's not so sure and so Buffy had decided to drop in and check on him.

Of course, she had contacted him ahead of time and was rather surprised to hear that his residence was in fact in an abandonned warehouse. BUt hey, by this time there is nothing about this crazy lunatic that can surprise her really (didn't he say there were people after him? Maye that's why..).

So yeah, here she is, noting the keypad and inputting the number he gave her. When she steps in, Buffy blinks slowly at all the weaponry. "Okaay, paranoid much? Like, isn't one gun enough? But heey, Buffy, you have an armoury of your own, soo..." but yeah, not explosive stuff, not totally illegal stuff (or at least she hopes Giles has a license for all that weaponry? Are the Counsel above the law?).

Oh and there's a hug inflatable..Hulk? "Woah! Are you for real?" she comes over to the giant inflatable Hulk and..Pokes it.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade is sitting on the floor not far in sitting against one of the supporting poles that go to ceiling. He has one arm up and what looks to be most of a hand as he holds the gun a bit wierdly so he could pull the trigger with a baby finger of a pinky. As he hears it is Buffy he grins to himself, "Its not paranoia if the world is actually out to get you." he notes lowering the gun, again he sighs. a bit. "He is supposed to keep out people who are just looking for a place to do their drugs. They take one look at him and run."

With a sigh he pushes himself up the column his legs back on, but he walks like someone when their feet are asleep over to the table. "And yes, all of that is very illeagle... Just don't look in the back that is where I keep the real bombs." he chuckles again though he isn't joking as there are a few he had snuck away from a military air-base. Most were the long thin kind with fins, though one was a big round one he wasn't sure of the explosive level yet though he hadn't needed something that big.

He waves a hand, "If used properly this could take out Sunnydale in a night, it should work for a few vamps here and there." he notes. He tries to roll out the paper, but with his baby fingers, and missing ones he grumbles to himself. "So.. whats with the visit. Didn't expect to see anyone here after that mess. At least for a few more days when I could be properly..." he looks down at himself, "Recovered."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath and shakes her head, wondering how she got into this mess..But hey, she's a good person and she wants to help him as best as she can. It may not be in her job description - hunting demons that is - but it doesn't mean Buffy can't try to help.

She finally spots Wade and steps towards him, giving him the once over with a concerned frown. "How you doing, Wade? I hope you're taking it easy..I just had to finish re-patching up Spike after he re-openned his recent wounds." she sighs, shaking her head. "When did I become everyone's nurse anyway?"

The whole 'I could blow up Sunnydale' thing doesn't go down well with her though, and Buffy just frowns, shaking her head. "Yeah, don't even think about it. There are people living there too, you know? As for why I'm here, isn't that obvious? I came to check in on you..You really helped us out back there y'know. Thank you.."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade chuckles, and looks back at her with a weak grin, "I will be okay.. Took a bottle of pain killers earlier.. I think it might be starting to kick in." he nods turning back to the table. "But I don't get to rest Buffy, I am not a slayer. I am the invincible Deadpool look at me heal." he says though to himself. He gives a scoff of a laugh. "In my line of work weakness will get you killed, or worse so you push on ya know." he nods to her, "So that is what I am doing is pushing on ya know." giving her a nod, "Help me with this will you.." he adds pointing to the map he is having issues with,

Ifshe helps he will roll out the map of Sunnydale, "Well if I can't blow it up I figure I should be looking for those Vamps since this city aint big enough for the both of us." he uses a small finger to point, "I have been circling areas that some of those older ones might of flew too. Thinking if I was hunderds or thousands of years ol where would I go."

He points to the cemetary, and the sewer system.. "I figure they are going to need to get away from the hustle, the world is a lot louder and active then it was... Maybe we can flush the pipes with some holy water.. Screw their senses up make it not as hospitable."

He shugs a bit though he hasn't moved away from the table. He is actually holding himself up talking to her about this his feet were not as good as he lead on, but no weakness he grinned to himself. He also just waved off the help from last night, "And Willow was the savior of the night, I just stunned the thing so she could do her job. I can't let you kids get killed on some random monster of the week. It isn't often people let me help out.. Not to mention multiple times."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, shaking her head. "I already had this talk with Spike, you should rest Wade. Maybe you can heal from everything but you're more of a burden to us if we're having to play Humpty Dumpty in the middle of the next battle too. So take some time for yourself, we've got it covered." she tried to give him a reassuring smile at that, peering at the map thoughtfully.

As for flushing out vamps in Sunnydale she sighs, shaking her head. "Well, they're not exactly swimming in the sewage waters either..There's actually a huge hellmouth underneath the Sunnydale high school. And no amount of explosives or holy water will seal it up, we've tried."

Buffy gives a little shrug, "I guess Vampires are a necessary evil, you can't be completely rid of them than you can of the human race. Usually we can keep em in check. Lately they've been on the low in Sunnydale, really the bigger threat lately is the sudden surge in New York, and that's what we should be focusing on."

