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Cookin' Out. Eatin' In.
Date of Scene: 03 June 2021
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Logan cooks burgers and hot dogs for a small group that includes two...inebriated...people.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Rogue, Jax Miller, Havok, Nightingale

Wolverine has posed:
    Arriving back at the mansion late after the mission, and things had taken a toll for the X-Man known as Logan. Not necessarily a physical one, more a mental one that leaves a layer of fatigue even after a good long sleep. One would think after all the years there'd be some level of numnbess, some aspect of endurance to have graced a man's mind. But nope. The look on the prisoner's faces still were a haunting thing. But they were ghosts shoved into the background of the mind just to join all the others.
    It left a haze on the world, a hint of an edge to the lines one sees when they glance at the horizon, as if all the world was a blade wanting to cut up those living in it. Yet Logan dealt with it as he does. A day spent rambling around the mansion, taking care of what needs taken care of, until eventually the sun starts its trek back over the horizon as night starts to settle in. He dug around in the kitchen and fridge, came up with a handful of things suitable for a cookout. Just a few packs of dogs and burgers, some suitable buns, fixings. It'd have to do.
    Yet it wasn't until he got out on the deck that someone passing by might've heard him growling as he muttered while digging around the nearby tool shed.
    "What the hell did people do with the grill?"
    For the trusty propane one he'd used for the last half dozen years at the school was nowhere to be found. Instead what he came up with and wheeled almost reluctantly to the back deck...
    Was an electric one. And that... did not sit well with him either.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue comes out of the Mansion wearing leggings, cut off shorts, and a sports bra. She's got a towel under her arm and is carrying a cloth bag that likely has some stuff to read or poke at while lounging somewhere. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail but that tell tale white streak is still prominent. She doesn't pass by Logan as he's digging around the tool shed, but she does watch as he drags the electric grill onto the deck. "Why're you usin' the electric one? Ain't the propane one out by the pool?"

This is asked and then she shrugs. "You look a lot worse that your normal grumpy self. What's goin' on Logan?" Doesn't see him for a bit and then suddenly he looks like he just went to hell and came back only recently.

Jax Miller has posed:
    *Gloingg* *SWISH!* *Gloingg* *Gloingg* *SWISH!*

    It's been a constant background noise for a while now, while on the nearby basketball field Jax is practicing free throws from the three point line and beyond. He took quite a battering in the last few weeks during tryout season for the major NFL teams, and has fallen back to a less physical type of sport to still keep his hand in and burn off excess energy. And ooh boy, energy he has a-plenty. The cat mutant has even dressed the part, in his personalised jersey and basket shorts. No shoes though... it's easier to play bare-pawed.

    Unsurprisingly, the sight of someone preparing to prepare food (all cats have special senses for this) gets his attention, and he wanders over, basketball casually carried under his right arm. "Hey hey. Am I early or late for the spring cookout?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "S'not out there," Logan says as he gestures with a nod. And, indeed, the propane grill is missing for whatever reason. It usually was just along the edge of the pool. There was the built in one near one of the lounging areas along the walk path, but that one hadn't been cleaned in a dog's age.
    As Logan finishes wheeling the grill into place he scowls to himself and then... ugh, plugs the grill into one of those grey outlets that run along the side of the building. At least it's... convenient. He only then seems to catch up with Rogue's words and then that question. One rough hand lifts as if to stay that inquiry as he murmurs simply. "Long night."
    Though he says it in that tone of voice that doesn't exactly incline one towards further questions. But he seems more tired in some ways, and perhaps a touch grim. Luckily that's the moment when Jax wanders up. "Hey, kid. Just some grub. Yer welcome ta stay. It'll be a bit."
    That grill is janked on up to high to let it start heating up as he unpacks the cooler with the grub needed for the meal. There's the pack of hot dogs, the quartet of burger patties, the buns, some butter, some fixins, and a six pack of Molson already sweating as water beads along the neck of those bottles.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue scowls a little, but she knows that tone, and she also knows that pushing Logan when he's got that tone is like - numero uno worst idea ever. So she lets it go, but she's giving him her own look back. That one that says they'll talk later. And if Logan knows anything about his coma-inducing best friend ever? She's stubborn as a bull.

