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Latest revision as of 11:07, 28 June 2021

A Lanterns Return
Date of Scene: 22 June 2021
Location: Sol (Sector 2814)
Synopsis: John arrives back on Earth after years away, and meets Jessica on his way in system.
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Stewart), Green Lantern (Cruz)

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
It's been years (if not a decade) since John was around Sol... but one day, an energy twin from the Guardians of the Universe came to Jessica, explaining the situation: John was coming back to Sector 2814 as it's primary Green Lantern, and Jessica was to discuss her role with him once he arrived.

A day later, a jump point forms at the edge of the Sol system, and out comes John Steart in a Lantern space field. He's already slowly making his way in system, scanning things as he goes with his Power Ring.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica groans as her ring buzzes loudly on her hand, waking her up. "J-Bird, it's time!" comes the voice of her ring, which is a far more nusanced voice than the droning AI voices of the other rings. "Time for what?" she mutters softly as she sits up in her rather cluttered home. "John Stewart's homecoming! Surely you didn't forget...." "Of course not - but I thought that was at 6 PM, not 6 AM. Fine.... not even time for pancakes..."

With that, Jessica suits up, steps out of her home to the back yard, and rockets upwards, and quickly gets to the rendezvous point neaer Pluto. She yawns a bit, her hair a but mussy, as she sees the green aperture forming. She quietly conjures a hairbrush to try to get her hair untangled - she only woke up a few minutes ago - and creates a large Lantern logo around her with herself in the eye of it to make sure you see it when you get within Pluto's erratic orbit. She squints, not seeing him yet.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
It's not hard for Lanterns to find one another, and John beelines right for Jessica as she comes near Pluto. He wears no mask.. but does have glowing green eyes. It'd be almost Tamaranian-like, if they weren't actually glowing with Oan energy. His Green Lantern uniform is standard, excepting a few touches of the Marine Corps from a decade again.

His greet is a bit curt, but friendly, "Cruz. I've heard about you. How's it going?" John asks.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz doesn't mask up either - she wears a standards Lantern uniform, no real adornments - except around her right eye, where she has the Lantern emblem glowing faintly on her skin. "It's.... fine..." she mutters, dismissing the hairbrush as soon as you approach - her hair was only half-tamed and still looked a bit wild. "Sorry - I thought you were going to be coming later - timezones, y'know?" she asks. "It's been a while since you've been by...." she states softly. Jessica has made some waves - she's been part of a few missions and infamously punched Guy in the face during training. "Welcome home. I assume you want to check in with the Justice League? Or do you have a home on Earth?"

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
John looks towards Earth... then back to Jessica. "I haven't spoken to any Earth Lanterns for a while. Been busy with other parts of the galaxy. The ring told me about current history though."

John starts to fly to Earth, just slow enough for Jessica to keep up with him as his energy trails behind him. "I'll have to get setup. When I was last here, the League had me as a reservist. I'll be taking over as primary." He looks to Jessica. "Do we need to discuss that?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shakes her head. "Oh no no no," she exclaims, following suit behind you, her trail sparklikg behind her like flower petals. "I know my place. I'm still the new Lantern. I've only had this ring for a year or so. And.... another.... before that." She shivers as she thinks back on that twisted ring that inflicted itself on her. "I could honestly use more training, but Kilowog thought I was 'good enough for a hew-mon poozer' to return to this area. I think they're kinda all amazed at how many of our kind have been chosen. We're just that awesome." And soon enough the two come to see Earth. "Want to check in?" she asks, gesturing to the Watchtower that has the Justice League emblem on it.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
He stops, suddenly. He looks to the watchtower, then turns and looks to Jessica. "I need to hear your side of the story. What's the punch from?" Infamous indeed. His arms cross as John floats in space, waiting for her response.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz stops cold too as you do, raises an eyebrow, then smirks. "Have you _ever_ spent much time with Guy Gardner? He's the most aggravating bastard ever to have step foot on Oa - possibly including most of the Guardians." She shrugs. "He deserved it. He knows he deserved it. You did note that no reprimand, former or informal, was ever noticed? You probably either heard about it from the horse's ass.... excuse me, horse's mouth, or via rumor and scuttlebutt?" She looks extremely satisfied.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"I just heard it happened. I don't know any of the details... but a lack of self-control is dangerous for those of us with rings." John gives her a critical gaze. almost sizing her up... before he nods softly. "I can do some training. I've had some great mentors. It's only fair you have the same."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "And believe me, Guy Gardnet is not a great mentor. I generally.... like being a Lantern. A lot of time alone in space. I don't do well with crowds." She sighs softly. "Half the time I'm not even sure I'm worthy." She sighs as she slowly starts to move towards Earth - but is in no hurry.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"Every Green Lantern is different." John notes. "Our only defining characteristic is maintaining order in a galaxy of chaos... and our Will to see that done. The rings always choose well." He doesn't follow her, for now. "I'm not done talking to you." He tells her as she's about to leave.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz glances back. "Sorry - I thought we were going to head towards the planet." She sighs as she returns - she barely got out of throwing range. "Sorry." She sighs softly. "I hope so. Sometimes I have my doubts.... but the ring they chose for me is... unusual." She smiles softly. "You know how the rings have a serial number? Mine's.... serial number 6. It's been in service for eons. Quite literally. It actually has a personality. It's... like a friend."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
He glances to the ring. Then he looks back to Jessica. "Do the Guardians know?" John asks.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "I mean - that one of the first rings ever made is still in service? I think they'd be proud about it. I mean - wouldn't they know? Does it matter? Other than its AI being a bit more... personable... it's a ring like any other...."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"They're immortal, not omnipotent, Cruz." He sarcastically remarks to her, before he smirks. "An organization as ancient as ours is bound to have a few quirks. Anyway, I'm here now. I can test you for what you need to deal with later. What do you think your weakness are?" John asks.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs. "Anxiety and crowds. Those are my biggest two." She blushes a bit. "I've had some... trauma in my life. I'm still recovering from it all." She rubs her right arm reflexively, as if it aches. "That's the main ones. Oh, and a short stack of pancakes."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"We can get pancakes if you like." John tells her, his eyes looking down to Earth now. "I don't have any money on me right now, but I have plenty of back pay from my pension." He looks back to Jessica. "Anyone in the watchtower right now?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "I don't know. They tend to have somene monitor at all times. But I didn't check in before coming to greet you." She sighs softly, clicking her tongue. "I'll take you to my favorite diner." She shows a location as she gestures.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"I'll talk to them later." John tells her, before he starts flying towards the atmosphere. "I'd go to that diner, but I need to get some outfits first. All my clothing is from other Empires out there. It's been a while since I've had to worry about Earth fashion. Give me... an hour?" John inquires, raising a brow at her as they go in question.