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Galactic and Other Affairs
Date of Scene: 25 June 2021
Location: Crew Habitat - Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: Kara and Lar discuss various matters of importance, including the Brood invasion and the mysterious attacker from the earlier fun run.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Mon-El

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers had hoped to follow up on checking out Lar's ship, maybe taking his advice and exploring the solar system some more too. But of course there were more immediate concerns like ensuring he was fully healed before rushing off into danger again. And if he did plan to rush off into danger then she hoped to be at his side. They may no longer be dating but she clearly still worries about him.

As she flies out of earth's atmosphere, it's easy to spy the Legion cruiser, a ship she's maybe visited once briefly, and hopefully they will recognize her as an ally as she glides in towards what counts as a front door..

Mon-El has posed:
    The cruiser does recognize Kara as an ally, and as she approaches the airlock, it gives way to allow her inside. Lar is already on the bridge, looking through reports of Brood incursions.

    When she arrives, he looks up as the airlock hisses open. "Kara." he says, his brows going up in surprise. "Haven't seen you up here in a while."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers steps through the airlock, peering around. Ah, it's been a long while since she dropped by for a visit. Spying Lar, she smiles and nods to him, stepping towards him, "Hey Lar, thought I'd take your advice and get out once in a while. It's so beautiful abandoned peaceful up here.." she sighs, peering through the windows at the space beyond. "Sooo how you doing since the Brood infection? I figured I should check in on you before you decided to rush off on another crazy adventure alone."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'm doing fine." Lar says, going back to the terminal he was scrolling through. Although, an astute observer would be able to tell he is still a little bit pale looking. After all, he did just come back from literally the verge of death. "And what about you? Any stiffness lately?" he asks, concern in his tone.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers arches a doubtful brow at him, coming over to peer in his eyes, "Hmm, you still look a bit pale..You we're close to death Afterall.." as for herself, Kara just shrugs and smiles, "A bit of stuffiness here and there but I have better days.." she chuckles, "Look at us, rearing to do heroics in spite of our Ian conditions. Guess we're both just..Desperate..? But I understand if you worry about your friends. I do too.."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar frowns at the terminal. "That's -definitely- disturbing." he says, half to himself. "I'm starting to think the Guardians will need our help regardless of whether they ask for it."

    He looks back up at her as she informs him that the stiffness hasn't gone away. "We need to figure out how to get those particles out of you." he says. "Ugh, I wish Querl or Lyle were here." They'd certainly be the ones to get that sort of problem handled quickly. "You said that armored man...thing...whatever, attacked you before?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers arches a brow, peering at the monitor, "What's up, get some new information?" she frowns a bit as she ponders, "I don't really know...I made a few calls but it's been hard getting ahold of anyone who can help. But, I'm sure it'll eventually go away on its own. It's not like there's a lot that can hurt me and they ruled out Kryptonite." she shrugs and nods, "Yeah..I fought him once before, couldn't see behind the visor, but the technology seemed fairly advanced."

Mon-El has posed:
    "New reports of Brood activity, yes. Anything more drastic than what we've already seen thus far, not really. But overall, the scale of this is something I think they'll need extra muscle for." Lar answers.

    "We can't be sure of that." Lar replies, shaking his head when she dismisses the problem. "Not until we know more about who attacked you. When and where did he attack previously? If we can gain an understanding of his motives, we can get one step closer to learning his identity. Or hers, whoever it is."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers frowns, "That's really not good. You think they'll need help? I mean the Shi'ar had quite a lot of ships out there..Even if we joined the fight, would it make a difference..?" she's carefully weighing her options, trying to decide the best course of action although honestly, she's not the greatest at this sort of thing.

As for her own issues, Kara shrugs and sighs. "I know.lJust..I'm not sure how we can get more information on the armoured figure. He covers his tracks well and seems to always be one step ahead of me."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "I think they do. It's up to you whether you want to come with me or not, but I'm going." he says resolutely.

    He finally moves away from the terminal, and comes to stand beside Kara. "If we take a look at each incident where he attacked, we might be able to figure out what his motives are. Then, once we know that, we might be able to draw him out. Get him to go somewhere -we- want him, on -our- terms instead of on his."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods, frowning.She doesn't like wandering into,intergalactic wars, but she doesn't like leaving Lar to do dangerous things on his own either. "Then I'll come with you, I'll check with the others if they wanna help too, but it might just be me. The others aren't used to space battles." and once she makes up her mind, it'll be hard to talk her out of it.

"Soo..You think we should lure this guy out, but..How? Use..Myself, as bait?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "I think it might be for the best, anyway. You're right, they aren't accustomed to space. And also, Terrans have enough to worry about on their own planet without having to concern themselves with galactic affairs. At least at this point in time, anyway. But as you know, it's different, with us."