Her attention, like Logan's, is taken when one Jax comes up to see what the two of them are doing. "Just in time. Not sure if this is like THE spring cookout. I think Logan just wanted something to do with his hands that didn't involve..." She lets her thoughts trail and then she shrugs. "I don't think we've met before. You new?" Asking this even as Logan greets him and then she moves and sets her bag down. "If I'm gonna stay out here, I need to go put something else on..."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Kinda, sorta." Jax smiles, his ears perking up at the question. "Been here a while, but I keep myself out of trouble... as much as I can." Always important to qualify that kind of statement, but so far Jax has never seen the inside of a detention classroom. "Jax Miller, at your service."

    Having said that, he puts down the basketball and looks around. "So, how can I help? And man, you'd think this place would have a proper gas grill, don't you?"

Wolverine has posed:
    To show he's not entirely the growly unapproachable X-Man, Logan nudges one of the lounge chairs to the side with the toe of his boot, then gives a nod toward Rogue and Jax "Take a load off."
    As for him he grabs one of those seats for himself, dropping into it only for the thing to /crreeeeak/ in complaint as the metal frame actually manages to support his weight. Luckily Xavier doesn't exactly skimp on deck furniture.
    Leaning to the side he reaches over and grabs one of the beers from the six pack, grabs the bottlecap and pulls it free then tosses it onto the wooden table nearby. A drink is taken then he gives a nod to Rogue, "Go get changed, I'll save you a beer."
    That said he catches what Jax says and he offers a grunt. "It did, is the thing. Somethin' musta happened to it." To that grill. But he quirks an eyebrow as he mulls over that question then looks back to the felinian youth. "Grab yourself somethin' ta drink if ya want. And anything you want to put on the grub."

Rogue has posed:
At least the kid didn't try to go in for a handshake, cause Rogue wouldn't have been able to reciprocate. She then gives a nod to Logan. "Right then. I'll be right back. You know how I like my burgers, right?" Though, before he can answer, she just smiles to Jax and then shifts to take off into the air, flying back to the Mansion. It's easier to get to her room from the roof.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Never refuse an offer to sit down... that's not quite a motto, but Jax thinks that's good advice, and so he sits. Compared to most people he tends to lean a bit further back, but then he has to worry about not trapping his tail. He lets a few moments pass in companionable silence, and then look over to the grill. "Maybe it's in the pool house. Lots of stuff gets thrown in there, I've noticed. I'll have a look around tomorrow, if you'd like?" As for something to drink it seems he's brought his own, a large plastic refillable bottle still half full of Gatorade. Meerkat juice, can't beat it for quick energy and electrolytes.

    "How've you been, Mister Logan? Haven't really seen you around since the school football game last winter."

Wolverine has posed:
    Murmuring to himself, Logan says simply. "The correct answer is medium-rare." And on that statement he will not budge. But he lifts a hand as Rogue makes her departure, heading on back inside with that remarkable gift of flight.
    He then turns back to consider Jax as he takes his seat, but seems at ease when they slip into that casual silence. The grill in front of them isn't exactly as interesting as a charcoal one, to be fair. No nice scent of burning bricks, no hint of smoke, just a low key hum as the thing powers up.
    Then he murmurs about possible locations for the grill, "Could be. I plan to wander around too m'self. Worse comes to worst then I'll just head on down to the local hardware place and grab one." Since really, Summer time and being stuck with an electric grill? That's gotta be an injustice that needs fixing.
    Then Jax inquires about the man himself and a slight squint is given sidelong. But the kid doesn't deserve his ire. Instead he musters up a grunt. Then offers, "Alright. Things are goin'."
    No details offered, no insight. Though there's a slight tilt of his head until he adds, "S'been a lil busy. But yeah."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Always good to keep busy." is the only response. There are times when you take refuge in vague statements, and clearly this is one of them. Not as if Jax doesn't live that advice anyway, hardly ever able to sit still for ten minutes at a time. His ears twitch at the sound of the electric grill, as if the notion of such a thing is an offense against nature. Either that, or he can actually hear the coil whine.