As for Willow, Buffy just shrugs, "Willow was pretty awesome but she couldn't do it without us weakening the monster and buying her time. We're a team, Wade, we fight together."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade nods, and listens though he just slumps a bit "Fine.. Give me a couple of days I will be as right as rain like none of this ever happened." it could be faster, or slower but usually that is what something this bad took. He had regenerated from just a head in a couple days though those were crazy times. He is quiet looking at her he just smiles a bit, "Did you try big explosives? I mean..." he leans in and whispers.. "Have you tried nuking it?" he offers. He doesn't have one, but could talk to a guy.

About the vampires he humms to himself, "Well I am not worry about the mass they are normal, its those stone ones I am thinking about though if they have a stronghold already that makes it a bit... messier." he tabs his chin, "But I don't think they will leave, if what you tell me is correct the only thing that scares them is you. That means sooner or later they will be coming for you.. That is what predators do." he looks at her seriously, "Be ready.. They are coming.. It is what I would do." then turns to look back at the map.

"Well we are looking for structure, order to their chaos. If they are striking New York maybe they will have some outpost or something there. As you said Vamps are just a constant if you want to do damage we have to figure out something other then just killing the small fries." he chuckles a bit with a grin, "No matter how fun it maybe.." He doesn't say much more about that, "Umm.. About Willow. I get she is strong with the magic whodo... But she is making mistakes, things a trained professional would not." he looks at Buffy with a serious look, "She is relying on the magic too much, and forgetting she is human. That is what get people hurt... Keep an eye on her will you?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "Now that's a thought..Never made explosives before, but it sure as heck would be pretty useful in a battle..Y'know, if we ever have to fight a Kraken again. Think you could show me how to make some, sometime? I mean, assuming you can make them at safe levels taht wont level a city?" okay, maybe she's asking too much of him. He's not known for safety afterall.

As for vamps, Buffy nods slowly, "Right, I should talk to Giles or Con about those. I'm sure there's some information about them in the history books somewhere. Like, why they were turned to stone, who are they? They seemed a bit more powerful than your average vamp. I'll definitely keep an eye on them."

She nods, "And you're right, best to go after the head honchos, let the small fry follow. We already stormed their stronghold, took down a good chunk of their army with us, it's why they chose to flee. But they'll be back, probably lurking in another part of the sewers. I mean, Manhattan tunnels are supposed to be like, a tiny city of their own, aren't they? Don't worry, we'll find 'em."

As for Willow, Buffy's smile fades a bit at that and she nods. "I know..I was a little worried too. I know she's always had an issue with confidence in herself. But she's clearly been practicing hard. The Willow I knew was talented with magic, but not on that scale. She must have a mysterious new teacher and it's not Constantine. That's another thing I should talk to him about. I dunno much about magic, but..Seeing that level of power can be a bit..Disturbing.."

Still, maybe Buff is overthinking this whole thing. "I mean, I hope i'm wrong, I'm sure she's fine, but just in case..I should talk to her..And Constantine too."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade nods, and thinks about it, "Well it depends, napalms, nitro, there are recipies for these things though it is really... unstable.. stuff so yea I can show you some, but the good stuff." he looks around a bit, "The good stuff you need a guy, and you need money." he grins a bit, "I had a list of contacts, some people with some long fingers that took this from supplies. A missle here, a gernade launcher there.. No-one really notices. If you need bulk it is going to be a heist." he nods solumly.

He thinks about it a bit, "Never met this Giles guy, is he some knight or something from old times? Or a wizard that is locked away in some tower or something? He seems knowledgable way more then well any of us. Why isn't he in the field?" he asks curiously though he had no idea who the man was of course.

He nods to the vamps returning, and grins, "You don't understand.. They train us to do three things. Suprise, Speed, and Violence of action." he counts holding up baby fingers to represent them. "You lose one you lose them all, but if you can do it you can win almost any encounter." he looks at her, "It is always better to strike then be the one struck I guess is what I am trying to say. It make me nervious just sitting waiting for them to act. People are unpredictable at times, vamps that have been alive for centuries.." he doesn't finish shaking his head at that. "Though I am going to guess I can't blow up Manhattan either..." he finishes with a deep sigh he never got to have any fun.

He moves back to his piller leaning against it he slides down to a sitting position again. "I don't know much about magic to be honest, but power usually comes with a cost. Thankfully I am good at killing for money so my cost is cash, but I wonder what hers is?" he asks almost to himself. "We can just hope she doesn't do something stupid like sell her soul or something I mean witches do that right? Deal with the devil and all that?" and shrugs still not sure as he had only stories. "Well Nurse Summers.. It seems you have two more to add to your list." he jokes as she mentions Willow and John. Though John had killed Betsy I so he was still a little steamed at him.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmmm, "Well, I don't want anything fancy really. It would be easy just to buy small explosives, TNT or something, that I could shoot from my crossbow, add a little more oomph to my attacks the next time we face a Kraken like entity...Nothing super dangerous or illegal though, you know? But contacts are always nice."

As for Giles, Buffy just shrugs and smiles. "Well he's not exactly a super  strong guy, he's actually my watcher and mentor I suppose..He taught me some combat skills and some occult lore as well as what it means to be a Slayer. He might not have super powers but he's a damn good fighter and a bookworm, and a dabbler in magic too. He runs the Magic Box too. I guess with Willow recently quitting and losing another employee last month, he's been busy pulling things together."