    As for luring out the mysterious armored man. "Well we have to find out what he wants, first. Think back to each time in the past where he's attacked you, there must be something they all have in common."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles faintly, "You're right..Except that I'm their leader, but.." she sighs, "I'm not gonna let you do this alone. So you're stuck with me one way or the other." she thinks that last bit over, frowning. "Hmm well..It almost seemed like he was..Testing me..?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar smiles, patting her arm. "Thank you, Kara. You see? This is what makes you so sprocking irresistible." he says with a chuckle.

    "Testing you?" He looks pensive. "What do you mean, exactly? Like he wanted to see how strong you really were, in a physical sense? Or something else?" he asks.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smirks, leaning into him a bit. "Dont you know it. Isn't that why we...?" she blinks, catching herself, shaking her head. Clearing her throat. "Anyway, we should focus on helping the Guardians against the Brood.Wouldn't want them to advance to earth Afterall." she frowns, thinking, "Well, he didn't seem to want to kill me outright. If he had krypton supplies, he could have easily killed me. But instead he knocked me around, almost..Toyed with me, then injected me with something. Why, to study me? To observe me maybe? Heck, maybe it's a tracking device, I dunno."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Hmm...good point. If he had kryptonite, he could have easily killed you with an ambush like that. But that clearly wasn't the goal." Lar frowns pensively, though he lets her lean into him, bringing his arm around her back. "Wait, that's it. There are only a few people on this planet who have that kind of unfettered access to kryptonite, right? So that would narrow down the possibilities significantly. Who do we know of? There's Batman and the JLA, us--the Legion, Lex Luthor, and maybe S.T.A.R. labs?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods slowly, "Yeah, it's kinda where I was going myself..Sooo what, STAR labs or Lex are the most likely suspects. I can't even imagine that even Batman would be so paranoid to target me, and STAR labs have been helpful in the past, Soo that just leaves Lex.Only..How do we prove that?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "That's probably the most likely scenario. According to the history I know, Lex wasn't exactly a fan of most aliens." An attitude he himself is rather familiar with, given most of his family and people have the same one. "I don't know if he's much different here, but if this is him then doesn't look like it. Hmm...we'd have to find a way to draw him out. Make him think you're vulnerable, and then somehow expose him."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers frowns, "Make myself appear vulnerable? I..Really really don't like that line of thought. Is that really the only way to do it?" she smiles, clenching her fists, "Id hate to give the wrong impression of myself Afterall.." but of course it makes perfect sense Afterall.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles, taking both her hands in his. "But Kara, that's -exactly- what you want to do. Give him the wrong impression of yourself so that he'll think he's chosen the perfect time the strike. He seems to like picking moments when he thinks you won't suspect a thing, like when we were at that charity run. Then, all we have to do is find a way to tear off the helmet. Or rip the head off of the robot if that's what it is. If it is just a machine, if we can take custody of it I'm sure we can trace it back LexCorp one way or another." he grins. "See? Foolproof."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles and nods slowly, "Soo, why don't I just march up to his door...And pretend to surrender? Wouldn't it be a bit more dignified than collapsing and looking like I can't fight back?" she gives his hands a squeeze, encouraged by his words. "Otherwise count me in, but..But can it really wait? Our friends in space could be in real trouble.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Hmm, maybe. That might just make him suspicious though." Lar replies. "We'd need to make it believeable somehow. Maybe you could ask him for his help with the paralysis issue, since he doesn't know you're suspicious he's the one who attacked you. You know, give him the whole spiel about how hard it has been to find someone who has the time to try figuring this out."

    He lets go of her hands, pausing for a moment as he turns to look out the window into the void of space and the view of Earth below. "Yeah, you know what, I think we've done enough brainstorming for today." he smirks. "So you wanna go to Venus or what? Smash some rocks?" he suggests, making a fist with one hand and slapping it against his other palm.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers ooohs and nods, "That's brilliant..If he's innocent he might help me, especially after I helped repair his mall following that attack a while back. And if he's guilty, well then I'll know for sure and I can make my move."

But he's right, that's enough hard thinking, time for a little fun. She grins, stepping up to the window to peer out at the vastness of space, searching for the bright yellow planet of Venus. "You're right, it'd be nice to explore Venus...Race ya?" uh oh, she's got the mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Exactly. Make sure you do it in public. Because he'll either have to oblige your request and say he'll help, or decline and damage his own reputation, especially after you helped him clean up LexMall. But my guess is he won't be able to pass up this opportunity to catch you off guard while offering to 'help'. But with a little tech from the 31st century, if he does show his true colors once he has you in away from the public eye, we'll have record of it."

    He winks, moving toward the airlock then. "I think the Terrans have a saying. Something like 'the person who doesn't get to the destination first is like a rotting egg', right?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods again, "Right, that's a good idea. Get witnesses, middle of the day..Okay, I can do that.." she grins and narrows her eyes as she follows, getting ready to open the airlock, "Heh, makes no sense to me but, something like that." she winks at him, pressing the button to open the airlock and crouches a bit. "3...2...1..."