    "Y'know, I've only been here a couple of months, never seen the place in Spring, or Summer. But man, the wildlife... I'm used to a couple of foxes, or the tame stuff on a farm, but this place..." He looks out over the back yard and towards the woods with a happy smile. "Teems with life."

Wolverine has posed:
    That causes another glance to be given, Logan's blue eyes slipping to the side to settle on Jax for a moment. Just an instant to gauge the words and the sentient behind them as the X-Man takes a breath, then nods as his own gaze follows along with the thoughts given about the woodlands before them. It does have a beauty all its own. "This place is a unique one in some ways."
    A moment of quiet as he lets those words hang there, then he adds as he looks again toward Jax. "Close to us, and with some of the people here, some of the wildlife have an ease as if accepting us for being here. Not quite the same... tension as around other places."
    Then there's a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, "But head North a bit and it starts getting more rough. Think that's just how it is. Like this is the border of civilization in some ways."
    He takes another pull from his beer and adds a grunt as punctuation before he murmurs, "Saw an old black bear that was pawin' around the lake. That's a rare thing these days."

Havok has posed:
    Speaking of wildlife, a wild Alex appears. Right from the woods Jax was just looking toward. He's dressed in a pair of dark purple cargo shorts, a black ribbed tank-top and a black hoodie, unzipped - there's a Nike logo on the back designed to look like a wave and complete with a man surfing said wave. It reads: Just Surf It, the entire design is done in pinks and purples; and black leather flips slap on the ground as he walks. He hasn't been seen around the mansion much lately, but there he is. Black sheep Summers Bro returned?

Rogue has posed:
It doesn't take too terribly long for Rogue to be gone and come back again. Though she seems to still be without a long sleeved shirt. In truth, she's wearing a skin tight nude colored long sleeve top with a tee shirt over it that reads Fueled by Sweet Tea. She lands right next to the chair that's next to Logan and falls into it before grabbing a beer and popping it open. "Did I miss much?"

Jax Miller has posed:
    Slowly, Jax nods and takes a slow swig from his own bottle. "I know what you mean. It's as if they like having us around, as if they know it's safer here than anywhere else. Feels peaceful, haven't felt animals so much at ease in a long time." A deep breath, and his ears perk at the mention of a black bear.

    "Really? I'm going to have to go say hello soon, let them know I'm around, see if they're okay." There's an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, animals are just easier than people some times, y'know?"

    As his gaze picks out Alex, he gives the other mutant a quick wave, just to let them know they're around. Then he fills Rogue in on what he feels is the most important thing said so far. "Mister Logan says he's seen a black bear by the lake."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yeah," Logan gives a nod as Jax tells him about the easy-going nature of some animals in their way. That nod lingers before he adds, "Yeah. They are."
    But then the Southern belle arrives. "You missed so much," Logan tells her as she returns. Then, the jerk, doesn't say as to what.
    Once the temperature gauge gets on up to a good amount, Logan pushes himself to his feet, that lounge chair complaining with the shift of his adamantium-laced weight. Rising up he grimaces and touches a fingertip to the top of that grill's hood and gives a nod. "A'right, think it's ready."
    Logan in his white t-shirt, jeans, and brown leather boots isn't exactly an unfamiliar sight. He lifts a hand in the direction of Havok. "Other Summers." He calls as he offers greeting.
    That done now it's time to get the hot dogs on the grill. He holds up the plate with the burgers and dogs in one hand, then pulls up the cover with the other. Makes a face. Then starts layering on the meat. Just a few seconds as the temp falls with the hood up, but once they're square he puts the hood back down.
    Now, at least, there's some scent as the meat starts to grill. A nod is given toward Jax, "Hey, kid. You wanna be helpful, spread some butter on the buns. I'll toast 'em up."

