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Latest revision as of 11:16, 28 June 2021

Lazy Saturday Afternoon
Date of Scene: 13 June 2021
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Drama in the pool.
Cast of Characters: Captain Boomerang, Supergirl

Captain Boomerang has posed:
The Outsiders had a lot going for them, but one thing they did not was an Olympic-sized swimming pool with a view of New York on one side, and Metropolis on the other. The Titans pool was on the roof of Titans Tower. It even had an impressive set of diving boards. Owen Mercer was currently climbing up them, going to the lower heighted one in his Australian flag-inspired swimming trunks. He probably could deal with the higher one, but he didn't feel like trying that right now. He walked towards the edge, took a look, then back, and did a running jump, twirling, as he landed safely in the pool, feet first, making a bit of a splash, before swimming back up to the top.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers is dressed in a simple red one piece bathing suit, enjoying the nice summer weather as she climbs out onto the rooftop. The pool is terribly inviting, although she steps back a moment or two to watch Owen's brave leap into the pool and grins, "Hey, Owen, wassup?" she climbs the higher diving board, strikes a pose then dives headfirst, spinning and twirling and somersaulting before diving cleaning into the pool.

Luckily there's only the two of them out here today so she doesn't mind splashing water everywhere.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen emerged from the water, and swam to the side of the pool, hanging onto it. He looked out and saw Kara's bare feet, his eyes following up her legs, that simple red one piece bathing suit, and up to her brilliant smile, "you ought to come in, the water's perfect. Heated pool I'm guessing?" Then as she moved to the diving board, he would hold near the edge, resting his elbows on it. Once she dives in, he would swim towards her, diving under the water, hoping to surprise her with an underwater hug.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers breaks the water, leaping deep into the pool and chuckles as he hugs her, pulling him deep under to briefly return the hug. Although she's not sure how long he can hold his breath, so she puts them both upwards towards fresh air. "Phew, this is nice, finally get the pool all to ourselves!" she grins, playfully splashing water aimed at his face. Usually the pool is pretty popular and crowded in the summer. It's not easy to get alone time in the pool.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
He had decent lung capacity, but he still needed to breathe, so Kara letting them both back up in the air was a good idea. "Oh, how could you say that? You never say that. It's like sending a beacon out into space, please, come to the pool immediately." Looking around, he swam about her, doing a circle, "oh, wow, I guess the gods of fate didn't hear you. Best not to test them, Kara," and he dove again, swimming towards the bottom, trying to see how long he could hold his breath, before he popped back up again. Hi hair was absolutely soaked right now.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smirks and nods, "Riight, don't wanna jinx things, right?" she grins, diving after him, "Bet I can hold my breath longer than you!" yeah, Shes meeean, because she has all these ridiculous powers as she dives after him, drawing a deep breath then diving deep into the water. The pool is actually pretty deep, and Kara doesn't emerge for a looong time. Is she still awake?

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen had to come up for air, but he went back down, joining her. He was struggling, while Kara was doing well. Then he got a crazy idea and kissed her, under the water, trying to see if he could share oxygen with her. These sort of things worked in the movies, but how did they work in real life?

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers laughs, but is curious to see how long Owen can last under water. She wraps her arms around his neck, pressing a deep, watery kiss against his lips, eyes fluttering closed as she kicks water to keep from sinking to the bottom. Except That something...Strange happens. Her arms stiffen, her legs stop moving. She's suddenly dragging him uncontrollably down down down.. to the bottom of the pool with her.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen liked the underwater kiss. He loved Kara. But there could be too much of a good thing. With her arms stiffening, her legs stationary, she began to drag him down. That was okay to start, but after a while, he began to struggle. With her holding him like that, there was only one thing he could do, and that was kick, kick so hard that he swam them both up to the top, and above the waterline, so he could breath, all with her holding him. "Kara, Kara, are you okay? What's wrong?" It wasn't funny, and she wasn't like that, so there must have been something up. He looked visibly concerned now that he could breathe again.