At the mention of 'they', Buffy arches a brow. "Sooo..Who are 'they', the people who trained you? Are you getting any memories back?"

As for Willow, she gives another shrug. "Wil is a super intelligent bookworm I suppose. She has a thirst for knowledge and honestly I think it's probably lots of fun to cast magic and have it work. But you're right, Magic can be a dangerous tool if abused. We just have to have faith that Willow knows what she's doing." she smiles.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool nods, and thinks about it for a minute though he looks at her, "My contancts.. They aren't.. well nice people you get that right?" he smiles looking at her from his sitting position. "I am not saying you couldn't handle yourself or nothing your the slayer after all, but they are looking out for number one. They won't pause to turn ya over to the vamps if they knew they wanted you." he shrugs, "They don't mess with me cause they know I will kill them." he eyes her, "I can't say the same about you so it worries me. You need to find your own no win situation if you get what I mean."

Of course the people he is talking about are major baddies, the kind that make the news stopped by heros like herself. Those people did good buisness, but ruthless... so of course he worried. About the other guy he looks confused, "So this guy is a stalker? And you took him on as a mentor as he new more then you." he grins, "They say I am the crazy one... Though if he knows magic I guess we all need a little help there."

He holds up a hand, "Bits and pieces.. Flashes really, A prison... people fighting to the death every day to survive. A hospital.." he shakes his head, "The more I remember the more I..." he grins widely in a smile that someone in their right mind wouldn't have... "Crack.. Though I do remember more." though he looks down again, shaking his head.. Focus..

He is silent for a minute.. "She quit her job, and her magic has been going up." he stops and scratches his chin, "Well I could tranq her.. Tie her up, get the water and a rag out. Make he tell us what is up?" he offeres with a grin, "Believe me it is about 30 to 50 percent effective for the truth, but they will all break eventually." though he was thankfully sure she could make it through the process.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly. "Stalker? Giles? Oh no you have the wrong idea. It's more like the Watchers Counsel sent him to find me, to train me in my awakened powers and guide me." she chuckles, "Oh, he's gonna love you.." as for his contacts, on second thought probably a bad idea..

Talk of his disturbing memories cause her to frown, stepping nearer, resting a reassuring hand in his shoulder. "I'm sorry. That sounds way harsh. Just take it slow. Whatever happened is in the past right? You..You have friends now."

Talk of tranquing Willow just makes her frown deepen, "Woah wait a sec, no need to tranquilize her, she's not gone crazy or anything. She quit because she got a job at X Corp, and like I said, I have faith in her. She's learning new things, nothing wrong with that. I just hope her confidence is growing with her magic. I know we've had our ups and downs, but she has new room mates now, new friends and she sure helped us out a lot. I hope she doesn't feel useless as a Scooby anymore."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool nods, "Wow.. so you have a whole counsel of people who's job it is to watch you.." he eyes her, "This isn't sounding any better, but okay I will take your word on it good guy." he holds up his hands to his sides, "Besides.. Everyone loves me.. I am adorable." and laughs a bit at that. He thinks silently how to broach the next subject, "And you know while I might always be around.. It is a matter of time before I break away right? I mean you all are nice, but I am a.." he stops to recall what he was told.. "Walking disaster.." he finishes.

"We have been lucky so far, my stuff hasn't figured out what I am doing or where I am at. Goverment, Clowns, heck usually ninja's.. You were talking about what is after me earlier. Well.. Everyone." he answers thinking he has found a truth. "To some I am low priority like AIM.. they don't care as long as I don't get in their way. But, the clans never forget sooner or later it is goig to be best I walk away."

He holds up a hand, "It aint nothing personal, but best for whoever I am with. But I like the sound of that.. Trust.. You trust Willow that much. Humm... Interesting concept."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"You know..You kinda are a chaotic person, no doubt about that, but.." hey, she looks almost amused. "Have you seem the other people I work with? They're hardly normal either, everyone is constantly at everyone else's thrusts. Guess we just have to do the best we can with what we've got. Hang in there!"

She nods, "Yeah, Willow is a good person, I think you are too, you just need to find your niche. Look, I have to go, Thomas is coming home soon, gotta check in on Constantine..It's getting late. You seem to be on the mend and that's good, just try and take it easy for a day or two at least?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool nods, "You haven't seen it yet.. You will get it when you do." he looks over at her with a look of doubt. "You will all see how bad it gets.. Soon I think. I can smell the wind changing, and I don't like it." he points at his nose with a baby finger. "Just watch your back out there is all I am saying, and when the tanks roll in.. Duck." and he laughs again to himsel at that. Though he does fall silent thinking about how he hoped it wasn't that bad. Last time they had sent hellicopters who knows what they will do after that failed.

He looks to Buffy, and nods finally, "I try to be, but when you are deaths finger it isn't about good, or bad just eventuality." he smiles, "But go.. Tell John I said hello, or at least my foot does." and laughs again as he settles down. He will prob get back going again after he leaves as he needs to return to the school for a while for other things. "And watch your back.. always."