Havok has posed:
    "Best Summers!" Alex calls in return along with a wave of his hand in the direction of those gathered. He's taking his time getting to where he's going, but it seems that's likely to be to join the little group. He must have been out for a leisurely sort of walk and intends to finish it up the same way, at a leisurely pace.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue rolls her eyes at Logan and then she gives him a grin. "Well if you ain't gonna squawk now, you can tell me ALL about it later. Alone." This and then she takes a swallow of beer before hearing the back and forth between Logan and Alex.

"Trouble Summers!" She adds in her own greeting and then lifts a gloved hand from where she sits - and Alex is likely approaching her from behind - giving him a little wave. Her attention soon turns to Jax and she tilts her head. "Just a light coatin' of butter. Don't go all out on them or they won't toast proper and'll leave a mess on the grill that metal man there will hafta clean up."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Yessir." and with his ears perking, grinning his usual smile, Jax stands. It's a bit of a strange sight to those who have never seen it before, as he seems to practically unfold from his seat and go from seated to upright without ever really shifting his balance. And he might be born with a silver spoon in hand, but at least he knows how to butter buns, layering the butter on and then placing the buns on a plate, circling them out from the center for most efficient use of space available. But of course he nods to Rogue as well and seems to be heeding her advice. "Yes ma'am."

    Spinning the butter knife idly around in his right hand, he picks up the plate of buns with his left and carries it over to the grill, balancing it on his finger tips, offering it to Logan with the most atrocious faux french accent. "Ze bunz, monsieur."

Wolverine has posed:
    Rogue's reward for that is a snort as he pokes at the grill, sort of nudging it a bit before he rounds and points at her with the tongs he had used, clicking them most menacingly. But then it's back into his seat as he drops into it and reclaims his beer. Another drink, then as he crosses his legs at the ankles.
    Once Jax finishes setting things up with the butter and the buns and offers that plate he accepts them and gives a nod of thanks. "Will add them in when we got five minutes ta go." Which shouldn't be too long considering how quick the dogs will cook. Which brings a question to mind.
    "How crispy you like your Red Hots?" Those hot dogs on the grill after all.

Nightingale has posed:
     From the back porch, a familiar winged figure emerges, carrying a rather large bowl heaped with what looks to be a nice, simple, basic potato salad. What can be seen of Shannon shows denim leggings, and her hot pink, gold, and silver 'Mutie Cutie' t-shirt. For once, she's barefoot and enjoying the warm weather.

     She also can't resist an opportunity to take a swipe at someone in enemy territory.

     Calling out in fairly decent French to Jax, she asks, <<Did you learn to speak French the same place you learned to play football?>>. Her pale azure eyes sparkle as she peers over the top of the bowl, and silvery laughter floats through the air.

     Them's fightin' words!

Havok has posed:
    "FUN Summers!" That could go on all night! Alex finally makes it to the patio. He seems a little less on edge than he has been recently, could be he just had his daily 'release'. Which is NOT what it sounds like. His hair's longer these days, almost touching his shoulders, streaked from time in the sun and tonight he's wearing it loose. His five o'clock shadow is more a twelve o'clock ordeal. He looks all the world like the blonde surfer dude from Hawaii. "If they're not as dark as the charcoal, they're not worth eating," he tells Logan. He settles down in an empty chair nearby. Is that skunk smell wafting from him? Perhaps to the unknowing nose. To those 'in the know' of such things, someone's been partaking in some seriously dank bud. There's the reason for that smile that doesn't seem to want to leave his face, the relaxed attitude, the lack of snapping chewing gum obsessively, the red rimmed eyes. He's HIGHER THAN A KITE. But he's not showing it outside the 'relaxed and smiling'.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue can smell Alex well before she notices he's up on the patio and it's enough to cause her to lean forward, turn around and GLARE at him. "You best hope you brought enough to share..." She offers, and then she side eyes Logan as the man sits back down. "And don't you get all snappy tongs at me, sir. I ain't the one that put you in whatever mood you're in right now." But she's grinning. It's very likely she's just tugging at Logan's chains to see which one will make the animal bark.

Then she catches sight of Shannon, and her gaze shifts over to the woman who's brought out potato salad. "Reminds me, I think I got some stuff picklin' in the fridge. Unless the other southern folks got to it 'fore I could. Anyway."