Supergirl has posed:
Her eyes widen in shock and fear..What's happening? Why did her arms and legs suddenly stiffen up like that? Her fear on,y intensified when she realized she was dragging him down with her, although he eventually breaks free, and she breathes a sigh of relief..

Even as she continues to sink, at least until he drags her up with him. It's quite horrifying, to suddenly lose control of your body, kinda like those creepy sleep hypnagogic thingies where your mind wakes up before your body is ready.

She doesn't move, doesn't say anything for about five minutes..And then finally her body moves again and she paddles like crazy to regain control.. Of course she can hold her breath for up to give hours if she really pushes it, but she's still gasping, for the first time, shocked, frightenned even.

But first thing is first. She glances over at him, clearly worried, "Omigosh, Owen! I didn't mean...Are you okay? I nearly drowned you!"

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen was glad that Kara wasn't any heavier than any other human girl of her height, build, and age. If anything, she was a bit on the light side. So it was easy to get her to the shallow end of the pool, even as she was largely motionless. He checked for a pulse, which was steady, and stayed with her, concern growing on his face. He thought about trying to get her out of the pool, but it was a bit awkward with her arms locked around him in that position. He was pressed up against her. He wasn't going anywhere unless he ran out of the pool at super speed, but he didn't know how to run up walls. With her coming to, "Oh god, Kara, are you okay? I'm fine, but what, what jut happened to you?

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers sighs, releasing her vise like grip on him quickly. "I'm Soo sorry..I dont know what happened. I just lost control. I feel fine now, just a bit shaken. Did I hurt you?" she gives him a quick once over, checking for wounds or injuries.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"No, I'm fine, and I kind of liked the grip, about eighty-five to ninety percent of it. The vice like part wasn't so great, but if I'm going to be in a vice, you're the kind I'd pick." He was trying to lighten the mood, but was still concerned about her. "But maybe we should get the doctors to look you over, see what happened to you." Sure, it'd cut their fourteenth date short, but her safety was of paramount concern.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles faintly, reaching out to gently rest her hands on his shoulders..But thinks the better of it and jerks her hands away quickly. "I don't know..Last time they checked me out, they just said they saw metallic fragments near my spinal cord, but that it's likely they're too small to affect me, and my body would likely expunge them one way or the other anyway.."

She sighs, "Red Robin said he'd run additional tests soon as he can, but, with everything else going on right now, everyone has been pretty busy..I guess being a leader is a lot more work than I imagined. With the Guardians stranded in space, Lar probably hosting a brood baby by now, and a crazed lunatic influencing meta kids...I just dint have the time to be waiting around the med lab doing nothing.."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
The reluctance to touch his shoulder was caught, and the pained expression on his face was not hidden well. He tried, and he failed. "Was the Atom available to help out? Or Ant-Man? What about Mister Fantastic? Was he consulted?" There were so many specialists, and being Supergirl, she would have easy access to these solutions. "You need to watch out for yourself too Kara. If you aren't at your best, accidents can happen."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks, catching the pained look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry. You know I'd never willingly hurt you right? I dont know what happened. I guess I can give one or all of them a call.." it's true she has some connections in the Justice League, although it seemed many of those people were currently indisposed right now.

With a sigh, she pulls away, climbing out of the pool. "You're right. It's not safe for me to be around anyone right now, especially you. At least until I can figure. out what's going on with me."

But of course that's quite the dilemma as a lot of work needs to be done and people need her help like, right now..

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"No, not that, I know you'd never willingly hurt me, Kara. Come on, let's get dressed..." and then he thought what would happen if she had one of these spells while in the shower or changing, "um... how about I sit outside while you wash the chlorine off, back, and we'll talk through it. If you don't respond, I'll come help." He didn't want to leave her alone too long if she could seize up at random." But he was one of the safest people for her to be around, given his powers, "oh, why do you think that? No respect for the speedsters, huh?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods, grabbing her towel to dry her hair. "Alright..I'll be right back." she smiles faintly. "You know, you're probably right..With your speed bursts, you're probably actually one of the best people to have around.,Keep me out of trouble." she smiles and winks at him before vanishing into the locker room. She's gone for several minutes as she showers, getting changed into her street wear, a pair of denim cut offs and a short white tshirt. She re-emerges, stretching a bit.