Jax Miller has posed:
    When Shannon arrives and speaks in this odd, foreign tongue, Jax's smile would have been been described as 'waxen', had it not in fact been so furry. Does he speak a word of actual French? 'Odds are not good' says the magic eight ball. "I'll have to take your word on that." he replies instead, and deadpans away to the seats.

    Where he stays upwind from Alex.

    As to how he likes his hotdogs? All he does is grin a full set of clearly carnivorous teeth. "Don't mind if they hop off the grill by themselves."

Wolverine has posed:
    It's a scent Logan's picked up many... many many times before. And doesn't exactly play havoc with his senses, though his nose crinkles slightly. When the Summers kid sits down he gestures to the beer on the table and gives him a nod of permission. He may partake.
    hen when Shannon lifts her voice he looks over his shoulder and raises a hand over it. "Shannon. Some food's on the way if yer hungry." Social obligations discharged the elder X-Man slouches in that deck lounge chair and takes a nice long swig of his beer.
    After that, however, Logan just furrows his brow and meets Rogue's eyes with his own baby blues, squinting a bit as he tells her with that steady rumbling tone of his. "Woman. You make me tired."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ravenous," Shannon replies to Logan. Indeed, she had been spending a shift in the Wellness Office as per Dr. McCoy's orders, working on slowly shifting her gifts to something much less self-destructive. That took energy. Energy which her body was screaming out for in very un-ladylike fashion, with a very loud grumbling of her stomach. Grumbling which only got louder at Rogue's mention of her pickling efforts. "Oooo, I'll have to bug you about that a little lat..er...."

     Jax might have had the sense to stay upwind of Alex, but Shannon isn't quite so fortunate. Her expression goes from amused to 'stank-face' in less than a second. "What the fuck...?!" Coughing, she heads for the relative safety of the grill, where at least the smoke will mask some of Alex's 'Eau de Pepe LePew'.

     Fighting words with Jax would have to wait for the moment.

Havok has posed:
    Alex settles back in his chair and then... "Awwww, man...." Because, you see, the beer is waaaaaay over there. They have a nickname for indica strains, they often call it 'in da couch' because, really and truly, they make you sink in da couch and never wanna get up. Smelling like a three day dead skunk was the first sign that he's higher than a kite. The second? The snorted barked out laugh at Logan. Something the old fart did musta been funny. He stage whispers at Rogue, "I did but there's kids here..." Then he leans closer and adds, "Did Logan just give me 'permission' to drink beer?" That mighta been what he found so comical.
    ...and there's one now, a 'kid' as Alex put it, one of the students. Or is she? He really hasn't been around enough to know who graduated and who didn't this year. Either way he says, "Sorry, ran into a skunk in the yard on the way here...." but the outright, bold-faced, absurdly believable given the stench, lie just makes him start into a snickerfit. So many random, stupid things are hilarious when one is mellowed by the Mary Jane.

Rogue has posed:
"Funny. I figured it'd be all them years ya got under your belt. You're pushin' what...two hundred? Two fifty? That makes me tired just thinkin' about it." Rogue quips back at Logan with a grin. Then she looks over at Alex and chuckles. "I'll make one correction. Logan is giving you permission to drink *his* beer. It's subtle, but it makes all the difference. Even if it's some Canadian Piss Water..."

She's definitely pushing the limit with jabs at Logan, but that's what makes everything so much more fun. They'll have a smoke and hash things out eventually. It's just how things work with them.

Finally she's reaching for a beer and then hands it...she pops the top off first...and then she hands it over to Alex. "There ya go." Before, "S'long as we share some later." Then she looks over to Shannon and Jax, giving a shake of her head. "Had a thought. Lost it. At least it's lookin' to be a nice evenin."

Jax Miller has posed:
    Theatrically, Jax scratches the inside of one ear as if to indicate that he may have gone temporarily deaf on one side, and is thus not hearing anything being said at the moment. At least nobody is mentioning Nepeta Cataria...

Wolverine has posed:
    "Well yeah, exactly." Logan says with that hint of a growl to it, apparently having heard a bit of what Havok said and Rogue's response even if it was low key. Then he adds, "Since it's my freakin' beer, right." So there. Then the tongs click at Rogue, "And you. Got no room to talk about alcoholic beverages with yer tastes."
    But then it's been a good five minutes and Logan pushes himself back to his feet, only creaking a little bit as he rises. He takes that plate of buttered buns and pulls open the hood of the grill and starts to layer them in there, the hot dogs sizzling a bit now as their sides are crisping up. He starts to nudge them around with the tongs then once things are situated again he pulls the hood back into place.
    For now he's going to remain standing, though it's the deck fencing that has to support his weight as he leans back, still holding the plate and clicking those tongs again. "Five minutes til dogs, roughly fifteen til burgers. One o'you miscreants go in and get some plates."

Nightingale has posed:
     There's fightin' words, and then there's a death wish. Shannon just looks over at Rogue, pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. "You trying to drum up some business for my dad there? Insulting Logan's beer usually carries some rather stiff penalties."

     Peering up over her hand at Alex, the young woman's brows loft, first one and then the other. "Mhm. And I've got some swamp land in the Sahara for you, but we'll go with a skunk for now." She just rolls her eyes and chuckles a little bit, making sure this time to stay upwind of Alex.

     Logan's call for plates has her seeking out Jax, and grinning at him. "Rock-paper-scissors to see who goes in for plates?"

Havok has posed:
    Alex takes the beer and winks at Rogue along with a little cluck of his tongue, "Sure thing," he agrees in regards to sharing later. "Man... that's old, like so fucking old..." LANGUAGE IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN SUMMERS!.
    ...so, anyone that knows Alex knows that he's actually pretty damned popular on Karaoke Night at Harry's. He really can sing. It starts off with just hummin' a little tune. Then he lifts his beer bottle like he might take a swig.
    ...but he doesn't. It becomes a make shift microphone. He leans forward in his chair and puts his heart into it too.

<<I don't need your rockin' chair...>>
<<Your Geritol or your medicare...>>
<<I still got neon in my veins...>>
<<This grey hair don't mean a thing.>>
<<I do my rockin' on the stage>>

    He'll continue through the first chorus before he leans back and does his best Elvis, "Thank ya, thank ya very much... that little diddy was dedicated to the Wolverine, oldest X-Man on the books. Please consider donating to his GoFundme. His medical doesn't cover his Viagra."
    Then he hops up with a put upon sigh, Canadian piss water in hand, and goes to fetch the plates. "Rogue, wanna gimme a hand." To fetch plates? ...who wants to place bets on if Rogue will return with her scent matching her... hair color? Plates be covered yo, for *reasons*.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is about to say something to Logan. Again. Just to further yank those old man chains. She has fun with it, and Logan should know she's just cracking jokes, which also means she's actually in a fairly good mood if she's cracking them.

Then. Havok happens.


She's about falling out of her chair laughing before hearing the offer to go help Alex fetch plates, but oh she knows that won't be the only thing she's catching while they're gone. About to go ride the green train to couch land. It's the only thing that actually gets her up out of her chair and she shakes her head at Shannon. "Alex and I got this, it's all good. You just...help get food from grill to table and we'll be back in a little bit.." She says all this with as straight a face as she can before she walks up and over to Alex's side. "You're a piece of work, Alex Summers..."

Jax Miller has posed:
    Normally when someone asks for 'someone' to go do something, Jax tends to be the first one up and doing, because... well, quite frankly, he's got a lot of energy that needs to be used. But right now, he doesn't budge, and gives Shannon a little shake of his head. "Nah, I think it's covered." Because some things need a plausible cover, and he's getting better at spotting those. His months in the mansion have taught him more than trigonometry and the seven different uses of marmalade.

    When both Alex and Rogue are gone, he takes a deep breath "That smells so much like catnip, it's not funny."