"Thanks for understanding..And we were having so much fun.." Kara steps towards him and, if allowed, she'll give him a tight hug. He's got the super speed right? So maybe it won't be as bad as she thought..

Captain Boomerang has posed:
He got out of the pool, keeping close enough to the shower that he could shout to her, talk to her during, but giving her space, and being out of sight. He was respecting her privacy while maintaining verbal contact. "Or get you into it," he said when she thought he could keep her out of trouble. He towelled himself off as best he could while she showered.

Once she was dressed, he would do the same, except with a speed burst, leaving for only a handful of seconds of real time, but enough that he could rinse, wash, and change into his shorts and t-shirt. He re-appeared where he had stood, changed, only this time he was drying his hair. "Best fun I've had since our last date," he remarked. He allowed the hug, and gave it back to her, "and I loved the swimsuit." He winked at her.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles faintly, careful not to wrap her arms too tightly around him this time. "It was nice, I've never tried kissing under water before." she chuckles, "I mean, it kinda made that upside-down kiss in that wall crawling superhero movie look pretty tame, huh?" she still seems concerned for his well being, but trusts him enough to believe he could move quickly enough out of harm's way if something odd happened to her again..Or to get help if need be.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
He did have superb reaction times, and he was on alert for signs of whatever it was that affected her. So when he hugged her, it was wholehearted, but in the back of his mine, he was readying to break, to escape, to get some distance. "It was, I liked it a lot, we'll have to do that again. But first, we need to get you some help. Where's the comms system here?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods, stepping towards the central area of the rooftop. They do have a fancy little phone like device for making calls! or contacting other Titan member..Even the Justice League. "Although, I'm not sure who would be readily available other than Beast of the Avengers. Havent heard from the likes of Ant Man or Mr Fantastic in a long while..And Red Robin said he'd investigate, maybe he'd be a good starting point..?"

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen walked with Kara, "I know of these people more than knowing them personally. I haven't been at this heroing as long as you have, and don't have the name recognition of a member of Superman's family. My name closes doors, yours opens them."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods, "I suppose that's right, but..Why would your name close doors? Is there something about your history that I don't already know..?" she frowns as she tries to think. Aside from his history working with the Outsiders, and having a villainous father, Kara doesn't really know much more about his history before that point.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"Captain Boomerang, Kara. Nothing wrong with Owen Mercer, but Captain Boomerang closes a lot of doors. My dad made some enemies, friends too, but a lot of enemies. I'm the son of Digger Harkness. That's not a plus in most people's books. You're the cousin of Superman. It doesn't get more plus-ey than that."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers hms and nods. "I suppose..A lot of people would just wrongfully assume that you take after your father, huh?" she smiles faintly, "That really sucks. I guess I'm not as famous as Superman, but it's definitely a plus!" with that in mind, Kara does make a few calls, although she does get several answering machines. Hey, being a superhero is hard work, especially for many of the more experienced heroes out there. She sighs. "Well, I put some feelers out there. Nothing much we can do now except wait.. And hope for the best. Only, what do we do in the mean time?"