Wolverine has posed:
    A snort is heard as Logan's casually withdrawing his own smoking implement from a pocket, flicking a lighter to life and applying flame to the end of a cigar. Then the Canadian X-Man motions toward Shannon as if to emphasize the point she makes, never wise to cheese off Logan. Though, to be fair, he knows that Rogue is mainly just playin'. And in turn he's maybe playin' back with that extra grumpiness.
    But it's when Havok rails on up and belts that tune, and when he makes that due dedication that the truly rather old mutant snorts with a scowl settled in the corner of his mouth. Those tongs click as he points toward Summers and says levelly, "Next time. Next mission. We're leavin' yer ass there."
    A swig is taken of his beer as the two other X-Men start to mosey and Logan shakes his head, "What a pair of chuckleheads."
    He scrunches up an eye and nods slowly, "May have to stab one of 'em." Which he's joking of course? Of course!

Nightingale has posed:
     There's many levels of facepalming. There's the classic single facepalm, of course. Then there's the epic double facepalm. But sometimes, neither one is quite enough for the situation at hand. There is a third level of facepalming, open only to those of at least partially avian persuasion. It involves the application of the classic double facepalm, coupled with using one's wings as a face shield.

     It is this third, secret level that Shannon resorts to now, as Alex sings his impromptu dedication to Logan.

     "I think I'll be calling my dad now," she mutters, glancing over at Jax. "I think he's gone and lost his marbles."

Havok has posed:
    "You left me last time!" he calls back. And it's true, they did and it was FUN.
    "Did he just say 'chuckleheads'?" is asked of Rogue along the way. "Dayum, he IS old." Man, it takes those two a really really REALLY long time to fetch plates. Did they go buy new ones from Walmart? In New Jersey? ... it'll be at least three days, maybe four, that the bathroom off the kitchen smells a whole lot like three day dead skunk. Because there's no way Alex is turning the bathroom fan on and letting that hotbox go to waste. If anyone asks when he's around in the coming days, he'll just deadpan inform the asker that Logan must be having digestive issues again, because, y'know, that's a common problem with old folks.

Rogue has posed:
"Dude. M'pretty sure he invented the wheel or some shit..." Rogue comments back to Havok as they go on their Epic Plate Acquiring Journey. Or something. All she knows is she wasn't high when she left, and if luck is on her side, she'll be mentally flying when she and Havok come back.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Nah, I'm pretty sure they won't need your dad's attention, Shannon." Jax grins. True. He doesn't expect that if Logan were truly angry, there'd be anything left an undertaker could do. Even the best of those needs at least /some/ identifiable body parts...

    After a while, the waiting gets to be too much and he stands, just to find someplace else to perch. He'd been sitting down for too long. It's likely that only the lure of free food is keeping him nearby at all.

Wolverine has posed:
    Watching as the duo wander into the mansion, Logan chews the inside of his cheek for a bit, then takes a deep breath. Holds it, then exhales it slooowly as it's clear he's so put upon by the world. A look is given over to Jax and Shannon as he says, "Will onea you please go get some plates. Enough in case they wander on back."
    Which is about when he turns to the grill and pulls the hood open, yanking the metal handle up and then starting to grab the hot dogs with those aforementioned tongs. They're fairly crispy, but still haven't split open so about the right point for them. Once they're clear of the grill he'll set that plate down and then get on with the burgers, flipping them over and getting them set for the next few minutes.
    Likely it doesn't take too much longer that by the time the others had on back they'll have the burgers all set and then the buns set out and ready for devouring.

Havok has posed:
    When they finally return, it's probably Rogue carrying the plates. Why? Well, because Alex is carrying a whole lot of other stuff. Let's see... there's a tin of brownies, potato chips, a tupperware container of left over cold lasagna, a jar of pickles, a bag of Little Debbie mini donuts, a box of Slim Jims... Oh, and a can of that fake squirty whipped cream, RediWhip. The latter is turned up, nozzle hovering above Alex's mouth as he squiiiiirts the stuff.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has plates! And bowls. And cups, cause she's also carrying a pitcher of sweet tea in her other hand. Do not ask how she's managing to do all this and not spill or drop anything. She's magic. Or something. But everything is deposited on the table, and she grabs a cup to pour herself a glass of tea. "Yoooooooo Logaaaan... how's the food comin' along?" Ladies and gentlemen, the southern belle. Our sweet, innocent Rogue. Is stoned off her ass.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Good things come to those who wait. It's one of those truths that everyone likes to spout from time to time, but Jax has always found that good things tend to happen to those who make them happen, usually by not sitting around and waiting for them to happen. But today, today is the exception that proves the point. He's done almost nothing, and yet there it is. Good food. And the advantage of not being stoned out of your mind amid people who are, is that your coordination tends to be better, and therefore more food can be heaped before they have a chance to help themselves. The pile on his plate is truly impressive by the time he's done.

    "Thanks for that, Mister Logan. I was starving."

Wolverine has posed:
    "About time," Logan says, snorting as he gets the food set on the table, "Alright tear into it, m'not yer mom. Assemble and get on with it." Which means he's doing the same even as he's taking up a burger and a pair of hot dogs, tossing them on a few buns, adding cheese to the burger, then spritzes of ketchup to the whole thing.
    Now with his plate duly put together he picks it up and takes a bite of the dog, then gives a nod. "Yer on clean-up duty." This is said toward Rogue and Havok, and heaven protect them if they fail this holy charge!
    With his plate he grabs up a couple beers, tucks them under an arm and then starts to mosey on down the steps. "Yer welcome, kid." Said over his shoulder even as he chews while smoking that cigar. Truly this is the School for the Gifted.

Havok has posed:
    Did he really just put pickles in his cold lasagna? Alex is getting his plate together, some with weaker stomachs might want to look away. He's also alternating between filling his mouth with RediWhip and drinking his beer. He puts ketchup, mustard and mayo on his hotdog and tops it with some crumbled chips, green onion.
    Every stoner in the world should come with a sign that reads: Don't feed the stoners... Heaven better be protecting him because it's an absolute surefire bet that once he's done eating? He's gonna pass straight the fuck out.
    He really thinks he's whispering when he does that 'louder than it should be' stage whisper in Rogue's direction. "Fuck, I'm stoned." GIGGLESNORT.

Nightingale has posed:
     Adventurous, Shannon might be in her culinary pursuits, even though she never aimed to be the next Gordon Ramsay. Hey, it paid to not have to dial Door Dash all the time! But when she sees Alex's concoctions, she has to look away, tending to getting her own supper.

     "Don't worry, Logan. If you -were- my mom, you'd have a talent for burning water." She rolls her eyes and chuckles lightly, putting her plate together and looking anywhere -but- back at Alex and Rogue. "Bless her heart, she's a hell of an artist, but when it comes to cooking... well, you can pretty well guess where I had to learn. Dad's crazy work schedule, plus her in the kitchen... yeeeeeeeah...."

     She finds a corner of the backyard to enjoy her supper without being a nuisance to anyone, simply enjoying the evening. Life was good. Mostly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue eyes the food that Havok is throwing together, and then she looks and begins building a cheeseburger, and a hot dog. Potato salad topped with dill pickles. She'd finished off her beer while hanging out with Havok elsewhere. Now she's fixated on sweet tea and whatever she can fit onto her plate.

The thing about Rogue is..the woman can EAT when she needs to. All that extra super human power running through her can take a toll on her energy levels. A glance is given to Shannon and she smirks. "You're a good cook though. I gotta get your potato salad recipe sometime. And we still need to make pickled things together." Whatever the hell that means.

Finally she grins at Alex. "Yeah. I'm stoned too..."

Havok has posed:
    "I know you are but what am I?" Alex shoots back at Rogue along with a snickersnort. He's at that level of high. Saying really stupid shit and finding it funny. His face is numb and he couldn't stop smiling if he tried. Ohhhhhhh... potato salad! He piles some of that ontop his burger before smashing the top of the bun down onto it. He has TWO plates by the time he's finished. Beer bottle dangling between his teeth and RediWhip in the pocket of his cargo shorts, he heads back to his chair. He holds the pickle laden lasagna plate up and asks Shannon, "Wannabite?" around a mouthful of potato salad burger. Then conversation all but ends, there's food to be eaten.
    The speed with which that food vanishes is astounding. The speed with which he passes out in his chair is even more so.