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"My old man wasn't as bad as his reputation. Not many people knew he was an Australian spy before turning mercenary in America." He helped her make the calls, making a few of his own on her behalf, but after all the voice messages, video messages, and e-mails were sent, there was nothing more to do but wait, "well, if going back to the pool is out, training might not be the best idea, and we kind of need to hang around here in case someone calls, how about Netflix and Chill?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles, "A quiet night of Netflix and popcorn sounds kinda nice and relaxing..Surely I can't cause trouble there, but just in case...There's something I want you to do. Let's stop by the laboratory on the way to the living room. In one of the drawers is a lead lined case with shards of kryptonite. It may be kinda drastic, but I need you to have some sort of way of protecting yourself against me..Just in case."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
That was drastic, "really?" Well, as long as it was in the lead lined case, it'd be fine. They would stop by, and the lead lined fragments turned out to be very similar to a sunglasses cases. It was small enough that Owen could slip it into the pocket of his shorts, and there was a safety latch, so that it wouldn't prematurely open. He checked that at a distance before sliding it in there. As they got up to the living room, he would go for the popcorn and drinks, "why don't you pick something while I get the snacks?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers is happy to see that Owen accepts the case, and nods as they head for the living room, "Well you know, I could always go for something really funny and light hearted.." let's see.."Oooh, have you ever watched the IT crowd? The British version? I hear British humour is the best." she grins, holding it up, "Although if you know some good Australian comedies, Immall for that too!" she smiles! always happy to learn more of his culture.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen did not like accepting the case, not one bit, but if it made Kara feel more comfortable around him, he would carry something deadly to her in his pocket... hopefully it didn't make him sterile. The lead shielding helped, right? "The IT crowd? Nope, heard good things, but never saw it. How about we watch the IT Crowd, then I'll introduce you to some real comedies."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles, curling up on the sofa, patting the seat next to her. "Hey, it's supposed to be these nerdy people working in the IT department of this big corporation, but everyone kinda ignores them and treats them like nobodies even though they're basically keeping the company afloat. And they're super nerdy and weird, except for their manager who is the only one with any social skills, but knows nothing abiht actual computers."

She's already excited as she turns on Netflix and hits play. "Soo what you cooking tonight? Thanks fir the child last night by the way, it was perfect! You're an amazing cook.."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen Mercer moved to take the seat next to Kara, curling up against her. "Gotcha," it made sense so far, and sounded interesting. Also had a ring of truth. Very often a corporation, or an army, was dependent on the so-called little guys. "Oh, don't know, might order in. That way I can spend more time with you." He wrapped an arm around her, letting her play with the volume and play button. There was a bowl of popcorn on the table, as well as a Cream Soda for her, and a Dr. Pepper for him.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers oohs, "Don't I know it? I mean, it kinda reminds me of my own boss, getting me to retrieve coffee and plump her pillows or polish her desk when we both know I'm more qualified to write articles for her magazine." she sighs, leaning her head against his shoulder as she watches the wonky show, which involves two smart but super nerdy guys, one of which is freaking out about getting his five pounds back and practically freaking out over it, from their manager, while the other quietly counts staples.

"Hey Owen, thanks for doing this for me..I mean, staying with me, trusting me..Taking that kryptonite with you. I know it must be hard but..There's no one I-trust more, or feel safer with, than you. I just..Hope I don't let you down.."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Stroking her hair as she leaned her head into his shoulder, "Kara, I want to be with you, when you're well, and when you're poorly. You're not getting rid of me that easily." He grinned and kissed her head, hair really, but that was how they were positioned. "And you could never let me down. I know, we haven't... but, can I stay the night, just in case. I'm sure I can make a nice comfy bed on the floor."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles, closing her eyes as she snuggles up to him. "Gee, you're really sweet, you know that? Just..Promise you'll do what's right, if it comes to that. Your life means more to me than.." she catches herself then, not quite sure she's ready to say something. "I mean..You wanna stay over..Like in my room?" she blushes a bit but giggles and nods. "I'd like that, actually.." she wriggles her brows playfully, "My bed would be comfier though."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
He just held her and cuddled when she talked about how sweet he was and wanting him to do what's right, should it come to it. He had the means now, he didn't want it, but he had them. She had asked him to take on the responsibility. He was just worried about her. "Well, I didn't want to impose, but yeah, it would be comfier... better company too." He smiled. It wasn't exactly how he had dreamed it might happen. This was motivated by a concern for her safety. He didn't want anything to happen to her.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles, closing her eyes as she presses against him. "Not imposing..I want you to stay with me, Just for a little while..I'll sleep better knowing you're there beside me." she smiles lovingly at him. Who knows what she's thinking but if pictures say more than words, probably a lot..